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activities for teaching biology

Cell Structure and Function – Major Concepts and Learning Activities

These Teacher Notes present key concepts and suggest learning activities that engage students in active learning and counteract some common student misconceptions. Students often think of a cell as a static structure consisting of multiple independent parts. They often do not understand how the parts of the cell work together to accomplish the multiple functions of a dynamic living cell. All of the suggested learning activities will help students to meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Section I presents key concepts and learning activities concerning cell structure and function, including differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and different types of eukaryotic cells. Section II presents key concepts and learning activities concerning the structure and function of cell membranes. The cell membrane is a particularly clear example of how the structure and function of a cell part can be understood in terms of the types and organization of its component molecules. The structure and function of mitochondria and chloroplasts are discussed further in the overview of cellular respiration and photosynthesis ( Nucleus and ribosome function is discussed further in the overview of molecular biology (

Diffusion and Cell Size and Shape

This analysis and discussion activity helps students understand that cell size is limited by the very slow rate of diffusion over any substantial distance and the insufficient surface-area-to-volume ratio for larger cells.  In addition, students calculate why these problems do not apply to long slender cells or parts of cells (e.g. the axons of neurons that extend from your spinal cord to your foot).

The first attached file has the Student Handout and the second attached file has the Teacher Notes.

Cell Vocabulary Review Game

This game helps students to enjoy reviewing vocabulary related to cells, organelles, and the plasma membrane.  Each card in the deck has a target vocabulary word and two related taboo words that the student may not use as he/she gives clues so the other students in his/her small group can guess the target word.  Many students have trouble learning the substantial new vocabulary required for biology, and this game lets students have fun while reinforcing their understanding of key terms. 

The first file below provides the master copy for creating the card decks for this game, and the second file below provides the teacher notes, including instructions for playing the game.

How do organisms use energy?

Enzymes convert substrates to product

This analysis and discussion activity introduces students to the basic principles of how organisms use energy.

Students learn that, in cellular respiration, glucose is one input for reactions that provide the energy to make ATP. The hydrolysis of ATP provides the energy for many cellular processes.

Students apply the principles of conservation of energy and conservation of matter to avoid common errors and correct common misconceptions.

The Student Handout is available in the first two attached files and as a Google doc designed for use in distance learning and online instruction. The Teacher Notes, available in the last two attached files, provide instructional suggestions and background information and explain how this activity is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Genetics Review Jeopardy Game

This game reviews genetics, with 25 questions of varying levels of difficulty. To access the game, open the PowerPoint attachment below; in full screen display, click on the slideshow icon on the right in the bottom bar. Clicking on a number in the game board will bring you to a question. When that question has been answered click on the yellow box in the lower right corner and you'll be brought back to the game board screen.  Spaces for questions that have already been answered will now appear blank, just like on the TV show.  

Two ways of organizing the Jeopardy game are recommended in the Teacher Notes available in the second attachment below.

Genetics Vocabulary Review Game

This game helps students to enjoy reviewing vocabulary related to genetics.  Each card in the deck has a target vocabulary word and two related taboo words that the student may not use as he/she gives clues so the other students in his/her small group can guess the target word.  Many students have trouble learning the substantial new vocabulary required for biology, and this game lets students have fun while reinforcing their understanding of key terms. 

The first file below provides the master copy for creating the card decks for this game, and the second file below provides the teacher notes, including instructions for playing the game.


Learning about Genetic Disorders

This activity provides brief instructions and recommended reliable sources for students to investigate and report on a genetic disorder of their choice. The Student Handout is available in the first two attached files and as a Google doc designed for use in online instruction and distance learning.The Teacher Notes, available in the last two attached files, provide instructional suggestions and background information.

Soap Opera Genetics – Genetics to Resolve Real-Life Dilemmas

Family tree by blood type

This analysis and discussion activity contains three "soap opera" episodes that help students to understand the principles of inheritance and the relevance of genetics to everyday life. In the first episode, students answer the probing questions of a skeptical father who wants to know how his baby could have albinism when neither he nor his wife have albinism.

The second episode, "Were the babies switched?", covers the concepts of codominance, incomplete dominance, and polygenic inheritance, and reinforces student understanding that the alleles of a gene give the instructions for making different versions of a protein.

In the third episode, students analyze sex-linked inheritance. Each episode can be used separately or with other episodes, depending on your teaching goals.

Genetics – Major Concepts, Common Misconceptions, and Learning Activities

Part I summarizes key concepts in genetics. Part II presents common misconceptions. Part III recommends an integrated sequence of learning activities on the biological basis of genetics, plus seven human genetics learning activities. These learning activities develop student understanding of key concepts and counteract common misconceptions. Each of these recommended learning activities supports the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

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