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Dawn's picture

Is Middlesex an Appropriate Queer Studies Text?

Dawn Hathaway

October 3, 2008

Critical Feminist Studies: An Introduction

Professor Anne Dalke

Is Middlesex an Appropriate Queer Studies Text?

kscire's picture

Intro Critical Feminist Studies Paper #1/Intercourse

All quotes are from Chapter 7 of Andrea Dworkin's Intercourse: Occupation/Collaboration except for the quote from Catharine MacKinnon
kcough's picture

How Many Sexes Are There?

In a world where we are bombarded with sexuality nearly every minute of our lives and the sexual norms are increasingly expanding, how many sexes are there really? Must our sex and our gender always be aligned? Who should determine whether or not we are male, female, or a little bit of both? Should it be us or our parents and doctors? Focusing on the case in the 1960’s of John/Joan, I argue that this clearly evidences that sexuality isn’t solely determined by the development of our external genitalia but is also inherent from birth and therefore, Intersex children should be allowed to choose for

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