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Video Games: A Cause of Violence and Aggression

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Biology 202
2003 Second Web Paper
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Video Games: A Cause of Violence and Aggression

Grace Shin

There is a huge hype surrounding the launch of every new game system - Game Cube, XBox, and Sony Playstation 2 being just few of the latest. Affecting children age 4 all the way to 45 year-old adults, these video games have called for concern in our society regarding issues such as addiction, depression, and even aggression related to the playing of video games. A recent study of children in their early teens found that almost a third played video games daily, and that 7% played for at least 30 hours a week. (1) What is more, some of these games being played like Mortal Combat, Marvel Vs. Capcom, and Doom are very interactive in the violence of slaughtering the opponent. The video game industries even put signs like "Real-life violence" and "Violence level - not recommended for children under age of 12" on their box covers, arcade fronts, and even on the game CDs themselves.

In the modern popular game Goldeneye 007 bad guys no longer disappear in a cloud of smoke when killed. Instead they perform an elaborate maneuver when killed. For example, those shot in the neck fall to their knees and then face while clutching at their throats. Other games such as Unreal Tournament and Half-Life are gorier. In these games when characters get shot a large spray of blood covers the walls and floor near the character, and on the occasions when explosives are used, the characters burst into small but recognizable body parts. In spite of the violence, the violent video games are also the more popular games on the market. (2) When video games first came out, indeed they were addictive... however, there seems to be a strong correlation now between the violent nature of games these days and the aggressive tendencies in game players.

On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold launched an assault on Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, murdering 13 and wounding 23 before turning the guns on themselves. Although nothing is for certain as to why these boys did what they did, we do know that Harris and Klebold both enjoyed playing the bloody, shoot-'em-up video game Doom, a game licensed by the U.S. military to train soldiers to effectively kill. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which tracks Internet hate groups, found in its archives a copy of Harris' web site with a version of Doom. He had customized it so that there were two shooters, each with extra weapons and unlimited ammunition, and the other people in the game could not fight back. For a class project, Harris and Klebold made a videotape that was similar to their customized version of Doom. In the video, Harris and Klebold were dressed in trench coats, carried guns, and killed school athletes. They acted out their videotaped performance in real life less than a year later... (3)

Everyone deals with stress and frustrations differently. However when action is taken upon the frustration and stress, and the action is taken out in anger and aggression, the results may be very harmful to both the aggressor and the person being aggressed against, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Aggression is action, i.e. attacking someone or a group with an intent to harm someone. It can be a verbal attack--insults, threats, sarcasm, or attributing nasty motives to them--or a physical punishment or restriction. Direct behavioral signs include being overly critical, fault finding, name-calling, accusing someone of having immoral or despicable traits or motives, nagging, whining, sarcasm, prejudice, and/or flashes of temper. (4) The crime and abuse rate in the United States has soared in the past decade. More and more children suffer from and are being treated for anger management than ever before. Now, one can't help but to wonder if these violent video games are even playing a slight part in the current statistics. I believe they do.

Calvert and Tan (5) compared the effects of playing versus observing violent video games on young adults' arousal levels, hostile feelings, and aggressive thoughts. Results indicated that college students who had played a violent virtual reality game had a higher heart rate, reported more dizziness and nausea, and exhibited more aggressive thoughts in a posttest than those who had played a nonviolent game do. A study by Irwin and Gross (6) sought to identify effects of playing an "aggressive" versus "nonaggressive" video game on second-grade boys identified as impulsive or reflective. Boys who had played the aggressive game, compared to those who had played the nonaggressive game, displayed more verbal and physical aggression to inanimate objects and playmates during a subsequent free play session. Moreover, these differences were not related to the boys' impulsive or reflective traits. Thirdly, Kirsh (7) also investigated the effects of playing a violent versus a nonviolent video game. After playing these games, third- and fourth-graders were asked questions about a hypothetical story. On three of six questions, the children who had played the violent game responded more negatively about the harmful actions of a story character than did the other children. These results suggest that playing violent video games may make children more likely to attribute hostile intentions to others.

In another study by Karen E. Dill, Ph.D. & Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D., violent video games were considered to be more harmful in increasing aggression than violent movies or television shows due to their interactive and engrossing nature. (8) The two studies showed that aggressive young men were especially vulnerable to violent games and that even brief exposure to violent games can temporarily increase aggressive behavior in all types of participants.
The first study was conducted with 227 college students with aggressive behavior records in the past and who completed a measure of trait aggressiveness. They were also reported to have habits of playing video games. It was found that students, who reported playing more violent video games in junior and high school, engaged in more aggressive behavior. In addition, the time spent playing video games in the past were associated with lower academic grades in college, which is a source of frustration for many students, a potential cause for anger and aggression as discussed in the previous paragraph.

In the second study, 210 college students were allowed to play Wolfenstein 3D, an extremely violent game, or Myst, a nonviolent game. After a short time, it was found that the students who played the violent game punished an opponent for a longer period of time compared to the students who played the non violent game. Dr. Anderson concluded by saying, "Violent video games provide a forum for learning and practicing aggressive solutions to conflict situations. It the short run, playing a violent video game appears to affect aggression by priming aggressive thoughts." Despite the fact that this study was for a short term effect, longer term effects are likely to be possible as the player learns and practices new aggression-related scripts that can become more and more accessible for the real-life conflict that may arise. (9)

The U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop once claimed that arcade and home video games are among the top three causes of family. Although there have been studies that have found video game violence to have little negative effects on their players, there are also many studies that have found a positive correlation between negative behavior, such as aggression, and video and computer game violence. Thus, in order to totally assess the effects of game violence on its users, the limiting conditions under which there are effects must be taken into account, which include age, gender, and class/level of education. (10) However, violent games do affect children, as the studies show, especially early teens, and I feel that there needs to be a stricter regulation regarding the availability of these games to young children.



1) BBC News Web site in UK.

2) Game Research Website, covering the art, the business, and the science of computer games.

3) American Psychological Association, Article on the main study discussed in this paper.

4) Mental Help Net, Psychological Self-Help. This site has a lot of interesting links to mental illnesses and just understanding personalities.

5) Calvert, Sandra L., & Tan, Siu-Lan. (1994). Impact of virtual reality on young adults' physiological arousal and aggressive thoughts: Interaction versus observation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 15(1), 125-139. PS 527 971.

6) Irwin, A. Roland, & Gross, Alan M. (1995). Cognitive tempo, violent video games, and aggressive behavior in young boys. Journal of Family Violence, 10(3), 337-350.

7) Kirsh, Steven J. (1997, April). Seeing the world through "Mortal Kombat" colored glasses: Violent video games and hostile attribution bias. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.

8) SelfhelpMagazine. Article under teen help. It is a great library of various mental disorders and personal growth topics!

9) American Psychological Association.

10) Internet Impact This paper is a collaborative essay consisting of research and policy recommendations on the impact of the Internet in society.



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post in the Video Game Experiences Forum on Serendip)

06/21/2005, from a Reader on the Web

According to an article in the New York Daily News, the latest controversial video game, “25 To Life,” is the most outrageous promotion of violence the game developers have pushed onto the market yet. It’s almost like a training simulator, preparing gamers to join gangs, murder policemen and use innocent civilians as human shields. Let the good times roll, eh? Shockingly enough, I’m a 22-year-old male who considers himself a casual gamer, which probably places me in most game developers’ targeted demographic. Still, I believe this sort of “entertainment” should be banned completely, not just from children. Why should anyone of any age delight in simulating gang activity, murder, theft and the like? Unfortunately Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stands as the only politician attempting to block “25 To Life” from hitting store shelves. If the Patriot Act brands people terrorists just for checking out certain books at the library, why are people who develop, purchase and play these types of games given a free pass? As a gamer, I know how serious games can become to certain individuals - especially young ones – and I believe allowing material such as “25 To Life” onto the market corrupts not only our children, but our society as a whole. Michael Ford Editor-in-Chief The Voice -

09/12/2005, from a Reader on the Web

Ignarants is that in which you make of it don't blame Columbine on video games that is stupid they did it because the dudes girl friend broke up with him. Don't read the news they lie. The cop next door knew he was making pipe bombs and did nothing. you might as well blame 9/11 on video games to. come on people play the games if it makes you viloent your right if it doesn't the rest of the world told you so.......

09/27/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I was reading your article entitled Video Games: A cause of Violence and Agression, I'm doing a research project of my own for a personal Essay but upon reading your article I noticed somthing. In paragraph four you state "THe crime and abuse rate in the United States has soared in the past decade." Well, I'm sorry to say this information is faulty. The case of Violent Crime Rates has dropped significantly. According to the U.S Department of Justice, Bureau of statistics, the crime rate has dropped by more then half from 1995 to 2004. You can see all this for youself at: . I'm a gamer myself, and a bit tired of seeing these "Video games make you a killer" stories. This isn't a threat against you or yours, it's merely a response asking people to do some research from all angles before stating that something is a certain way. Sincerely,

11/02/2005, from a Reader on the Web

In the article titled "Video Games: A Cause of Violence and Aggression," the study that was sited left me feeling a little confused. The players that played "Wolfenstein 3D" were said to have "punished an opponent for a longer period of time compared to the students who played the non violent game." What exactly is meant by that? In "Myst" there are no opponents, and it is not a competitive game. Competitive events, in any form, have a tendency to cause a bit of agression between people, as that is the nature of competetion.

11/04/2005, from a Reader on the Web

This article is very wrong in alot of places. First off, I would like to say that I am an avid "gamer," devoting a sizeable amount of my life to playing them. But, more importantly, I will be getting into the video game industry, hopefully starting my own company eventually, and succeeding in this million-dollar industry. But more than I play games, I edit them. The sequel to Half-Life (in which all humans retain their body parts), Half-Life 2, comes with a program called "Source SDK," which allows gamers like me to open up and edit the engine that they slaved over for moths to bring us, allowing us to make maps (or levels), characters, objects, even editing the game itself. I spend easily three times the time I play the actual game editing it and making things happen, which is the beauty of it. On your statement about how crime and violence has soared in numbers in the U.S. as of late, this is not a true statement, be it purposefully or a fault of poor research. Violent crimes, carjackings, and others have drastically DROPPED since 1975. I suggest you read the letter Steven Johnston sent to Sen. Hilary Clinton about her attack on violent games. But, as I doubt you will read it, I'll tell you the main points: First off, isn't it possible that kids that would normally be out commiting violent crimes or joyriding are getting their fill from argueably the most violent and inappropriate game of our time, the Grand Theft Auto series? Recent studies have shown that games work as a stress-reliever, allowing you to let out your anger or stress in a realistic but harmless way. Second, when people say that our generation of people (I'm 16 years old) is being raised to be unintelligent, violent, untrusting people, they need to look up on the recent statistics: SAT scores have never been higher, especially now. I'm not saying that there aren't a handful of kids out there who take a little too much from violent games and other forms of entertainment (my brother happens to have an anger disorder), but I am saying that if you even think that your kid may take the game a little too seriously, start smaller and work your way up. Taking violent games off the market completely is not the answer. After all, why should the sane, intelligent, or sound kids have to pay for a parent not saying "No" in the first place?

11/05/2005, from a Reader on the Web

Dear Grace Shin, As a result of reading over my previous e-mail, i'd like to appologize for my use of unnecesary comments. But that doesnt mean that my original views have changed. The original response that was written, was done so in the heat of reading a "finger pointing" article such as the one you wrote. The most blatantly offensive comment that you made, was the tie between the video game 'Doom' and the Columbine trajedy. It is comments like these that are extremely offensive to anyone who is a fan of gaming in general. I am a teenager, who attends a public high school. I enjoy playing video games, and i must admit that most of them are violent. I play these games on a weekly basis, but to this day i haven't commited a single act of violence in a school building. The same holds true with my friends, and many people like my friends across the country. This means that the children who have commited acts of violence and blamed their actions on video games, have other mental illnesses that stir these thoughts. Depression, anger issues and a myriad of other problems would be enough to distort a child's view of the difference between reality and video games. A popular arguement used to counter the arguement i just made, is the scanning of the brain during game play. In tests conducted by various medical institutes across the nation, brain scan images have been captured during game-play. The images are conclusive, and show red blips in the frontal lobes of the brain (areas that control emotions, such as anger). These results shouldnt be shocking, but very obvious. Video games are stimulating. Their purpose and intent is to involve you. If a person is involved in a game, he/she will begin to react to events inside the game, as if they were real life events. Fairly simple, but not enough to prove that video games cause children to become more violent. The way to answer this question would be to observe children's behavior after playing games. The results would aslo be conclusive. Video games DO NOT cause children to commit acts of violence. Columbines' dont happen every day, and thank god they don't. They are rare occurances in our country, despite all of the media hype over the situations. If video games had a negatice affect on children, horrible examples of school-yard violence would appear on our television screens every night, considering that msot youth in america play video games. As a final note, if you search any major database sites, looking for information on this same subject, chances are that you will find line graphs that have been compiled by different government associasions, fcc, etc. etc. The information shows a very steady and gradual dive in violence across the nation, even after the release of video games such as Grand Theft Auto.

11/08/2005, from a Reader on the Web

You cannot generalize the few finds you have to "empirical facts". First of all, video games are not all violent. Second, there are researches that prove otherwise. Third, there are so many fallacies, I do not even bother to list them (appeal to authority, emotion, etc.) Overall argument is incoherent. Fails to even mention the possibility of being wrong.

11/21/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I think its ridiculous that so many people are going around and pointing the finger at things that are violent and negative towards kids. Its only a way of having fun. Only those few individuals take it to far and commite acts of violence toward people, and society, and they ruin it for the rest of us. Not everyone that plays video games is a violent person they merely enjoy those types of games like my self for example. I personally am not a voilent person and take offense to the fact that if u play video games you are labeled violent. Sincerly, RB

11/27/2005, from a Reader on the Web

As a gamer I know that certain people take there video games too seriously. However, video games themselves are not to blame for violence. The highest population of gamers is younger people, and younger people are usually living at home. This is where parenting comes in. A parent should watch there children, monitor there game play, and note any variances in there childrens actions. Some people cannot decipher fantasy from reality, and these should people not play games that involve violence. I have played video games for many, many years. I have not yet comitted a violent crime, nor have I attacked anyone. Why? Simply because I know that these things are wrong in real life. My parents monitored me, and did not let me play overly-violent games at a young age. Good parenting is the key.

12/01/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I was reading your article and I'm sorry, but I disagree with you on some things. I'm 17 years old and a gamer myself. I own some gory games like the Silent Hill games, Metal Gear 3: Snake Eater, God of War, HALO, HALO 2, and so on. I'm currently writing a paper myself about teens and violent games and I firmmly believe it isn't the video game that triggers teen violence, it depends on the individual. I've played these violent games since I was 11 or 12 years old and I'm not affected by them. I have a strong sense between fantasy and reality and some other teens do too. Don't judge us all because a portion of us have minds like sponges and suck everything they see. Not only video games, MTV and the media along with rap songs also corrupt our young generation. Look at those too, because they're the ones that cause the most damage. By encouraging pre-marital sex, abortion, drug use, and corruption in a person's being by being "cool". But no, not a lot of people look at those. It is true that games can be addicting but not every single teenager has the same brain. Study those who aren't affected, then you'll see it too. Adults can stop teen violence other ways like better parenting. Because this corrupted society needs it.

12/08/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I am writing a paper concerning violence in video games and how easy kids are able to get there hands on them. It is unbelievable what games that kids at the age of tweleve can get there hands on. once when i was babing sitting the kids had a friend over and there friend had Grand theft Auto: San Andras with him. i was shocked for the first part that his parents would allow him to play such game. he had saved game file on which he had played for many 20 hours. That was kid that was under 10. I thought why in the world would you allow your kids to play a such game. one problem with it is that game like GTA and others never really so some of the peprecuctions of murdering someone of killing them. If look that most gamers that are over the age of 18. under 50% of them play games that are rated M. That says that most of people playing games that are rated M are below age 18 not even legal to buy them. The government need to come out with laws simlar to laws they have with Alcohol or Cigerettes. The giving to minors is illegal.

12/12/2005, from a Reader on the Web

Interesting analysis on the societal impact of violent games. I do, however, take issue with the statement regarding the military using Doom to train soldiers how to "effectively kill". According to the official MCMSMO document 1500.55, the use of Marine Doom and other first-person shooter video games is to "implement military thinking and decision making excercises throughout the marine corps." The assertion that the military uses a video game to train soldiers how to kill is misleading in that it may lead readers to believe that these games are so real that the best fighting force on the planet is using it to train. You don't learn how to kill from a keyboard and mouse. You either are someone who has the ability to kill, or you're not. Lack of parenting and a lack of understading of what is right and wrong is to blame, not video games.

12/14/2005, from a Reader on the Web

Your idealalidgy on the violence in video games affeting people is flawed. I am a violent video game player and yet my family has told me themselves that have noticed a change in my temper or personality. I've played violent video game for half my life. And the Columbine shootings I belive that they were provoced to do to extrem bullying.


Additional comments made prior to 2007
Will i think that children playing violent video games should not be allowed. The industries that makes this games are basically marketing murder. Industries acknowledge that their games are inappropriate for children but then why aren't they accepting regulations of the sale of their products to children. Video games are just as bad as smoking, and alcohol it is harmful. These industries just want MONEY and their games do influence children ... Lynne Maraha, 8 March 2006

i'm a more than average gamer.. i probably play about 10+ hours a day. and about 100% of the games i play are violent, and i used to live in an area that was really rough and there were fights and arguments all the time. except i never shot anyone or drove my truck over people. cause violent cideo games dont make people into pyscho's... people 'choose' to hurt other people... videogames dont force people to pull the trigger. and since i was raised by a single parent, tv and games helped raise me.

actually i think video games kept me outta trouble... if i didnt have a video-game to play i'd probably be getting stoned or smoking crack right now.. or in jail. i think the government needs to crack down on illegal drugs and on finding cure's for diseases... why the hell would you spend 90 million dollars to start research on the effect of media on children ... Reader on the web, 14 March 2006
Dear Writer. No offense but some of your information is wrong. And please andswer me this in the 19th Century Waltz music was outlawed as evil incarnate. But over the years it has become one of the major money making industries. Now im sure that even you enjoy some music. My point being gaming is going down the same road. Will it take 100 years for people to change their mind. I bloody hope not! These games insipired me to begin on my own book. Gaming can be evil but most children, even the younger ones, shrug it off as " Interesting but not real." I hope my comments helped change your mind, most critics of gaming never play so how can you critisize ... Erik, 21 March 2006
I am a gamer and beilieve that the parenting matters the most. I and many others play video games to do things that we would never do in real life. They are an escape from the real world. In some cases they prevent me from doing wrong in real life. They do effect you after a long long time. The bible says what comes in must come out and I am a strong believer in that. but that is for prolonged exposures to violene. but me I can tell between games and reality. If I am angry, I will play Halo 2 to get the anger out. It helps me not comit a crime and to keep my cool. Colombine was the parents fault not games. kids also must have picked on them alot. that dosnt excuse there actions though. Do you play violent games. I bet you dont. Then dont judge what they do to you untill you have. you have no position in the argument unless you have ... Reader on the web, 21 March 2006
I am 15 years old and i am a gamer. I think that you are right yet wrong at the same time. I am doing an essay on whether or not I think that violent video games affect childrens decision to join a gang or commit violent crimes. I have one thing to sum it up. Sure video games are violent but can they load a gun and pull the trigger for you? Can they pull out your pocket knife and stab someone for you. Video games may have an affect on children BUT THEY CANNOT FORCE SOMEONE TO PULL THE TRIGGER ... James S, 28 March 2006
dear mrs. shin
i believe that although you present a good argument about how games MIGHT affect a child's brain and personality, but, you must realize this. if you TRULY believe that video games cause violence, then how would you be able to explain Hitler? how about Napoleaon? Or even the terrorists that many of our youth's games depict today? i highly doubt that any of the insurgents are playing any violent games right now. nor, i doubt, even the Children of iraq and afghanistan, yet studies show that 1 out of 3 children in those countries know how to shoot and kill U.S soldiers. thank you for your time and please take this to heart before writing any thing that might be untrue ... Reader on the web, 20 April 2006
everything today has been considered or is being considered violent. Video games do show violence but do not provoke it. there have been more violent crimes due to sports rather than video games. Take soccer games in south america, when ever a team looses the fans become angry and violent just like in any other sport (video games aswell). But when have you seen Riots occur due to a person loosing or seeing violence in video games? Riots arent rare in south america due to hooligans and hardcore fans. Sure in very few cases people commit violent crimes after playing video games but riots due to sports have causes many many deaths and injuries over the years and still continue to this day, are they considering banning them aswell? I play video games daily but sports aswell and in sports such as football... we take the anger out on the other player by tackling them or clippin em.. and people do brake bones or get head injuries while in video games the only person getting hurt is the damn 3D animated creature or human. If they try to ban video games they'd might aswell ban sports while they are at it ... Ale, 12 May 2006



I play violent video games and my family has yet to say I am more aggresive in personality. But you still have a point since i'm me and the people who are influenced to kill by video games are them. The point is that all you have to do is to not become obsessed with games that have lots of gore ... Decoy, 20 August 2006



I love playing video games on my game console, and spend plenty of hours perched in front of the tv. Yet even i have to acknowledge that games can, and do cause violence. When you have games that are so graphic, that had they been put in a movie sequence their rating would be "x", then i think that you have gone to far. Life like graphics are cool, and i myself love to play "life like" games were the enemies and characters could almost be standing beside you. However, when you go around in a game killing these life like people, you enevitably desensitize yourself. There is a mark where you have gone too far, and i believe that we are crossing it over and over again ... Rae, 18 December 2006



Well. I ccame here looking for statistics but instead found a lot of interesting comments.

Playing video games doesn't make you violent. Human nature and suceptibility does. Violence is a "learned" behavior not substantialy (as of yet but to be determined) an inherent behavior.

If thats not in the report or whatever up there, then it needs to be acknoledged. The point a LOT of people gloss over is that its not a matter of \"being\" violent so much as being impressionable. Although gaming related violence research HAS shown there to be a strong coorelation between agressive behaviour and post-gaming violent behavior, there is a distinct lack of longitudinal research.

Also there are two main aspects to clinical study Arousel, and then the actual comission of the act. Arousel has been shown to have almost no bearing on the actual act due to the fact that observe violent behavior has not occured directly after the moment of arousel.

In other words, just because you enjoy the violent activity of a game, doesn't mean you ARE violent at all OR because of the game. What is being studied is that statistical occurance of agressive behavior in people with prolonged exposure to violent games.

If you've played video games you know that 1. Some games are violent. 2. Some aren't.

I noticed some of you have acknowledged the "competative" nature of video games. This learned sense of competition is fine but is not to be associated with "agressive behavior" there is a distinct line between number of goals and number of frags. The issue is the Violence, not the the rules.

In summary I say to all who worry about being accused of being "violent": Don't sweat it and don't get your hackles raised. The debate is over the usual badd apples, or kids who didn't and thus still do't, have the right behavioral reinforcement. Ideal preventive measures start from birth, but practicly are documented to be administered from age 8 and continue through adolescence.

To put it in a lay manner: Its because of the tools, that our favorite games are being attacked. And as an afterthought. The group who were studied playing the game "Myst"(if that was the case) was most likely a control group or a "backlight" group to help identify the differences between violent games and games in general, OR violence free games ... W. Caudill, 16 February 2007



I, for one, am one of the many teens that play violent video games. And, i do beleive that cause aggrivation to sprout betweent to people versing each other. Also that MMORPG's cause people to have a sense of connection to their character, making them rather play, for instance, World of Warcraft than doing academic work. Plus when parents are trying to get their teen children off a game they tend to be rather aggresive torwards the parents and are moody for ahwile. Thus i do beleive that video games are a cause of violence but it's not entirely the kids fault, the parents are the one that beleive there kids are able to handle it and don't think there "Little Angels" can handle it. Well i have news for those parents, " Watch the violence in the games you get your children and i can gaurentee you will change you mind about letting them play rated M games!" ... Reader on the Web, 18 March 2007



First of all I believe that your study is incredibly flawed, and the only conclusion that can be made from it (Myst has less opponents than Wolfenstein)has NOTHING to do with the original arguement. The arguments concerning the "Doom used as a training tool" and Wolfstein vs. Myst are completely misleading and efected in all ways by your bias opinion. Also, your connection with the shootings to videogames is only a coincedence, in that it may have nothing to do with the shootings ... Joey, 1 May 2007



On Your paper Video Games: A Cause of Violence and Aggression, i have to say this. I'm an avid gamer myself, and, though I cannot speak for everyone,I,nor anyone I play with has any problems with agression. sure games can be addicting, as well as extremely violent but in many cases I feel much less agressive after playing games like HALO and DOOM. As for Cases like Cho and the colombine shooters, if you know that you or someone close to you could be a sociopath or homicidal, they shouldn't be near games like these anyway. However, Ms. Shin, i do agree that some games are too violent. games like the GTA series and 25 to Life strongly suggest that killing innocent people and Authority figures are perfectly ok. This is completely and totally wrong, and needs more backing. My final coment to everyone, game-manufacturers especially, WATCH WHAT IS IN THESE GAMES, if we con tinue this way, our worst fears may be realized ... Tyler Hale, 3 December 2007



You Fail! Some video games are violent by nature. If you were to tell the story of World War II without violence and death, it becomes totally uninteresting. Much of the violence in games comes from the story, like Halo puts the player into the shoes of a soldier in the Marines! Also, the armed forces of the United States developed their own training game. It was then repackaged and TONED DOWN for the public, but does that train people to kill? NO. Why does propaganda seem to always be excluded? ... Greg, 4 December 2007


Serendip Visitor's picture

video games r awesome

they are! let me ask the author something has she ever played video games before? she shouldn't be doing this endless shes been playing for at at least 10 yrs. ?thy r awesome

John Doe's picture

this articla

I do not agree with a thing you have said. I have been playing video games all my life and I am not a violent person. I have been playing doon and wolenstine scienc I can remember and nothing in those games have made me a violent person at all. It is all about how you feel on the inside. Thats like saying that the Oklahoma City bombing was because Timhohy McVey was playing video games and saw that happen. Dude you are wring. If you want to write a persuasive paper why don't you put both sides in the writing and use the right facts don't make up your own it don't help you.

Charminbearguy's picture

How this post could be said about almost anything on the planet

I made modifications to the 3rd and 4th paragraphs of your article and changed what you said to Toilet Paper being the problem.

On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold launched an assault on Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, cleaning 13 and wiping 23 before turning the TP on themselves. Although nothing is for certain as to why these boys did what they did, we do know that Harris and Klebold both used toilet paper, wipe-'em-up good two-ply Charmin Ultra, a Soft Ply licensed by the U.S. military to train soldiers to effectively wipe. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which tracks Internet hate groups, found in its archives a copy of Harris' web site with a version of Charmin. He had customized it so that it was two person usable, each with extra ply and unlimited wipes, and the other people in the area could gain access. For a class project, Harris and Klebold made a videotape that was similar to their customized version of Charmin. In the video, Harris and Klebold were dressed in trench coats, carried rolls, and also allowed school athletes to use. They acted out their videotaped performance in real life less than a year later... (3)

Everyone deals with stress and frustrations differently. However when you run out, the frustration and stress, and the action is taken out in anger and aggression, the results may be very harmful to both the aggressor and the person being aggressed against, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Aggression is action, i.e. attacking someone or a group with an intent to harm someone. It can be a verbal attack--"damn roll", threats "fine! I'm sick of Charmin anyway", sarcasm "I ran out again?", or attributing nasty motives to them--or a physical punishment or restriction "I will only use 2 sheets next time". Direct behavioral signs include being overly critical, fault finding, name-calling, accusing someone of having immoral or despicable traits or motives, nagging, whining, sarcasm, prejudice, and/or flashes of temper. (4) The running low and ran out rate in the United States has soared in the past decade. More and more children suffer from and are being treated for TP management than ever before. Now, one can't help but to wonder if the toilet paper shortage is even playing a slight part in the current statistics. I believe they do.

Serendip Visitor's picture


This article was published five years ago, at the very beginning of video game research. As of five years ago this was a very accurate article as far as representing the facts available. Only recently have studies come out showing the benefits of video games as well as specifying the instances where video games are inadvisable. Let it go.

Teen Behavior's picture

Youth Behavior Improvement Programs

It is true that many violent teenagers are unable to control by their families. Teens suffering from behavioral, emotional and psychological disorders also suffer from depression, stress and destructive behavior that cause harmful behavior for self or others. Difficult adolescents need specialized cognitive and behavioral therapy programs to overcome stressing issues. Parenting programs can also play an important role in improving conduct and personality of defiant children.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Guns don't kill people neither do video games

If you are saying that video games make people violent then couldn't you also say that literature as well as television, and movies are just as responsible?

Saying that video games make you more violent or using them as a scapegoat for violence that has been perpetrated against someone is simply ignorance. It's like saying that guns kill people. Guns are tools that are designed to kill but they cannot kill someone without being utilized by a human being. Guns kill because someone puts ammunition into them and then makes the conscious decision to pull the trigger.

I have played violent video games all my life both for fun and for the competition they offer. I would never dream of going out killing or hurting other people based on the fact I played a game.

People that go out and perpetrate violence against other human beings based on the fact that they played a video game are not mentally healthy people. These people are likely to commit violence against other's without playing video games. Simply not allowing them to own violent games and a younger age is not going to keep them from committing violence. People being proactive and recognizing signs and symptoms of mental instability is the only way to keep these people from hurting others. They need help for their mental issues.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i agree

i agree

Serendip Visitor's picture

I do see your point. Gun do

I do see your point. Gun do not kill people. But going back to 1999, The Columbine happened. Have you deeply read into the recearch on Eric Harris and Klebold? If in fact you have, you would have found out that what they did was based of a video tape they made for a class project. The class project was based off of a video game called "Doom". I'm sure you know what that game is. Harris and Klebold modified the game so that there would be two shooters, multiple weapons, and unlimited amunition. THe video tape they did for their class project was them dressed in trench coats, holstered in guns, and killing student athletes. Then less than a year later, the Columbine happaned. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just stating that a violent video game was one of the reasons they commited what they did. Yes, i know they were also bullied and made fun of. But I though I'd just let everyone know this fact. Eventhough it says it in the second paragraph.

Exon's picture

Seriously? Columbine was

Seriously? Columbine was caused by DOOM? That claim has been around since the day of the shooting. It is unfair to say video games caused the massacre. The statement that violent video games lead to acts of violence is false; the people who have committed such heinous acts such as Columbine were already disturbed people, with anger issues, self-esteem issues and psychological disorders of various types.
As for myself, I am glad that we have video games. They are very fun, playing online lets me interact with friends halfway across the globe. Additionally, it's an outlet for any negative emotions I have inside of me. Often times, when I am very angry or stressed, I turn to a video game. This lets me relieve some of that stress, as well as purge the anger. Should I be using people as an outlet for that anger?
Also, studies that claim violence in media leads to violence in real life make a crucial mistake. As we all know, most people are able to distinguish fantasy from reality. To quote
"Classic studies of play behavior among primates suggest that apes make basic distinctions between play fighting and actual combat. In some circumstances, they seem to take pleasure wrestling and tousling with each other. In others, they might rip each other apart in mortal combat. Game designer and play theorist Eric Zimmerman describes the ways we understand play as distinctive from reality as entering the "magic circle." The same action — say, sweeping a floor — may take on different meanings in play (as in playing house) than in reality (housework). Play allows kids to express feelings and impulses that have to be carefully held in check in their real-world interactions. Media reformers argue that playing violent video games can cause a lack of empathy for real-world victims. Yet, a child who responds to a video game the same way he or she responds to a real-world tragedy could be showing symptoms of being severely emotionally disturbed. Here's where the media effects research, which often uses punching rubber dolls as a marker of real-world aggression, becomes problematic. The kid who is punching a toy designed for this purpose is still within the "magic circle" of play and understands her actions on those terms. Such research shows us only that violent play leads to more violent play."
As is stated in the article, punching a rubber doll is often used to "measure" aggression. Most people, however, can distinguish reality from fantasy. Punching a rubber doll is fantasy - we know that we are punching an inanimate object, not a really human being. The only way to test the theory would be to have a kid play violent video games, in his home setting, and then let him loose and see if he beats the crap out of his sister.

A S'more in High School's picture

It depends and it may (or may not) be false...

Although many people disagree with this thesis, I believe it may not be so faulty. It's true that the opposing side share THEIR life story to prove it, but does that make this article false? If Grace Shin does think violence does cause violent behavior, don't think that she's wrong. Everyone reacts to video games differently. Some users can express their emotions with violence and others can have no impulse to do so. It depends on their nature.
Since I am a teenager, I do play violent games and I have to say I got quite addicted to it, even though I am repulsed at the sight of gore. I cannot be sure if that released the agressive side of me or the game created it.

Serendip Visitor's picture


the depait war on video games grind it down and smiple its an excuse the kid buy the game perents let him play some but game for them and consoles and there loads of poeple who play some crazy ass games and are find it the perents reasonability to tech them right from wrong not the tv

Wout's picture

plz answer me! i have a problem

I am 13 years,

when i saw games from 12 years old with violence
I might not even play those games from my parents!!
and probably when I'm 16, I will still not be allowed to play violent games!!

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Serendip Visitor's picture



Serendip Visitor's picture


depends on if you are boy or girl. if youre a boy then you will pick up on these violent traits easier, if youre female then you are more than likely to get past all violent thoughts,

Serendip Visitor's picture


yea convince them

Serendip Visitor's picture

can't shoot

you Know the games where you biuld a city and expand i play those some times but i don't think that i could be a presednt or biuld a city or win a war or enythng i play mw2 and i can not even shoot some thing ten feet in frount of me (a can) some thing moving would be imposable for me i play a lot of other violent games i couldn't shoot any living thing at all!

Anonymous's picture


what is the point of creating a game suitable from 18 y.o if children below 10 will still play it. is not their fault its their parents who let them play it. im 14 and i could buy gta episodes from liberty city without sellers askin for my age or askin for my parents for permision. this game violence thing is not true becouse if it was children would snipe each other with intervention from cod or try to throw knifes at each other

thx for attencion

Anonymous's picture

Read the article...

I'm sure that this article may be old at this point. However, I do not believe videogames are the cause oif violent behavior among the youth. I feel that your study is biased and quite flawed. I've been a female gamer for several years and even as I near thirty, I still enjoy videogames from time to time. I have no killed anyone nir have I acted violent towards anyone. Please don't assume that just because there were several bad apples in the basket, that means all of them are bad.

Thos kids involved with Columbine High had it set in their minds that they were going to kill people. If videogames is the cause of violence among the youth, then you might as well mention Hollywood movies as well.

Parents have the responsibility of onitoring their children. That's why these boys were able to get away with this tragedy.

Anonymous's picture

i think you make a very good

i think you make a very good vailid point

mike bradley's picture

i think that video games only

i think that video games only promote violence when you let it take over you.

Serendip Visitor's picture

no way

no way

kylerenaud's picture

do violent video games cause kids to be violent

I will admit kids are influenced by video games i will give them that .If kids today know the difference between right and wrong and the real world and fantasy world they show have no violent tendencies then they should not be violent.It also lies in parent responsibilty to stop them from being exposed to much violence. What I'm saying is that video games do not impair judgment in kids or young adults, its simply an excuse for their own bad descions.

Serendip Visitor's picture


no they don't, kids are never affected almost ever. what happens in life makes them violent, please don't blame it on video games because parents don't treat there kids right. Kids are exposed to violence on TV and they see other people acting that way at there school or on the street. video games make a very small difference in there life and in the way they act.

mohsen's picture

in my own point of view a

in my own point of view
a child especially boys have a very wide imagination
and always seek for trying something unique
and such games are perfect and was perfect to each and everyone of us in our childhood
although children will be a bit violent applying such games but that doesnt mean they will kill after that!
a child while growing will be enough mature to be able to differentiate wats wrong from wats right
and avoid mixing the virtual and our real world
unless the child was raised on violence in his childhood or many other factors in his family
which provoke violence and push that child to play such games and apply in real
so a normal person cant be distracted by such games
while an ubnormal initially violent child will not just play the games
but also apply it in real

Naseer's picture

voilent games

you are right but i have played these games but nothing has ever happened to me P.S i am a 4th grader and i am 9

kid who loves mw2!!!'s picture

this is stupid... get ur

this is stupid... get ur facts strait because i am not violent at all... i play video games all the time, all though i am not allowed to play on week days i play on weekened and so far i have not changed a bit. plus read the military guy comment!!!

Anonymous's picture

ive been playing violent video games since i was three

ive been playing violent video games since i was three and the opposite has happened. it is very hard for me to bring myself to even playfully hurt someone. i play football as well and saying that video games increase obesity is stupid. sitting in a room every day all day makes you obese. people need to learn that problems do not get solved by pointing fingers at things they barely understand. that's how the Salem witch trials started.

Anonymous's picture



Anonymous's picture

cod mw2

if you cant controle your sefl over a video game then dont play and the game is not telling you to kill people .

commissarx's picture


people play games for fun when they have nothing better to do, its like reading a book, yet you dont go around killing people after reading a book or watching a movie...

Berceli's picture

Video games and movies alike

Video games and movies alike only make people more violent if they Let them. It also has to do with those they grow up around.

For instance, if a parent is abusive, mentally or physically, or if they neglect their child, then the child is more likely to be agressive and hateful because they probably don't know How to act around other people.

It's also not surprising that some children or people would want to be anti-social or hateful, considering how terrible the world is getting.

To put my opinion bluntly, if you treat your family or child good and stop treating them like total poodoo, then maybe they wouldn't get suicidal or murderous tendacies.

I myself play video games, but unfortunately I haven't as of late, being that I've lost my internet. But my point is, I've played MMO's since I've been in 7th grade, and never have I skipped school, done drugs, or picked up a gun. At the very least I've only killed my goldfish.

Before you judge the effects of something on an individual, and before you decide to point your finger at something just to find something to blame, consider someones background, lifestyle, and the people they live or grow up around.

Anonymous's picture

There is a fine differents

There is a fine differents between video games and real life and almost every one knows it. in video games you have lives, check point areas were if you die you can restart even if your the best at a game you die at lest once. And kids understand death more than you think. They know if they do that they are probably going to die just like in the video game. So if a 10 year old picks up his dads gun and shoots sum kids at his school doesn’t mean he played COD he just wasn’t introduced to what a gun or death is early enough thats all

Anonymous's picture

i am 14 and this is not true

i am 14 and this is not true i odnt feel the need to hurt anyone or anything and i dont want to go around shooting people

Anonymous's picture

Blaming video games for EVERYTHING.

Obviously, according to certain Senators and other ignorant people who have probably only seen outlines of the games they are opposing, outlines that only show the most violent scenes, video games and the like are the root of all evil. Things like WWII, December 21, 2012, 9/11, and Barack Obama can be blamed on video games. I don't disagree that people like the boys who shot up Columbine were influenced by gaming, but you also have to look at other ideas. Look at their backgrounds, their psychological profiles. Every single person who has committed a heinous act or attempted to commit one has or had some sort od mental issue. Be it depression, schizophrenia, etc., there was generally an untreated problem with them. I am an eighteen year old gamer who believes that there are games that should be withheld because of unnecessary violence and brutality, but I also own games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and other, sometimes even more brutal games. Not once in all of my eighteen years have I ever thought that murdering someone like I would kill someone the same way I would in-game. Blaming all video gaming for all crime is ignorant, and only stems from the former generation's fear of video gaming, and anything of the like. My advice is this: TRY the games you are condoning. An outline or video of the game is not enough to get a true feel of the game. If you think Modern Warfare 2 is realistic, then PLAY it. While it is more realistic then say, a game made in the 90's, there are so many technical faults in the game that make it almost like a fantasy game. Trust me when I say this: if game developers wanted to make a game that trained people to kill and mutilate, they would have already.

Anonymous's picture


Call of duty MW2 is my fav game in the world and i'd say that I sit and play it a good 40 hours a week maybe even 50.(yes 50) I have a 4.0 in school. I have never thought of killing someone like I do in MW2. So I think the artical I read is a lie because i'm fine. Until I start going around a putting a cap in peoples asses I will keep playing MW2!!!

Anonymous's picture

videogames linked to violence

sure there are some violent videogames out there, but ive been playing them since i was 4 years old, and i havent gone out shooting people, the only reason thos tings happen is because, tthere are idiots out there that take them to seriously, plus the media and the governtment just need something to blame the actions of societies idiots. and of course they choose videogames.

bloodsucker2010's picture

stop the whining and get it right.

these violent video games have no affect on people. but then again that depends if the person is in the right state of mind. and even still, if they are disturbed in some way or other, then why the hell is that person being exposed to this kind of violence in the first place. and i think that other guy was right. if these "statistic people" have such a huge problem with the violence in the video games, then they might as well take the movies and tv shows away too. bottom line, follow the damn regulations and pay attention to the rating on the damn case if you don't want your kid to play the game! stop the whining already!

Anonymous's picture


i agree and this is mainly for extremly bloody games like doom and quake. i do play them, but occasionly since the most violent game i have is ssbw, which is not very violent (no blood), but snake is like one of those doom 3 charachters. (metal gear solid.) halo 3 is good because it has little blood, forge increases the players creativity with forge and if they get agressive like 7 year olds, the flood will stop them in their violent tracks if they are not ready.

Losmono Bamry's picture

video games

I disagree very much. I play video games for hours and don't get any more aggresive at all

Jeff's picture

Stop and Listen to This!

Totally agree with the "Parent Responsibility" thing but....I'm not all for taking away games and some "Violent Video Games" Besides if we didn't have some violent games what would we have inside ourselves? No act of defense..Thats what I'm talking about Some games are very useful in the Mental Mind. But some completely destroy the Human Brain.

Q:Should parents take FULL responsibility to their child's gaming experience?

A:Yes, Supervision is Advised in all games Depends on the Age though.

Q:Violent Games teach Violence or Some Moral Values?

A:Some do...But some just plain ruin your mind!

Jeff's picture

Stop and Listen to This!

Totally agree with the "Parent Responsibility" thing but....I'm not all for taking away games and some "Violent Video Games". Besides if we didn't have some violent games what would we have inside ourselves? No act of defense..Thats what I'm talking about. Some games are very useful in the Mental Mind. But some completely destroy the Human Brain.

Q:Should parents take FULL responsibility to their child's gaming experience?

A:Yes, Supervision is Advised in all games Depends on the Age though.

Q:Violent Games teach Violence or Some Moral Values?

A:Some do...But some just plain ruin your mind!

Anonymous's picture


I have no idea where the evidence is that Video Games caused COLUMBINE. Sure, they might have played violent video games, but I'm willing to bet the people who were killed did too. Notice how THEY didn't shoot up a school. Maybe the two who did had a few things wrong with them.

Anonymous's picture

Not Entirely True.

I believe that the assumption that video games increase violence in children and young teenagers is a common misconception. In my opinion, some of the most violent games (Fallout 3, Modern Warfare 2, Bad Company 2) and an increasing number of others, combined with environmental factors (overprotective parents, moving around a lot, not having the chance to create a stable, constant network of responsible friends) can and sometimes does cause a desensitization in them. Go up to a kid that plays video games like the ones mentioned above, and also plays a lot of team sports. Ask him what he would do if someone in front of him was shot. He would probably say that he would run away and call the police. However, if you ask a teen that plays the same games, but doesn’t usually go outside, or hang out with friends, he will most likely say that he would go after the man with the gun and try to disarm him. This desensitization can also cause children to start to lose value for human life. This is alarming, I think, because these are the kids that are joining this nation’s military. Children should be taught to value life, not that it’s okay to take it away. I don’t believe, however, that it is entirely because of the video games. There are many other factors, and it doesn’t even necessarily involve video games. It could be violent movies, or a traumatic experience as a child.

Matthew's picture


you are so wrong, you mean to tell me only kids who play alot of video games but doesn t go outside often would pursue the killer unarmed, there are good people out there who would've chased him and im pretty sure they don't play alot of video games

Cristobal Gallegos's picture


I'm an 18 year old male who has grown up playing video games. I have played alomst every type of game, violent and non violent. As of my personal experience I have never acted or did something beacuse of a game I've played. When adults or children use video games as a cause of their wrong doing its simply an excuse and nothing more. In games I have killed roughly hundreds of thousands of people, both AI (Artifical Intelligence) and real people through online gaming. Even though I have experienced such death and violence in video games that has not affected my frame of mind at all. I'm still a young adult with no crimnal record, and a overall GPA of 3.97. I'm going to gratuate top of my class and with many honors. What I'm saying is that video games do not impare judgement in kids or young adults, its simply an excuse for their own bad descions.

Anonymous's picture

How wrong you are

I have to say that you are quite wrong here. I believe people like you (those who do not actually play video games) should probably keep your mouth shut when it comes to things you know nothing about. I play games, and I would not "go after the man with the gun and try to disarm him". I asked my 7 year old cousin that question, he answered call the police, no kid will go fuck with someone that has a gun, you are plain retarded for even thinking some would say this.

We are a violent race by nature, we have been killing one another since the beginning of time. With the rules we have in place we are actually doing quite a bit better than we were before. Look up hang, draw, and quartered and tell me we are doing worse as a civilization with violence than before. Violence has decreased whereas violent video game sales have more than quadrupled.

Stay out of discussions you know nothing about, people who scapegoat video games for violence make me sick.

Tom's picture

Video Games

Personally, I don't think that video games contribute much to violent behavior. Now, I can't say that there are no circumstances under which a game could elicit violence. After all, games do sometimes contribute to positive behavior. For instance, educational games can help get younger gamers interested in learning. That being said, I think that most people who act out in a violent manner are doing so because of other more deep seeded problems, and not because of any game they might play.


Tom Wartig from dxb(thats dubai if u dont no)'s picture

video games rule to the core im serious

ive been reading these comments for the past 3 and a half hours and i have come to the conclusion that not all of the people who play video games are violent the people who are violent are the people who are lame and mentally are awesome and i dont think that i can agree with the author.You people write alot. Icant werite that much. im just typing random stuff to make people think that im retarded. Il type my book next week overhere. Im bored so im going to have lunch

Anonymous's picture

This is rediculous...

As far as most people that have commented on this site as to the validity and accuracy of this article, I agree with the side that bolsters the FACT that video games do not cause violence in people, nor do they instill violent behavior to be carried out later. On April 13, 2009 a study brought up by USA Today found out that the Columbine Masssacre was not caused by games such as DOOM and Wolfenstein 3D, in fact the shooters were not video game advocates at all. Under no circumstances have video games been a solid source of violence among any demographic without a previous mental or social disorder already present. I am an 18 year old senior in high school, throughout my life I have been told I was the most laid back person people have ever met. I have a solid 3.5 GPA and have plenty of a social life on weekends. I'm built like a tank and am constantly told to do extra-curricular activities such as football or wrestling, in other words it would be very easy for me to cause alot of pain to someone. The point of the past three sentences were to prove my point, because I have been playing video games since I was four years old, starting with games like DOOM and Wolfenstein. Under no circumstances am I, nor any other gamer I know, an antisocial murderer in wait.

secret's picture

i know

i got a new game and its called borderlands. the game may be violent but i just wont walk out on the street and kill some one i mean who would do that