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Turner's Syndrome-A Woman's Disease

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Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip

Turner's Syndrome-A Woman's Disease

Melissa Brown

Imagine that you are 13 years old. All your friends are growing: they are getting taller; they are starting to menstruate; they seem to know exactly what to say at the right moment. You, on the other hand, are conspicuously shorter than your peers; you don't have your period and you seem to blurt out whatever comes to your mind. You would probably feel that you are awkward and begin to develop low self-esteem. This could be the life of a teenage girl with Turner's Syndrome.

Turner's Syndrome is a chromosomal problem that affects one in every 2000 females (1). So in the tri-college community, there may be at least one woman with Turner's Syndrome (TS). Although, you may not know someone with Turner's Syndrome it can safely be assumed that you have unknowingly encountered someone with the disease because of the frequency of the illness. Turner's Syndrome is named after Dr. Henry Turner who described some of the features of TS like short stature and increased skin folds in the neck(1). TS is sometimes also called Ullrich-Turner Syndrome because of the German pediatrician who, in 1930, also described the physical features of TS (1).

Why is it that TS only affects women? Well, TS arises from an abnormality in the sex chromosome pair. In the human body, there are 46 chromosomes grouped into 22 pairs of autosomes (all chromosomes that are not the sex chromosome) and the sex chromosome pair which influences whether a girl has TS. Men have a sex chromosome pair that is XY where the X chromosome comes from the mother and the Y chromosome comes from the father. Women have an XX chromosome pair with one X chromosome coming from the mother and the other X chromosome coming from the father. However, a female baby who has TS has only one X chromosome or is missing part of one X chromosome (1). The female baby receives only one X chromosome because either the egg or the sperm ended up without a chromosome when it was being split in half to make sex cells. The baby girl may be missing part of one X chromosome because there is a deficiency in the amount of genetic material (4).

TS is determined by looking at a picture of the chromosomes which is known as a karyotype. This technique was not developed until 1959(1). Karyotyping was not available to Dr. Turner and Dr. Ullrich in the 1930s. These doctors defined the disease by the physical features that a TS sufferer may have. Some of these are lymphoedema of hands and feet, or puffy hands and feet, broad chest and widely spaced nipples, droopy eyelids, low hairline and low-set ears. There are also clinical ailments that are associated with TS like hearing problems, myopia or short-sightedness, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. People who suffer from TS also have behavioral problems and learning difficulties (1), (3).

In spite of the physical, social and academic problems that a woman with TS may have, she can still be successful in life. Women who have TS have become lawyers, secretaries and mothers. It may be more challenging for a woman suffering with TS to accomplish her goals but they are not impossible. TS is a "cradle to grave" condition which means that it is lifelong and must be treated throughout the sufferer's life span (1). When the girl or woman has been diagnosed she should go under the care of an endocrinologist who is a doctor who specializes in hormones.

There are various medical methods that could be used to make the girl's life as normal as possible. Girls can have an average stature by undergoing growth hormone treatment before growth is completed. Oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, can also be used to promote growth. Oestrogen is used when the girl is about 12 or 13 to produce physical changes like breast development and for the proper mineralization of bones. Progesterone should also be used at the appropriate time to start the period (1), (3).

Sufferers of TS also have problems like heart murmurs or the narrowing of the aorta which may require surgery. Women with TS are more prone to middle ear infections. If they recur frequently, they may lead to deafness so a consultation with an ear, throat and nose specialist would be helpful. Some of the health concerns of women with TS are encountered by all women. High blood pressure afflicts women with TS as well as diabetes and thyroid gland disorders but the latter afflicts women with TS at a slightly higher rate than non-sufferers of the disease. Osteoporosis may start earlier in TS sufferers because the women lack oestrogen so HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) may be considered to delay the onset of Osteoporosis (1), (3).

Women who have TS are further challenged socially because they are disruptive; they blurt out whatever comes to mind and have difficulty learning social skills. A recent study suggests that women with TS may be more disruptive depending on whether the X chromosome comes from the mother or the father. If the woman's X chromosome came from her mother she has more problems learning good social skills than a girl whose X chromosome came from her father. The study insinuates that the X chromosome from the mother instructs the girl to misbehave while the X chromosome from the father tells her to control herself (2).

A girl's disruptive behavior may make her feel uncomfortable in social situations. Her discomfort increases if she has difficulty speaking clearly. However, visits to a speech therapist can improve her ability to speak well. Such behavior can be particularly detrimental in school. Furthermore, people who have TS usually have learning disabilities so they find school less appealing. Parents should present teachers with a leaflet entitled "TS and Education, An Information Leaflet for Teachers" which will help the teacher better instruct the child in class and make learning a less burdensome activity(1).

School is where children and teenagers spend most of their time. For girls who suffer from TS school becomes less welcoming during the pubescent years when social, physical and academic skills are increasingly important. Negative experiences can bring about low self-esteem. Young women who suffer from TS should join a support group where they can find allies and express their feelings. Alternatively, the reticent girl can keep a journal where she can privately reveal her concerns about her life as a TS sufferer. Parents who notice that their daughter is being adversely affected by her inability to "fit in" with her comrades should seek professional help (3).

There are many challenges faced by women who have TS. Some of these challenges require a lot of medical assistance while others only require small alterations to the sufferer's daily life. TS is not an ailment that is intermittent or can be cured. The woman with TS lives with the syndrome every day for the rest of her life. It is important to remember that TS is not transmitted from person to person but it is a syndrome that is borne out of chance; the possibility randomly exists that a female embryo may not have two complete X chromosomes. Since TS does not affect men it can be overlooked despite the frequency with which women are born with it because we live in a patriarchal world. We, as women, should be allies to highlight the diseases that only women have.



1) Turner Support Syndrome Homepage,gives information about Turner's Syndrome to those interested in TS.
2) Bizarre Facts in Biology, unusual biological information from recent studies
3) TeensHealth. Provides information about health problems faced by teenagers.
4) Endocrinology and Turner's Syndrome, gives information about how endocrinology is helping those affected by Turner's Syndrome.

Comments made prior to 2007
Hi, my name is racheal(14) and i have an 11 year old sister Rebecca and she has turners syndrome! it is also difficult because she has some other problems such as bad rashes that break out on her back and face it is absolutly horrible my sister is 4 foot 2 inches tall and her best friend is 5 foot 3 inches. She is extremly self concious and she is embarrased about her size. My sister and i argue a lot and then when she gets in trouble i feel bad, i don't know if it is because i am not sure how it will effect her blood pressure or if it is because i don't know much about the disease and i want to learn more. I always wonder if she will live a normal life like me, and i wonder the most if she is going to live a long life like normal or is she going to die soon or when. She has a friend Noah that has cff and he will only live until around 16 so i am curious about my sister. We now get along pretty well and right now we are trying to get through the Series of unfortunate events books they are great well i would really like some info so plzzzz write back thankyou ... Racheal, 21 March 2006


Anonymous's picture

help please

I am trying to find a way to explain Turner's Syndrome to a little boy who's infant sister had Turner's syndrome and did not live through birth. He is really struggling with the grief process and often says he wishes she was here. His parents want him to understand the pain that she would have suffered if she would have lived. I've searched the internet for advice on how to help him understand his sister's condition and the complications from it. So far my search has not been helpful. Can someone please help me?

Anonymous's picture

Do u i have TS

I have been taling groeth hormone for the last 6 years and i stop about 2 months ago. i had to go to and endocridoligst doctor or w.e ther called every 5 months to check my growing. I had some of these symptomes like blutering things out loud, low hairline, broad chest and i am pretty short i am like a quarter inch to 5 ft and i am always the shortest one in my class. i got my period when i was 13 so i didnt get it late. When i was tested the doctor never said i had a TS syndrome but that i had to take ingections everyday except fpr saturday and that i would grow only to b 5 ft. i thought that this was ok beacuse i liked being short but i was just wndering if i had TS.

Tereza's picture

I have TS

Hello everybody ... my name s Tereza i was diagosed with TS at the age of 12---im 33 year i do take the hormonal pills nad I use to take the shots Im 4"8 did have heart problem --- got surgery when i wasa 12.I did have a hard rtime in school.. but that not a big deal --- I learned to cope with it

let me make this short and sweet Turner Syndrome is NOT a disease it is a diorder !!!I dont have a behaviral problem I mean I do have my moments but that with the peopple that mess with me.

I graduated high school in 96 ---- i did have problems with math --- I went to CHI its a school were i went ot get my medicalassiatnat degree --- i wored in a nursing home --I was a manager ---I also worked at a collection agengy --- now im back in community working to get my LPN degree -- its taking me a while.. but i'll get there!!

I have to say that my mother is my hero .... when I use to cry and said I dont wanna go to school-- she would say you going to school --- thre nothing wrong with ypou you only short ... she said " you have a brain, 2 legs, 2 arms .. you going to school".... when i use to sa no u cant do this -- she waould say -- "Tereza yes you can... n you can do it better".. my mother wa the one who was 1000% behind me ... i did struggle a little ... but she was always there for me.

I been through a lot ... good and bad ...What i wanna say to those parents push the girls.... is they say no i cant ... tell them yes they can.

If anyone want hhave any quetions please dont hesitate to conctact me!!


Anonymous's picture

I have a 2 yr old with TS.

I have a 2 yr old with TS. She is having issues with speach. I was just wondering if any of you have any expirience with this. She has the low set ears and a high pallet and split uvula...If any of you have any advise please let me know...thanks

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi there,
My little one has a sub muc. Cleft palate with a double fused uvula. She started losing her teeth at age 3. Her speech is not quite what the other have attained but we all understand her ! She has a speech therapist at school. She will catch up, so will yours !

Anonymous's picture

ts disease

i am inquiring whether a young girl of 19 is able to become pregnant with having ts disease, as she has met a young gentleman and is thinking of marriage. yours sincerely chris

Wendy 's picture

Turner,is it a male or not male illness?

Hello,I am a girl with TS,I have some friends one of them claimed that there existed males with TS due to the fact that it exists males with lacking Y cromosone.
If males can not have TS what is the diffrence,and why?


Anonymous's picture

responce 2 why cant males get turners

well turners is where the female are missing 1 "X" chromosome but females without turners have 2 "X" chromosomes but boys have a "X" AND "Y" chrmomsome and if a male lacked a "Y" chrmomsome then they whouldn't be a male thay would have 1 "X" chrmomsome making them a female with turners make scence? hope this was what you were looking 4 =D

Anonymous's picture

I have been working on this

I have been working on this report for quite a time, and i cant belive ive never heard of ts before. when i saw turners syndrome as an option for my report, i thought it was one of those wordy uncomprehensible genetic disorder i would never understand. reading all of the blogs has helped learn more about ts than if i had gone to webmd or something like that. your stories are admiring, and im so glad you are all so positive. i would be a pessimistic person if i had ts. having learned about this "different" sickness has made me understand that with or without a disorder, we are all simply normal. thanks so much for the inspiration you guys. take care and best wishes!!

Anonymous's picture

Just a Girl doing a Science Project On Turner's Syndrome

Wow, i loved this article on Turner's Syndrome. I have learned a lot about it and i feel very touched. I read many of the comments that others have posted and all of you women have inspired me. Im just 12 years old and already matured *whimpers* but i have learned that a couple changes in your body doesn't really change YOU and who you are inside. All of your attitudes on life are so positive- i support all women with Turner's syndrom out there. Thank you for the article ( i have the chance of getting an A!!!) and thank you for you comments too. They were all so nice.

Thanks again, A happier girl

Anonymous's picture

Student with TS

Hi everyone..
Im 18 and am working this year at a preschool.. One of the kids I teach has Turners Syndrome and I had absolutely no idea what that was.. Shes 4 and a wonderful, happy and lively child and I was always concerned about her because of the Turners. After reading this i just want to thank everyone for adding their experiences because I now know she can live a perfectly normal life. You women and girls really are amazing and I really do admire you for your positive outlooks and attitudes on life!! From being totally clueless to pretty well informed and feeling better about this little girl i just want to say thanks again ladies :)

Lauren-May's picture

My consultant thinks i have ts and she didnt even examine me

I haven't started my periods yet and i'm 16. Im 5"2 and a half, Have normal breast development, no webbed neck, no broad chest, very slim fingers, slim feet, no behavioural problems and am aiming for As in my a levels. My original consultant examined me down below, weighed me, measured me and said theres no problem, im just a late starter, but she sent for blood tests anyway to put my mind at rest. My results came back and i had a high fsh or something like that and the new consultant who didnt even examine me said they wanted more blood tests to check for TS. she didnt even examine me, check my height or tell me what ts was so i began panicking.
Im fairly certain i don't have ts, (im on medroxyprogesterone acetate for the next week to bring on a period)but after reading all of these comments, i can't say id be particularly heartbroken if i did have it. You girls are an inspiration, and have really put things into perspective.
Thanks. :)

Debra's picture

Grand daughter with Turners Syndrome

Hello, I am a grand mothter to be of a baby who will have Turners Syndrome. Unfortunetly, my precious little grand daughter will not make it to term because of some major heart defects. She in 20 weeks in utero now. But my son and my daughter in law would like to meet someone with Turners Syndrome to know what a wonderful life they will sadly not be able to have with their daughter. and to better understand and talk with someone who is living with Turners Syndrome. i believe that it will help them with closure when my grand daughter passes on.

If you live in the Albuquerque, NM area, please contact me so that we can talk.

Thanks for listening.

Anonymous's picture

ur Grand baby

I was saddend to hear your story, mostly because it took me back to when I was in that situation. My baby was also diagnosed in utero and had all the "classic" symptoms including a fatal heart issue. After I refused to make a trip to n.carolina because they would still performed an abortion despite 24wk gestation, My husband and I were advised to be prepared and plan to plan the funeral in advance so it would be easier on us. Needless to say the love for my baby and extreem stuberness would not allow me to do this....the pregnancy really took a tole on our marrige mainly do to our differnces in the greiving process (men and women truly do differ when it comes to this)...Long story short our angle was given to us 9/25/06 And her with a touch of stuberness from her momma and a dash of fistyness from her daddy and a watchfull eye from above, she has weathered surgeries, overcome the satistics, and and along the way has gained charecter and a personality that trully leaves a lasting impression to those she meets...The world had better watch out for this one!! She truly has a divine purpouse...So from a mother first and a Registered nurse second Medicine can have its theries and satistics....But if it is ment to be through faith and prayer a larger hand will prevale....

Anonymous's picture


im so sorry to hear about your would be grand child. i hope somehow that child finds a way to make it through the hardships she is encountering. best wishes

Anonymous's picture

I don't know what the

I don't know what the average height for women is here in the USA, I was amazed to find out that those of you with turner struggle with height issues when some of you are 4:8...I guess it's because you're white...I have a mom who's 4:7 and a grandma who's about 4:4. I am 5:45, becaue my dad was average 6:77. So anyways I loved reading all your comments
may our God Jesus bless you!

cheryl's picture


some TS girls can have behaviour problems but many non TS girls do as well.. i think TS girls get frustrated as many do not understand them.
My daughter was diagnosed at birth due to puffy hands and feet and a high arched pallet. from the start she had problems growing just gaining 1oz in the 1st 6 weeks of life. she fell off the growth charts at 6 weeks and it was only 2 months ago at the age of 11 3/4 she finally hit the bottom line on a "normal" chart for her height.. she's now almost 12yr old and 4ft 3" tall. she started growth hormone aged 4yrs and at 11yrs 3 months she started on estrogen (HRT)that was 7 months ago and she's just starting to show body changes..
behavior wise i'd say she's easier than most her age but i feel that is just her personality more than anything else.. medically she's got off with a lot she had feeding problems till the age of 3yrs, growth problems from birth, she walked aged 17 months and speech was very well developed.. she recently done her 11+ school exams and passed at the expected level for her age. she has a reading level 2 -3 yrs above her age.. she has troubles with maths but copes at the ecpected level for her age.. singing voice is adorable (proved that at conferance)
some TS girls do appear as if they have a mild form od aspergers so that may account for some behaviour problems.. and also remember many TS girls are pre mature so some problems may be linked to that more than the TS

Anonymous's picture

My Lil Angel

My daughter was diagnosed with TS at ten years old. I had no idea, although she was shorter than her friends (but i am only 5ft 2"), it was only picked up on because she had tonsillitis and we saw a new GP who thought she was too short, so referred her to a paediatrician. She shows none of the physical traits of TS although she does have a squint and has had two lots of grommetts and had her adenoids removed (long before being diagnosed).

Looking back when she was a baby she did have some signs of TS, i.e. projectile vomitting, difficulty with solids, terrible sleeper, clumsy toddler etc. She is now nearly 15 and is 4ft 10.5 with growth hormone and is still growing, she is on estrogen.

She copes great at school and has lots of friends. We have just come back from the TS Conference and I would defintely recommend going to one if you have the chance, as my daughter has some fabulous friends she has made there.

She has lots of confidence in herself and doesnt let anything get her down. She is just like any other teenager, argumentative, stroppy, knows it all etc.

She is my true lil angel!!!

Anonymous's picture

I am a college professor who

I am a college professor who just found out about a student's TS (through an essay she wrote). My first reaction was to cry...for her (the sterility made me especially sad--she's so young!).

I also cried from guilt, because I have been unintentionally impatient with her. She is sweet and always has her hand raised. Quite often, her eagerness overwhelms the rest of the class, preventing others from participating. My frustration, I fear, has been evident. Also, I am hard of hearing, and she can be difficult to understand at times.

Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences, for helping me to understand. This has been a good reminder to exercise patience and tolerance, even when you don't understand why someone acts in a particular way.

A Chastised Prof

Erin 's picture

24 Years Old With Turners

I was diagnosed with TS when I was maybe 2 or 3 (according to my folks), and started growth hormone therapy at 6 years old. Being short is the main hurtle I've had to overcome. At 5', I'm taller than some TS women, but still much shorter than average, and will be even shorter than average as I grow older, but no taller.

Another hurdle is not knowing anyone else with Turners. I think if I had it to do differently, I'd have asked my parents to help me find another TS girl to connect with when I was diagnosed (something I would recommend to any TS parent). It might have made the getting along easier. But as I grow older I am starting to reach out myself, in my on time.

I guess another hurdle would be having to sort of educate some of the doctors I see about TS. Some have never heard of it.

Like others have stated before, TS does not cause behavioral difficulties, and it is most certainly not a condition I 'suffer' from! Just something that means I don't have a far reach and I have to keep a close eye on my health.

I don't have a talent for math!, but have a unquenchable thirst for knowledge and read all the time. I love science and art I am working on going back to school to study Art History and dream of going to Italy to study abroad one day.

Turner's is a part of my life, but it's certainly not a hinderance or something I think about constantly outside the doctor's office. But of course, everyone's journey is different and TS will effect likewise.


Anonymous's picture

My Healthy Daughter with TS

My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed at 12. She had no characteristics of TS other than she was shorter than her peers. I would always mention to our family Dr., weather it was a well check or she was sick, that I was concerned about her height. He would always say, "she just hasn't hit her growth spurt yet". Finally, at 12, he said it was time to do a skeletal xray. Other tests followed and our TS journey began. She endured two years of growth hormone injections and reached her full height of 4' 10 1/2 (The 1/2" is very important). Fortunately, she did not need estrogen to go through puberty. All of her medical tests indicate she has no organ problems at all. She excels in her honors classes in school, including math and is loved by all who meet her. She knows that diabetes and/or hypertension can become an issue so she watches her weight and is very physically active. Early diagnosis is very important. If your daughter's Dr. doesn't isn't listening to you if you have concerns, challenge him/her or go elsewhere. Best wishes to all.

Anonymous's picture

Wonderful Daughter with TS

I started reading this article and did not want to read the entire article, but my husband encouraged me to do so. I am now glad that I did and read the comments below....which I got more out of. We have a 27 year old daughter with Turner's Syndrome, who was diagnosed at birth. Our daughter had the web neck, puffy hands and feet and other situations. She had plastic surgery on her neck at 3 years old and other various surgeries including jaw surgery. Our daughter is loved...not spoiled. We never allowed her to use her TS as a reason to do poorly in school or in her behavior. Math was a difficult subject for her, but she was blessed with a 18 month younger brother who advanced in math in school and was able to help her. She graduated in the top 10% of her high school, went to college and got a BS in Psychology and has a Masters in Education in Guidance and Counseloring. Some of her biggest struggles have come in the work place and discrimination for having differences due to TS. I would encourage people to not be judgmental and realize just as people without TS we are all different.

Anonymous's picture


My friend just gave birth prematurely (9 weeks) to twin girls. That is struggle enough, but one girl may have turner's syndrome. This is evidenced by some physical traits she has. The comments coming from girls that actually are afflicted with Turner's are wonderful. These are the women that will help to give a brand new mom insight into her daughter's future! Thanks for clarifying so many situations, and assumptions/perceptions that people have. I will check back frequently. Very useful comments. Very real.

Anonymous's picture


I think that the important thing with TS is to recognize that it is a spectrum disorder and so everyone is different. I have a sister who is 38 years old and has had severe behavioral issues her entire life that is related to the TS. She has never been able to maintain a job and I believe that the behavioral and emotional immaturity are the reasons. It is so wonderful that many women are not affected in this way who have TS, but it is more challenging for people like my sister because she really needs to be on disability as she has been unable to support herself her entire life due to difficulties with TS. I just feel like it is a very misunderstood disorder.

anonymous's picture


i was diagnosed with TS before i was born so i guess you could say that i am pretty knowledgable about it. I am very calm and mellow and i don't have any behavioral problems whatsoever other than the fact that i'm shy. it is nice to have others to talk to about it because i am the only one in my family who has so i guess you could say they don't really understand.

Curious's picture


How ironic...I've learned more from the comments than I did from the article...
I figured I'd read into this "disease" after seeing an episode of Law & Order: SCU
that featured women/girls with TS. (What can I say other than I like to learn.)
Anyways, I became curious about TS as it was something I had never even heard of. I must say that it is most intriguing to learn that a few of the people in the world actually have such a syndrome...(at first, I have to admit, I thought it was something that the actors/directors just happened to think up because they had nothing else...though I know now that this is not the case). I think I shall investigate this further and see if I can find any way to fix such afflictions. (BTW...I'm a guy. If you find that odd then I pity you since you are possibly thinking of some other reason as to why I would bother reading such an article.)

Anonymous's picture

I first heard about this on

I first heard about this on Law & Order: SVU too lol. What a coincidence. I became interested in it and started researching it, because I had never heard about it before. I'm a senior in high school and since the beginning of this year, I've seen this small girl walking around school. She's probably around 4 feet - 5 feet tall and she has a babyish face. She's a student, but I don't know what grade she's in. I knew she probably had some kind of syndrome, but I didn't know what. Now I'm assuming she has TS. I wish I could talk to her to personally know more about this subject, but I wouldn't want to bother her about it.

Anonymous's picture

I would have never guessed

I would have never guessed you were a guy!. I had never heard of this syndrome before either, but I had to write an essay about genetic disorders, and I happened to chose Turner syndrome. I have also found the comments more informative...I started reading them because I thought they would provide me with ideas as to how to write my intro for my paper...and boy how it helped!
thank you everybody!
May Jesus bless you

Serendip Visitor's picture

t.s sufferers

I have a son who is 16 now and he suffers with t.s his height is only 4'5.For some reason we couldnt have the g.h.t for him.When he was younger he was a very abrupt little boy.Some of his classmates would be rather nasty to him.At school he would have to have a small chair but when he went to high school he had to have a special chair that could be lowered and highered.We also have a daughter who is normal height she is 14 and already she is 5'3.Freddie was always nasty towards Gemma especailly as she grew taller than him.He used to hurt her for no reason and she never knew why.Even to this day he has always been one of the shortest in his schools and with him leaving soon he is still the shortest guy there.Some of the girls in his classes seem to want to protect him but he isnt after than he just wants friends.He says that that the shortest boy in his year is Lee and he is 4'9 and hasnt grown in ages.There are also a couple of short girls in his year and they are between 4'8 and 4'10.The rest are way taller.

Anonymous's picture

TS and Social Problems

I have TS and I do believe there are certain issues that cause social issues. For me I have gotten worse since I was taken off Hormone Therapy because of the worry of my liver, yes ts chicks, get your liver checked along with your heart. I recently started a new job and had the worst thirty day review I have ever had in my whole life; it was horrid. So I have to try to put myself in check. I do act differently than I have before. I need to talk to my doctor. I am actually 5'4 and opted out of the growth hormone when I was diagnosed at 16. My mom is 5'8 and my dad 6'2 so I am short for my genetic make up. I have got to go back for more studies at the NIH! The more we study the more we grow. I would like to participate in a mental study for turners.

Wendy 's picture

Hi I have TS,I am on

Hi I have TS,I am on hormones at moment,will be that my hole life,the hormones are there to help your bone,however there are several types of that and I have opted for mild one as I tryed severol befor.
I have had social problems ever since I was littel girl,however it varys,and there are steps you can do to help that,talking to your docter is a smart mouve.

patricia's picture

Hi I have TS and I am 48

Hi I have TS and I am 48 this year! I am 5feet tall, wear hearing aids, suck at maths and geography, and am happily married with 7 step children. I do have low ears, weird fingernails, an underactive thyroid, and irregular heartbeat. I live a full life though. I teach children in school, and work as an optical advisor. I have been spoiled in that people always get things down for me if I cant reach. the worst thing is not having children of my own; the rest is no big deal, I can live with it.
hope this helps someone..Pat.

T. Gunnor's picture

You are an inspiration!

You are an inspiration!

Anonymous's picture

Just a little info for you.

I've lived with turner's for 24 years now. I've had difficulty relating to people but it wasn't because I was disruptive, or loud, or because I said what came to my is because people treat me differently!!! I think you need to realize that it's always easy to blame the person who is different, and that's an easy way out when you fight with someone to blame it on any difference you can find to prove they are less of a person then you and that that makes them wrong. However, accept the fact people treat us differently and it's not COMPLEATELY our fault if we get offended with the way people pecieve us because we are individuals, not people clumped into one label. Women with turner's syndrome have different phenotypes, no two are a like. I'm horriably offended by previous comments about ts women being "spoiled". I know a women that are more spoiled than me who don't have ts! she moved out her house and couldn't take care of herself and always needs a man she is so spoiled! If one person acts spoiled are you going to say that they are all spoiled? You have to understand it's hard enough to deal with being different without everything that we do or say being blamed on ts. It's pure ignorance!! I fall under the mold of a turner's girl and in some ways I don't. I'm a biochemist and I've taken calculus and it was difficult, but I was determined and I did it. Don't place limits on me or my personality until you at least know me. I'm me and that's it.

Ashley's picture


Turner's Syndrome ISN'T a death sentance. I am 16 and I have TS. I have a normal life, it just affects your height and puberty and things like that. Men have KLEINFELTERS, the equivalant to TS in women. TS is the women's version, Kleinfelter's is the male version. We do not have behavioral problems, we will live as long as regular people,and nothing can MAKE you have it (you are born with it). I have nothing wrong w/ me except i'm 4 ft 7 and have to take Estrogen pills. I have to go to a HEARING doctor (yes, because of TS) and Endocronologist (i think i spelled it wrong)every 6 mths. I SUCK at Math (yes, TS)... but other than that I'm normal. I didnt like this article at ALL because it makes it seem like TS is this horible disease that makes your life miserable and like we can't do anything. It doesn't! We live, SPEAK (i added this because of a paragraph in the article), and act normally. It's just bodily functions like Puberty that are screwed up. Yes, there can be heart and kidney troubles, but everyone with TS is different. I dont have a webbed neck, weird nails, low set ears, or ANYTHING that this article says that can be found in women with TS. Also, i DONT blurt out what comes to mind (as the opening paragraph states). I do not have a learning disability. In fact, i have ALL A's in school (except for in math, i have a 71). As previously Stated, i DO NOT like this article.

Anonymous's picture

Turner Syndrome - A Woman's Disease

Im proud of your positive nature and wish that all TS sufferers think like you. i have a sister-in-law who suffers from TS. I really didnt know much about this syndrome until I was told she had it and started to research into it further on the internet. However I sent her this link and she has opened up to me about the way she feels, especially as we are asian and society doesnt always accept the differances in people which makes it harder. No one has mentioned unfertility, quite a personal question but is it true that kids are not an option for TS sufferers?

Charlotte's picture

Hey, I completely agree with

Hey, I completely agree with you! I am 17 and was diagnosed with Turner Syndrome pretty much at birth. I have a number of the physical characteristic of Turner Syndrome, such as a low hair line, webbed neck, and short stature (I am 5'0 after having taken growth hormone for over 5 years), and I had to have a coarctation repair surgery on my aorta when I was 18 months old, but still live a completely normal life. Socially, I tend to be a little shy and reserved at first but completely open up to people when I get to know them and can actually be quite outgoing. I've never been suspected of having any behavioral issues related to Turners. Academically, I get straight A's in school in almost all AP and Honors classes and am hoping to go to Brown University next year. Math actually happens to be my strongest subject! I am currently in AP Calculus BC and got a perfect 5 on the AP Calculus AB test last year : D (I say this not to brag at all but to show people that Turner Syndrome should not hinder anyone in what he or she wants to accomplish!) For girls with Turner Syndrome, don't limit yourself in what you can do. There is no reason why you cannot live a happy and fulfilling life with Turners Syndrome.

Charlotte's picture


Obviously, the "he or she" i referred to above should only be she : )

A[:'s picture

I have turner syndrome

I am 14 and I have TS. I only have some of the things mentioned in this article, I do have low set ears and a little bit of droopy eyes, but i'm normal. I have a short statue. I'm about 4'1ish? In school, I receive all A's too. I'm proud to say that I've gotten better in math too(= I don't think I have any learning disabilities. There's nothing really wrong, I just wish I could be a little bit taller(= I eat a lot, food is my best friend. My friends can't even tell that I have Turner Syndrome, some of them don't even know what it is until I told them. So really, they think i'm normal. I really don't know if I have any kidney troubles or anything but i'm going to find that out very soon. I'm also thinking of getting a growth hormone to grow at least 5 feet? I'm not that tall, so sometimes I feel so intimidated when walking around, but I just keep my self- esteem up and ignore all of the mean comments about my height. There's no way my parents could have prevent this from happening. So I can never blame them. All I can do now is either get a growth hormone and some other things. Other than that, I live a normal life, and I work hard. Girls who have turner syndrome, be strong, and don't let anything or anybody hurt you. Show people that even though your small on the outside, your big in the inside and that you can do anything and everything that other people can do.

Monesha's picture


Hey Ashley, your comment really made me feel better about maybe having turner's...I find out if i have it in a couple of kind of nervous but again your comment really helped me ALOT! My doc's says i have some symptons of TS and i was scared but im not really 17 and im 4 ft 4 i yeah thanks for writing that comment...the only thing i worry about is the possibilty of heart or kindney problems but i havent had any problems with that maybe all is good...thanks again...

Ciera's picture


I was diagnosed(spelled wrong) with Turner's when I 10 years old. I am now 18 and live a perfectly normal life. I am 4"10(tall for TS) and yeah sometimes I get self conscious about my height. I also have problems with math but have good grades in the rest of my classes. I do not have a learning disability or most of the physical features stated in this article. I also have no behavioral problems. Yes there are a lot of other problems that TS women are more suscptable to like diabetes, kidney problems, heart problems, and osteoperosis, (which I have in mild form) but only in the severe cases. The only change in my life is I take birth control to have a period and I see an endocrinologist every so often. I look normal, act normal, and lead a normal life. I do not agree with this article and how it makes TS seem like some mental disorder...which it absolutly is not.

Anonymous's picture


from one ts girl to another, thanks

Anonymous's picture

Turners syndrome is not just

Turners syndrome is not just for woman beause i have a brother and his name is charlie and he has a of the symptoms that you mentioned in your article.

Anonymous's picture

"Turners syndrome is not

"Turners syndrome is not just for woman beause i have a brother and his name is charlie and he has a of the symptoms that you mentioned in your article."

I don't know what your brother has...there are a couple of conditions with similar symptoms to Turner's...but I can promise you your brother does *not* have Turner's Syndrome. By definition it is impossible for a male to have Turner's.

zahraa's picture

my graduate project

hello every one

for who did a report on TS ,, my graduate project about TS ,, mybe we can communicate and help each other .

thanks alot


Anonymous's picture

I was doing a report on

I was doing a report on Turner's syndrome and I wanted to find important information about this syndrome. All of the comments were extremely helpful and im deeply sorry your daughter was diagnosed with TS. Ill be sure to say a prayer for her.

Anonymous's picture

I am a mother with a

I am a mother with a teenager with TS and I had the same question. I firmly believe it has to do with TS and not the fact that she is "spoiled", although my daughter acts like the whole world should cater to her. I have two other children who are not like that at all and it's not like I have ever given into this behavior.

I am new to her diagnosis of TS and learning more everyday.

Anonymous's picture

i have a girl with turners

i have a girl with turners syndrome and i have read alot about it. but, i think that they just are expresing what ther filling.we as a mother have to put our selfs in their place, cuz they aready been throu so much.and the things that they still have to go throu. we have to be patien,and have alot of comunication.we have to let them know that we are there for them. i do believe of early stimulation of the brain can help them.(by that i mean triding them as if u were the teacher since they born,because TS doesn stop them from success. they can be as succesful as any regular woman.

Anonymous's picture

Do girls with this syndrome

Do girls with this syndrome have nasty behavoral issues with their parents. My neice has TS and she is an absolutely nasty spoiled young lady. The family feels her behavior is due to the later not the TS

Anonymous's picture

Turners syndrome does NOT

Turners syndrome does NOT affect a childs behavior. It does not cause mental retardation. you should tell the parents of your niece to stop making excuses for their child; they need to stop making turners syndrome a scapegoat for her behavior...its not.