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Turner's Syndrome-A Woman's Disease

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Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip

Turner's Syndrome-A Woman's Disease

Melissa Brown

Imagine that you are 13 years old. All your friends are growing: they are getting taller; they are starting to menstruate; they seem to know exactly what to say at the right moment. You, on the other hand, are conspicuously shorter than your peers; you don't have your period and you seem to blurt out whatever comes to your mind. You would probably feel that you are awkward and begin to develop low self-esteem. This could be the life of a teenage girl with Turner's Syndrome.

Turner's Syndrome is a chromosomal problem that affects one in every 2000 females (1). So in the tri-college community, there may be at least one woman with Turner's Syndrome (TS). Although, you may not know someone with Turner's Syndrome it can safely be assumed that you have unknowingly encountered someone with the disease because of the frequency of the illness. Turner's Syndrome is named after Dr. Henry Turner who described some of the features of TS like short stature and increased skin folds in the neck(1). TS is sometimes also called Ullrich-Turner Syndrome because of the German pediatrician who, in 1930, also described the physical features of TS (1).

Why is it that TS only affects women? Well, TS arises from an abnormality in the sex chromosome pair. In the human body, there are 46 chromosomes grouped into 22 pairs of autosomes (all chromosomes that are not the sex chromosome) and the sex chromosome pair which influences whether a girl has TS. Men have a sex chromosome pair that is XY where the X chromosome comes from the mother and the Y chromosome comes from the father. Women have an XX chromosome pair with one X chromosome coming from the mother and the other X chromosome coming from the father. However, a female baby who has TS has only one X chromosome or is missing part of one X chromosome (1). The female baby receives only one X chromosome because either the egg or the sperm ended up without a chromosome when it was being split in half to make sex cells. The baby girl may be missing part of one X chromosome because there is a deficiency in the amount of genetic material (4).

TS is determined by looking at a picture of the chromosomes which is known as a karyotype. This technique was not developed until 1959(1). Karyotyping was not available to Dr. Turner and Dr. Ullrich in the 1930s. These doctors defined the disease by the physical features that a TS sufferer may have. Some of these are lymphoedema of hands and feet, or puffy hands and feet, broad chest and widely spaced nipples, droopy eyelids, low hairline and low-set ears. There are also clinical ailments that are associated with TS like hearing problems, myopia or short-sightedness, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. People who suffer from TS also have behavioral problems and learning difficulties (1), (3).

In spite of the physical, social and academic problems that a woman with TS may have, she can still be successful in life. Women who have TS have become lawyers, secretaries and mothers. It may be more challenging for a woman suffering with TS to accomplish her goals but they are not impossible. TS is a "cradle to grave" condition which means that it is lifelong and must be treated throughout the sufferer's life span (1). When the girl or woman has been diagnosed she should go under the care of an endocrinologist who is a doctor who specializes in hormones.

There are various medical methods that could be used to make the girl's life as normal as possible. Girls can have an average stature by undergoing growth hormone treatment before growth is completed. Oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, can also be used to promote growth. Oestrogen is used when the girl is about 12 or 13 to produce physical changes like breast development and for the proper mineralization of bones. Progesterone should also be used at the appropriate time to start the period (1), (3).

Sufferers of TS also have problems like heart murmurs or the narrowing of the aorta which may require surgery. Women with TS are more prone to middle ear infections. If they recur frequently, they may lead to deafness so a consultation with an ear, throat and nose specialist would be helpful. Some of the health concerns of women with TS are encountered by all women. High blood pressure afflicts women with TS as well as diabetes and thyroid gland disorders but the latter afflicts women with TS at a slightly higher rate than non-sufferers of the disease. Osteoporosis may start earlier in TS sufferers because the women lack oestrogen so HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) may be considered to delay the onset of Osteoporosis (1), (3).

Women who have TS are further challenged socially because they are disruptive; they blurt out whatever comes to mind and have difficulty learning social skills. A recent study suggests that women with TS may be more disruptive depending on whether the X chromosome comes from the mother or the father. If the woman's X chromosome came from her mother she has more problems learning good social skills than a girl whose X chromosome came from her father. The study insinuates that the X chromosome from the mother instructs the girl to misbehave while the X chromosome from the father tells her to control herself (2).

A girl's disruptive behavior may make her feel uncomfortable in social situations. Her discomfort increases if she has difficulty speaking clearly. However, visits to a speech therapist can improve her ability to speak well. Such behavior can be particularly detrimental in school. Furthermore, people who have TS usually have learning disabilities so they find school less appealing. Parents should present teachers with a leaflet entitled "TS and Education, An Information Leaflet for Teachers" which will help the teacher better instruct the child in class and make learning a less burdensome activity(1).

School is where children and teenagers spend most of their time. For girls who suffer from TS school becomes less welcoming during the pubescent years when social, physical and academic skills are increasingly important. Negative experiences can bring about low self-esteem. Young women who suffer from TS should join a support group where they can find allies and express their feelings. Alternatively, the reticent girl can keep a journal where she can privately reveal her concerns about her life as a TS sufferer. Parents who notice that their daughter is being adversely affected by her inability to "fit in" with her comrades should seek professional help (3).

There are many challenges faced by women who have TS. Some of these challenges require a lot of medical assistance while others only require small alterations to the sufferer's daily life. TS is not an ailment that is intermittent or can be cured. The woman with TS lives with the syndrome every day for the rest of her life. It is important to remember that TS is not transmitted from person to person but it is a syndrome that is borne out of chance; the possibility randomly exists that a female embryo may not have two complete X chromosomes. Since TS does not affect men it can be overlooked despite the frequency with which women are born with it because we live in a patriarchal world. We, as women, should be allies to highlight the diseases that only women have.



1) Turner Support Syndrome Homepage,gives information about Turner's Syndrome to those interested in TS.
2) Bizarre Facts in Biology, unusual biological information from recent studies
3) TeensHealth. Provides information about health problems faced by teenagers.
4) Endocrinology and Turner's Syndrome, gives information about how endocrinology is helping those affected by Turner's Syndrome.

Comments made prior to 2007
Hi, my name is racheal(14) and i have an 11 year old sister Rebecca and she has turners syndrome! it is also difficult because she has some other problems such as bad rashes that break out on her back and face it is absolutly horrible my sister is 4 foot 2 inches tall and her best friend is 5 foot 3 inches. She is extremly self concious and she is embarrased about her size. My sister and i argue a lot and then when she gets in trouble i feel bad, i don't know if it is because i am not sure how it will effect her blood pressure or if it is because i don't know much about the disease and i want to learn more. I always wonder if she will live a normal life like me, and i wonder the most if she is going to live a long life like normal or is she going to die soon or when. She has a friend Noah that has cff and he will only live until around 16 so i am curious about my sister. We now get along pretty well and right now we are trying to get through the Series of unfortunate events books they are great well i would really like some info so plzzzz write back thankyou ... Racheal, 21 March 2006


Anonymous's picture

My best friends has Ts

My best friend has Ts and I just found out. She didn't tell me my mom did. I wanted to know all about it and I do know. I feel very bad for her because this year everyone in are grade started to get very tall and she stayed the same height. She is a little over four feet and i'm 5"3. I have started to feel weird when i stand next to her because i'm a head taller then her mabye even more. But, she is very nice and everyone likes her but, she just doesn't fit in. I have another friend who makes fun of her but not because of her height of her the way she talks and how she fits in. I feel very bad for her know that I understand. I just want to make her feel better about her height and I don't know how to do that. So some help for me to help her would be very kind.
Thank you

tracey's picture


My daughter has TS. We found out when she was 10. She is 14 now. Im not sure feeling bad for her is good for her. She needs you to treat her the same as you always have. Im sure her parents have medical options which will help her grow and develop into a beautiful young woman. My daughter has been on growth hormones and is now 4.9 1/2 feet tall. We are working on 5.1ft. Although, she is now going into grade 10 she is smaller than most, there are a few the same height or slightly taller. My daughters friends are all taller than her but that has never bothered any of them. Just be happy you are friends and you may want to tell your other friend that you don't want to hear any more negative comments.

anonymous7j3w's picture

I don't have experience as a

I don't have experience as a girl beside another with ts. So, I probably cannot help you directly.
Let me simply say that when I (male and 24 years old at the time) moved and joined a church new to me, I saw four people (on four different evenings) each speak individually to a lady ("Alice") of height 4'7" with each closing his/her comment by remarking about her height. As two of the four were not humorous, I sat beside "Alice" on the next evening we gathered so that she would be able to say more and to show her that not everyone would mention her height.

hayley's picture

hi everyone i have ts im 24

hi everyone i have ts
im 24 years old and i have ts, i am 4ft 9" i hadnt grown since i was 11 yrs old,
i was 15 since i noticed i hadnt grown so i asked my mum to take me to the doctors, i was diagnosed with ts straight away, i have had periods since i was 12, they are very irregular and can last up to 10 weeks, i have very large breasts aswell, it made me wonder if they had diagnosed me correctly, cos i dont have any features of ts i have a heart murmur,
i dont take any contreception and i have been with my partner for 6 years and i have never fallen pregnant.

Nita's picture

My daughter is being tested

My daughter who is six years old is a tiny little thing. She weighs 36 lbs. and her height is 41in. The reason we decided to have her tested was her four year old cousin is now towering over her and my sister noticed how her neck is webbed. So we did a little research and found some other things that fit in the description of ts. She always has earaches, low neckline, webbed neck, and droopy eyes. Now don't get me wrong she is very active and very smart. So when I had to take her in for a check up I asked the doctor what he thought, well he said lets have her tested. We went yesterday and they said that we would have the results in one week. This is going to be the longest week of my life. The thing of it is my little girl wants to know why she is still little and all of her friends are taller than her. She gets really upset about this. If she is diagnosed with ts how do I tell a six year old that this is what is wrong with her?

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi there, my little one is 6 and very short also. She does have ts, but we have not told her yet. She knows she will be taking vitamin as. We call it, to make her taller. She seems axious to take it.
Keep in touch

anonymous7j3w's picture

Telling a young daughter she has Turner's Syndrome

Nita, try and get to bed earlier. (I live in Missouri and it is about 11 p.m., not midnight.)

One suggestion for speaking to your six-year-old daughter ("Linda" here) if you learn she does have ts and if she is already looking towards the future ...
First of all, if Linda does have ts (and it certainly sounds like she does), don't hold back from telling her.

Find one location where it is easy to comfortably sit down and have a conversation with Linda where you can avoid anyone else entering the area. (You may want Linda's father to be nearby in case, at any time, Linda would like her father to be beside her.)

Here are some ideas as to what you could be saying to Linda in the conversation. You know who Linda is and what should be useful.
1) Linda, you would like to be as tall as your friends. Right?
2) The doctor who did a check up spoke to me the other day.
3) First of all, Linda, are you already thinking about becoming married?
4) If "no": Okay, that is several years in the future.
... If "yes": Good for you. It is good for young girls to plan to have a family.
5) Some children have accidents. But, you've never had an accident. Right?
6) Linda, you haven't done anything wrong or had an accident to cause you to not grow as tall as your friends. Lots of people are born with some specific medical condition.
[You may want to give one example. Personally, I was born with a lesion (benign tumor) in the brain and this causes epilepsy seizures. 1 in 100 have this condition. If your family reads Scripture, you may want to read Mark 9:14-29 (first seizure in verse 18).]
7) Your not growing as tall as other girls is not a medical condition. It is a symptom of a medical condition that you (unless the doctor says differently) will always have.
8) What is the condition, you ask? Well, there are some conditions that everyone has heard about. Cancer is one and you do not have cancer. But, few people have heard of the condition that you have because it is rare. Only 1 in every 2500 women have it and it is called Turner's Syndrome. (Fill in any history or no history that you learn and that might interest Linda.)
9) Other girls with this condition who have learned that, like you, they would only grow to four and one-half feet (4' 7" in the encyclopedia) have cried a lot and that's okay, Linda. But, after a few years, they adjusted realizing it would always be like this.
10) Linda, you have an idea as to what it means to be a mother. Some mothers have children and they don't watch over them much. Other mothers care about their children. Which would you rather be?
11) And many women have taken in children outside of their families and become their mothers. They've loved those children.
12) Go ahead and plan on having a family (or think about having a family). Every woman who has Turner's Syndrome is unable to bear children. (In this serendip piece, I have read that some with "mosaic ts" can conceive and bear children. I was never taught this back in the 1980s.) But, if you want to get married and have children, you can adopt and still be just as good of a mother.
13) Any other questions you have or anything else you want to talk about here?
14) Linda, I love you and I always will.

Nita's picture

MY daughter wants to be taller

What is so sad is my daughter and I was laying in bed the other night and she said, "mommy why are all my friends taller than me?" I just want to be tall like my friends and then she begins to cry. It breaks my heart so bad to see my baby having to suffer with this pain. She is only six and yet it is like she senses that something is wrong with her.

Ariel Martin's picture

tell her she is perfect she

tell her she is perfect she dont need to change at all

anonymous7j3w's picture

My understanding of Turner's

My understanding of Turner's Syndrome is that all (not most) ladies who have it are unable to conceive and bear children. If your daughter does not know she has Turner's Syndrome (and I am assuming she does), tell her as soon as she is old enough to understand this. Some dreams can come true and some cannot.
Let her know that her short height is not a fault of hers. It is only a symptom of a woman with Turner's Syndrome. Tell her to expect her height to reach 4' 7".

And, before tenth grade, tell your daughter that their are some men who would marry a woman with her condition. "But, never marry a man without telling him about your condition or that could hurt both you and him."

Jamie 's picture

I had a question

i'm 25 and when i was 9 i found out that i had mosaic turners i had to take growth hormones then when i was 17 they put me on birth control and it helped with having the periods the only thing is i didn't have enough money to go see the doctor and i wasn't able to get it refilled and it's been at least 4 years i got married back in 2008 i was just wondering if it was possable to have a baby naturally ? or if i was able to go back on the birth control would i be able to have a baby .

Serendip Visitor's picture

Reply to I have a question

I feel for you as I to have TS , unfortunately you will not be able to have a baby naturally as the ovaries in TS girls do not develop fully (not even going on birth control will cure this), but on a positive note your womb is not affected so you will still be able to have children though you will have to have IVF or treatments like that. I would recommend going back on birth control as this will regulate your periods and get your body back into a natural cycle again. Hope this helps and just think there are lots of women in the same position as you.

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi I have just had my results back from the hospital yesterday and I have TS like I said in my last post I am the same person and will never use it as a lable.

Megan's picture

I have known my whole life

I have known my whole life that I have turners, though I am lucky and only have mosaic turners. I have to say having turners doesn't change your life, it's just a part of who I am because my parents told me, oh God I don't remember when. Yes doctor offices every 3 months, needles that hurt like hell when you're little and embarrassing moments of more and more doc's looking at your nonexistent chests but it's life, for me anyway. I have never been made fun of for being short, I am 16 now and my friends love my 4’10 height. One of the hard things is that you don’t really feel pretty; I’ll have to go into my 20’s soon, drinking, partying, being around hot guys and only ever be ‘cute.’ I feel sometimes like I won’t ever get a guy because guys like girls who are tall and fully developed but hey, the guy who finds me some day will like me for who I am but big boobs right? Taking a zillion pills (I always forget to take them) is a pain but it’s worth it for my life. Take out the doctors and the height and the no development and I’m normal. Yes people look at me and think I’m a little kid, yes I can’t get the best clothes and yes guys don’t think I’m hot but I wouldn’t be me if that wasn’t part of my life. Being short and everything else that goes with having turners has made me who I am. It’s stressful not knowing how I am supposed to have kids and what things going on with me are normal and which aren’t. I have my period but was it the estrogen or is it me? I wan’t to have kids but can I? Is it healthy if I do? You grow up with daydreams of your future child looking like you in some ways and being like you, all of that is shattered for me but I know it’s going to be fine. So, if you are a turners baby you know all of what I’m saying, the cons that will never go away, but that they are easy to live with. If you are having a baby with turners, don’t worry about her. My parents went through hell, I was pronounced dead 3 times and then the doc’s left me to die, I was 4 months early and I lived, I am not the normal case, most girls born like me aren’t here to say they are okay, they are in the ground with tomb stones above them. Turners is nothing to abort for, if your baby is mentally okay they will be the best things in the world because they are God’s miracle gift to you.
So to all miracle baby’s out there I give you props, it’s tough but we know it’s just our lives and we’ll deal with it.

Serendip Visitor PAULA's picture

I cant belive This!

I was so shocked when I heard about Turners I didnt even know there was such a thing until I heard about it on show on t.v. that I was watching tonight and it sounded like what I have but when I was diagnosed with it they only told us that I wasnt growing because my pituatory gland didnt produce enough estrogen and I would never beable to have children and I had to take hormones to start a peroid and somthing to make me stop,It upset me so much I have went thru my life with behavarioal prblems thru my whole life and Im 51 yrs. old now my mom took me to a docter when I was 12 yrs old because I wasnt growing and didnt have a peroid and didnt want to take showers at school after our P.E. class because I wasnt growing that was so upsetting as a teenager,It just upsets me so because I feel that I could had a better life dealing with my mental problems,I feel like im just talking in circles but just so upsetting,and I was also a twin which he passed away a few days later after we were born,Im on antidepressants have been for years it makes me feel like that could there have been somthing else they could have done for me I hope someone can respond to this and help me,I have been married for 29 yrs and its been rough with the behavorial problem that i somtimes have i showed my husband what i have found on this and he seems to understand more about this I will surley go to my docter and have him check this out on me thxs everyone for sharing all the comments I wouldnt have nver known!

Samantha's picture


I just happened to stumble upon this page tonight. You could say I'm still trying to learn about what my genetics mean for me. I did not find out about my Mosaic TS until I was nearly 17. My parents decided not to tell me, which means that I never received any growth hormone or genetic counseling. Once I found out, I was quite shocked and tried to do as much research as possible. Needless to say, I didn't find out much. I have never seen a cardiologist or endocrinologist. I did well in school (straight A's) and have several friends.

I find it doubly hard being a Mosaic, as the best answer people have is "We don't know." I don't fit into a category, and I really wish I could know things more definitively. Will my ovaries keep working, or will they suddenly stop? Is my depression part of the package? What about the frequent sinus infections I get? Or my sometimes social behavior? There are times I really don't feel like I fit in anywhere.

I know that one poster used the term "I'm not a label." Sometimes, though, I just wish I could know so much more. Thank you, everyone, for your posts. I have found a lot of comfort and would like to begin more dialogue, especially with fellow Mosaics. Please feel free to contact me via email. I'd love to know more about what you are like, what your life has been like and/or your experience as a Mosaic.

Thank you again, so much!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Hello I a a TS woman of 33. I

Hello I a a TS woman of 33. I found out at age 17 when my periods did not com about normally and all my little cousins and sister starte to out grow me . I done fairly well in school math and map reading are a little complicated but it di not stop me from graduating and doing well for myself. I am not on any medicatiosn right now, I am goig to start visiting and seeing me Dr again soon about that. I have diabetes that is about all that has happened this far. No be havoral problems I sometimes get the urge to plurt out things but I try to control it. I dont know it things get worse as you get oler but I hope not all the research says that heart problems are what you have to worry about most.

Anonymous7j3w's picture

Best wishes to you. I have

Best wishes to you. I have had doctors who helped me and doctors who harmed me. Try to make sure you have a doctor who will help.

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi,Im 16 and I have just ben to the Hospital to get various tests done to find out if I have TS and will get the results in 3-4 weeks.To be honest I am not bothered in any way because whatever the results are I will be the same person and I will never use it as a lable.

Anonymous7j3w's picture

That is a good attitude. You

That is a good attitude. You are a lady and not a label. When I was encouraged to not say "I have epilepsy" when looking for employment, I considered that "advice". But, I decided "If the company does not want good workers simply because they have a disability, then I don't want to work for them."

Continue to have a positive outlook on your life as well as the lives of others.

kelly's picture

hi my name is kelly wilson i

hi my name is kelly wilson i all was fealt alone i did not unstand why i got ts . iam 27 and iam just stated the med my chest is getting bigger and iam growing abit

fozzyclaire's picture

share and compare

hi there eveybody,my name is claire and i'am a 35 year old turners syndrome sufferer.i had have aortic valve replacement on the 24th of june last year,i decided to go for the mechanical valve which now means i'am warfarin dependant but it will hopefully mean that only one surgery will be required.i would love to receive any feedback off any turners ladies who have gone through a similar procedure,it really does help when you are having a bad day to realise that you are not on you own and that is why i feel sharing and comparing experiences is beneficial and reassuring.hope to hesr from you soon people.x

Lizzie's picture

I too have ts

I too have Turners and completely agree with what many of the other girls in the same situation have said. I am now 32 but was diagnosed at the age of 13, after my little sister started to overtake me in height and they did some tests! Before that I was a little shorted that my friends at school and that was it. I don't believe I had behavioural problems or that I was disruptive at school. If anything I was one of the quieter kids in the class. The only thing I struggled with in school was maths, but I was never in the bottom set, and there was a lot of others who struggled far more. I even ended up helping one of my friends at school. You are you and no-one can take that away from you. I have been to University, lived and worked in France, learnt to drive, and am training to be a legal executive. I am in a long term and happy relationship with a lively man. Ok so I can't have children, but a lot of people are in this situation. There is lots of other things in life to be thankful for. I have good friends, a lovely family, a job I enjoy, hobbies and interests and a nice home with my man and too lovely cats. I hope anyone reading this realises that having ts is not the end of the world, it really isn't!

Anonymous7j3w's picture

Keep giving thanks

As you said, there are a lot of things to be thankful for.

louise. 's picture


Hi, I am a 25 year old woman. I was diagnoised with TS when i was 10.
I am whats known as a mosaic. From the age of 10 I did all my own injections and took my medication.
I am know a qualified nurse...I guess you could say this has helped me with my career. so Just goes to show that you can lead a normal life. I have a partner who understands my condition, and loves and excepts me for who I am.
So I Just want all you girs that are newly diagnosied.. Dont give up hope,I was like some of you when i was yonger i felt like having TS was the end of the world. now I know we have it because we are special.
As for you parents be strong for your girls, my mum was for me and it made me the person I am today x

louise. 's picture

Hi, I am 25 year old woman

Hi, I am 25 year old woman with TS. I was diagnoised at the age of 10. From then I did all my own injections and took all my own meds.
I am whats known as a mosiac. I lead a normal life I have a partner who knows about my condition and loves and excepts me for who I am.
I am a nurse as well, so i guess you could say all this has helped me within my career.
So I say to all you young girls dont ever give up hope, I was once like some of you on here afraid of what people think.... or would i find anyone who would except me with this condition. Keep smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you that are parents to girls with TS stay strong for them, my mum did for me and it made me become the person I am today x x

Anonymous7j3w's picture


Sorry, Louise, for using the name Amy. (I got comments from both of you today.)

Anonymous7j3w's picture

being open with others

It was good to read your comment. I hope that very few of those with Turner's Syndrome enter into a marriage with the groom/husband being kept in the dark about this. Best wishes to you, Amy.

IccleAmy's picture

Turner Syndrome And Me

Hey, my names Amy I'm 21 and I've known I've had Turners all my life. Its been a struggle dealing with name calls like 'shortarse' 'stumpy' and heaven knows what else, but after school the name-calling suddenly disapeared and I learnt to genuinly laugh along with my friends when they find a way to emphasise my height difference. About 99% of girls with TS HATE school as soon as all their friends start hitting puberty, I was no different. College however was AMAZING! Discovering that people can actually accept you for who you are was utterly surreal.

The physial differences and puberty however difficult it was to deal with at the time, is certainly no where near as difficult as the moment your natural maternal instinct kicks in. When I see a baby my eyes can not drift from it ... a mixture of that incredbly strong survial instict, needing to carry on your bloodline; and the natural human desire within us all of wanting what you can not have are a deadly combination. Its not something that I will ever come to terms with, but I know I'll be a mother one day. I do not yet know if I'll adopt and save the stretch marks or if I'll choose to have IVF, either way the child wont be biologically mine. Yet the bond between me and my children will be undenably unbreakable, they say that in most cases of turners the girl is more affectionate and loving than average, if that is true - then count me as one of those girls. xx

Hayley Jayne Rose's picture


Hi Amy. Im also 21 and have turners. While reading your comment, i wheld up. I can relate to what you have said in so many ways. This is the one aspect of my ts that i hate. I like to think of myself as a naturally maternal person and loves children and cant not wait to be a mother whether this is with ivf or any of the other ways that are available.

The reason i am on this site and chose to comment on your comment particually is beause resently i was in hospital for a period of time. One of the nurses spoke to me about my turners and she told me her neice has TS and managed to concieve naturally. I was wondering if you or anyone else reading this, had heard of anyother cases of this happening? Its plagued me ever since, as im sure you can understand. I have come to terms with having ivf and the fact that any child that is being brought into the world this way are just extra special and loved.

And as for the physical sides of TS, i like to think of it as being Diamond sized.

Hayley. x

IccleAmy's picture

Hi Hayley Thanks for yout

Hi Hayley
Thanks for yout comment :)
In some cases girls with TS have a very slim possibility of conceiving naturally - as with any syndrome each case is individual so have a chat with your doctor and see if there is a slim possibility for you.
Either way I'm sure any child you have in the future shall be soo loved! After all - blood may be thicker than water, but love ... well .. the way I see it, love's ten times thicker than any type of blood :)
Hope that helps
Amy x

Anonymous7j3w's picture

Continue to love children

Sometimes, people take things for granted and do not see the value in them until they are lost.
While you cannot reproduce children, Amy, you see the value in them. Be thankful for that.

Anonymous's picture

i have ts and will never be able to get a guy or have kids:(

lets face it , i was just diagnosed a few months ago , im 14 and will never be able to have a family or a life all because of this stupid disease im also one of the last two girls in my 8th grade class to not have her period i would trade anything to be normal like my three friends

Hayley Jayne Rose's picture

I think anyone would be lying

I think anyone would be lying if they said they did not feel the same way as you when they first found out. The fact that you have found out at a young age will mean that you will be able to get all the right medicationa nd its not too late. As for not starting your periods. TRUST ME :-) do not rush this hehe you will wish you didnt have them when you do, when its the right time. Half of the girls in your year proberly havnt even started there periods either, and are saying they have to look kl and fit in, so dont feel left out.
Iv never had a "proper" boyfriend either untill recently. And im 21. and iv told him everything and he understands and is so supportive. As my mum always said. you got to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince. If a guy isnt understanding or laughs then he obv isnt who you think and not worth your time.


IccleAmy's picture

Oh hunny - first of all

Oh hunny - first of all you've got to realise that everything you've just said is wrong! For a start if you have mosaic turners then you do have a slim chance of conceiving naturaly - speak to your doctor about that. If, like myself, you have no chance of conceiving naturally there is always IVF or adoption. Trust me chick, if I thought I'd never be a mum I wouldnt be alive myself today but I know I'll have a little child smiling up at me calling me 'mum' weither it shares my bloodline or not does not matter in the slightest!

As for getting a guy - a real guy who deserves you will love you just for who you are, so just be yourself and mr.right will come along when you least expect him. And dont strive to 'fit in' just be who you are and you'll find you'll fit in anyway. I myself thank the heavens I dont get heavy periods, and yes you will get periods when your doctor sees fit to put you on the medication that will help with that. At least we wont be suffering in pain with severe PMT like most girls do every month!

I hope you see this, and I hope it helps. But above all, remember - you are NOT alone xxx

Anonymous7j3w's picture

Reality can be difficult to handle - no question

It is easy for us to say that it is good that over 99.9% of girls do not have Turner's Syndrome. And, while women can understand the feelings of a girl with this condition more than men (like me), I can see that this would be difficult for you to deal with.
When I learned at age nine of my having a disability, I looked forward in time asking questions. "What can I not do?" (Lots of things) "What can I do?" (There are some) "What will I try to do?"

In the coming years, try to ask yourself some questions that can be useful:
1) "Do I want to raise children?" For every three married couples that seek to adopt a child, there is one child waiting to be adopted.
2) "While I would like to give birth to children and then raise them well, which of the following would I prefer doing: 'Have children and not really try to raise them well (which is true for a large number of women today)' OR 'Adopt a boy or girl and then try to raise the child well'?"
Look for other useful questions.

I am sorry that you will not feel the joy of giving birth to a boy or girl. But, there is still a chance that you will feel the joy of leading children as they grow up. And if a man does not walk away from you when you mention your condition and tell him how you want to join a man in marriage who wants to join you in raising children, then you may have found a man who will always stand beside you.

paris's picture

wow, thats crazy... its so

wow, thats crazy... its so sad

Anonymous's picture

Best friends

My bestfriend in the whole world has TS, she occasionally gets picked on because of her height, the main reason we became friends was because she was getting picked on and i told the girl to (in nice words) buzz off, and ever since then we've been best friends i guess you could say i "took her under my wing." She is one of the best friends i have ever had and without her i dont know what i would do

KKauntie's picture

I am 29yrs old and have mosaic ts

I am 29 years old and have mosaic ts and have taken the growth hormones and other hormones. I just want to let others out there know that your not alone!! Any questions and advice please email me!!

Megan's picture


I am also mosaic turners, I am wondering if it is possible for me to have children since I am not full turners and is it normal to have my period with only estrogen?

Mike kwiatkowski's picture

yes it is norm i think i know

yes it is norm i think i know one gal that is turners stage 3 she is my best friend and ex g/f and with only estrogen she has 2 periods every month like clock work except when her levels decide to change up here and there she is 27 years old i have read that like 5-10% of gals with turners can have kids or they had a kid all natural or with little help peps can email me directly at my friend is lookin for gals to talk to and just hang out that have turners she lives in arizona

kelly's picture

i never new that there was

i never new that there was differnts ts how do you know the dristfts

Anonymous's picture


i want to know what happen to one who has thid disorder if u dont mind telling me

Anonymous7j3w's picture

Before you marry, please tell the man

1. By having this condition (Turner's Syndrome), by never stating this to a man (myself) that she became married to until after the wedding because "I was afraid that, if I told you, you'd break the engagement and I didn't want you to do that" and by reaching an agreement with the man during the engagement to have and raise two or three children, the marriage that this lady entered was nullified (no divorcement) at the request of the man she was married to.

2. The man (myself) chose to introduce himself to the lady and treat her with respect after hearing four different people speak to her one on one with each closing with a remark about her short stature. (Granted, two of the four remarks were at least comical.)

Anonymous's picture

ts project

i am doing a project on TS and i was just wondering is it sex linked?
and if it is dom or rec os is it caused by a mutation?

I.N.'s picture

Turner syndrome

The Turner syndrome is the result of lacking some genes present of the short arm of the X chromosome. The risk factors that predispose persons to develop this syndrome are still unknown.

peaches's picture

i had a q

i know this sounds really messed up and may be the dumbest question ever but is there anyway that a girl that has ts and odviously dosnt have her period is there anyway that she could be pregnant at all

anonymous's picture

And a technique called in

And a technique called in vitro fertilization can make it possible for SOME women with Turner syndrome to become pregnant. A donor egg can be used to create an embryo, which is then put into the uterus (womb) of the woman with Turner syndrome. With proper supportive care, the woman can carry the pregnancy to term and deliver a baby through the normal birth process.

Anonymous's picture

It is not possible for a girl

It is not possible for a girl to get pregnant and have a child is she is unable to mesturate because she will be unable to produce egg(since mensturation is the cycle of the making of egg and the dying of it if the sperm cannot reach it).
Most women with TS are unable to fertalize.

p.s- its not really a dunb question :P

Hope it helped!

Anonymous's picture

my daughter has ts. she is 14

Hi! I just wish someone can help me understand how to help my daughter make friends. I have family friends who know about her ts but don't really know how to deal with it. She does behave immature, she is beautiful, loving, caring but does not understand how to socialize with kids her own age. She has been bullied all of grade school and now highschool. I feel like not even the principal is very understanding or caring. It is so sad, she just said to me, "Mom I just one friend who i can share everything with, just one friend." It just kills me, i dont know how to help her. Any advice please and thank you.