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Sleep Paralysis: Awake But Still Asleep

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Biology 202
2000 First Web Report
On Serendip

Sleep Paralysis: Awake But Still Asleep

Hiro Takahashi

A person may wake up and find himself unable to move or speak as if he is frozen. He also may hear footsteps, see a ghost-like creature, or feel someone sitting on his chest. Throughout the history, people considered this phenomenon as work done by evil spirits. However, the modern science can explain the terrifying event as a Sleep Paralysis.

A Sleep Paralysis is possibly a hereditary disorder in which one experiences very frightening seconds or minutes of total body paralysis with little respiration and eye movements (1). A victim in this state feels awake, but he cannot move or speak (2). In addition to the immobility, the common symptoms include feeling choked or suffocated, hearing strange noises like footsteps and voices, seeing beings or dark shadows, and feeling an existance of someone in the room (1). Although these symptoms often direct the victims to believe in ghosts, mistransmission of neural signals in the brain causes Sleep Paralysis. When a person sleeps, his brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle contraction (3). If he comes into consciousness before the brain sends signals to activate muscle contraction, he cannot move his body, and consequently, become "paralyzed"(2).

In order to understand how a body becomes paralyzed while the person is awake, it is necessary to understand sleep cycles. In a mammalian sleep, the brain activity undergoes two different states called non-REM (NREM) sleep and REM sleep, which differ very much from wakefulness (3). NREM and REM sleep alternate cyclically through the night; in human, about 80 minutes of NREM sleep starts a night of sleep, about 10 minutes of REM sleep follows, and this 90 minute cycle is repeated about 3 to 6 times during the night (3). During NREM sleep, a body produces few movement, but the body has capability of tossing about in bed and producing some other motor events, such as sleepwalking and sleeptalking (3). The cardiac-muscle contraction and breathing occur at a uniform rate, and the eyes move slowly (2). During REM sleep, on the other hand, heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure vary (3). The eyes move rapidly because most dreaming takes place in this period, and the sleeper probably "look" at the moving objects in a dream (2).

The brain's control over muscles during REM sleep points out that in this period, a body is normally in the state of total paralysis, called a "nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis" (3). Probably to prevent a person from "acting out" a dream, the brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle contractions (2). Although some peripheral muscles, such as the muscles of the fingers and face, still twitch, the large skeletal muscles become relaxed, or "paralyzed" as a result (3). Some evidence supports that the motor paralysis of REM sleep protect against the acting out of one's dreams. A patient who suffers from rare syndrome called REM Sleep Behavior Disorder lacks the normal nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis, and he acts out violent dreams during REM sleep, often with injurious consequences (4). For example, a 60-year-old surgeon dreamt that he was attacked "by criminals, terrorists, and monsters who always tried to kill [him]" and fighting against them in the nightmare, he was actually punching and kicking his wife who slept in the same bed (4).

A nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis during REM sleep is accomplished actively by postsynaptic inhibition of motorneurons (3). Although the exact process of motor inhibition is not clear, some neurotransmitters and hormones are known to generate the many components of REM sleep. Aministering physostigmine, an inhibitor of the catabolic enzyme, increases the concentration of acetylcholine within the neurons in the pons, making it possible to artificially generate and start REM sleep in the middle of NREM sleep (3). Carbachol, the cholinergic agonist, produces a period of REM sleep in cat when directly injected into the pontine tegmentum (3). The hormone melatonin, a "master hormone" (5) that mainly controls circadian rhythms, also seems to play an important role in enhancing the REM state; the level of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland reaches its lowest during REM sleep (5). Such neurotransmitters and hormones probably activate or inhibit the activity of second messengers, which then activate or inhibit the third messengers, and so on till the last messenger inhibit the synaptic transmission or cause hyperpolarization of the motorneurons. And if, for some reason, the nervous or endocrine system continues to release the neural inhibitors, a person may experience Sleep Paralysis as he enters awakefully into or awakens directly from REM period (2).

While the modern neuroscience can describe the state of Sleep Paralysis as some errors of the neural transmission in the brain during REM sleep, a person who has seen or heard ghost-like figures/voices may easily believe that eveil spirits fully controlled his entire body. However, the images or noises, which the victim believes that he has seen or heard, are most likely hallucinations; and hallucinations, too, can result from the brain activity. In the 1960's, the Canadian neurologist W. Penfield introduced that electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe can cause the auditory hallucinations in the wake state (5). The buzzing or ringing sounds in the ears and other auditory hallucinations are closely associated with the activity of the auditory cortex and involves the temporal lobe (5). During the early period of sleep paralysis, the activity of the temporal lobe increases significantly, sometimes inducing hallucinatory sense (5). Similarly, the visual cortex generates internal visual stimuli, causing the victim to "see" terrifying figures during the paralysis (5).

How an episode of Sleep Paralysis induces visual or auditory hallucinations is still not clear, but it seems to have a significant relationship with anxiety (5). For anxiety is a neurocognitive event closely related to both psychological and physical processes, the extreme anxiety or panic may cause the release of several different signal molecules that trigger all kinds of physical events (5). A person experiencing Sleep Paralysis feels mortal fear or extreme panic, and hence, the brain generates and releases internal visual or auditory stimuli, producing hallucinations.

Also, hallucinations during Sleep Paralysis may happen, for one keeps dreaming even after some parts of his brain wakes up directly from REM sleep. Since the nervous and endocrine systems continue to release the neural inhibitors which sustain the paralysis, it may be possible that those systems keep releasing the neural activators that stimulate dreaming. Thus, a person continues to "see" the images and "hear" the noises produced in the dream that he has just had in REM sleep from which he has awaken.

Understanding more neural concepts of Sleep Paralysis, some researchers now hypothesize that a very rare condition called Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUNDS) may closely relate to Sleep Paralysis (1). Upon the death, a SUNDS victim produces no body movement even though he experiences a myocardial infarction and strong breathing difficulties and should straggle in agony (5). The death may be caused by the extreme muscle atonia during Sleep Paralysis, which is so severe that even the cardiac muscles and the diaghragm paralyze (5).

Until I started researching on this subject, I have believed that the total paralysis of a body is due to an evil taking absolute control over the body. However, the interactions between neurons in the brain can explain this seemingly mysterious phenomenon in a scientific way. Although the explanation is not complete yet, for there are many unclear processes about Sleep Paralysis, the current hypothesis appears to reject the possibility of ghosts on this matter. Of course, it is impossible to completely disprove the existence of "spirits", "minds", or "God" affecting one's behavior. Nevertheless, like Sleep Paralysis and SUNDS, many or the mysterious conditions and behaviors which are only explained in supernatural terms probably result from brain.

WWW Sources

1)The Evil's of Sleep Paralysis

2)The Body During Sleep

3)Basics of Sleep Behavior

4)REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Neurologic Dissociative Sleep Disorder

5)Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis



Comments made prior to 2007

I have been trying to figure out what was going on in my sleep untill i read this.Now i am happy to know what my body was expeiencing. It's quite scary your first couple experiences of sleep paralysis but now i'm gonna stay calm when it is happening to me and try to get my own understanding of the experience ... Jeremy, 21 March 2006


I have had sleep paralyisis at least once per month for the last 8 years. I am 29 as of this writing. I just had the experience about 1 hour ago and thus has caused me to do reasearch about it on the net. I noticed that many Dr.'s contribute this to anxiety, stress and other factors. My question is ... why is there always an evil presence in that concious yet body is still asleep phase? Today I heard a loud static sound, and opened my eyes to a spider crawling all over my arm. When I prayed to God, or said His name (Jehovah) the spider would start to disappear. I finally went thru my mental prayer when I awoke. This leads me to believe that it is more of a spiritual occurence, because I never have positive images while in this paralized state. I know there are many things in which our ancestors thought it was demonic rather than scientific, only to find there was a scientific explanation. However, I think this is different and cannot be simply written off as "scientific". There is not enough proof to show that it is scientific.

About a month ago I had another episode of sleep paralysis and I saw a small presence in the room with me. It was dark, and I could not see it's face (I am getting chills typing about it right now). My question is, why is there always an evil presence not only associated with my episodes, but so many others I have read about? ... Abel, 24 August 2006 


i was thinking it is evil who do that during night but now i find out why. I am suffering from sleep paralyze possibly every nigh spicily when i have dinar ... Salah Nasser, 28 January 2007


I used to have this sleeping disorder when I was a child.  It has come back once or twice with adulthood, but otherwise, it is in the past.  I used to, with great effort, move my hand to my face and pull an eye open, which would wake me up, but sometimes the struggle was too much and I would go on into a deeper sleep. 

Since the brain can do this to me, can it also cause me to get migraines just as I am about to wake up?

It seems, as I have discovered, if I get less than 4 hours sleep a night, I do not get migraines.  If I get 6 hours or more, it's about a 90% chance I will wake with a migraine.  Later in the day, I get an hour or two nap and that is the routine as it works.  Doctors just sort of treat the migraine and don't get into the sleep thing I have.  I take MaxAult for the migraines when they do get me.

I woke one time, and just as I woke, I felt this white-hot needle going into my head... bingo.  A migraine in 5 seconds.  That is how they can occur.  I wake with them otherwise.  I figure it my brain doing things it shouldn't.  I have a clean bill of health otherwise.

Thanks for your time.  Have a good day ... Jay, 11 February 2007


I have a question, and hope someone out there has an answer, it has been months and I have thus far failed to find one.  Has there ever been a record of anyone receiving the effects of sleep paralysis without having been asleep?  The reason I ask this, is a while ago, having not slept in a few hours, I was sitting at my computer, and it seemed to have happened to me. Within seconds I was too tired to hold up my own head, and my breathing got very difficult. Then I began to feel a sort of dizziness as my limbs lost feeling, and dropped to my side. after this, the dizziness turned to near blindness. I could see, but nothing would focus, and everything I tried to look at seemed to dart around like a mosquito. By this time I had no feeling in my entire body, could move nothing without quite a bit of concentration, and I could barely breath.  My mother heard me try and make out some kind of cry for help, and found me there spilled into my computer chair. She rolled me to my bed, and poured me into it. Within about 10-15 minutes I had regained everything I once had, but my sea legs did not ware off for another ten or so minutes.  I went to the emergency soon after. I had an E.K.G. and a C.A.T. scan, with no results, and I piss less in a week then the amount of blood they took that night. After basically telling me I was lying, the doctor told me that my symptoms did not fit anything at all.  What I do know, is I have been researching the issue ever since, and can only base my problem on Sleep Paralysis. All the symptoms match. And again, my question....Has there ever been a record of someone under the effects of sleep paralysis without ever having gone to sleep?  I hope you can shed some sort of light on this subject, as it,...well, it freaked me the hell out, and no one has been able to answer me!  Thank you for your time ... Mitchel Henderson, 7 December 2007


I used get this "evil paralysed me" feeling when i was paralysed and usually saw a ghost. i tried to shout or move but no sound escaped my mouth and couldn't move at all. it happened again yesterday and was almost convinced that ghosts/evil spirits were getting the better of me. But, me being a practical and logical guy, erjected this theory and started researching on this phenomenon. I came across this research paper on Sleep Paralysis. This greatly helped me in alleviating my fears. And next time i "see" a ghost during sleep paralyses, ill just laugh at it ;-)  Thanks for the research ... Siddarth, 10 December 2007 


mark willoughby's picture

evil spirits/sleep paralisis

my name is mark i have expierenced these activities when i was younger. I am now 30 yrs old. I have been saved for two years now and for the first time since being saved i have expiernced it again . I know for sure this is spiritual I feel and see evil spirts. I cant move or talk. I also see other peoples same activity. I believe the closer you get closer to God the devil wants to attack you.I believe God is preparing me for a deliveriance ministry. Continue to press in God and seek his face.

Emotional Exhale's picture


Thank you so much for posting your experience. I actually just talked to a good friend on yesterday who suffered from this type of experience. I have dealt with it for the past 10years. My good friend told me that I need to release or forgive someone or situation that has happened in my past. She told me to ask for God to reveal to me what was bothering me and not allowing me to sleep. For years I didn't know what or why it was happening. But today I can tell you that I know exactly when it started. I must release and truly forgive so that I may be set free from this bondage. I was given a scripture also it proverbs 3: 24-26 and it speaks about sleep. I know this was it, I would say the scriptures before I go to bed and I was fine. I even would place the Bible in the bed with me because I wanted to put the demon spirit on notice of who was with me and who would protect me. I am claiming victory over this because I believe it's spiritual also. When you do get closer to God that when evil wants to seperate you. We all know and sing "I won't let nothing seperate me from my God" Well tonight I will be releasing my situation, praying and asking God to release me from this. I will also repeat those words "In Jesus Name I pray" May God continue to bless you and your family missladie. Our God is stronger, He is a healer and He is Awesome! Peace....

happimaru's picture

reply to Release

Amen to that. And thank you SO much for that very verse. I just had it yesterday and u know what? i expected it to come. I've had it happen to me at least 6 or 7 times this past year--and I started to see a pattern. All the times that I have experienced it was when I was distinct from God - when I pushed him away and dwelled in my anger, unforgiveness,worrying, etc..
Recently, I have to be honest I've been dealing with a situation and the anger, anxiety, etc arose again. So i knew the SP was coming sooner or later, and I was right! SP happened to me yesterday. The difference between yesterday and all the other time was that I wasn't as afraid instead I prayed and confessed my sinful (bad) my words, thoughts, and actions that I have been holding on to.

Anyway, after I awoke I knew that God held me accountable to something wrong that I did. I also knew that if I was righteous before Him I would have peace. With a scary thing like SP that is NOT peace lol. So I was trying to find that very verse that you just stated yesterday and couldn't find it instead I just read Pslams 119 which also helped.

Thank You!

missladie's picture

Hello, I hope you are well,

Hello, I hope you are well, thank you for posting your experience and for telling me about proverbs 3 24-26. " if you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wiked, when it comes, for the lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught". God bless you and your family :) the lord is good, our savior and redeemer. I must add, today wasn't a very great day for me so I came home and slept for an hour I woke up and felt a little sadness so I began to pray and reach out to god, I told him to hug me and that I needed to feel his love. I immediately began to tear up and felt warm like fire raining down from my head to my chest, and felt the holy spirit. I then felt all the sadness go away. God is wonderful, he will always be there to love you and heal you. Much love n blessings may the lord continue to bless you :)

New Yorker's picture

Just happened few mins ago..

First let me say I'm so glad I found this site, I seriously thought I was the only one going through this. Well it happened just a few minutes ago, and when I broke loose out of it. I told myself, I must find answers, or some sort of explaination, so I came here to share my story.

I'm 30 years old and this has been happening to me for about 12 years now (on & off) and for 12 I've been so confused, at 1 point I thought it was Aliens (silly me I know) then I convinced myself it was spirits.

I've told a few people about it and they just laugh it off. 1 person told me not to worry about it because it was "a good spirit trying to tell me or show me something" if it was a good spirirt why do these encounters feel SO DAMN EVIL and SCARY... I'm laying in bed stiff as a rock and can't open my eyes. I hear strange noises.. and I feel some sort of presence in front of my face. As much as I try to open my eyes I can't, BUT... there are times when I don't wanna open them because I'm afraid of what I'll see.

Why are these encounters so damn scary.. after 12 yrs I've gotten use to them, TO THE POINT WHERE I CAN PREDICT IT COMING BEFORE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS. And as always, it comes right as I'm trying to fall asleep. What I also notice, the more you think about it, the more encounters you get.

My message to ALL, you are not alone.

Serendip Visitor's picture

This sounds exactley the same

This sounds exactley the same as what im goin throught except its only been happening to me for the last 6 months but neally everynight and its totally freaking me out!! Its just happened half an hour ago and now im to scared to go back to sleep! And your right the more i think about it the more it happens and i always know when its goin to happen its like i feel something in the room with me and then something touching me or squashing me annd i cant monve a muscle and feel heavy breathing or a ringing noise in my ear sometimes it feels like someones just lead at the side of me i feel the bed move!! I found this site quite helpful but to be honest it hasnt helped one bit because its terrifying

Serendip Visitor's picture

Has Anyone Woke Up Floating?

I have experienced sleep paralysis on a few occasions, entirely in my adult years. I usually wake to a loud electric buzzing in my ears that is overpowering. The noise and pressure feels like it will blow my eardrums out of my head. Several years ago this happened and I awoke to find myself looking through the ceiling at the stars, when I looked down I could see myself on the bed staring back at me. I was literally stuck--as in a cross section--of the ceiling. Looking to the sides I could see the cross section of drywall and wood rafters. Of course I was completely freaked out and panicked. I was stuck for what seemed an eternity. When I finally woke up I was able to move and the sound was gone.

I had another episode a few days ago, this time the buzzing in my ears was there but I was floating in a corner of the room, approximately 6 feet above the floor. There were weird lights outside the windows that looked like the northern lights, pulsing and vibrating in a patterned wave. Again I was paralyzed and could not speak or move. It took me several minutes to wake myself up--and when I came to I got out of bed and walked around the house because I was scared to go back to sleep. In the living room--which is just below my 2nd story bedroom--I looked out the blinds. Outside I could see the strange lights off in the distance. They were there for about 2-3 minutes then slowly disappeared into the night sky.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced an after effect like this. If it was all a hallucination, how could the lights still be there? No one reported any strange lights in the sky...this has me totally freaked out!

Serendip Visitor's picture

I just read your story and

I just read your story and thought id tell you about what i heard the other day. I was talking to my grandad about the times when ive woken up not being able to move and experiencing hallucinations, when he told me about all the times he used to travel out of his body like you. He was saying that he used to trave all around to different places and he had a guide with him everytime it happened. I don't know if this helps at al but i just thought id tell you yu're not alone.

Serendip Visitor's picture

This is the third time this

This is the third time this has happened to me. It only happens when I'm really stressed, so I don't think it has anything to do with evil. I was having this strange dream about demons, monsters, evil spirits, haunted houses, ect. . and I felt like I was possessed by one. I remember waking up but my whole body was tingling. I didn't panic, I just started praying and went back to sleep, but I could feel myself wresting with something. I wasn't scared. The weird thing was, is before it happened I had woken up around 4 am and heard something move on my bed, but I just figured I was tired and sleep deprived. My only advice is to not panic and learn how to deal with the stressors in your life.

Laura Suarez's picture

I have had this happened to me before

I have had this happened to me the first time was when i was thirteen and the second time was when i was 3 months pregnant recently this year I am twenty one and this has happened to me a lot every time I take a nap i feel like my soul/spirit is coming out of my body and my body malfunctions all i feel that i have is my brain and soul it's very scary when your away from your body for a long time because you feel like your lost and you need to get back but once you try to get back to your body it feel so difficult to get back in like there is a code or a lock you have to break and once you do get in your heart beats fast and you feel like you need to catch air.

Patrick's picture

The most terrifying moment in my life

So, this happened to me last night and thank God there's a rational explanation for this. I'm under a great deal of stress right now, having just found out that the only real girlfriend I ever had is now engaged I went on a drinking/drug binge. I'm under a great deal of stress at school and I'm trying to pull my life back together. I guess it hasn't helped that I've been watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas repeatedly as of late either.

I guess what brought the experience to the intense level that it was at was that (for some reason) I hadn't slept the night before and I was now awake again (at about 2:00 a.m.) reading some intense horror. I already knew that I was going to have trouble going to sleep again because of that, but I had just read one particular story that convinced me to try. (As it was a story about a military experiment wherein 5 subjects were kept awake for 10 days straight using some type of gas which drove them completely insane.) I had also starting reading "The King in Yellow", a collection of short stories which happens to be H.P. Lovecraft's major inspiration.

Anyways, lying down to finally go to sleep I had images in my head of a Siberian Husky with an evil smile, shadows outside of my window, the walls bleeding, etc. Obviously I haven't been having the greatest couple of days.

Then it happened. My back began to tingle, like it does when you get chills from watching something scary. But it got worse, the whispers began. I was starting to get a little scared at this moment, but I rode it off as nothing more than my head creating some sort of delusion and that I was perfectly fine.

But the whispers started to get louder and louder. The tingling in my back became worse and worse until I could hardly breathe. And finally all was quiet, but the tingling remained. I wish I could really make you understand how intense it was, it was like taking that horror movie chill, multiplying it by a thousand and having it last for what seemed like hours on end.

Then there was a loud bloodying scream, "HE COMES!" It was then I saw it, moving out of the wall. It looked human, but it had several mouths and it was all white, with eyes all over it's head, black like a spiders. It's mouths spoke a language that I did not understand and they spoke fast. . . all of them a different language. It stopped abruptly and began to speak what I think was English, in a high pitched squeal. It reached for me. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. I could hardly breathe. With all my might I struggled to crawl to the edge of the bed, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get off the bed.

I clenched myself tight, the tingling becoming a wave of what I could only describe as true horror and terror holding me in it's grip. Holding myself, preparing for whatever was to come the creature speaking faster and faster. I told myself, "Be brave, be brave, jump for the light, it's the only hope."

And then it was over. And I immediately opened my laptop to give light. Amazingly enough I managed to get to sleep about 2 hours later (it was 5:32 when I woke out of that nightmare) and woke up at about 10. I'm very tired right now, but I'm waiting for a friend to return from the airport so I can give him his house keys before I can go to sleep.

Really, thank God for this explanation. I spent the entire day thinking I was going completely insane. And really, I'm going to get my sleep schedule back in order.

Sanjiv Nambiar's picture

Noise during Sleep

I am told that I scream loudly when I am fast asleep which awakens everybody and after that I act as if chewing something very hard non stop.Though I am forced to wake up and my eyes wide open I can not recall anything of the previous day or anything about my family or background. Then I speak all nonsense without any meaning or link.This goes on for 1 hour.

And the next day I can not recall anything that has happened and my family members seems totally in a frighten stage as they are worried that I can be violent some time.

Please tell me the reason behind this and does it affect my health in any case or Will i ever harm under the absence of Consciousness ???

Please help with your reply on my mail ID please

ToryLiz's picture

Ok so most of this fits me to

Ok so most of this fits me to a T. I was so relieved when I read through all of this since I thought I was going crazy and that I was just having nightmares and hallucinations. But two things don't really match up. First is that I know I'm not totally awake when it happens. I realize that it's not a real experience instead of having it feel like reality. I looked it up and it's called lucid dreaming but it's usually associated with positive dreams and having control. The paralysis sort of inhibits the control so I feel totally helpless. The second is that instead of an ominous presence my "dreams" always have a unified identifiable and recognizable character. He often recurs but sometimes it's a different and still specific image. THey always talk to me in reasonable and terrifying ways and know intimate details about specific phobias and problems in my life. Is it something else or is the sleep paralysis responsible for the eerie nightmare characters? And more do I make him go away?

Serendip Visitor's picture

So I'm Hmong and we believe

So I'm Hmong and we believe in a lot of spirits. Everything has spirits...And something like this usually occurs to us when we wander around unfamiliar places (away from your own house/lawn) such as the park, walking home from school, anywhere). What my parents told me is that when one walks around sad or alone, lonely, angry, or stressed out, there are wandering spirits who follow you home because they can see that you're feeling depressed/stressed, etc. Sometimes, they even "fall in love" with you. So at night, they will sit on you (for whatever reason, I have no idea--they just sit on you...) Right before this happens, you'll hearing a ringing noise. During the process, you won't be able to move at all although you feel that you are. What works for me is wiggling one finger. If you can get one finger to wiggle, then you can break free. Some people have seen faces smiling back, etc, but I've never.
My first time experiencing this was after my uncle came over and told us about it. I said that I didn't believe in that, and he said "Don't say that out loud. They will hear you." Sure enough, later that night, I got "sat on." I slept in the basement alone. It's really dark and cold down there. Right before it happened, instead of hearing the usual ringing noise, I heard the "Auuuuuuuuu" (the scary-ass sound from the movie, THE GRUDGE--it's like a scratching low scream)...then it suddenly happened. I tried opening my eyes, and I swear I saw a bright yellow-orange light in the corner...I don't know if that was its eyes or not, but there is a lamp in that corner of the room which was off. I kicked and kicked and finally broke loose and ran upstairs to my mom and dad. My mom told me not to worry about it, but she went downstairs and put a broom down there and a charm on my pillow. (Brooms supposedly scare spirits away because it sweeps things off). My mom also told me to keep a teddy bear (preferably a dog) on my bed as spirits cannot tell the difference between real ones and not. Ever since then, it had stopped.
Usually when I think of it, it happens. I'm not so scared anymore, but it's still odd.
I've heard that if you don't fight it off, you could become possessed. But I don't know.
It's up to you.

Samuel Oh's picture

Korean Gwishin

That's freaky man. A couple months ago, I had almost the same experience you did. Right before I went to sleep I had this weird gut feeling that something was wrong in my room. I turned all the lights off, and right when I was about to go to sleep I saw the lights from my digital alarm clock shift slightly. I was really tired so I thought I was just seeing things. I went to sleep, but woke up about 15 minutes later in a paralyzed state. I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or not, but I heard that same grudge noise, though it was a little different like it was combined with the sound of scraping metal/chalkboard. I even saw the grudge girl's face hovering above mine, with the hair flying around and all. But her face was really vague and pale. I saw the outline of the face and dark eyes, but a mouth that almost looked sewn together. I woke up out of it by throwing my arm over the side of the bed. I'm Korean so Gwishin is a big part of out horror culture. (Gwishin = The typical grudge looking teenage girl with pale white/blue skin, very long hair, and white death robe.) Search up kwishin in google images and the first image basically depicted what happened.

jaime's picture

it happens before i fall asleep

For me its a little hard to explain. From what I read on this its when people are already asleep is when SP hits them. For me it happens right before I fall asleep or right in the middle when I'm awake and on verge of falling asleep. It started around the age of 21 at first. I freaked and ctryed to scream and yell but couldn't. But after the first time it wasn't bad I felt weightlessness and can see my room(not clearly it was shadow like) and move freely through maybe even out further almost felt like I could fly. This happen randomly I can go months without an episode then have it happen 3 or more times a week. then I saw was some one or something very tall and lanky I didn't notice it at first but it seemed be crouching in my hotel room then when I saw it it stood up. That has only happened once. I never felt that scared in my entire life. I like some of the other people I feel as if I'm not alone when it happens I try to wake myself then I eventually do. But sometimes I " let myself go" and let my conciousness fall deeper into where ever it goes but with the same result I hear and see frighting things and I force my self to come out of it. So why does this happen right before I fall asleep

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi - I'm the one that posted below (SP and Other Phenomena).

It can and does happen when you are nodding off. You don't have to be already asleep. It can affect you when you're falling asleep or waking up. Changes going on in the brain (leaving one stage and entering another), chemical stuff.

Sleep on your back. Also, try to visualize, during the day, telling this thing to get lost if you see it again. I've learned (and others did so as well when I told them) to get rid of things approaching me in nightmares or during SP by using a code word and telling them to go. It works - just might take a couple of tries. Good luck.

LeeAnn 's picture

My first experience with this

I was 13 when it happened to me. I couldn't move or speak, and I was home alone. I couldn't understand what was going on, and I was so scared. After that, it happened multiple times. I'm just glad to know what it was and I haven't had it happen to me anymore.

lex larson's picture

Alright this has happened to

Alright this has happened to me twice the second time happened last night but only once and only slightly.. hovever my first experience a month or so ago was the most intense thing i ever knew could happen. first off i went to bed normally and a loud ringing noise took over my ears. i had the tv on to counteract it but it pretty much deafened me it felt like my eyes were rolling to the back of my head and i couldnt move.. the only way i could snap myself out of it was to just jerk my body. like if i thought about moving i couldnt but if i just did it worked. now it only worked for like 5 mins and i would slip right back into the same state.. now for my hallucinations there was nothing scary about them. it was frightening from the feeling of being overwhelmed but my girlfriend was standing by my door and talking to me and i could just look at her i couldnt talk then i woke myself up and when i slipped back it she was next to my bedshe made me feel comfortable and i snapped myself out of it and she was laying next to me then it changed like almost completely. like in my "dream" (i say this because it felt like i was awake but dreaming while i was awake) she had her arm over me and i couldnt move just that part of my body but still my legs. however when i snapped out of it i couldnt move at all but it was completely different from the other times. It even went as far as sexual relations. like i spent an entire night with her.. another thing that i see thats different is that i could feel what was going on it was like a numb feeling though like if you sit on you foot for too long but it still felt as if she was breathing on my neck and kissing me etc...

this went on for around 8 hours and was scary as hell
im 18 years old and have a history of depression and anxiety SP is the closest thing that i could find to my experience. however from reading about what other have had happen im not sure its the same. also my other symptom from my SP are when it first starts happening my eyes flutter and i cant see anything.

unknown chick's picture

This has happen to me 2 yrs.

This has happen to me 2 yrs. ago in december.....i was jus chillin wit some friends smokin when i was done smokin and went outside i past out it felt like something was squishing me and i cudnt move..... 3 days after thats it started to happen I cudnt sleep like i can b watchin t.v and i b thinkin that the network is talkin to me go to bed look at the wall and i see shadows floating around me i was hearin ppl say my name was scared to go anywhere was scared something was goin to get me cudnt talk cudnt eat cudnt do anything its like when i was tryin to go to sleep ppl would talk to me i would start to cry cuz i dont kno watz b goin on still dont its was also like the t.v was tryin to send me a message to kill myself but basically this all happen when i was awoke cudnt sleep to dream of anything was to scared to close my eyes.....cant forget this had scratches on me all over me..... but yeah thats my story god b with you all......

Serendip Visitor's picture

I am so happy there is an

I am so happy there is an explanation for what has been happening to me. this just happened to me yesterday. It was early in the morning and I felt like I was awake but with my eyes close, couldn't move my body and felt my matress rise up, it was one of the scariest thing I have encountered.Then I heard a very creepy laugh, then I finally was able to move my arm and slowly regain movement throught my body. I really thought it was like haunting of some kind. I thought my room was haunted and couldn't explain to my roommate what was happeing to me and now that she is going home for thanksgiving break I will be all alone for like a week which really freaked me out. But now I know that its okay, that I am just experiencing sleep paralysis....Thanks

angela's picture

I have explained my

I have explained my experiences before on this website. my only return/response was that I needed to get to a church/be blessed or something like that. My dark man has been dosile for a bit. I am thankful. But, not since the last time I was on here. I felt him when he, and I know its male, sniffed me like a dog. I could not move. He was in my right ear, and did what a normal dog would... sniffed me, unable to move the entire time. My own dog, was downstairs in her crate/training cage. It will come to me no mattwe I thought. I started letting my baby girl Huskey dog sleep with us....and have had very lil issues.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Paralysis and Other Phenomena

I just saw this website and thought that I would post my "situation" so that others can read about it and feel better or learn something from it. Many here seem to have some form of sleep paralysis or accompanying issue, so here is my bit. I'm also letting others know this because some of you, like me, may start to encounter additional happenings as you grow older.

I am 42. When I was a teenager (about 14) I talked in my sleep quite a bit. Mumbling or very rapid speech that others said was hard to understand. Sleep paralysis didn't happen until I was in my 20s. I was about 25 and started happening what seemed to be "lucid dreams" - you know, you appear to be dreaming but can see the room and the ceiling. In many cases, I also got that feeling that something (that I couldn't see) was approaching. Gradually (and you can do this, too), I learned to visualize a code word (for example, "god") that I would say in the dream and it would get me to wake up. Otherwise, I found that I might spend a couple of minutes trying to wake up, falling back to nighmare land again, and then groggily waking up.

Exploding head syndrome is another occasional problem. And scary. I have gone to bed and jumped straight up from sleep because I could swear that a) someone had just fired a gun outside somewhere b) someone had busted down the front door c) some truck or plane had crashed nearby, etc. It seemed so real that I could not believe it did not happen. Occasionally, too, I will hear someone yell my name or just yell something as I am nodding off. If you have sleep paralysis, you might encounter that as well.

Sleepwalking? 1 time. Witnessed by someone who asked where I was going and I replied that I had had it with monsters. They coaxed me away from the stairs - yes, the stairs near the bedroom door - and were able to get me back in bed. I didn't remember any of it when I woke up.

Do not sleep on your back, as most of you know. But it can still happen anyway. I will never sleep on my back - haven't in years. But am a side sleeper and although it prevents me from getting sleep paralysis, the following is happening (at least 6 times so far this year): I wake up, still dreaming, see my room and that there is something floating or near my bed. So I scream out loud. I wake myself up, screaming. Within seconds, I realize what is happening and feel ridiculous, of course.

The other thing that might help others. Sleep paralysis was always worse for me, for some reason, when I tried to take a nap in the afternoon. Or slept in late in the morning and just kept on waking up and going back to sleep. If you take a nap in the afternoon, especially, never sleep on your back.

There is a research center in Canada that has an online survey - can't remember the name of the college. But they have a detailed questionnaire and also had me one time take a quick test (motion related) with a blinking set of numbers or items in the center. No idea what it was supposed to measure. Google Canada and sleep paralysis center or some such and you might find their website (they also had info on it, I believe).

At any rate, I feel for all of you. It's not fun. The primarily reason I posted, though, is that you may (like me) start to experience changes in the nature of it as you get older. For example, I began simply sleeptalking and didn't experience sleep paralysis until I was in my mid 20s. Then the other things happened. Good luck.

Jamie Anderson's picture

Was it sleep paralysis?

I was sleeping at my girlfriends and it was only me in the house with her, and i heard someone shrieking up the stairs... but my body completly tensed up! like my body went brick hard then released!! it was a terrifying experience, was it sleep paralysis or something else!? i dont believe in ghosts or anything but was some freaky motherf@*^*&%£ like!!

alex's picture

Sleep paralysis or the real thang?

I have spleep paralysis, a couple of times. I knew that way before I read this article, because of my own logical conclusion upon past experiences. However, there have been two times that I can assure you that it wasn't sleep paralysis.

1. First example is while I was sleeping, and suddenly I felt like my bed was literally jumping. I woke up and, my bed was in fact, jumping! If anyone have seen the movie- the excorsist- they'd know whaT im talking about. I end up sleepin with my brother. I fuckin left my room

2. The second example is when I woke up and saw this little kid just outside my room, I was fully awake, yet paralyzed. The reason why I know this wasn't an sleep paralysis, is because I have experience that before and this time, was different. YOU DAMN KNOW WHEN YOU ARE FULLY AWAKE AND HALF-AWAKE!

the little kid disappear and I turned on my lights, after that I went back to sleep.

This have been some situations where scinece have not been able to explain.

My personal conclusion is that, there are other dimensions and specially other enteties that are no-human fuckin with us.... AND IT IS TIME TO FUCKIN REALIZE THIS AND NO DENY IT!

Serendip Visitor's picture

In regards to your "other entities"

I'm doing a research project on Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis (RISP):
Your examples may seem real but they may just be factors of RISP.
Your first example though seems a bit odd, however, you can have a co-morbid diagnosis with another sleep disorder. RISP is often caused by sleep deprivation, stress and has been known to be correlated to hereditary inheritance. If you indeed suffer from RISP then you possibly fit all these conditions: a lot of parasomnias also have these conditions as causes for disorders. You could have disoriented arousal disorder (DAD) which is a NREM disorder. If thats the case it makes sense that your entire sleep cycle is messed up both in REM (RISP) and in NREM (DAD). If thats the case then it explains both your examples: in the first one with DAD. The second one is obviously RISP, you suffered from a hypnagogic hallucination which can often be very scary. Hallucinations include olfactory, tactile and auditory sensations--you can open your eyes during an episode and you probably "saw" the kid turn on the lights. RISP episode are also accompanied by extreme terror, fear and paranoia--upon full awakening you probably associated the hallucinations and paranoia to the actual existence of the child-entity.

I'm not entirely discrediting your theory on "other entities" but considering the context of this website (Sleep disorders) your experiences comply with both disorders. Its not unheard of to suffer from multiple sleep disorders.

Dont stress too much, get enough sleep (8.4 hrs is ideal) and have a set schedule of sleep to prevent future experiences.


Serendip Visitor's picture

I have this all the time. I

I have this all the time. I either don't sleep very well, or this happens. It feels like a deep deep sleep that my body won't allow me to come out of. And I always dream during this type of sleep. Very vivid dreams. It can last almost 10 - 20 minutes or more. It can be scary. I am not able to move or open my eyes. So I can't see anything, but I can hear things but it takes awhile for my brain to process what I hear. It wears off extremely slowly. My breathing remains even, sometimes I do feel a little suffocated but I think it's just because I am paralyzed and it freaks me out.

Amy Smyth's picture

waking up and body still asleep

Im really glad a found this page with people having these experiences like me. mine started when i was a kid im 29 now. id suddenly wake from a bad dream to find my eyes are open but i cant move my body or mouth to talk. they are so frighting. i used to have about 4 or 5 a month now i have at least 4 or 5 a week. at first i used to feel myself rise from the bed or see faces coming from the wall or hear noises or feel someone breath on me if i feel asleep watching TV I could see the TV and what was on it or my surroundings as they were when i fell asleep. I have these bout day and night recently i had one while i feel asleep on sofa during the day. it was like i woke up and couldn't move but could see the telly and my daughter asleep in her pram and then something grabbed my leg and tried to pull me off the sofa and now each time i have them i find it hard to breath like im been suffercated and there is a something in my room even if my partner is in bed beside me or not im still frighten. im starting to get really scared and dont want to sleep incase i dont wake up. can anybody help me please im getting depressed and very moody because of this and the fact i dont go to bed till about 2 or 3am and i get up at 7am to try stay awake for as long as i can.

Neil savage's picture

Hey i live in the Uk and

Hey i live in the Uk and suffered with this for years and tonight i had another, i wake up n cant move a finger, cant talk or make a sound but i dont see or here anythink all i now is i dont like the look of The darkness, ive now learnt before coming on bere the best way to deal with it is to stay calm and go back to sleep. The first time it happened i was too scared to sleep incase i died, i kept calling for my mom or dad but noone could here my voiceless screems for help, anyways best advice is dont panic and go back to sleep its all i can do to help it, neil 21 from bham on the 15 dec 2010

Em's picture

Freaked out about what happened to me this morning!!

For the first time I experienced this. Im not sure if it has to do with me not sleeping so well for the past two night but im scared to go to sleep tonight. I went to bed around 4:30 in the morning and woke up at 8. I was hung over and not feeling so well and was very tired so i decided to go back to sleep. Than all of a sudden i felt like i was asleep and awake at the same time. My body began shaking and i saw my fiances face infront of me and than i felt him laying next to me and rubbing my side and said im here baby. I wad so scared because he's in jail and after readying up about it being spiritual i thought something bad happened. To. Him. And i was trying so hard just to sit up and i thought i was. Paralized and i was trying to scream for my grandma but nothing would come out and i remembered my door was locked so i starting freaking outthinking i was going to die or something. Why was i seeing and feeling my fiances presence. When hesstill here. Now thinking about it i remember 5 years back i was closing my eyes and i think i was goi.g into a dream and i saw myself in a casket. And my aim profile said rip and my dad died a few days after that. Im terrified what's wrong with me?!

Puneet's picture

My experience with SP

I woke up today 6 in d evening in my room upstairs. I could hear the routine sounds of the neighbour's t.v and my mom talking to someone downstairs..i grabbed my phone and decided to go downstairs for a cup of tea..but i couldnt reach the door lock..i felt a strong pressure on my chest and much so i couldnt cry for help..i tried and tried but the force was strong..i almost gaspd for felt like some supernatural force was present and doing that to me..Then suddenly i woke up and found myself lying on the bed...i couldnt really tell if what just happened was a dream ..i could still hear d same sounds in my neighbourhood and i could hear my mum was really talking to someone on phn..i was shit scared and quickly got up n unlocked d door fearing that i might not be able to open it u think what i experienced was SP? If yes then how could i c that it was dark in room n hear sounds that were there in real as i saw n heard upon aftr i woke up? confused..scared..was it realy a dream?

Naren's picture

Sleep paralysis/spirit paralysis but i got company here

lol..i thought i am de only 1 whoz suffering 4m dis dis-order. i am happy dat i got company here :p . i gave a thought of doing research in dis n was sure der might be some1 who experiences de same as me during sleep(especially night times) but to my wonder der r many.anyways i am willing to get to de bottom of dis disorder n try n find a solution.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Ok You are more likely to

Ok You are more likely to have sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming or whatever 'dream problem' if your sleep-awake cycle is disturbed. Get into a regime, e.g. waking up at 8 and going to sleep at 10 and you find you have less problems. I also think stress is a trigger or any form of depression, so eliminating those will help too.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I personally do not have any stress nor am i depressed. I have a great GF, which i'm lucky to have. I'm a single father with very helpful children, but yet i have those Evil dreams. I can imagine it is something to do with sleep paralysis, but as the first comment why are they always evil? Why when i pray in my mind or get mad do they begin to go away? I have this every evening since i was a kid and it's never the same. I woke up in absolute pain on my hip, i mean it hurt as if someone stabbed me and i woke up grabbing my hip and felt someone sitting on my bed, next thing i know it's a womans face looking down at me and she asked me "Did it hurt". Freaked me out! Last nights what i believe to be the same lady was standing next to my bed and her face was up to mine and she said something i couldn't understand. I have to tell you i pinched myself as hard as a could to wake up and i have the mark to proof it. So how does this work? Meds? LOL

Serendip Visitor's picture

Ok I had sleep paralysis only

Ok I had sleep paralysis only last night. I was unable to move whilst I was awake. I did not see or hear or sense any evil external subject or whatever. I think people who find themselves in such a position should just close their eyes and go back to sleep as I did.

A C's picture

Ugh im tired of this...

So its 3am here and I just experienced So again... it seems to happen once a month give or take.. this time I'm sleeping with my mom. I guess I pretty stressed about well life hehe so that's what probably led to this. I was sleeping with my back facing my mom then boom it hit me. Suddenly I heard a man voice in my left ear... but I was laying on my left side which was weird. Anyways I am usually able to open my eyes so I did n I looked around unable to move so I panicked! But my breathing was normal but my heart raced on. I knew my mom was still kinda awake so I tried to call out to her but my mouth wouldn't move. So, all I managed to do was squeek. Eventually I just laid for a few more seconds and was able to move. I rolled over n my mom was like "were you having a nightmare?" I was like "why do you ask" n she said because I made a weird noise. So I guess it was real n not a dream sigh... so I prayed to Jehovah but I'm still afraid to go to sleep...

Serendip Visitor's picture

same and ..

theres always science inside of religion unexplicably .. i had the same thing last night i felt like i was startled then wanted to look left but couldnt wanted to scream but couldnt felt there was a presence.. tried to calm down finally made a sound .. and then could turn my head but it was too late...

i think i had a more pleasant experience before when i felt as if someone was kissing me on my lips as if pleasantly and then i woke up with weird feelings thinkin like who tf was that but no one was there although there was a minute of animation where it was incredibly real as if i was sleeping awake with my eyes closed ...

Yamir's picture

Personal experience and advise

I started having sleep paralysis 2 years ago, at the age of 23. I have read every comment on this page and seems that we have different experiences. for me Something started pushing me away from bed, it was like a force, my upper body and my arms would rise up from bed as I was seeing everything was going on but would not feel my body, yes my body was raising from bed and I would not feel it just see with my eyes open what was going on, of course human nature was to try to scream but to myself because my lips would not move, my mouth would not open. After several of these experiences happened as I have a strong personality i was scared at the beginning but after a while I didn't gave a shit....until November 8th 2010 when it happened again and this time, for the first time I saw the face of a woman talking to me on a language I couldn't understand, the face was like faded and speaking with low voice and you could hear static. it was a really nice explanation the scientific tried to do at the beginning about sleep paralysis but does that have to do with a force raising you up from bed and you not feeling anything but seeing that is happening. I have never heard any foot steps, or see any shadows or evil creatures but I do know for a fact that i'm not alone in the room when this is happening, is one of the strongest feelings I have ever felt. As this episodes call very much my attention because is something i would like to dive in to know more i would do everything that is possible to continue having "Sleep Paralysis" to find out more about the unknown 1 by doing research online and 2 by experimenting by myself. As I wish I would be the only one having these experiences because they are awful and as I read I notice more ppl scared if any of you would like to keep eachother updated on whats happening, personally that would help us a lot to have a better understanding and maybe to cease your fears, at the moment so far what I do (regardless of the situation) is to go along with it and see what will I learn from any single one of them so far someone is trying to communicate with me. for those who are scared there is a higher chance to Avoid Sleep Paralysis if you don't lay down with your face up even tho it can still happen but less often (based on my own experience)personally i'm not afraid because now I enjoy it other than being scared. P.S. All I do is lay down with my face up (not recommended) waiting for the next experience. thanks for reading, Yamir

Anna's picture

sleep paralysis

I have had this experience several times in my life and it is always frightening. I don't see ghosts or anything evil; I just can't move or speak. I know that if I am able to move a finger or say a word I will wake up, but it is almost impossible for me to do that. I usually fall back into a deeper sleep and wake up naturally or if someone touches me I can then move and wake up. I had this experience last evening and was trying to move or speak just to wake up. My Papillon must have known something was wrong because he came and started jumping up and down on my chest and patting my face with his paws which woke me up immediately. He's a keeper.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I woke up at 9:46 and I fell

I woke up at 9:46 and I fell asleep at 9:33 am. Just the day before I was scared to go inside my room, just idk, didn't feel like going e in. Then yesterday at night I was resting on my bed, and I felt something behind me (also this past 3 days, I've been actually getting scared, I junp when I see things, and I'm not that type of person).. All that happened and I let it go. Today however I woke up at 6 like always. Then at 9:33 I tried going back to sleep; I was having a dream about a ghost and I was scared, and how it would get close to me but in my dream I pushed it away somehow with my umm ora? The fact is that in a way I pushed away but then when I did, the dream was over and I was awake with eyes shut, my lips were moving but I was completely numb, then my head started shaking, and slowly my finger tips were able to move so in my half awake stage of mind I started pulling my shirt as in to "wake myself up" then all of a sudden I woke up and yelled. Could this all be a stage of sleep paralysis?

Serendip Visitor's picture

same but different

I am 24 and have experienced this many times since i was 20, usually recurring weekly over a 3 month period (roughly) and then don't get it again for 6 months +. It almost always happens as I am falling asleep or if I wake up and doze off again. It's like a tingly sensation all over, combined with a sinking feeling into my bed. When the paralysis sets in, then I am really fighting to regain control of my body. My girlfriend just saw my last episode, I was paralysed and fully aware she was looking at me. I tried to yell and get her to shake me. When i woke she was giggling saying I was mumbling and groaning incoherently. Does anybody else get the tingly sinking into the bed feeling?

Mr. SP's picture

Sleep Paralysis

Ok, so I get this as well, I'm 14 and I have it about once a week. It scares me because sometimes I think that I might not wake up this time. The worst thing about it is that after I have woken up, I am really scared but I can't seem to find the energy to get myself up, so instead I fall asleep again and it continues to effect me.

I tried speaking to my friends about it to see if they had any advice on the matter and if they could help me with my problems because it was really worrying me. After I did this, they weren't understanding, quite the opposite. They began to laugh about it and call me embarrassing names.

I have now got to the point where I am too scared to go to sleep so I just fill my self with energy drinks and hope that I don't fall asleep, it never works and I just end up having the sleep paralysis again. I know that this isn't healthy for me but I don't really have another option because I am so scared.

Would anybody recommend going to the doctors to see if they have anything to help me with my problems.

I was also reading these and it came to my attention that nobody appears to have it as frequently as me, it would be very helpful if you could let me know, do you have it as frequently as me?


B D's picture

Mr. SP

I feel ya. I used to be the same way. I was pretty scared when I was younger. Not so much anymore. When I was younger my sleep paralysis consisted of not being able to move or talk, then I would wake up for school. Playing with it over the years has giving me more then just being paralyzed. I'm not saying I actually came out of my body roamed around and made a sandwich. I have experienced what people call "out of body experience" and "astral projection". Astral Projection was a new word to me couple months ago. I'm kinda on the fence on what to believe base on my experiences with this, guess I'm more of a science believer....the facts, but that can only go so far. They can't explain some of the things I have experienced during SP. What I do believe in is what you have is the start of a something good. A gift or talent, something your laughing friends would probably never experience. There are days when friends, co-workers, and family would ask each other how our weekend was or what did I do over the weekend or last night. They will tell me they saw this movie, ate at this place, or stay home and did nothing. I could honestly reply back with "I flew around my neighbor hood", "around the city" or "went to the moon". But I don't. They have no idea. I would be crazy to reply back with that. I would just flex and tell I went to a gun show. No..I'm joking..lolz. I would literally have the thoughts, feelings, and sight of an out of body experience or astral projection from that previous night. It felt real as your previous day. Real or not...its still an experience like no other.

I'm not trying to make a cult or anything..or point you in a certain direction. If you can break yourself from being frightened and run with it, you will see the better side of it. Good to talk to people that understand....some people just wont get it. email is ....send me one anytime.

For the people having the night terrors with demons and monsters during there sleep paralysis...I couldn't tell you what your are going through. Just some real scary stuff from stories I have read. I yet to have a presents during my sleep paralysis.

ps..I didn't proofread

Serendip Visitor's picture

You should talk to your

You should talk to your doctor about this, and see if they can give you a sleep test to see if you have narcolepsy or something of the sort, since narcolepsy and sleep paralysis are often linked. in which case, it would be treatable. depriving yourself of sleep isn't a good plan though; just get into a regular cycle of sleep, don't sleep on your back, and talk to your doctor as soon as possible. sorry that your friends are jerks. this really is a fascinating phenomena but also scary as hell. i practically have out of body experiences when this happens to me, so don't worry, you aren't alone.

lukescotty's picture

my experience

Only just woke up from one of these things, matches the description of sleeping paralysis (which i've never heard of before) thought i'd look it up straight away instead of trying to get back to sleep and forgetting how I feel in the morning. Firstly I can usually remeber a good chunk of the theme of the dreams I have in the morning. The earliest of this one, is I'm driving in my car as normal, down a familiar road. I'm wearing a hat of some sort, somethings covering it. I check the mirror and see a police car, not through the mirror, as those I had turned round, having full view of the back window. In my head I think nothing of the police car, but as soon as my attention focus's back on the road ahead, I get all panicey, I can't sit on my seat, am really high up, I lower down abit, adjusting to my seat, for some reason I want to remove my hat, am suddenly I'm looking through a mask, I pull my gloves off, hat and ?mask? off and throw them one the passengers seat, this is while the car is moving and wondering whether this police car will stop me? I'm still panicing because I don't know whats ahead because I can't see out the windscreen for some reason, (I switch hazard likes on), and with it being a familiar road, I know theres a round about ahead. I struggle to stop the car, eventually mounting the glass verge and stopping. I'm on a grass verge next to a on coming one way road junction.

On this grass thinking to get off, so I reverse, loads children about, one directly behind my car, 2 / 3 metres away, the car is so slow to respond and moving so slow, stopped before I got near the child.

(Missing bit)

I'm at work, I know about whats just happened, I'm falling asleep on the spot on n off, waking up (stood up) wheres my car, looking for it.

I was making a pizza, a califonia, so i made it and put it somewhere (persuming in an over, but have no vision) pizzas ready, and i put it on the plate, to notice I didn't use a pizza base, but just a tray? confused as hell, i swore I put it on a pizza base, why wouldn't I? looked around, and it were there on the pizza base i had took out, hanging off on the end. put it back together and that were that.

front line in the kitchen, I can see one of my friends who i've not seen for ages, and I noticed he looked like a spitting image of a celeb, So i try finding a waitress to ask, dont you think he looks like thing? cant find em, all I keep finding is people I dont work with. I find the ones who work there and I cant speak, someones theres who I have only seen once with his wife, and he was picking up his brother, I said hello, but no reply

(cant remeber where this fits in but)
i'm on a bus with a friend, and I see my other friend with a car full, driving my car, after she had took the keys off me, I'm sat on the bus watching them drive off, wondering if they will come back, moments past and i realised they weren't, so I reached for my phone, which were in my friemds pocket infront of me.

I felt as though I was awake, and someone was pressing down on every part of my body. My whole body felt like I was shaking intensivly, and I was trying to shout out loud anything, but all was a mermer. Lying on my front I felt as though my eyes were open, but I couldnt do anything about what was happening, and that it happened before and it'll pass, when I finally took control of my body, first instinct was to put the light on, but I was shitting my self thinking it was some sort of presence, black images infront of my eyes like when u stare at a light and look away, and you get this black image projected infront of you. anyways I picked up my laptop and searched what happened and started righting this, back to sleep I guess.

thanks for reading lukescotty

 Myron's picture

I first had this experience

I first had this experience when I was 6 while sleeping on my grandmom couch.. I was very sacred. Cause I remember waking up but I couldnt move. But I can see and hear. I thought I was dieing and no1 could hear me screaming. But I never real experience seeing ghostly spirts. But I all ways seem to feel some1 near me. Just 2day I had1, and I swore some on walk2 my side of the bed n moved it. A Seconds after waking up there was nobody n the room. I'm now 22 and I also jus learn 2 live with it and pray. A helpful tip when this happn relax Ur body, and just think about waking up then it will eventually happn

partriz mension's picture

the same thing has happend 2

the same thing has happend 2 me!! i was at my old house for eight years and i remember i was 9 years old. i was dreaming... but my mind was blank and nothing happened. so in my dream i heared a buzzing noise and i thought i saw someone. so in my dream i got out of the bed and i look at the corner in the hallway and this blue women with red hair was coming after me and i ran back in the bed and put my covers over my head then i saw i dark figure reach over my head and i screamed and no one could hear ma at all and i was trying to move but i couldnt move i was soo scared and then when i pulled the covers over me i saw eygiptions and lots of dark figures and i just fell out of my bunck bed.... then i woke up i went to my mom and i asked her if she heard me yelling and she said nope she didnt hear anything.... i was scared. this was my first time. then 6 years later im at an new place and this happens again. but this time i calmed my self and thought of something positive and i woke up this was a scary experience for me and i really dont want it to happen again.

josh's picture

my girlfriend has an ongoing

my girlfriend has an ongoing occurance with sleep paralysis, i have been doing some research on this, i would like to know if there is anything i can do to help her, either while she is asleep or before. Any suggestions would be great any at all

Daiga's picture

Hey, i have been experiencing

Hey, i have been experiencing this sleep paralysis for 15 years now and i know how it feels to be in one. If you want to help her while she is sleeping - it is possible sometimes - my boyfriend has waken me up from it several times. The problem is - YOU have to be awake and kind of see it happening to her - unfortunately sometimes there are no signs even she might be "screaming for help" inside. However, sometimes her body might be slightly shaking and she might make a tiny noise(to your physical ears) - when you witness that - wake her up - PHYSICALLY MOVE HER BODY. Also statistically it happens more often while a person is sleeping on the back - so tell her that sleeping on the side or stomach helps. Tell her that while she is in that stage trying to get out and wake up - pray - that ALWAYS helps. Also - she has to try not to feel fear but it is easier said than done - be understanding. Every time i try to not be afraid and actually prepare and set myself up and feel no fear - it still takes over, it is way harder to control fear in that sphere...Hope it helps a little.

kinitchi's picture

this happens to me from time

this happens to me from time to time..i read somewhere on the internet that you have to relax your total body and make a prayer while this is happening to you..its actually your own spirit that is in distress... u have to think positive and calm urself down..i usually talk to my self in my head and just helps alot..the one thing u dont ever do is get scared cause its only gonna paralize u more..ive learned how to get out of a situation like this.. and it works everytime..when u go to bed thinking about something so much ur actually making yourself vulnerable to sleep paralysis...its always good to keep ur mind off all the problems in ur life by reading a book..something positive is always good..pray before u got to not expert but this is my own personal works for me