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Chemical Castration: The Benefits and Disadvantages Intrinsic to Injecting Male Pedophiliacs with Depo-Provera

Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip
Chemical Castration: The Benefits and Disadvantages Intrinsic to Injecting Male Pedophiliacs with Depo-Provera
Katherine Amlin
Child molestation is a serious problem in the United States. The legal system is lenient with pedophiles, punishing them with insufficiently brief prison sentences that are further abbreviated by the option of parole. Some child molesters are released back into society after serving as little as one fourth of their prison-time (1). Recidivism is extremely high among child molesters; 75% are convicted more than once for sexually abusing young people (6). Pedophiles commit sexual assault for a variety of reasons. Some rape children because of similar instances of abuse in their own childhoods (1). Some view the act of molestation as a way to gain power over another individual (1). Some pedophiles act purely on sexual desires. No matter what causes these heinous criminals to molest children, their crimes are inexcusable. Unfortunately, utilizing prison as a punishment for child molestation creates only a Band-Aid solution for the issue of sexual assault and other resolutions need to be investigated.
Alternative options for the punishment of male pedophiles are being explored in the status quo. Scientists have observed the link between testosterone and aggression and concluded that high levels of testosterone correspond with increased violent and aggressive behavior in men (5). "It is the reason that stallions are high strung and impossible to train, the reason male dogs become vicious and start to bite people. It's why boys take chances and chase girls, why they drive too fast and deliberately start fights. In violent criminals, these tendencies are exaggerated and carried to extremes" (8). In an effort to stop male pedophiles, male child molesters have the option of being chemically castrated in some states. "Chemical castration is a term used to describe treatment with a drug called Depo-Provera that, when given to men, acts on the brain to inhibit hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone" (2). Depo-Provera is a common birth control pill that containing a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone. Advocates of chemical castration hope that injections of Depo-Provera will prevent men from molesting children.
However, some experts argue that Depo-Provera is ineffective and will not prevent molestation. Forced castration may have the adverse affect of angering a criminal, increasing his violent tendencies and lead to additional sexual abuse (2). Additionally, Depo-Provera is reversible. Therefore, unless injections are mandatory and monitored, pedophiles will not be "cured" by the drug therapy. The child molester will have renewed sexual fantasies and high levels of testosterone if the injections are discontinued (7). Joseph Frank Smith, a convicted child molester, became an advocate for chemical castration after undergoing the therapy in the 1980s. Smith stopped using the injections in 1989. In 1999, he was convicted for molesting a five-year old girl and immediately returned to prison (3). Depo-Provera also has caused side effects in some men "including depression, fatigue, diabetes, [and] blood clots" (2). Chemical castration may cause some detrimental effects in child molesters.
Regardless, Depo-Provera has been proven to inhibit the abilities of pedophilias to assault children. The progesterone in Depo-Provera counteracts the biological tendencies that lead men to rape children (4). By lowering testosterone, Depo-Provera reduces sex drive (6). Males can have sexual intercourse (7) but do not want to. Depo-Provera also decreases aggressive tendencies by reducing testosterone. "[T]he castrated criminal would be more docile and have a better opportunity to be rehabilitated, educated, and to become a worthwhile citizen" (1). Castration removes the biological and chemical tendencies that are intrinsically linked to the desire to rape in males.
Depo-Provera also reduces recidivism rates. When used as a mandatory condition of parole (6), chemical castration decreases the occurrence of repeat offenses from 75% (6) to 2% (1). Prison is less desirable because it serves no rehabilitative purpose for sexual offenders. Pedophiles who spend time festering in a prison cell are given extensive downtime to concoct new sordid sexual fantasies involving children. These horrific visions are translated into terrifying realities once the criminal comes back into contact with children following his inevitable release from prison (1). Prison simply produces sneakier criminals. Pedophiles do not want to be incarcerated again so they think of new ways to rape children that will avoid detection and future detention (6). Prison increases aggressive tendencies in male pedophiles while chemical castration addresses the root causes of sexual assault and decreases further sexual deviance.
Although chemical castration is not the perfect solution to inhibit child molestation, it discourages sexual assault better than incarceration. Injections of Depo-Provera decrease the aggressive tendencies that lead to rape in males. Castration also discourages sexual fantasies and eradicates sexual obsessions. Pedophiles are reduced to apathetic pacifists. Regulated chemical castration should be encouraged as an alternative to prison for male child molesters in order to stop recidivism and decrease instances of sexual assault.
1) Castration Works, an article by Susan Feinstein for regarding the implications of chemical castration on pedophiles.
2) Chemical Castration Law May Backfire, Experts Warn, an article off the ACLU Newswire from September 18, 1996.
3) Convict Who Had Chemical Castration Gets 40 Years For New Sexual Attack, the Roswell Daily Record Online, February 4, 1999.
4) Is Chemical Castration an Acceptable Punishment For Male Sex Offenders, by LaLaurine Hayes for the online database "Sex Crimes, Punishment and Therapy" constructed by students in a Psychology course at California State University Northridge.
5) High Testosterone Levels Linked to Crimes of Sex, Violence, Volume 1 No. 3, 1995, pg. 2.
6) Repeat Sexual Offenders Must Face Chemical Castration, an article
prepared by Crystal Hutchinson, a student at Monroe Community College in New
York State.
7) Chemical Castration: A Strange Cure for Rape, from the Kudzu Monthly, an e-zine popular among the
Southern States.
8)Dr. Robert Girard, in a scientific study on factors that contribute to criminal conduct, in an article by Susan Feinstein chronicling the effects of chemical castration as posted on
12/13/2005, from a Reader on the Web I agree with the use of chemical castration, becuase incarceration seems like its not a harsh enough punishment. The paper described the sex criminals are repeat offenders. People commit these crimes cause of abuse in their child hoods and power struggle of felling dominant. This punishment may not be the cure but it works better than just incarceration.
I'm currently enrolled in a Community College and working on my final research paper, the topic I decided on was "Is chemical castration an acceptable treatment for sex offenders in the United States?" thus far, I've found that there are a plethora of articles on the topic however accessability to case studies seem to be lacking on the recidivism rates of offenders.
In my research, although there are references to the list of 6 US states that have currently inacted a law which requires chemical castration, I'm not aware of what those states are. From what I know and understand I've compiled a list of 5 states (California, Florida, Maryland, Montana, and Texas.)
Of the people I've asked, regarding their personal view the majority agree that chemical castration with Depo Provera or MPA are completely acceptable and viable options for repeat sex offenders. In my personal opinion (because this treatment is reversable) I believe that it is a light sentence in concideration of henious acts of sex offenders. However, I question if the "trade off" of probation and a lifetime of antiandrogen injections is too light of a sentence.
We all have human rights, but in the end some rights (from what I've seen of our government) are quickly taken away when we greatly endanger the human rights of others. Sadly some individuals hear treatment and think, if its manditory, how can it be effective, and somehow they seem to forget that it is also a punishment for the acts of deprevity on innocent individuals ... Twixy, 2 May 2006
seems to me that prison term and lifetime chemical castration should make the impact we need. the chem. castration is not double jeopardy or even additional punishment but required, ongoing therapy as a condition of release. life in prison, no possibility of parole or chem. castration with possibility of parole. as a matter of fact, i think all male inmates should undergo chem. castration while in prison as is evidenced by the conditions they create there ... D.M. Christensen, 24 August 2006
I see a problem here. You are mixing paedophilia with Pederasty. Paedophilia is a mental sickness, it is not illegal. And acording the studies by the UNICEF, very few paedophiles became child molesters. Although they can became consumers of child pornography, which is ilegal, they can be teached to not do it. So far the paedhophylia, like most paraphilias, can not be cured, but it can be controlled. What is illegal is pederasty. That is, the abuse of minors. Most of the pederast do not become paedophyles. Also , while a high level of testoterone can became a male, more agresivity, it does not mesns he will became a raper, or a child molester. The links are not clear. My point is, paedophyles should be given the oportunity to get treatment (not punishment)... before they became a treat. Pederast, on the other hand should be punished, as an example to others. Chemical castration should be considered a punishment, not a way to release criminals on the streets ... Nanahuatzin, 29 November 2007
While I haven't completely decided one way or another on this issue, the change from 75% of repeat offenders to 2% is absolutely staggering. Thank you very much for writing this. It helped me a lot with my college presentation ... TJ, 3 December 2007
I don't care if it can help reduce the rates of repeat offenders, it doesn't stop them all. I don't care if they rot in prison, because they deserve it! I myself am a victim of a rape and know how it feels on that end. I have to live with the memories forever and do believe that real sex offenders (not the young guys having sex with capable girls who know what they are getting into) should suffer as much as the victim and everyone associated with the pain caused by what they did. Maybe if we just shipped them somewhere away from all people that would fix the problem ... Kayla, 18 March 2007
I support this.. in theory
I support this in the same way that I do the death penalty. I think it's valid, but the 0.01% chance that a innocent person gets castrated makes it not acceptable to me.
Better than jail, surely?
The death penalty is irreversible; a person can be taken off CC if they are found to be innocent, as they can be released from prison. When you stop giving someone the injections, the effect wears off and their body returns to normal. Life outside jail on a CC drug is surely preferable to being in jail. Of course, you can't reverse a surgical castration, but that's not what's being discussed here.
chemical castration
My heart goes out to the ladies in pain in previous pages. As a child I was molested by my stepbrother. Unbeknownst to me, my younger sister had also been molested by him as well. When he found a girlfriend during his junior year in high school, I was so relieved that he would no longer be focussing his attentions on me. He married that girl, she divorced him while he was in the navy. He found another young lady to woo and marry once he got out of the military. Their second child was a girl. I sent a letter to him that if I ever suspected that he was molesting her has he had me, I would report him to the authorities. He had the audacity to show the letter to my parents, and they thought I was deranged, and he was innocent. They made a trip up to the town where I and my husband were living and chewed me out. They said that the psychology and social work classes I was taking were warping my brain.
Twelve years later I find out that he has been raping his daughter, trying to turn her psychologically against his wife. It broke my heart when I heard this. Time and jobs had taken us from my home state, and I was not able to fulfill my promise to that baby girl. My stepbrother went to trial, and after months of him dragging his feet to get the lie detector test he wanted, he was found guilty. He gets twelve years, no parole.
My parents apologized to my sister that she had been molested by him, but never me. I was the first to raise the alarm that no one listened to. My sister-in-law, the mother of the daughter, has apologized that she didn't take the letter seriously. My brother has the gift to pull the wool over people's eyes. Do I think that he should be castrated before he is released? Yes. He has already ruined the innocence of too many. Even one is too many. Want to hear something funny. He is now married to a third woman, was married right there in prison to her.
My parents have taken the side of my brother. When I went home this summer they wanted me to go to the district attorney's office and tell them that my niece and my nephew lied about the rape and molestation he had done to them, and that my brother had served enough time and deserved to be let go. Of course I didn't.
I am going to be blunt. I was a victim of a pedophile who lived next door when I was younger.
To the person who felt sorry for the poor “victim” who may himself have been raped when younger: Get over it! I don't give a rats ass if the guy who molested me was a victim when he was 4 or 7 or 14. He raped at least 7 children including his own grandchildren over the years. Those were reported. There would have been others such as myself who were not. Anybody who is in prison on at least 4 occasions for ruining another life has lost their rights to be left in therapy instead of forcibly injected with a hormone.
I found this site while looking for an alternative to killing the man who raped me. He is old and I don't know that he is still a threat so killing him seems a little unfair. I had thought that it was just one injection that would ensure that he would not have any sex drive. After finding that my idea has no merit unless I want to forcibly inject him every week I need to reevaluate my ideas and morals to look for other options. While he would not remember me once and there is no paper trail leading back to me it seems like he might catch on if every Monday at 7:00 I came calling. Unless you have been on the receiving end (pun intended to lighten the mood) of a pedophiles sickness you don't have a leg to stand on when arguing that their right to have a normal sex drive outweighs the long term damage they are likely to do to children.
I agree that you can not use this as a first resort or for a first offense. For the first offense you get counseling and therapy- but after you are convicted for the second time it is likely that you have had a number of victims and I would argue that your right to continue in the destructive direction that you have taken unabated should be terminated. These injections amount to a life sentence for the offender that he can serve outside of prison- sort of like the life sentence that my abuser sentenced me to.
Finally, for those who are worried that the rate of recidivism is high in this article; it is not the 17% that other responders claim. It may be 15 – 17% overall for sex crimes- but that includes all categories. Sexual aggressives are just under 50% and pedophiles are over 50%. That number goes up substantially when talking of young men who abuse boys they do not know and higher yet if they are already on their second offense. (You will excuse me if I don't look up exact percentages, but I am positive that everybody can google it themselves.) So if we are talking a risk of re offending of well over 50% without this therapy then I would suggest it be coupled with traditional counseling and monitoring after your first offense.
Side Effects
I heard about this treatment through a crime drama TV show. I am curious about this. I am really curious about side effects. I know that anything un-natural put into the human body can have side effects that we don't know until years and sometimes decades later. I am talking about cancer, kidney failure, liver damage, etc. It wouldn't do anyone any good for these guys to get themselves fixed and then die from a side effect. The idea is to create useful members of society. Prison doesn't do anything except perhaps get them killed. There is a lot of that. A child molester is known as a "baby raper" in prison. The more vicious inmates use them as a victims of extortion for store good and money for drugs (and sometimes rape) and if the pedofile refuses, then, they kill him. Some of the correctional service officers rationalise this as their just punishment for the sick things the pedofile does. I have met pedophiles who were eventually arrested and imprisoned. The majority of them seem to fantasize that the children actually are fond of them and they tell themselves they are "making love" instead of raping the child. If chemical castration works without hazardous side effects, and some people would be willing to risk it, it sounds to me that it would be stupid NOT to use it. The ACLU is opposed to many things that most people don't think is proper since they are Defense Lawyers and a good lawyer does anything he can to help his client. That doesn't mean that all ACLU attorneys personally believe their arguments, just that they use them in lieu of a better defense. Pedophiles are similar to rapists in that they think they are God's gift to children in the same way that rapists believe they are God's gift to women. That is the standard profile.
Chemical warfare(castration)
wherever we rely on money there will be corruption but if you beleive in the real gods then they will destroy these evil race of people
who want to do harm to others and get rich from it
Please don’t respond to this
Please don’t respond to this message if you are going to try and inquire on “why” I feel this way, just know I have the right to feel the way I do. So if you have helpful ideas please write me.
I’m not a rapist, nor do I like to sexually abuse children, I am a normal 46 year old heterosexual male who is interested in chemical castration as a means to be free of sexual desire for females. Don’t get me wrong, I love being with woman, I think I love being with them too much. My desire for women has caused problems and I have never been able to be faithful to any one women. It is very easy for me to meet women that end in sexual relations. I have dated hundreds of women, yes; I may be a sex addict. I have attended SA and SLAA. I have had enough sex for 20 men in 20 lifetimes; I’m not bragging it’s just what it is. (I want to paint a picture of what I’m dealing with here). But I feel I am now at an age where I don’t really need to have sex anymore— I like the slowing down process that comes with my age, and I think the thought of being completely free of the desire for women intriguing. Think about it, if you didn’t want “it” you wouldn’t miss not having it? It would be nice to be free of the male sexual urge. It's really been nothing but a big pain in the ass all these years! I just want to have a simple, yet fulfilling life, and I honestly think it can be fulfilling with out a sex partner. For me, women/relationships have been nothing but a head ache and problems – I’m not blaming the women, I’m man enough to admit it’s me. But if you can remove the sex drive you may be able to remove the desire for a relationship as well? I am very into this idea!
As a side note: I am curious how CC would affect me in other areas of my life, my hobbies and passions? E.g. I love playing the guitar and writing music and poetry, would CC effect my desire to do these things as well?
Just a thought.
How to acquire?
How can one get a prescription for depo provera? I simply can't wrap my head around the idea that if I voluntarily want to reduce my sex drive, I can't find a doctor what will. But if I want to have my genitalia altered to look like a female, I can find a doc for that. If I want to become infertile permanently, it's a simple outpatient procedure. But if I try to curb my appetites so I can focus on things other than sex, I have to follow a course of action that I find deplorable. Is there any way to get the medication without having to resort to feigning pedophilia?
Depo Provera
Outside the US there are many options. I would not recommend depo provera, and here in Brazil almost impossible to find now. Mesigyna does the same thing for me, and I take it because I want to and like it, not have to. For the same reasons as you, cut my sex desire down, so I can concentrate on important matters of life.
Chemical castration
I have been taking cyproterone for 4 months and it really works !!!! I have no sex drive and my testicles have atrophyed nicely.... no erections and penis size has shrunk from 8 down to 3 inches.....great product :O)
What is the dosage?
I'm glad you are satisfied with the product, however and am curious of the dosage. Do you mind telling me what it is?
How do you get it?
How do you get it?
Di-ethyl Stilboestrol
Back in the 1950s when it was illegal to be gay, my loving parents, concerned that I was more interested in Ballet than Football had me chemically castrated with D.E.S. It was a matter of 'Take your pills'. It stopped me growing, but it also stopped my sex drive. Not having this at the onset of puberty meant my sexuality never developed. I got off the drug in my early twenties, as an adult, but the damage was done. I've always had a very low libido. Manage to self-stimulate about 3 times a year. Could sing soprano until about 60 years of age. Could lactate. Never had much interest in women, men, or boys. Didn't understand risque jokes. Until recently, wasn't aware that people had strong sexual agendas. Socially, it's a bit like having Aspergers syndrome. So it's a strange life, but I can concentrate on task and not be deflected. Some people don't understand what it is like to be a eunuch. In many ways, I am childish. I don't read adult books or like romantic films. I find them boring.
Dear Serendip Visitor, I am
Dear Serendip Visitor,
I am doing research for a three part history series. I wondered if I might talk to you about your experience. Please do contact me.
Many Thanks
chemical castration
i believe that sexual offenders should pay for what they do to their victims. there is a lot of hurt that comes with being rape and the memory stays your whole life time.
Chemical Castration
How are things going now? Are you still taking cyproterone? If so, have you noticed anything unpleasant?
Also, I am looking for information of the long term or even permanent effects of chemical castration? Is there a way to shut down testosterone production permanently through chemical castration?
ANy help would be appreciated.
Chemical Castration
We don't read much informations about the permanent effects of chemical castration and doctors tend to prescribe anti androgen without telling theirs patients, same for Proprecia, an anti androgen to prevent hair lost. After 1-2 year of use it can be irreversible which means the man will be permanently castrated. All men should know this fact before considerning chemical castration. I've been voluntary chemically castrated for 8 years. I've found out to late, I'm an eunuch now. I was not a pedophile nor an agressive man. I've used anti androgen to lower my sex drive and it worked. It is not recommandable for all men but some men find this benefitial at least at the beginning. Castration is not that bad but there are side effects that are hard to deal with. The side effects can take up to 2 years to slowly appear and they will go from bad to worse. Now, I am on Testosterone Replacement Therapy, like most eunuchs I've chatted with, excluding those who fight prostate cancer, to counter those side effects. If you want to see what it does to you, try it 6 months, if you quit, there should be no lasting effects, 6 more months then it can be permanent.
I myself am writing a paper on punishment for pedophiles. I find it very interesting that almost every reply to her paper has been someone who is in better words sexually disturbed or dealing with someone who is. Magazine articles can be used if she is discussing both the advantages and disadvantages because those are opinions. Opinions of whether it works or it doesnt. Though it could have been strenghten with medical information I do find this to be a good paper.
no sympathy
Okay I'd agree with this but in my opinion I see no reason why some one who does horrible things to children like this should ever get the chance of rehabilitaion. They should server a mandatory life sentence. Maybe we should stick all the child molesters together and let them have a go at each other. Teach them a lesson or two. I have NO sympathy for ANYONE who touches a child in any kind of sexually abusive way or in any kind of abusive way. These people are sick and do not deserve the kindness of good people. They are sick and deranged.
is it really fair?
although i truely believe that the real sex offenders do need harsher punishments in most situations, i do not feel that chemical castration is a good idea for all. i am currently dating a wonderful man who was wrongfully accused of a sex crime (they have the "victim's" confession on tape) and cannot honestly think for one minute that he would have ever deserved to have a punishment like that. please do not misunderstand me or think that i am taking up for other offenders but men like my boyfriend have it hard enough as it is with having to register, nieghbors and community members treating him unfairly, not being able to continue his education for fear of persicution, etc. i think that punishments need to be handed out on a trial by trial basis and if the accused has done their time and is off paper then they need to be let go to live their lives. someone who may have been 18 and their girlfriend 16 having consentual sex and a parent gets mad doesnt deserve the same punishment as someone convicted of serial rape or child molestation.
IT IS EXTREMELY CRUEL,SICK,TORTUREST AND INHUMANE to purposely decrease a humanbeing's sex drive by an injection or other means. Any people who are guilty of sex crimes must simply be seperated from society members that they may harm for a lifetime, to prevent them from harming again.
Isolation from socirty isn't
Isolation from socirty isn't sick, torturest or inhumane?
Things we must controll
I think, what we must get it under controll is sex drives. If we could, that will give us benefits in so many ways.
Boys can save time by eliminating the sex drives which make them watch pornograhy when they need to study. There so many things we can't see because our attention is on oppsite sexs. Men,,,I would love to be chemical castrated.
But in my country, it is not as popular as is in US. I hope someday it will.
Im a Sophomore and i am
Im a Sophomore and i am doing a essay on male petafiles. Well chemical and physical castrastion is a must i think cause if someone wants to harm a child like that then they should be punished.
chemical castration
I would like to know:
1) would chemical castration decrease my sex drive as I have
been diagnosed as a sexual addict with behavior that is affecting my marriage?
2) Would chemical castration decrease my love for my wife?
3) Will it affect me emotionally?
4) is it reversible?
chemical castration
to anonymous poster of fri 10/31/2008 yes depo provera will decrease and eliminate your sex drive.... yes it will affect your sex in bed with your wife ..only if you use the injection method... the only and most powerful way to rid you of your addict behavior ..because provera has a chemical that shuts down all your testerone which means you will not have a desire for your wife or anything but the good news it is reversible so if you want it to return just stop the shots but there are side effects talk your doctor before making a decision. you may have to choose either success over your addiction or negative side effects which drugs seem to have.
to anonymous poster
to anonymous poster 11/20/2008:
I am doing this research for a paper on chemical castration and the chemicals found in Depo-provera will not completely remove the sex drive. It does lead to a significant decrease, dependent mostly on dosage.
There is more then one way to approach diagnosed sexual addiction, including therapy as well as chemical castration.
to Anonymous on Fri, 10/31/2008:
as previously mentioned, yes it will decrease your sex drive.
No, it will not affect your emotional love for your wife (though a side-effect is mild depression). It will effect your sexual love life with your wife, as previously stated it is dependent mostly on dosage and delivery.
It does have effects on emotions including a possible side-effect of depression as well as the stress of dealing with the changes in your body(including other side-effects of the depo-provera)
Depo-Provera is completely reversible and you should regain your normal sexual state, including testosterone levels, within two to three months of stopping the treatment.
A note to consider, testosterone levels also effect sperm production and this therapy would most likely not be a good suggestion if you and your wife are attempting to get pregnant.
Ask your doctor before taking any action involving the medication
Thank you
Agree 100%
Well you posted this years ago, but I agree 100% plus with you. I used Depo Provera and later Mesigyna as easier to buy here. It takes about 3 months or so to wear off. I used it with some estrogen (birth control pills) and got some physical changes, loved it and mental changes which were the best.
You hit the facts very good.
Chemical castration
I have been wondering about this with my father who is a pedophile who has turned to woman with alzheimers.Why would this happen at the age of 80?
chemical castration
I agree that chemical castration is not the perfect solution to inhibit child molestation. I think that the best solution for this is to educate people the effect of child molestation as soon as an individual is mature enough to understand this.
This makes a whole lot of
This makes a whole lot of pragmatic sense, and if it's true that recitivism goes from 75% to 2%, the numbers certainly seem to give ample support to using Depo. However, I think there's something a little scary about the government saying "take this medicine regularly or we'll lock you up." What are the long term effects of Depo? What about the 25% that doesn't offend it fair to chemically castrate them because the other 75% is hopeless without Depo?
Where does this end if we do this? I'm sure there are all sorts of medications that reduce the urge to commit criminal behavior. Are we moving toward a time when we dope up criminals instead of jailing them? Is that necessarily a bad thing?
This is a really tough call.
Nick from Avvo
castration for sex offenders
Many non-violent sex offenders, after arrest on a first offense, are anxious to control their abnormal sexual urges. If castration will help them to prevent a recurrance of the offense, then it should be offered as an option before sentencing. While chemical castration is a viable method, it does have certain drawbacks as mentioned previously. I would propose surgical castration as the true solution to prevent sex offender recividism. Surgical castration would have to be a voluntary choice on the part of the offender, however.
I agree
I agree with you! Chemical castration is reversable and physical castration is not! These individuals should not have the opportunity to commit sexual offenses again!
Human rights
While I do not disagree with you, these people are afforded constitutional rights, and even if the crime is truly heinous, if the constitution is bent to go against them then who is next? The 8th amendment gives them the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment and many feel that surgical castration is exactly that. However currently the State of Texas gives offenders the choice of castration method, even if they are not sentenced to undergo castration for their crime.
Not all women play the
Not all women play the victim in court and are you suggesting sending sex offenders to therapy instead of jail?
I know someone who is taking Provera orally, 10 mg daily for about three months. He says he still has high sexual fantasies and has not felt a decrease in his libido. How long does it take for provera to work and what is the normal dosage. Will this cause a man's breasts to grow like a woman. I can't find any articles for men who use provera.
Thanks in advance,
pill or shot
to answer your question williams taking 10mg pill of provera will not work you will need a injection shot in order for it to be instant and effective . i suggest 300mg a week 1 shot of 150mg monday and 150mg saturday.
I have a friend who lives in
I have a friend who lives in Tx who tales 150 a week and started with 300 for the 1st week, he is doing quite well and only has a decreased sex drive and is more relaxed calmer nd kicked back.
He has been doing quite well can still have sex at the dosge just not agression and sexual agression, so this has helped him out his dosage is being increased and he is apprantley starting to get more sexual urges and it was agreed he would remain on this treatent due to the problems he has had with sexual agression and other simiar issues.
He is happy to be on it and is positive about controlling his problem, he just started to pick his sex drive up a lot after about 3-4 weeks follwing the 2nd shot with the first of 300.
How about psychological help for some?
Many times people speak so loud that they don’t even hear what they are saying. Lady, have you read what you said about why some of these persons do what they do? You said the following “Pedophiles commit sexual assault for a variety of reasons. Some rape children because of similar instances of abuse in their own childhoods.” Do you see what’s wrong with that statement and what you and other are pushing for?
For crying out loud woman, here you have a person who is a molester because he was molested himself as a kid and instead of helping him psychologically, you want to pump him with drugs…come on!
When I hear people saying the dumb things they do, I often wonder about their level of intelligence. Unfortunately, some of these people are so called “experts.” It’s funny how any idiot with a diploma can become an expert over night.
Part of the problem is that we as a society have become too dependent on science to fix all our problems. Unfortunately, science is like a drug, it has side effects. Just look at the way we are destroying the planet and ourselves. Just look at how our drinking water is polluted, how the meat we eat is full of hormones and antibiotics.
What people like you propose, is to punish some of these people for being victims themselves. Because yes lady, they are victims too! Hell while we are at it, why don’t we chemically castrate all violent criminals? Including violent female criminals. Let’s used drugs instead of real therapy to help these people.
I’ve always wondered why accused child molesters don’t use the victim role like females do when they step in the court. Because I find it very interesting that quite a bit women have killed or physically assaulted and injured their husbands and have stepped in a court room and claimed that they did it because they were victims of violence. The funny things is that in many cases, walk away with a slap on the back of their hands. Yet a child molester, who was abused, who is a victim, gets slammed in jail and now pumped with drugs. Why not do the same to these women who claim to have been victims. You know what they say, two wrongs don’t make one right.
Now, I understand that some molesters have never been victims themselves. They have never had a traumatizing experience that could explain their actions. These people have no excuse for doing what they are doing, but sadly, that is not true for all. We need to stop turning our backs on these victims and give them the psychological help they need. I know what you may be thinking, just because they are victims, that doesn’t give them the right to hurt others. Well, that is true, but that is also true for all other acts of violence, including the violent acts committed by the so called “female victims.”
There is no way someone who
There is no way someone who has not been molested, been a victim of molestation can argue that chemical castration is not a good idea for someone who molested a child. It is at epic portions one of the worse human crimes I feel one can commit. It ruins a child's life as well as set that child on similar path as the molester. Chemical castration is a great idea, it saves someone's child, it saves a child's life, and it saves the public money.
chemical castration
I do agree that chemical castration for violent sex offenders is a great idea. I also would like to say that if there is a way to do the same to women that commit the same offense it should be done. For those of you that are saying that it isn't fair to do this to men as they might have been victims of some type of sex offense when they are young, IT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT! When you make these comments let me ask you a question, "Were you raped by a 16 year old brother of a friend when you were 4? Was your 15 year old daughter sexually molested by her stepfather with a video camera hidden?" Well, I was and my daughter was so let me tell you, what they get (although the 16 year old got nothing as this happened 41 years ago and at that time you just didn't do anything) as I have to live with the image for the rest of my life or as long as I have a memory!
So for references, it looks like we have nothing more than the viewpoints of politicians and the un-referenced "research" of other authors, one of them a student herself, and at a community college, no less.
When I entered the words "recidivism rate for sex offenders" into Google, the very first listing was a page of statistics from our very own Bureau of Justice that strongly contradict your 75% estimate of recidivism. It took me 30 seconds to find that information. I would have expected better research from a Bryn Mawrter.
Although I do feel that
Although I do feel that there are benefits to chemical castration I completely disagree with the author who feels that imprisonment will do nothing for recidivism rates. It will make them sneakier, but to not put them in prison at all would be extremely unjust to the victims of these heinous crimes. These people should absolutely be put away and then once they have spent their time based on their offense, they should absolutely br forced to undergo chemical castration. Of course, if there is a mental illness involved, these people should be put somewhere away from society and be given the proper therapy or treatment before being let back into society if ever at all.
The author of this article
The author of this article needs to bone up on their research skills. Sex offenders recidivate at a rate of 17%. Where did you come up with your 75%? Thin air most likely.
Based on nothing but venom
The original articla and most of the comments on here are based on nothing but mindless hatred. The recidivism rates for child sex offenders (and people here don't seem to be so bothered about offences against adults) are amongst the lowest for any category of crime. Just look it up, people!
Chemical castration is no solution for most offenders. The laws in the rich countries have become so excessive that many people are convicted for things which shouldn't really be crimes. Michigan, for example, has two 9-year-olds on its 25 year sex offender registry. Can that be right? For those who say it must be, what about the inconsistency between convicting a child of a sex offence - but saying also that no-one can consent to sex until they are 18?
Double Standard
You raise a good point. How can a 9-year-old who is too immature to understand sexual principles be labeled for 25 years as a sexual predator? In what reality does that make the least bit of sense.
Read all of this and tell me how putting 9-year-olds on the registry makes any sense whatsoever:
Depo Prevera
I'd like to know if the use of this drug on an aggressive autistic 18-year old with extremely high testosterone levels would help in reducing his testosterone levels, thus reducing his aggressive behavior, and also reducing the amount of masterbating he does. He also fixates on people who are nice to him and gets overly attached to them to the point where he fantasizes about them.
to answer the question of
to answer the question of the autistic 18 person yes provera will work instantly and effectively with a injection shot of 300mg ....pills take long or wont work...shot can take secs to mins quicky reducing and eliminating the testerone levels but there are side effects talk with your doctor for making a decison because you may have to choose either success over the sex drive or negative side effects which all drugs have.
DP not instant
Depo Provera is *not* instant - depending on how much is administered in one go, it takes days or weeks to have any noticeable effect. If it was effective instantly, it would wear off as quickly; it's a slow- but long-acting drug.