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Body Odor-An Unpleasant Encounter

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Biology 103
2002 Second Paper
On Serendip

Body Odor-An Unpleasant Encounter

Melissa Brown

"What is that smell?" you ask.
"It is absolutely disgusting," you reply to yourself as you continue walking along. Then you realize that this smell just keeps on following you, from classroom to lunchroom to dorm room, even in the courtyard. Then it hits you that garbage has not been following you everywhere but you are the cause of that disgusting smell; you have body odor. What is this phenomenon of body odor? According to John Riddle, Body odor is the term used for any unpleasant smell associated with the body(1).

Most of us are concerned about how we look especially, how we smell so body odor which can be a potentially fatal blow to a person's social life is not a welcome addition to one's ingredients for success. It is this human fear of being excluded that led to the invention of the term, body odor. In the 1910s and 1920s, advertisers highlighted people's discontent with the things around them and with themselves in order to encourage them to buy their products. A group of advertising men used the term B.O. to mean body odor in a women's deodorant advertisement for their product, Odo-Ro-No. It played upon women's sentiments that beauty was important to achieving their main goal in life: a husband.

Listerine, which today has mundane advertisements with bottles of Listerine and a voice talking about the results of laboratory research that show Listerine's ability to combat gingivitis, cavities and so on, also used this approach. Listerine had an advertisement that showed "pathetic Edna" who was approaching her "tragic" thirtieth birthday and was always "a bridesmaid and never a bride" apparently because she suffered from Halitosis or bad breath (of course it could not have been personality problems that was hindering Edna's romantic progress!). As a result of this ad, Listerine's sales went from $100,000 a year in 1921 to more than $4 million in 1927. Body odor is a major concern for most people and even those who do not suffer from it are concerned about preventing body odor because of its negative social consequences.(2)

People are very sensitive about how they smell. Humans do not appreciate the power of a bad smell as much as skunks appreciate theirs. The striped skunk which is known in the scientific community as Mephitis mephitis accurately shoots a narrow stream of yellow fluid, butyl mercaptan, up to 10 feet at a threat. If the fluid hits the eyes of the threat it may cause temporary blindness. Even if the skunks misses, which is rare, the musk will cause nausea, gagging and general discomfort. (Perhaps next time you are at a party and you receive some unwelcome attention, you should raise those armpits or let out a breath of air to your unsuspecting predator.) Most people however, try to do quite the opposite and purchase expensive perfumes to mask odors and create a sensual smell that will attract the opposite sex. They spend a lot of money buying perfumes like Object of Desire by Bvlgari and they do not realize that the fluid that skunks emit is commercially used as a base for perfumes because of its clinging nature.(3) This makes me wonder whether if it is only by having a bad smell that we can get a good smell.

So what exactly causes us to have that bad smell? Most of the causes are related to lifestyle choices. If you use drugs, toxins or herbs such as alcohol and cigarette smoking, you body will smell. Also if you eat certain foods such as garlic and raw onions you will have an unpleasant breath. You can also develop body odor by simply sweating excessively or practicing poor hygiene. A couple other causes of body odor include: tooth or oral conditions such as periodontal disease and gingivitis. Also, there can be inborn errors of metabolism for example, aminoaciduria. Most of these problems are a result of a decision that the sufferer had made about how he chooses to lead his life. If he chooses to be a chain smoker he will smell like a cigarette. If he chooses not to shower or wash his clothes then he will have a pungent smell. If he chooses not to practice proper dental hygiene then he will have Halitosis. However, if he sweats excessively because he has a fear of social situations then his cause of body odor cannot be as easily rectified. In addition, people who suffer from aminoaciduria also cannot easily change their lifestyle to rectify their body odor because aminoaciduria results from an enzyme deficiency. We should not judge or marginalize people because of their smell because the cause of it may go beyond poor hygiene.(1)

Almost everyone has received a compliment about the perfume that he or she is wearing. This shows that people react to scents and that a pleasant scent encourages a favorable perception of that person. New research has shown that some individuals are highly sensitive to smelling a component of body odor which is called androstenone. Furthermore, if the person can easily smell androstenone then he will decide whether or not he likes the person based on the smell. What is androstenone? It is a human pheromone which is a chemical attractant that is in body secretions like perspiration. Men release large quantities of androstenone while women omit small amounts. So men are more likely to be judged by their smell than women. According to the study, fifty percent of people cannot smell androstenone at all and one half of them can only catch a whiff and enjoy the scent. Those who can smell androstenone, on the other hand, do not like the smell and compare it to urine or perspiration. The study went on to show that there was a correlation between the ability to smell androstenone and the androstenone-smeller's judgment of the person. In other words, if someone can smell androstenone on someone else and finds the smell unpleasant then he will dislike the person.(4)

Clearly, there is a lot at risk if one has body odor since man is a gregarious animal then body odor can make him unable to maintain or even start relationships. We have realized this so there are number of ways to eliminate body odor. One of the most rudimentary ways to get rid of body odor is to wash with both soap and water especially in the groin area and armpits which are more likely to smell. The best soap to use is a deodorant soap which impedes the return of bacteria. Showering, as well as, washing your clothing regularly will help to prevent body odor. In addition, we should wear natural fabrics like cotton which absorb perspiration better than synthetic materials like polyester. Athletic apparel makers like Nike and Adidas are adopting this idea in their clothing design by creating materials that cause the sweat to evaporate faster.

You should also use commercial deodorants which mask underarm odor or use antiperspirants which reduce the amount of perspiration. If these fail then you should turn to France, the land of fine perfumes and "Le Crystal Nature" which is a chunk of mineral salts that helps to keep bacteria under control without irritating the skin. A more serious approach to fighting body odor is Drionic which is an electronic device that plugs up overactive sweat ducts and keeps them plugged for up to six weeks.(5) There are many ways to avoid having body odor. The easiest way to find out what is available to you is to take a stroll in your local Eckerd, CVS or Riteaid.

Body Odor is a major concern for human beings. It is one concern that affects men and women to almost the same extent. We are concerned about our smell because people judge how we take care of ourselves by our smells and use this information to decide whether we are worthy of friendship because of it. We need to pay attention to how we smell not only because of social interactions but because odors from our body may alert us to a medical problem like a urinary tract infection or periodontal disease. It must be noted however that much of the hype about body odor comes from marketing consultants who need to sell their companies' product and play on our insecurity. Try to avoid being caught up in this web of commercialism while at the same time taking good care of your body.



1) Body Odor. It gives basic information about Body Odor.

2) It provides information on the less renowned tidbits of history.

3) It provides information about the striped skunk.

4) It provides information that otherwise would not get a lot of attention.

5) It provides online information about problems that affect teenagers



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post a comment below)

01/22/2006, from a Reader on the Web

I have been searching for an answer about this one person I work with. He smells intensely of a vinegar like substance, but honestly I would have to say he smells like pickles. half the people I work with say the same thing. It is so intense that I get a headache and a stomache and he is unbearable to be near. I cannot find anything on the internet that would explain this, and I do not have the guts to ask the poor guy, because honestly I cannot even be near him. Any speculation on this matter????? Thank you


Additional comments made prior to 2007

Western culture need to avoid of escalation of hatred and wilingness to take advantages over other using somebody's personal issue as their body/breath odor! Where every house or apartment, everyone has access to bath, shower. Where there is no hygiene issues! This attitude can be fueled by nuslim nations. So one should think about this ... Reader on the web, 1 April 2006



I have the same problem with one of my employees who is from Nepal. I think it could be the spicy food they have, another employee addresses the matter to me since I'm the manager but it is a very delicate matter and I feel sick if I stay 3 foot close to this person. Besides this is a high end retail store and also had customers commenting on the way this person smells. I'm going to have to let her go but wonder if there is anything this person can do to get rid of that horrible odor ... Yolanda, 26 April 2006



i have just noticed a body odor of vinegar. I saw reference to another person about same problem. This just started in the last few days and I am trying to find a reason. Any suggestions? Supplements? thanks ... Tom, 15 July 2006



I see alot of people with posted requests for body odor issues. Mr. Chan has won the Geneva award for his invention in the medical category for a product that cures body dor. A press release was issued and maybe some of your readers would benefit from it.

Here it is below:

Dr. Mist winner of several awards including the Geneva Award for itsí invention in the medical category is currently marketed as a deodorant is also used as a multi-function hygiene product. As a deodorant, there is absolutely no staining, no aluminum, alcohol, oils or fragrances and it flushes out toxins. Customers are moving away from sticks and gels which stain their clothes and lasts part of the day. Dr. mist will last for days, even if bathing is not possible (ie: patients in hospitals, campers, etc)

Dr. mist is a new invention based on floatation technology that works like an anti-perspirant, but still allows the pores to breathe. As recently featured on the news, it is also very effective athlete's foot, soothes mosquito and insect bites, accelerates healing in wounds, clears up acne and pimples with visible results in 24 hours and soothes skin irritation ... Claudette, 13 September 2006


I had bad breath and body odor since I was born. Spent more than 20 years and thousand of dollars trying to find what was missing in my system until I saw Dr. Brenda Watson describing what happens when there is not enough intestinal flora in the body. What happens? Vitamins along with impurities go straight to the blood causing the odor. So that is what was missing in my system.

I started taking probiotics (the higher the number the best) and multi enzymes and that was the beginning of my cure. Now I added Culturelle Lactobacilus Gg and no more body odor and bad breath.

Please, tell other people so they do not go through what I went through ... Mindy, 31 October 2006



My daughter is told she smells like pickles......we can't figure out what is causing's not perfume, soap, shampoo or anything else she's putting on externally.....I read your body odor article and the question posed by one of your readers is the same as mine.....why does my daughter smell like pickles??? What can be done about it?? ... Lupe Rodriguez, 7 December 2006



Re: an earlier post

Either he's wearing something that smells of what you described or it could be some form of disease ex. cancer. could be other forms but if you are that concerned. Does he have a desk? write an anonymous letter? it could be a medical problem and you do need to get your views across, because it could save his life ... Jennifer, 3 February 2007



I have recently noticed a slight wiff of vinegar odor from my body. I asked a friend if he noticed it and he said "no". I shower daily and am clean. Any ideas what may cause this? ... Phil, 16 July 2007



Hello there. I have been experiencing an odor for a while now but I still don't know where it is coming from. It occurs mainly when I am around my friends and it doesn't smell when I'm at home or at my doctor. Other people say that they smell it also. Please advise me what to do if you guys ever came across such an experience before. Thanks in advance ... Saf, 2 October 2007


Stu's picture

Body Odor

I think the best thing to do, rather than suffering all of this anxiety, to the point of alienating friends and strangers, is to go the doctors and get examined for what is going on, and get it fixed. At worst, you might get referred to a dermatologist or an endocrinologist, who can address it, if your general practitioner can't. But body odor can be fixed. Misha, you've just got to be willing to take control and start living life. Just take the 1st step and discover freedom again and a life of great friendships!

tejash's picture

body odor

i am 25 year old. i am suffering from the body odor. bad smell coming from my body so heavily that i am not able to site with the people or go outer.even i take shower for 2 times it dosnt work. when i going on my bike people just put there hand on their nose and look to me very badly.i also go to the docter and also done homeopathy but all in vain. i am very much depressed, i every time site alone and try to ignore to go outside. i am in very truble please tell me and treatment or any suggestion.

DONEGAL RAT``'s picture



Anonymous's picture


I have had this for 27 years , it is very troubling , but try to stay strong. Right know I take metamucill for more fober , and also take liquid chloriphyll . it seems to help.You are not mental this is a real problem.
Keep In Touch

Anonymous's picture

There's Hope

For all of you here, I feel your pain. Ever since I was little I've had all types of smells from a fecal smell to one that smells like sulfur, rotten eggs, oil or smoke (I'm in my 20s now). I was teased throughout elementary and high school and felt like an outcast. I went to doctors who said they had no clue what might be causing it, but one said it could be constipation or my not passing enough bowel movements, and the toxins built up. I did research and thought it may be TMAU, though was never able to get testing to be sure. I began eating healthier, took fiber supplements, and tried different tactics to see what worked, like probiotics and chlorophyl.

Today my bowel movements are more normal, though sometimes if I'm not careful I might have a sweaty odor but nothing like what I've had in the past. I'm studying health in school and am trying to eat healthier and take supplements - sometimes it's what you ingest that cause these odors. Everyone goes through trials in their lives, if it was not this it would be something else. It is hard, but definitely let this shape your character as you get through it- you will get through it. You begin to see life in a new light and you realize what is most important when you can't have it all. Definitely my faith in God has got me through this, I focus more on Him and all of the bad things seem little in comparison. God truly cares about our pain, and He reveals life to you in a different way the closer you are to Him. I pray that everyone here finds a solution to their problem - I truly believe you will.

Anonymous's picture

Oh, the humiliation.

I totally know what you mean about the paranoia. I have asked my brother and he's said he's never ever smelled anything. My girlfriend of nearly 5 years same thing. But I KNOW they are lying to me. I have noticed people edging away from me to get within 8-10 feet away lately. I am not imagining it. I am at my wits end. I can't smell anything, nothing at all. I didn't even suspect I had a problem until a few months ago, now I'm wondering if I've always had this problem and have been That Guy. My personal relationships have always been weak, I have never succeeded at any job I've done and the people that are my friends don't really call me up that often. I am so lonely I don't even know what to do. I'm glad I read this site, though. I'm going to try the probiotics. It's a shot in the dark, but one with great odds that whatever my problem is, that's the fix. I am sick to my stomach with this recent thought that people think I have bad personal hygiene. I shower every single day, wear clean clothes every single day, wear anti-perspirant/deoderant. But I have suffered from acid reflux and bloating for the past 10 years and now I'm pretty sure I've got a gut bug issue here that I had absolutely NO idea about. To think that not a single friend cares about me enough to tell me straight up or that my Mom, Dad or brother don't love me enough to tell me, it's enough to make me cry and want to just stop existing. I had NO idea. Have no idea. For all I know it IS in my head. I can't smell anything. Everyone I have asked says no. Doctors think candida and all this stuff is hocus pocus and just laugh at you. I even had a colonic done last year and the lady didn't say anything. I would think that they'd be professionally obligated to at least let you know there's an issue and how to fix it. Hell, coming to the realization that I've been That Guy is enough to make me want to end it all. I can't even begin to describe the sheer level of humiliation, depression and stress I feel right now because of this. But again, I can't smell a single thing. But people edge away from me all the time lately and this has to be the problem. I clean myself body and teeth-wise as good as any human being can possibly, including soaking in a tub with a cup of vinegar. I eat a high fibre diet, rich in fruits and vegetables no dairy, no red meat, lots of water, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water once a day and now I've just started a toxin cleanse. This is all new to me so I just hope I can find the problem by myself, not that I'll know the difference because I can't smell anything and I can't trust anyone I know, apparently, to tell me the truth. I was on antibiotics pretty much for my entire childhood and into my early 20s, so all I can think of is that this has been a problem for that long and I had no idea. I want to throw up from the sheer realization of this. But I can't help wondering if I'm crazy, because again, I can't smell a thing. When I smell myself all I smell is clean laundry and whatever body wash and antiperspirant I use. But the fact my gut has had problems for 10 years or more tells me that my worst nightmare is most likely a reality and that I'm the last one to know. It's enough to make me want to uproot my entire life and just move to Australia to start from scratch, never talking to anybody I've ever known ever again. I won't be able to take the humiliation of a family gathering now, knowing this is how they view me. My girlfriend has yet to introduce me to her parents, too. And never invites me out to work functions. It all makes sense now. I probably have the worst breath and B.O. of anybody anybody I know knows. my self confidence is so low right now I'm afraid to leave the house. I can't even look at people while talking to them and avoid social situations like the plague. I'm That Guy. I just want to die.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Dont Worry

Don't worry to much about it. The real challenge is getting through any type of school or long hour work. I think that you have a mild cause of TMAU like many others on this site. I believe that because of a subject's inability to degrade Choline (the stuff that smells) that it does slowly excrete through the skin. This happens during the day most often around mid day. So when your relation's were saying they couldn't smell it they were probably telling the truth and if they did the build up on the skin could have been miniscule or small enough to make barely noticeable. My advice to you and anyone else suffering would be to alert employers or friends and if your work place has bathrooms or wash area's to make full use of those if you can. If not in your lunch break or break try to give yourself a wipe down with wet wipe or similar, in the toilets or private area make sure you clean every where.

Don't let it get you down
most of the measure's needed are just organisation
and management

Anonymous's picture

i have the same promblem

i am almost 14 ive been smelling for the past 4 years my friends never told me and i had to find put the hard way by my friend being an asshole and i should have a shower.I know i'm probably the youngest person to ever think i have this stomach thing but for the past 6 months ive tried to smell beter from doing the simple things like wipeing my ass beter and putting on more body perfumes and deoderant i have possibly tried everything to get rid of it.I know i still smell bad but my friends are all denying it

Anonymous's picture


What helps for my b.o and bad breath:
You can get alot of this stuff at Walmart :-)
1.liquid vitamin B
2.digestive enzymes with probiotics at mealtime/before bed
3.HCL with Pepsin ( Helps with UNDERPRODUCTION of stomach acid.Doctors overlook this because the symptoms are identical to acid reflux and so they prescribe acid reducers instead)
4. diet high in raw fruits and veggies; try cutting out some of the pre-made food; and avoid garlic onion,etc.
5. antiperspirant called CERTAIN-DRI @bedtime,and my regular deo. in the morning on top of that
6. tongue scraper
7.fragrance free products and only antibacterial soap (Dial)

Magsie's picture

Body Odour Problems = and TMAU

I too suffer, and am a hated individual at work and get very depressed about it. It started aged 13, in my 20's I visited doctors saying I had BO problems at work & people would complain about me & I had good hygiene & struggled to keep a job. I kept in jobs a long time working harder than others to try & keep my job.
Now I'm in my 50s, have no kids & never married. The smells I get are either all the time low level constant sickly/fecal smells, particularly if I've an upset stomach or have been sick. Other times I get very strong smells suddenly escaping from my body - fecal/rotten egg/rotten meat/burning/cooking smells/urine/fishy smells. There's no leakage in underwear, and these extremely strong smells then disperse.
A couple of months ago I discovered I have TMAU Trimethalminuria. For those of you who cannot smell yourselves - your not alone. On UK TV Friday 23rd April '10 at 7pm BBC1 the One Show is featuring a gentleman & his wife. He's got this condition & he & his wife cannot smell it.
Now when you first read about TMAU - its also known as fish odour syndrome - and said to be very rare & uncurable. So you think 'fish smell' may not apply to you. But reading into it, so many other odours are also caused by TMAU, one woman smelt very sweaty/one smelt of burning rubber for instance, and manure/garbage/eggs etc. website has a link to enable you to see a tv programme which featued a young lady smelling like fish.

Anonymous's picture

Have you been tested for TMAU?

I thought I had TMAU, I've been told I smell of sulfur, dirty hair, old grease and garlic. I tested negative for TMAU. I believe the odor that I carry comes from mercury poisoning and the many years of taking antibiotics for acne.

WIshing you the best.

Serendip Visitor's picture

You may be on to something...

You said a mouthful when you said you took antibiotics for years due to acne and have mercury fillings. This applies to me too. I wonder how many others with this problem have done the same?

Anonymous's picture


OK...I know exactly what you are going through... i just recently left a social event bc my paranoia set in. im not this person, like you i have been dealing with this for years. eight years for me in june, but i cant help but wonder why lord. it started for me when i hit freshman year in highschool. before then i was so alive, so carefree with life, so sweet, so sociable, etc. then like you the signs started to show, people moving away from me... covering their noses, people laughing when i walked by. But i didnt understand. couldnt smell a thing... still cant after all these years. then you start feeling crazy because its like what the hell is wrong with them... i smell good. all i smelt was the baby lotion i used to put on ritually everyday. eight years in june. eight years. my life has never been the same. by the end of highschool i dropped out of LIFE. my dream was to go to college, be an aka, start my own business, find the man of my dreams, get married have his child, have a life. after highschool i didnt go to college because it got so bad that if i was near anybody i start having severe panic attacks. sweating, anxious, scarred im going to be made fun of all over again. my mom actually did have the courage to let me know she smelled it. we have tried everything from vinegar, to eating right, to 16 glasses of water a day to colonix, every thing. eight years in june. what hurt me the most is when my mom gave up on me. she got tired of tryin, just started ignoring me and the situation all together. its hard to live. to go into work day after day. to be made fun of everytime you step out of that door. what is wrong with me. why me? i shower 3-4 times a day. i even have tAken baths with bleach. NOTHING. people tolerate my existence. sometime i want to just end it all. there is so much more to say. ANONYMOUS PERSON... I PRAY THAT YOU RESPOND TO ME. YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IM GOING THROUGH. MAYBE WE CAN GET THROUGH THIS TOGETHER. I WISH I COULD TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT THIS. IT WOULD MAKE EACH DAY GO BY A LITTLE BETTER. I HAVE POSTED MY EMAIL AND I WILL REPOST IT IN THIS COMMENT. PLEASE RESPOND. PLEASE.

Trytohelp's picture

Chlorella and coconut oil may help you

Hello Anonymous,

I feel very touched by your message. I know the suffering you are going through although my problems have never been that serious. By searching on the net I discovered Chlorella which is a seaweed very popular in Japan where it has been declared "of national interest!". You should google it and you will be amazed of the properties of this alga. Among many many things it is known to be helpful for body odour and bad breath(as it is an internal deodorant). If you have a lot of fillings in your mouth, chlorella will do a good job too by removing the toxins from your body. This can be responsible for bo I think. So really you should try it. You can buy it from any health shop. In addition, coconot oil is also very helpful for metabolism and does wonders for bad breath. So why not BO ?. Really in both chlorella and coconut oil you should find a big help. I hope ! Take care!

Serendip Visitor's picture

re: pray you respond

Good evening. I've been reading many of these posts and it seems like there is no immediate answer, however, the daily humiliation becomes so debilitating. I work for a health care company, and I used to get comments by my co-workers like "what is that smell", everytime they would walk by, laughing, coughing, covering their nose, stepping aside from me when in the same room. I have had dark thoughts, but it seems that the company was told that I have a health problem. However, I believe they think it is all in my head. Long story short, they don't really say anything anymore. I can't stand to be around myself. When people do make remarks, my only revenge is that when I have these symptoms, I actually laugh! (This is not all the time, mind you..)..I have changed doctors several times.

Don't give up hope. Stay in the fight and know that there are many other people going through the same thing.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Fecal Body Odor Sufferer for 12 long humiliating years

I have been dealing with the same problem for 12 years now, it started freshman year of highschool. Its hard because not only do I not know what the problem is but I dont even know where the smell is coming from, and most of the time I can not even smell any fecal odor. It was always too embarasing for me to go to a doctor and talk about it so I just tried treating myself with stuff from the health food store. I never thought to look on the internet to see if anyone else suffered from this, but for some reason today I did, and here I am. I was in tears reading these post because I could relate, and I now know I'm not alone. This past 12 years have been so hard, so lonely, and so painful. People are cruel, and constantly having to deal with people coughing and covering there noses when I am around, or whispering and laughing when I walk by is hurtful. Unlike your mom, mine has never admitted to smelling anything, but in the freezing weather she rolls the windows almost all the way down when I am in the car, or when I am at her house she has several pots of scented oils burning. Anyhow in my case I have noticed when I am really relaxed I do not get as bad of a reaction from people, so perhaps it is not as bad then. I also wonder why I usually can not smell it, thats really weird. When its hot and no air is circulating I can smell the odor. Any ways I would love to talk so email me, it would be great to have someone that knows what I am going through to talk with. Thanks

Serendip Visitor's picture


so basically, you're saying that you constantly smell like poop, for no particular reason?
i'm very sorry to hear that.
have you tried using copious amounts of body spray, perfume, soaps, deodorants and antiperspirants?
and have you tried scrubbing all your nooks and crannies, good and well, on a daily basis? (bi-daily, if necessary, which i think it may be.)
i'm sorry, but it's not like you can stink of poop for 12yrs for NO reason. there must be some sort of hang-up in your personal hygiene.


I'm sorry, but I had to

I'm sorry, but I had to respond to this. I can't belive you had the audacity to say that she "must smell like poop for a reason." One thing is clear: you are very insensitive and two: you have no idea what you are talking about. She could be suffering from TMAU, which is a body odor disorder. You need to be educated before you open your mouth. If you don't believe me or know what TMAU is, you need to google it and watch some videos about it on youtube. Just be glad that you always smell phenomenal because obviously you wouldn't have the strength to deal with something like this. Just pray one day that you don't have something that no one has the answers for. The world is still full of medical mysteries you know. We are looking for answers, not criticism and since as you have nothing to offer you need to keep it moving.

Looking for answers (preferably for people who have it to offer)

Serendip Visitor's picture

RE Hello

My hygiene is excellent, the first thing I did once I noticed I had an odor was implement a strict hygiene regimen. I shower 3 time a day, use baby powder and scented lotion and body spray, my hair is always washed, deodarant always, my breath nice and fresh, and when I do a self check I smell good. If this problem were as simple as hygiene trust and believe I would have corrected it a long time ago, who wants to go through years of humiliation. But thanks for the suggestions anyways

Serendip Visitor's picture


I usually do not respond to comments, but your the most idiotic person I've seen on this site. Including the person who said that we are all crazy.Obviously the person has dealt with this 12 YEARS.If there was an answer that obvious, you would think they would have discovered it.Baka.... People who post on hear, do not need you the extra stress of people like you.I've dealt with the same problem and I have boiled my clothes and turned water so hot it cauterize my skin.Just because I was seen as "dirty", when in fact I washed 3 times a day. Please refrain from placing comments, when you know nothing about the situation. You may of meant well, but to a person who is suffering. Hearing that is like thrusting a spike into our side.

Serendip Visitor's picture

clearly you have no idea what

clearly you have no idea what someone in this condition is going through , and you still give you opinion on the matter

most of the people that have posted here have a better personal hygiene then you would have on your best day , but then again most people are ignorant like you and think life is so simple

i would recommend that EVERYONE that has body odor problems non related to hygiene get tested for TMAU ( trimethylaminuria )

this test could have the answers to your problems

Serendip Visitor's picture

Just had another relationship

Just had another relationship fail after a year, she gave no real reason but know its because of my b.o. (found it hard to type that). The mother of my 2 boys left after 12 years (i suppose i should be thankful she put up with me for 12 years ha ha). I,m 36 and have been like this since i was 16 i exercise regularly, eat healthy and shower twice a day. Tried everything aswell vinegar and honey, chinese remedies but no luck so far. Not sure if you have what i,ve got but i sweat too much for no apparent reason been for thyroid tests but everything fine although do have too much stomach acid. So sorry your mother gave up on you and i know how you feel about the comments it can be soul destroying. My 7 year old son recently made a comment when i read him a story. It has crossed my mind to just not go through this any more (at least to save embarrassing my kids and family) but we both know that is not the answer. I,m reading robinson crusoe at the moment and can really relate to his loneliness (he often thanks god for what he,s got rather than what he hasn,t) try reading it. When i saw your message i had to respond and please don,t give up, i think people should be more understanding but it,s the world in which we live. Going on a blind date soon wonder how long she,ll last ha ha.

Anonymous's picture

Go to the doctor and get

Go to the doctor and get tested for mercury poising. Trust me. You probably have it. Good luck, your not alone!

Anonymous's picture

WOW! I thought I was the only

WOW! I thought I was the only one! I have changed my life so much because of this. I have not given up but I wonder when will it change. If you want to talk please call me at

Anonymous's picture

Me too!

Looking for somebody to talk to about this proplem,please respond to my email.

Anonymous's picture

body odor

Hi! you're not alone...Im 25 and have suffered from bad b.o since I was 14, 15.. these are some things that have helped me improve:

1.HCL with Pepsin (helps with underproduction of stomach acid; docs usually overlook and prescribe acid reducers instead because the symptoms of both are identical!)
2.occasional colon cleanse supplement
3.digestive enzymes with probiotics along with a good multivitamin(vitamin deficiencies like B, Zinc, or magnesium can cause odor)
4. liquid vitamin B occasionally
5. diet high in raw foods and veggies,cut out some of the pre-made food
6. CERTAIN-DRI antiperspirant

Amanda's picture

Hey There. I know exactly how

Hey There.

I know exactly how you feel. I'm constantly thinking about how I smell to others and have grown extremely antisocial as the years have progressed. My immediate family members swear they do not notice anything, but I find it a little strange that their reassurances frequently contradict with what I notice at school (regarding the behavior of others). This phenomenon seems to be reported often among these posts... strange indeed. Some days I am positive that I have a physical problem, and yet other days I start to wonder if it is psychological... however, I can't deny how classmates act (they disregard, avoid, and quietly ridicule me among themselves). What's most frustrating is that I am a very clean person, as many people here indeed are (most likely more so than others). I watch my diet, take various supplements, and shower around three times a day. Needless to say, many write me off as a lunatic. My mother, father, and sister all think that I am just a paranoid nut - my sister uses my extreme sensitivity to her entertainment... she seems to get a kick out of my episodes of paranoia when she "jokes" around. I still plan on going back to college after the summer, however (I need to hang on for a few more weeks before this semester ends). As for the people that I "inconvenience" while I go through school, they can go jump off a bridge for all I care - I refuse to let them drag me down. Please don't give up - I think you should attempt to pursue your dreams (never mind the ignorant people that many of us have to deal with... although I understand that it is a daily (and very painful) battle. I am going to try to be tested for TMAU - I heard of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, where there is a doctor that specializes in recognizing this condition (based on a documentary I viewed regarding a woman who has suffered from TMAU for much of her life). But for now, don't give up hope. Feel free to contact me anytime.

john9's picture

hi , i have the exact same

hi , i have the exact same problem , i cant see your email , so i'm gonna post mine , please contact me , i really would like to talk more

my email is

Hopeful 's picture

Hello, I too have fecal body

Hello, I too have fecal body odor and I think it would be nice to talk to someone who has this problem too, so if you want to talk you could feel free to email me :)

Anonymous's picture

I don't know if anyone else

I don't know if anyone else has this problem (can't get the time to read through all the comments): I can't stand most perfumes and most people wear too much perfume or use too much scented hairspray. I get migraines when exposed to highly scented things and really have begun to dislike the overuse of perfume (plus you really can't smell anything else when people wearing too much are around). I swear that I have been outside, about 50 feet away from someone and have been able to smell them by their perfume.

To me, this is as bad as any natural body odor. And, as migraines can knock me out for a day, this means that I don't get much work done. There have been days when I walk into a classroom and the number of girls wearing a lot of perfume is so bad, that I have to skip class. And scented candles are almost as bad. I know that people like scents, but don't overdo it folks. Some of us are really sensitive.

Beeswax candles have a really nice, natural, light scent, so that is an option. Also, plain candles have a pretty nice hot wax scent. Perfume can be used in smaller amounts: you don't need to pour it on. Hairspray is like sniffing glue. I suspect that people who use too much like the feeling, if you get my drift. You might want to be careful of using too much again.

Also, the laundry aisle has gotten horrible. It's difficult to buy soap without having to smell something bad. All of these scents smell fake too. They claim to be "fresh", but don't even come close.

Anonymous's picture

i have the same promblem i

i have the same promblem i just try to have faith it will go away someday and i will be normal again one day ohh yeah i am 19 and had these condition noticebly for two years i use to be a real popular guy now just the guy everyone tries to avoid i barely talk about the issue just hold it in and thats not good it will only cause more promblems befor this i had girlfriends and now i would not dare two talk two a girl the way they sniffle around me i wonder if this dont go away how am i gonna survive who will hire me its mild somedays bad on hot days got this product called kilma anti persperant its pretty good product apply that and baby powder and fragrance spay nothing to strong and you will be good for a coulple hours 2-5. and use antibacterial soap and lather up real good. this condition comes with a lot of promblems seek help its tramatic and good luck your not alone

Sally's picture

lets see

lets see

Anonymous's picture

Life in Shambles

I am also 19 and have horrible fecal odour. I started having this odour when I began middle school. The teacher would make me sit by the window all year long even in winter time he'd have it open...I'd be freezing!...but i stuck through it just so my classmates could have air to breathe. I recently graduated school last year and would have to say without my friends I would def. not have made it. Around them I would be less nervous thus emmiting less of a horrible stench. I have had three jobs so far in my life and all of them have been hell for me. I worked at a resturant and I remember one day a customer walked in and said " wow...this place smells as worst as a sewage system"..I quit that day. My parents want me to apply for college in the fall but I am so terrified I don't know if I can go through with it. Without this smell going with me everywhere I go..I would have strived to become something great such as an optometrist or a pharmacist but knowing their is no future for me being something that great with my odour problem I rarely tried hard in school. All my friends have applied and are able to be whatever they want, they have a whole world of options while I have hardly any. It saddens me deeply knowing that I will never be able to achieve my dreams. That I will live a life that reflects not who I want to be...but only what I am able to b with my problem.

Sally's picture

Well, for one thing you can

Well, for one thing you can not give up on your life. Are you saying that your teacher sat you by a window. You talk of your friends. Have they ever said anything about a smell?

You said that you did not mind sitting by the window because you wanted everyone else to be able to breathe. Do you really think that they would not be able to breathe had you sat in a normal chair?

I have dealt with this problem for many years. Eventually I was placed on medical disability and I do not work. I will gave to go into further detail later.

But you can not give up on your life.

Can your parents smell this odor?

Anonymous's picture

fecal smell

My son has a similar issue. He is very depressed and it causes him much anxiety. If anyone has an answer for why a person has this problem when they are under stressful situations, please let me know. Also, does anyone have a medical treatment or been diagnosed with a medical condition for this?

Anonymous's picture

fecal smell

Please, please go and purchase Probiotics capsules from any drug store. Make sure it is labled "Super" or "Maxium Strength"
take daily and drink water. This fecal smell maybe due to excessive fecal toxins in the blood stream that emminates from your skin. The normal bacterial flora in your intestine is unbalance. this too is causing the foul odor. Your intestinal flora will become balance within days of taking the probiotics. Please try to take daily for 30 days. I promise you will be amazed by the results. I too suffered for years with fecal and other odors comming from my body until I was told to try super strength probiotics. It has been 6 months now and I am doing and feeling great. I pray that this will be the answer for you as it was for me.

sadly no's picture


purity of essence!

I wish that I could say that a credible study supports the assertion probiotics will stop you from smelling bad. Try them anyway, they probably won't hurt you. They do not, however, "balance" "fecal toxins" in the bloodstream. That is not accurate.

PS: Thanks to Senator Orrin Hatch, the label "Super" or "Maximum Strength" does not mean anything on a supplement. There is no regulatory body in the country responsible for deciding whether your yeast poop is more or less strong than your competitor's, and no legal reason not to claim that it is the strongest of them all.

Anonymous's picture

Feeling real depressed

I know how most of you are feeling. Only recently i started to notice people around me holding there noses at work, in college and even many of those who i would class as my closest friends. After a few months i became aware that the smell was coming from me. I am now in uni and i am finding it extremely difficult to get through because every where i go it is the same thing. I m determined to pass and get my degree but this odour is really holding me back.I often skip most classes. I hate wen people sit next to me because i know they will smell me and look at me in a bad way. I am very hygenic, almost ocd but this makes me seem dirty, its humiliating. I have been doctors over 30 times in the last couple months but they dont take it seriously and said its paranoia. Im at the very edge of ending it all...How can anyone cope?? I can't!! Everyone i ask just lies to me and says no your fine but then behind my back they laugh and ridicule me....

Anonymous's picture

I totally know what you mean

I totally know what you mean about the paranoia. I have asked my brother and he's said he's never ever smelled anything. My girlfriend of nearly 5 years same thing. But I KNOW they are lying to me. I have noticed people edging away from me to get within 8-10 feet away lately. I am not imagining it. I am at my wits end. I can't smell anything, nothing at all. I didn't even suspect I had a problem until a few months ago, now I'm wondering if I've always had this problem and have been That Guy. My personal relationships have always been weak, I have never succeeded at any job I've done and the people that are my friends don't really call me up that often. I am so lonely I don't even know what to do. I'm glad I read this site, though. I'm going to try the probiotics. It's a shot in the dark, but one with great odds that whatever my problem is, that's the fix. I am sick to my stomach with this recent thought that people think I have bad personal hygiene. I shower every single day, wear clean clothes every single day, wear anti-perspirant/deoderant. But I have suffered from acid reflux and bloating for the past 10 years and now I'm pretty sure I've got a gut bug issue here that I had absolutely NO idea about. To think that not a single friend cares about me enough to tell me straight up or that my Mom, Dad or brother don't love me enough to tell me, it's enough to make me cry and want to just stop existing. I had NO idea. Have no idea. For all I know it IS in my head. I can't smell anything. Everyone I have asked says no. Doctors think candida and all this stuff is hocus pocus and just laugh at you. I even had a colonic done last year and the lady didn't say anything. I would think that they'd be professionally obligated to at least let you know there's an issue and how to fix it. Hell, coming to the realization that I've been That Guy is enough to make me want to end it all. I can't even begin to describe the sheer level of humiliation, depression and stress I feel right now because of this. But again, I can't smell a single thing. But people edge away from me all the time lately and this has to be the problem. I clean myself body and teeth-wise as good as any human being can possibly, including soaking in a tub with a cup of vinegar. I eat a high fibre diet, rich in fruits and vegetables. But I was on antibiotics pretty much for my entire childhood and into my early 20s, so all I can think of is that this has been a problem for that long and I had no idea. I want to throw up from the sheer realization of this. But I can't help wondering if I'm crazy, because again, I can't smell a thing. When I smell myself all I smell is clean laundry and whatever body wash and antiperspirant I use. But the fact my gut has had problems for 10 years or more tells me that my worst nightmare is most likely a reality and that I'm the last one to know. It's enough to make me want to uproot my entire life and just move to Australia to start from scratch, never talking to anybody I've ever known ever again. I won't be able to take the humiliation of a family gathering now, knowing this is how they view me. My girlfriend has yet to introduce me to her parents, too. And never invites me out to work functions. It all makes sense now. I probably have the worst breath and B.O. of anybody anybody I know knows. I'm That Guy. I just want to die.

Severe Candida Girl's picture

i too suffer from this condition

Don't give up, I know how hard it can be. I'm going to start a intense candida cleanse tomorrow. Maybe we can become buds and help eachother along the way. Send me a message back.

28 hispanic female chicago

Anonymous's picture

I would love for us to be a

I would love for us to be a support system for each other. My name is Tamara

Doug's picture

I have the same problem

I thought I was losing my mind. I was actually starting to think it was all in my head but after reading this website and comments made by everyone relating their stories I know I'm not alone now and that something really is wrong.

I have that same bad fecal smell. When I ask someone about it they tell me I smell fine, but then I hear others commenting about it in offices as I pass by or in restaurants. I used to hear kids making fun of me at school as well. The most disheartening thing about it I guess is feeling powerless. How could our bodies betray us this way?

Since reading this website I've decided to start trying a few things. I am taking the walmart equivalent of Metamucil and I just purchased activated charcoal and copper chlorophyll supplements. If they work I'll let people here now.

Stay strong. You aren't alone.

Anonymous's picture

i feel the same way also

i am a 16 yr old high school student and about to graduate this 2010, i always feel depressed or down whenever a person gets near me and cover their noses. well its because of how i smell, im a really hygenic person so i dont know how did i get this awful odor. im experiencing this for almost 3 yrs, it feels ba that i cant do whatever i want because of the thought that "i would just be a burden for them if i get near" so i skip classes oftenly not attending school programs event if i want to. sumtimes i pray to God, it would be better if youd just cut my leg or my arm than having this awful smell, i cant talk to persons i like, i cant make friends, im afraid of getting near anyone. i cant even go my relatives anymore coz of wat i smell. im afraid they would just think of me as a disgusting person. i often lock myself at my room so no one can get near me, i want to escape reality badly, sometimes i wanna just put an end to this worthless life of mine. so ill just pray for you to get well.

Anonymous's picture

help please

i am 46 been living with a smell of feces since 2 grade it's imbarrassing to say but my problem started when i had to move my bowel and it hurted to come out and i held it in for days now since that mind you that was second grade i still smell every since please do anyone know why and what to do are see?

Anonymous's picture

body odor help?

Hello i am 14 and i currently have body.odor
it has been since i was 10 people nver tell me unless they really want to insult me.i can hear people sniffing
brushing there noses(teachers,parents,store's,school,church)
and i am really getting tired when i am in the car and i am next to my parent they brush there nose
and sniff i am a loner and in school i seem to move far from every one else and i have freinds but i move away from them i ask them if i smell and they say no i ask my parnets and they think im crazy and i dont smell like anything
i am tired of this i want to have a girlfriend bu ti think its impossible with the smell of i am told of(ass,shit,garbage,fish)i dont know what it is i take showers 1 in the night 2 in the morning and that's it i put on deodorant and lots of axe which dosent work i wash my cloths and it dosent seem to work i stink and people now it i walk in the hall ways and people cover there nose cough get there shirts please help me thru this


Corrin's picture

Something to try...

Hello, Alan. Im sorry to hear about your situation. I am a 19 year old girl who has the same problem, except my odors are different. My scalp smells like cheese, my breath just smells BAD, and when my body sweats sometimes it smells like vinegar or raw meat. Nevertheless, i have body odor, and therefore i know exactly what you are going throught because i went through the same thing. You may want to try googling some of the odors that your body emits and see what some possible cures are. One thing you can try is chlorophyll, which you can order online or buy at GNC or maybe even the vitamin shop. Also, ask your parents if they can take you to the doctor, maybe you have a digestion problem that needs to be dealt with. I want to be honest with you though; believe it or not, thoudands of people are struggling with the same problem, but many of us have not or do not find the cure. Unfortunately body odor is not seen as something considered serious in the medical field and seems to need much research until people are eliviated of this devastating problem. I myself began to have bo when i switched hometowns and went to a new school in eigth grade, and ever since this it has been a rocky road downhill. I have literally spent up to a thousand dollars alone of my own money on products, from supplements to over a hundred deodorants, to anti fungal shampoos, to much, much more, only to find out they didn't work.
If i were you i would google "tmau", which is an abbreviation for a genetic disorder that causes strong body odor, some being fishy or fecal-like. Other than that I would say visit the curezone forum where other people talk about their bo, and ask for your parents and friends support. Remember, if there is someone you know who does not like or accept you for your bo, then they are someone who needs to be educated or they are someone who you should avoid. Don't let this lead you down to depression, which i am currently trying to recover from because of this problem.

Anonymous's picture

I am 16 and I have had a body

I am 16 and I have had a body odor problem all through my life, though it has escalated ever since the start of puberty. Every time I go to school, I would always hear people whisper bad things such as "something smells" or "it smells like shit..." or "what's that horrible smell." Though I try to not show it, I sometimes get embarrassed at their remarks, knowing that what they say is true. Even my mom tells me I smell when I get home from school, even though I just took a shower earlier that day...I have always known it has come from me since a couple of friend has informed me of my "shit" odor, though I have gone into denial about my odor for a short period of time. I know it isn't from my poor hygiene because I brush my teeth and scrape my tongue and take a 20-min shower every morning! I also put about 7 layers of deodorant every morning prior going to school! I have not told my mom of this problem because I don't want her to worry, and plus she already has problems of her own at work. This odor has become so serious a problem that I have considered (and I have done this before) skipping class or asking my parent to ride me to school so that people on the bus won't have to endure my smell! I am currently so depressed and paranoid at my "shitty" (or so people say) odor that I have stopped caring for my grade and have participated less in my lessons. If anyone has advices for me, please reply! :(

sousou's picture

go to anticandidda diet ,

go to anticandidda diet , drink a lot of water ,take vitamins and supplements. see a Naturopatic doctor.
good luck

Doug's picture

I'm with you

Hi there. I have the same 'shitty' problem. I don't know when it started but I remember in my Senior Year of High School noticing people making the same comments you are hearing. They wouldn't say it to my face but I could hear them whispering behind my back, or in neighboring seats at restaurants. It's a horrible feeling I know. I think the worst part about it is not being able so far to do anything about it.

I've faced the depression you're in. My grades slipped, I was a loner. I spent a lot of time in my room as a kid and young adult. Over the years I've put on a lot of weight. I am 28 now and married. Yes, I said married. Life can go on even with what ever you and I have. You can get through this. If I can be any help let me know.

I've tried pills and drinking lots of water and using body sprays and anti-bacterial soap but nothing helps me either.

I saw a post on this page about TMAU I think it was that is a genetic disorder. The link suggested taking activated charcoal and/or copper chlorophyllin tablets. I am going to give them a try next plus put myself on a long term diet in case my weight has caused the problem to grow. I'll let you know how the trial turns out.

But, either way, know that this is a real disorder and that you are not alone.

God Bless's picture

Christ looks all over your

Hi, there's this interesting article that i came across. All the smell your having is probably one rare condition called fish odour syndrome --

another cause is probably your shampoo and soup that's not compatiable with the chemicals secreted from your body or the synthetic clothings which your are wearing which doesn't allow breathing of the skin and the synthetic clothing reacts with the body chemicals to produce unsastifactory results. Wear natural clothings such as cotton. Your living habitats must be always kept clean and nice-smelling; yes environment does matter. Watch your diet, lifestyle and please get rid of clothings( underwears..) that you are suspecting are on-set with bacterias or it could simply, just be your intestines "leaky gut" please use suitable perfumes that you find are perfect and sweet-smelling. Proper diets ( suitable vegetarian diets..) kinda helps and most importantly regular sleep and lifestyle does help.

Most importantly is this, NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE ON YOURSELF OR MANKIND, because God will never turn away from your , and likewise don't turn away from and give up on God. Be lovely children of god and have faith in yourself, mankind and God. May the gurdians , angels and holy spirits descend upon your lovely children of God. Sincere Bliss.