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Why Is My Arm Twitching!? An Inquiry.

Biology 103
2005 Second Paper
On Serendip
Why Is My Arm Twitching!? An Inquiry.
Matthew Lowe
For several days now, and as I write this paper, a muscle in my left forearm has been twitching vigorously on a regular basis. It is not painful, but I am always able to feel it while it is happening. In general, an episode of spasms begins suddenly and with great rapidity; about ten contractions per second. It then usually slows to irregularly-spaced single spasms, with the occasional double-twitch. All individual spasms are very quick; the contraction and release taking a fraction of a second. The twitch is visible: it appears that a narrow section on the right side of the large anterior muscle (the one that lifts the wrist) is being pulled forward about a quarter-inch. The visibly affected area extends over the inner elbow and about four inches up the upper arm. I had originally attributed the twitch to caffeine or stress, as I find that my left eye twitches in a similar way during periods where I am forced to drink lots of coffee and skimp on sleep. However, for the past few days I have consumed no caffeine and gotten a reasonable amount of sleep. I got some light exercise, and was moderately nervous for a musical performance last night. One possible strain on my left arm was a pain in my wrist from probably straining too hard, playing guitar for a more extended period of time than I am accustomed. Extensive stretching, massage, and more aggressive tactics have done nothing to slow the spasms, indeed, direct pressure on the area will not even stop spasms as they are occurring.
The first step in diagnosing this annoying and increasingly distressing affliction seems to be to determine what is actually twitching. It seems that only the muscle itself has the ability to actually move a part of the body, but of course muscles respond to nerve impulses. Could ligaments or tendons be malfunctioning and triggering these movements? It appears that this would not be the case, as ligaments merely connect bone to bone and tendons muscle to bone. They are made of soft collagenous tissue, and classification of these tissues are based on stiffness of the "crimp" of the tissue and its resistance to load under pressure (1). These characteristics do not seem to suggest the capability of autonomous movement. The same is the case for actual nerves. The action, therefore, must be in the muscle. Something, therefore, is triggering the irregular bonding and release of myosin heads to the actin filaments. This action is also, at a certain level, uncoordinated, because though the movement of the actual muscle is large, there is no visible translation to a bone, moving a limb. Perhaps the "power stroke" of the muscle is so short, and in a small enough section of the muscle that it overcomes the deformation curve of the tendon. However, the timescale of this phenomenon is far shorter than the muscular action I am experiencing. Perhaps the muscle in question serves another purpose. The two strongest possibilities for identity of the offending muscle, based on the line the spasms trace, are pronator teres or the flexor digitalum superficialis (2). There is little reason to suspect the second, as it is a deeper muscle, and much more of it would likely move if it were to misfire. The pronator teres appears exactly the proper size and shape. This muscle originates at the Medial epicondyle of the humerus and at the coronoid process of the ulna, and inserts at the middle of the lateral surface of the radius. In other words, at the very bottom of the humerus, a few inches down the ulna, and between them on the radius, respectively. The muscle pronates and flexes (rotates and bends) the forearm at the elbow. Though it appears that the bulk of forearm flexion is performed by the Brachialis, most pronation is done by the pronator teres, further confusing the question of why my arm remains still when the muscle twitches (3). The muscle is innervated by the median nerve, a common site of nerve compression and repetitive stress syndromes. There exists a pronator teres compression syndrome, but it is fairly rare and its symptoms include pain in the area, weakness in the hand, certain types of palsy in the fingers, and do not include twitching of the muscle (4). None of these apply to my situation.
A visit to a medical reference site querying "muscle twitch" yielded information I had assumed at the beginning of my inquiry. Barring neurological disorders such as Lou Gehrig's disease and Muscular Dystrophy, causes of muscle twitching were simple: caffeine, excessive exercise, stress, a diet deficiency. The former three I was willing to rule out in my situation, but it is possible that there has been a deficiency in my diet. Returning to institutional food has greatly increased the proportion of meat in my diet, which had been significantly reduced during the summer, and it seemed particularly high in the past week. Further research suggested that spasms and cramps could be caused by a calcium deficiency resulting from high protein or phosphate intake. A deficiency in pantothenic acid (Vitamin B) were pointed to as a cause, but several prime sources of the vitamin were part of my diet in the period in question. A high Magnesium-to-Calcium ratio in the body was another cause. It is true that most recently, green vegetables and legumes, the major sources of magnesium, had not been in adequate proportions in my diet, but this would presumably result in, if anything, a low Mg/Ca ratio Consuming foods containing lactic acid was pointed to as a possible strategy (6). In the end, it was unclear exactly what could be done on a dietary level to correct this ratio, as consuming more of one mineral would block absorption of another in a complex web, and it would be impossible to be certain of the proportions in my body without knowing the proportions in the foods I ate, without having kept careful track of what I had eaten in the period in question.
Would there, then, be anything that could be done in the short term? It seems to stand to reason that the malfunction of myocin in the muscle would be triggered by the synapses of a nerve going haywire. Is there any way that the functioning of a cluster of nerve cells could be directly impacted? A relationship between electrical pathways in the body and acupuncture came to mind. Most charts of acupuncture meridians that I was able to find related the acupoints to organs, as opposed to specific muscles or limbs, which seemed like a dead end. This was interesting, however, as it was indicated that Eastern medicine traditionally conceived of disease as a collection of symptoms rather than a unified state of the body, which would suggest that their treatment strategies would target various body aches outside of the major organs in the trunk or head (8). Another article indicated that "The change of electric activity is part of signal transduction and can precede anatomical change," but that some electromagnetic patterns in the body mapped by a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) are consistent with the meridian system, but not necessarily "any major nerve, lymphatic, or blood vessel" (9). The author goes on to note that "An "annealing" mechanism may play a role in acupuncture and related techniques: Small perturbations at singular points elicit a "shock" to the system - activates and shakes the biological system out of its abnormal and unstable state. After activation, the system has a better chance to settle at a normal, more stable state." It seems likely that acupuncture could have an effect on my own particular malfunction, if it is in fact related to the electrical impulses in the muscle, but it seems that to find out exactly how would require the involvement of a specialist, or, as the web seems to indicate, the purchase of a book.
In the end, this particular spasm episode will likely soon come to an end, but a few questions still remain unanswered in my mind. First: if, for instance, the spasms were caused by a nutritional deficiency, why would that macro deficiency manifest itself in one section of the body for an extended period of time? Second: another article outlining the system of nerve impulses involved in a reflex reaction demonstrated the level of communication necessary to return a reflex impulse to its point of origin. What if my left pronator teres or its median nerve thought that it was receiving an impulses and was actually responding normally? If so, what could this false impulse have been caused by? Most of my confusion arises from the specificity in manifestation of a generalized explanation. What is so different about this particular assembly?
1) Notes for a U-Michigan biomechanics course
2)Contents of upper limb and back, drawings of macro anatomical assemblies
3)Upper Extremity Muscle Atlas
4)eMedicine, Hand and nerve compression syndrome overview
5)National Institutes of Health, NIH Reference Site
6)Acu-cell, Nutritional causes of muscle spasms and cramps
7)Acu-cell, nutritional mineral ratio primer
8)The Med-Com Resource, Acupuncture primer
9)The Meridian System and the Mechanism of Acupuncture, Article on acupuncture research
I have the exact spasms in my arm it's not painful but happens often and u can't control or stop it.. it happens in lower forearm and will make your hand move quick multiple bursts. If Ms runs in your family get checked because that among other there symptoms could be the reason for twitches. Scares in your brain from me can cause misfire and twitching.. don't freak out go get checked could be anything but in my case my dad had ms I started having symptoms when I moved to a warmer climate and after tests find out I am like my dad slow progressive.. if it progresses get tests done whatever it is catch it early and u will be fine also try to keep stress to a minimum smoke weed lol.. that's my input.
My wrist
My wrist had been twitching non stop for over a year now. I went to the doctor once and they told me there was nothing wrong and it would go away. It hasn't. Sometimes I have aches and pains in my wrist but not often. It's more annoying than anything else. I'm scared there might be something wrong only because it has been twitching for so long and the doctor I went to was wrong.
Megan Wrist
Ask a REPUTABLE chiropractor to adjust your T1 vertabrae.
right arm beat
I am experiencing a continuous beat in my right arm from yeaterday. Wt is that. Why it is happening. Is it serious problem?
Muscle twitching, ANYWHERE...... crack neck, it ALWAYS goes away
I know this post is VERY old but maybe it will help someone:
Over the past 30 years EVERY time that I have muscle twitching (micro/slight or worse) anywhere in my body, all I have to do is crack my neck and it ALWAYS stops. Always. It has never once failed.
You probably have a reverse
You probably have a reverse cervical curve in your neck and it could be pinching a nerve.
Crack neck?
Hi Ernie,
Thanks for posting. I, too, found this old thread. Funny that I found it just two weeks after you replied.
Can you clarify what you mean by crack the neck? Are you moving your head side to side? I assume you mean something similar to cracking one's knuckles, but I don't see how that would be done with the neck.
MAGNESIUM I started taking a
I started taking a natural supplement and eating more magnesium & potassium rich foods and the twitching stopped! Also I switched my diet to organic, non-gmo & gluten free recently and let me tell you, I am RENEWED! you can't expect any problems to get better when we're shoving trash I I our mouths daily. start with that first!
Jesus you wrote a whole
Jesus you wrote a whole article
I wrote an entire book,
I wrote an entire book, actually.
Muscle twitching, tricep, forearm, thigh, claves, facial, etc..
I was doing a search on acupuncture sites and how they affected which areas after treatment. I am coming from an entire different spectrum with the muscle twitching and its purpose. As to what might be causing it. It is not biochemical in origin, etc...
for what its worth seeings how I stumbled on this page, this is why and how I see muscle twitching in my clients and in myself.
I am a "Reconnective Healing Practitioner", for those of you who don't know what that it, it is like offering Reiki only the energetic frequency is much higher, off the charts so to speak. Every client I offer a session to has involuntary muscle twitching. in the tricep area for almost everyone, then the forearm quite a bit. These are not little twitches, I can see their muscle morphing up and down under their clothing or if their shirt is off see the muscle moving up and down very prominantly . I have taken several movies of this phenomenon during sessions. After the session I always ask the client if they could feel any muscle twitching during our session, they always respond with, "I could feel some little muscle twitching, then I show them the movie, they are always surprised and shocked to see this. For me I have twitching in my left and right upper tricep area. It goes really fast, as I sit down to reflect as to why this is trying to get my attention, it speeds up for a few minutes on both sides. As soon as I start a session on myself the twitching begins to subside until the next day when I am being asked to come and reflect again.
Weird? Yes, Real? Yes! Again for what its worth, if you believe or do not believe. The body, mind and spirit is downloading energy, light and information. Once you have ruled out AMLS and other things that can cause the muscle twitching, look at two of my videos on you tube and see if something in the muscle twitching department looks familiar.,
I have other videos that specifically show the muscle twitching in the arms more closely. Weird that I happened upon this site. The videos are not intended for anything other than to have you vies them, this is not for sales or any other purpose. This is what happens with my clients during sessions, and it never comes back after their sessions.
Take Care, blessings, Kim Levinson
I've read this whole article and pretty much all the Comments hoping to find the answer to why my upper left arm an shoulder even the region under my arm pit is twitching does it make a difference if it's not my fore arm, I'm looking for answers but I haven't found any. It's like it starts above my elbow and over time in moves up and under my arm to the actrully trunk of my body.. Is there something wrong with me, should I be worried?
Arm Twitching
I am slightly "elder" but in reasonable condition. For several years I have been on Effexor daily. Two mos ago I started waking feeling extremely depressed, new for me. Haven't solved that yet. But then about 3-4 days ago my left arm muscles, below elbow, started periodic twitching, haven't solved that either, doing homework like this site. Had polio as a child with resultant shortening of my left leg/use lift so I am sort of used to having my back out of whack and impinging upon nerves. I am among other things chiropractic oriented. But your chats have opened some thoughts, why only left arm twitches? Why out of the blue? Will be challenging I gather. Thanks for your discussions. Any inputs are acceptable. Just up the road from Bryn Mawr, in Blue Bell. ACH ;-)
spasms in left arm
just recently they started and since that I have read similar stories it could be the simpliest of them all. I do tend to use my left arm as a lever while I do my homework. and this happens for long periods of time. I will try not to use the left arm and see if the spasms stop. If not the next thing would beto go to the doctor and get a real diagnosis.
Right upper arm twitch.
Hey guys, I had a throatache yesterday, and decided to gargle my throat with with mixed with alot of salt, as I did not want to drink it as water or how you would normally drink, I angled my head backwards and let alot of the mix in, and I accidently drank all of it. my body imediately responded to the salt, and i threw up, a few hours later, my throat was still super dry from the salt although i threw up and let it all out. I drank alot of water since i wanted the feeling to go away, but then the weird Twichting started to happen.. So I think that the twitch could be an result of too much salt usage, my father who had a stroke years ago and didn't feel good evrytime he got out of bed, he wanted to kill him self evrytime he got out of bed. and after years of thinking what could be the cause of this, he stopped using salt. and after a few days since he stopped using salt he woke up way better! and after a month or so he could wake up like any normal person again! anyway i'm going to the doctor in a few days and i'll discuss what to do with him, and if he doens't know i will just stop using salt.
I really hope you can do something with this comment, and if anybody does know how to fix this weird issue, or can relate to my story, please contact me!
This could be it. Yesterday,
This could be it. Yesterday, I used a little too much salt when I cooked lunch, but ate it nevertheless. In the evening my lower arm started twitching like mad. It's still twitching a little today. Maybe it was the salt. Usually, we don't use very much salt.
re: sodium
That would be such an easy fix! Worth a shot. Doubt it's that: don't they check for high levels of sodium in blood tests? Have never been told to reduce sodium levels, but I have tried many avenues, and am willing to give this a shot, too
The most recent symptoms included a rash and low-grade fevers at night. Because of the rash, I was referred to a dermatologist, and boy am I glad I was! The dermatologist was the FIRST doctor ever to SERIOUSLY look at all the symptoms as presented by ONE cause instead of breaking it down and treating each symptom!! Apparently, I have had a systemic staff infection: after a DECADE of pain and feeling unwell and god knows how much money spent on alternative therapies, herbal remedies, supplements etc., it took just 3 days on the right antibiotic (Cefadroxil) to notice my body was responding. Now, two weeks later, I feel like I have my body back: nearly complete recovery!! I have never been more grateful for anything in my life!! My dermatologist doesn't hear me, but I thank him nearly every morning. My joint pain is gone. My energy is returning. I'm more alert. I can concentrate. My memory is improving, as well as my mood (it's frustrating to KNOW something is going on and be met with skepticism or treated as if it's all psychological.) The spasms are nearly non-existent--now just occasional throughout the day, and far less intense. I'd say it would be worth getting checked out! Good luck & I hope you find the right doctor--which is, I believe, what it boils down to.
How did they diagnose the
How did they diagnose the systemic staff infection. Blood tests? Which ones?
Good to hear your are felling better.
Serendipity, he simply looked at it under the magnifying glass andand after hearing about other symptoms, decuced that it was staff. He prescribed a two week course of cefadroxil...unfortunately, symptoms did return (including the rash) after finishing the course of medicine....he prescribed a month-long course this time...the spasms aren't as intense, but are present. The rash starts to fade then returns...going to have to go back
Conclusive diagnoses must be made by studying a lesion ( tash bump) or by doing a nose swab. My doctor did neither since symptoms were improving with medication. Since I am having problems again, I will request a skin study next visit. I would suggest you request a conclusive test to begin with...good luck. Someday someone will figure it out! Will experience a permanent recovery rather than subsiding of symptoms just to have them return....discouraged
9 year old son
Interesting to read everyone's experiences. My 9 year old son also has this problem, and it has been going on for 8 months now. Twitching in both forearms. Sometimes gets better or disappears for awhile, sometimes gets worse. His pediatritian took blood tests and found no problems except potassium was just a little low. He said if it were a serious medical problem there would have been other signs of it, plus problems with weakness or reflexes. He seemed pretty sure it was just anxiety, and after having known him since he was a baby, he was "just that kind of kid" - the kind that gets stressed out easily and worries a lot about everything. I can agree that's true, as he gets older and has more awareness of the world he worries about so much. The Dr. suggested a child psychiatrist may help him find ways to deal with his anxiety, but I'm not sure yet. I've been trying potassium rich foods and magnesium supplements and reduced salt, but so far I doubt it's helping. I hope he doesn't have to deal with this his whole life! I was also kind of a high-anxiety kid, but never had this kind of problem. Seems like it would be so annoying.
Health nut and twitching
I do not drink caffeine, rarely drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't do drugs, was not on prescription drugs. In the past, I did consume large amounts of caffeine and went through a period of smoking heavily. However, as I've said, I've given up those things, and when, on occasion, I have had the rare cup of coffee or tea (even decaf), the spasms have worsened. So it does exacerbate the spasms, but the spasms are not caused by those choices--because I have them regardless. I've noticed that with the increasing wireless technology usage, the spasms have become worse. I really believe it has to do with cell phones, satellites, etc. Still, after years of trying different things (naturopathic/herbal remedies, vitamin supplements, tens unit, ultrasound therapy, chiropractic care, reiki, accupuncture, physical therapy, restrictive diets, etc.), I have concluded that nothing helps permanently. When there is a reprieve that happens to coincide with something new, I become so excited and hopeful, only to have the spasms start up again. Started with left chest pain, spread to left shoulder, then neck (had my left submandibular lymph node punch biopsied then removed for further study--lymphocytes present, no cancer), then lower RIGHT groin area, down my right leg to my foot--severe cramps (unrelated to hydration), next left eye, lip & jaw, then my left no part of my body is immune--internally even. Have also had occasional head pressure & balance & speech disturbances, occasional mental fog/cloudiness, confusion/memory loss/poor concentration due to inability to focus on anything but these distracting and sometimes painful spasms. I've wondered if it has to do with the chemicals plants give out when too many are cut down (mowing, hedgetrimming, etc.), or if it has to do with the spread of the lichens (have you noticed this, too? Trees used to have healthy clear bark, and are now sickly looking & covered with lichens and fungus)....maybe a fungicemia? Or, as I mentioned previously, the electromagnetic frequencies? Or perhaps it's a new parasite or disease that's super contagious?? Maybe something going on in the solar system that our bodies can detect but scientists' can't yet? I don't know, but I sure wish I knew the origin. Then it would be possible to DO something about it. Docs say "all in my head" (I feel like clocking them over the head), or "you just have to live with it" Defeatist attitude. Lets figure it out and do something! It's not the diet or exercise! I can tell you that. What is it?? I'm hoping to find out--and that it's something simple to resolve. I've been through MRI's, CT scans, ultrasounds, x-rays, blood tests, stool tests, just about everything you can imagine. No "abnormalities." Though I've said I wouldn't wish this on anyone, I think if doctors were experiencing it, they might be a little more inclined to get to the bottom of this. Frustrating.
reply to health nut and twitching
In case you check back and read this, don't give up. Take a look at fibromyalgia which includes many of your symptoms. Be encouraged. I'm praying for you.
Excessive exercise = my forearm spasms
My forearm spasms began when I started climbing aerial silks again after being ill and bed-ridden for several days. This would qualify as "excessive exercise" based on the causal categories that Matthew stated. Ever since then I've had to take very good care of my muscles before engaging in intense activities. I'm 37 years old and up until now my body has been fairly easy and maintenance-free like a child's body, but now I'm finding that I need to warm up a lot before climbing & acrobatics. Caffeine, stress, and vitamin/mineral deficiencies are not an issue in my case because I avoid caffeine, I keep my life simple, annd I eat plenty of green leafy veggies along with whole foods.
My left arm keeps twitch every 30 minutes and last about 1 hour and I have not done any lifting or sport yet I'm only 11 and this has Ben going on sense my 19 birthday and it just won't stop it isn't painfully but very noticeable for me and people who look at it I went to the doctor and he said that it is just a little spasm but it won't stop. What shoul I do
muscle twitches
hey guys, just thought id drop a line and say to those of you (a lot of comments) who are eating bad and have college finals coming up, its probably a mix of b12 and stress. definitely nothing to worry about, even if it is quite annoying!
just get out there, do some exercise, eat good whole foods, supplement if you need to, drink plenty of water, and take some time out of study to kick back, relax and forget about everything... before you know it, your twitching will stop.
if not, get to a doc and get it checked out, but for 99.9% of it, it shouldnt come to that
hope this helps!!
17 year old having shaking of left leg almost 3 years even durin
kindly give us the solution mri brain no focal lesion but eeg some epeleptical changes.
Twitching Arm
Everything He Did , I Did .&& It's Like Rapid Twitching And I Tried Holding It Down And Everything ! It Is Really Annoying ! Sometimes My Eye Twitches Toooo !
my story
it's nice to know that i'm not alone in this whole twitching saga. my twiching started some months ago, really very mild at first, but became more bothersome. i kept wondering if something terrible was going on. i did some research and found it might be due to low calcium, so i started drinking 3 glasses of milk a day, it did not really help, i noticed that when i have exams coming up, or i'm very worried, they increase in frequency and intensity. it makes me feel better that there are other people going through this. I will try more magnesium in my diet too, makes a lot of sense. Thanks you all.
It could also be a B12 defiencency-look into it or get your levels checked
right arm
Same symptoms i had written it off as caffine overdose but after reading this i was .intriged to find it could be my college dinning facility.
In keeping with that idea...along with all my other comments on this forum, are additives in food. Nitrates and nitrites, preservatives, salt, etc. Lunch meats, ham, salami, beef, etc.... Buffets, they almost all have chemical preservatives on the food! In college...drinking cheap wines? Same thing!
its my right
everyday for the last 3 days its been twicking it was funny the first 3 times now im getting mad at it
twitching muscles
twitching muscles
Same here! It's been going on
Same here!
It's been going on all morning and for the past couple of days. Finals are coming up and as a freshmen in college I've been pretty stressed. I've been drinking a lot of green tea with Chamomile and Lemon, but I don't see how that could be causing the spasms. . .
Hopefully it goes away!
left forearm has been twitching
Using an edger when mowing the lawn. I find it is putting an unusual strain on my both left and right forearms and its something done only once a week or even a longer time frame in between trimmer usage which does not allow for forearm strength to increase as much as muscle tear and breakdown. Right now there is a twitch in my left forearm and I trimmed a lawn yesterday, so just relax and let the grass grow.
me too
hi everyone.
The muscle twitching just started this morning. I find it fun so far. It's strange that everyone seems to speaks about the same muscle.
I just had a hard work out 2 days ago, I use my elbow a lot during my sport activity (I paddle 3 times a week on average), I am lacking sleep (kids, work...), eat too much sodium (my wife reminds me often!! lol), I am not particularly stressed but I could be a little I guess...
I know where to start! we'll see what happens!
Any advice welcome!
Differece between BFS and myoclonia
Hello, I have posted on here fairly recently. First of all, there is a difference between periodic muscle twitches and myoclonia or myoclonic jerks. In myoclonia, every muscle twitches, or can twitch, and it isn't just when you and your muscles are at rest. It happens all the time and can interfere with some activity that requires precision work. That is what I have. Mine began after spinal injury which is par for the course..sometimes disease. The muscle jerks..(.they are called jerks because they are more pronounced than a your leg will actually kick out, or your arm may jerk several inches) are the effect of the cause, whatever that may be in your case. This is NOT to be confused with BFS or Benign Fasiculations. These are those usually tiny little twitches that were funny as a kid...thumb, bicep, calf muscle..etc. There is also myokimia...this happens alot when you stretch and you feel in usually i your calf or leg muscles. It feels like a flutter, a group of twitches a bird flapping its wings. NOT like a twitch that happens in the same place for 30 seconds, but it actually feels like a flutter of wings under the skin. It is also in and of itself, benign. Everyone has muscle spasms and twitches...if it gets to be painful, or you notice other symptoms such as muscle weakness ie: legs giving out from under you, dropping coffee mugs...then call a doctor.
Thanks for your post, I was researching the mucle twitches I have been getting and your post is the most informative I have read, it also reassures me, as I was starting to have fears about what was going on. I thank you for your comment!
I've been having the same symptoms
It has been going on for a few days now. Random muscle spasms in my left forearm. It happens as exactly in the above passage, but if i were to hold my arm out straight or in my wrist in a downward motion the twitches would stop. After awhile from holding my arm straight out for even just a minute, in the same place the spams take place, my arm would start to hurt. It could be because of stress. I'm glad I read this and did some research before going to the doctor. I can now try to monitor my diet to make sure I get the vitamins and try not too push myself as hard in my work-outs, that are new to my body.
Same Here Dude
Left elbow joint from 1 week am feeling ................. Any remedies on this help me out...
Consuming tea 4 to 5 times a day .... might be the cause........? what else should be monitored
Thanks in Advance
I think you already know your problem. Though green tea has been shown by the media time and time again to be an anti-inflammatory, and thus decrease swelling which causes pain, there are way too many instances of people researching the OPPOSITE. I know for a fact that I am one of those people...again not a doctor, just an educated researcher. There are so many different types and brands of tea, with so many ingredients that a different type or brand MAY be a simple fix. I have similar negative reactions to coffee, but have noticed different brands tend to cause me less side effects, such as Dunkin Donuts vs Starbucks which I feel my brain and heart are about to explode even when I drive by the "'bucks"!
Here are three interesting articles that reinforce the idea it might be best to stay away from, if not at least minimize, your tea and coffee consumption!
I've been getting this all of
I've been getting this all of a sudden. I Googled the symptoms and it could be related to stress. My apartment was broken into the other week, so I have been experiencing high stress lately. Every time I try to sleep and some late-shift worker comes home at midnight or thereafter, I tense up now. It is a good thing my day job doesn't depend on keeping my hands absolutely still.
I am planning on moving to a new place.
weak twitchy left arm and hand.
I about 3 months ago was waking up with a numb tingling hand, and thought nothing of it it went on for about four weeks. Then whatever I did my hand would cramp up, now it is weak from my elbow down and the muscles are twitching. I'm am really paranoid as my father died recently of motor nuerones disease. But I am also under a lot of stress and suffer from anxiety and depression I am hoping that is all it is. What do you think.
To Kristi
Research the T1 vertebrae. This 1st vertebrae in the mid back region has a direct correlation with the arms from the elbows down. This would also include hands, wrists, and fingers. It may be a simple fix such as a pinched nerve from sleeping funny. A good chiropractor should be able to remedy this in 1 to 3 visits. If you do the chiropractor option, do your due diligence researching a GOOD chiropractor!
Why is my arm twiching
It sounds like a pinch nerve coming from your neck.
i agree with the pinched
i agree with the pinched nerve theory, I have severe arthritis in my neck, I have jumpy muscles in one arm from the shoulder to my elbow when i go to bed, its funny but at same time annoying as cant get comfortable. . I thought it was something off the wall and just happening to me but glad to see its not just me. I can relieve the jumpiness of my muscles by straightening out my arm though I cant sleep that way. My doctor prescribed me hydroxozine to take at bedtime which is a muscle relaxer. this does help.
I hope this helps understand it some
Hey all, i have the same
Hey all, i have the same problem, except my twitches are pretty bad... i am 19, an ex-drug-user, and i drink alcohol on a regular basis, i think this could be part of my problem.. but if its not, i am not sure. But the twitching is really starting to get to me, right now its in my right upperleg, the twitch is a pretty big twitch, it being a big muscle in all, but thanks for some of the info. if i find anything else out hope i can be a help.
large number of posts
The many posts here suggest that this is an extremely common occurence. The low potassium makes sense, as does magnesium. Some supplements will most likely cure most folks. A few others may have disk/nerve problems, and even fewer may have a more serious issue...
Bananas are a good source of
Bananas are a good source of potassium if you don't have to worry about your blood sugar. I wouldn't eat more than one a day, though.