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Are Vampires "Real?"

kgould's picture


      Vampire myths date back thousands of years and originate from many different regions, from Asia to Eastern Europe, and reach as far back as ancient Babylonia and Greece (1). They are demons, the undead, living off of the blood and flesh of other beings (most prominently humans). They can take the form of many beasts, most memorably the bat. Vampires are characteristically pale, burned by sunlight and deterred with holy water, with prominent teeth and a penchant for seducing their victims. The only way to become a vampire is to be bitten by one. They sleep in coffins and only come out during the night.  But what is the origin of this myth, of vampires? Is their origin rooted in biology? Are vampires “real?”

      The rare and unusual disease, porphyria, may have been the beginning of vampires (1). Porphyria is a metabolic disorder that causes a malfunction in the production of heme, an iron-rich pigment essential in transporting oxygen in the blood. Symptoms from this disease include hypersensitivity to light, resulting in burning or blistering, psychiatric symptoms (like hallucinations), and seizures (3). People with more severe forms of porphyria suffer from extreme abdominal pain and acute delirium, and, due to irregularities in heme pigment, can have reddish mouths and teeth (1). Porphyria can also cause tissue damage and could make people’s teeth appear larger and more prominent due to gum tissue recession (5).

      Traditional treatments for anemias like porphyria involved the consumption of animal blood. As a hereditary disease, porphyria would appear in families, small Transylvanian villages (where inbreeding probably occurred), and groups including the eastern European aristocracy (where more inbreeding definitely occurred; you’ve got to keep the blood line pure, after all) (4).

      It is not difficult to draw connections between sufferers of porphyria and the vampire myth, ranging from hypersensitivity to sunlight, to pointy-looking teeth, to acute delirium and other hallucinations. It probably didn’t help that they were told to drink animal blood, either.

      Another disease often attributed to inspiring vampire legends is rabies. Rabies is caused by a virus transmitted through wildlife, through an infected animal’s saliva, most commonly bats, skunks, raccoons, and other medium-sized mammals (2).

      Since bats are commonly associated with vampires, (a second form), it could be inferred that people who contracted rabies from bats were thought to have been bitten by a vampire.

      Rabies causes excessive saliva and foaming of the mouth and uncontrollable, painful throat spasms. The sufferer suffers from overwhelming thirst but cannot drink; they experience restlessness, agitation, paranoia, insomnia, hallucinations, and seizures. Eventually, if untreated, a person with rabies will enter a coma and die (2). It is also common for a sufferer of rabies to experience a hypersensitivity to, well, almost anything: light, strong smells (like garlic), and noise.

      So, after a person was bitten by a bat or another animal behaving unusually, (with no fear of humans), they would present with symptoms not unlike the vampire of legend— unable to quench their thirst, hypersensitive to light and strong smells, and unable to sleep (causing them to roam around at night). Now, throw in the fact that the rabies sufferer would probably be agitated and might act violently toward other people, maybe even trying to bite them. As a Transylvanian villager, what would you believe?

      Catalepsy, a physical condition that often presented with epilepsy, schizophrenia, and other disorders that affect the central nervous system, could also be attributed to inspiring vampire legend. During a cataleptic episode, a person “freezes up;” their muscles become rigid, heart rate and respiration slow down… they could very easily be mistaken for a corpse (1).

      So imagine yourself a mourning relative, thinking your family member dead… when you find them clawing their way out of their casket, seemingly one of the “living dead.” What would you do?

      Break out the garlic and holy water, that’s what.

      Unexplained behaviors caused by unexplained diseases and disorders could have easily been the origin of vampire legend. It was their biology, not their damned soul or “uncontrollable thirst for blood” that made them vampires. Porphyria, rabies, and catalepsy, among other neurological and physical disorders, could have led people to believe that they were dealing with something, or someone, unnatural. It’s not that the cases weren’t real –according to this evidence, to these different diseases, they were—it’s that the so-called “vampires” were little more than people with unfortunate metabolic disorders, those who encountered a rabid skunk, or cataleptic schizophrenics.

       “There are mysteries which men can only guess at,” wrote Bram Stoker, “which age by age they may solve only in part” (6). We cannot say for certain if these diseases were the cause, but through a summary of observations we can at least hope to decipher some of the mystery the creator of Count Dracula alludes to.











Anonymous's picture

look ppl who believe

look ppl who believe EVERYTHING they read r morons vampires can 2 come out in sunlight its just some of them cant stay out 4 2 long or they will burn. and the whole garlic and the cross thing is total BS as well so stop believing everything they read in books and if i hear the question about if vampires fricken sparkle i think i will throw the idiot off a bridge books r great its ppl who take everything seriously in the book that r morons

Anonymous's picture

vampire real or not

people need to stop reading fake book.sun ,garlic so fake.ffffffffffffffffaaaake.they can come out in sunlight and eat anything like human food .twilight have some fact but some are bullshit.

Ariel's picture


i read twilight and its awesome i really enjoyed it and hopefully one day i can meet a vampire and become part of their crazy life and about the garlic and stake i think is bull anyways hopefully i meet one these days

Cassie's picture

I believe that vampires are

I believe that vampires are somewhat true. not all but maybe some of the information i looked up could be true. except for the part that they come out at night and dont like coming out during the day because the sun will burn them. there are always going to be people dont believe that anything is real or not real. but for me i think that there is a possability that they used to exist and possibly still do. but who knows. just keep looking for clues i guess.


Jazz's picture

Vampires are real. Its a

Vampires are real. Its a matter of fact that some poeple believe it and some dont

Anonymous's picture


Well you guys want 2 meet a vampire I know one! I'm Luke and I know a vampire.One thing vampires are nice don't call us mean i mean them mean.:)

Luna's picture

Are you freakin kidding me?

Are you freakin kidding me? You are probably just some kid wanting attention. Then twilight(first book) great. new moon killed it. eclipse? breaking dawn?? no. just plain no. who knows if vampires are real? idk maybe there is but they are scared of being hunted. look i just know that whoever is supposely a vampire, just tell someone!!! but be sure u can trust them.

vampire lovere xx's picture


well i am a big fan of true blood not really a big fan of twighlight tbh it looks fake true blood is amazing and it looks more realistic if there is such a thing as a vampire which i wish there is why have we not saw one yet or if they feed of us there is no bite marks or proof of it i want to meet a real vampire

if a vampire bites you will u turn in to a vampire email me

A believer's picture

You've met one?

OKay are you telling the truth of know a real vampire? Because I've been wanting to know one all my life to be in their life of darkness. Please tell me you're telling the truth.

Jazz's picture


Do you think that you are really a vampire. I know they are not bad.But somebody is interested in real vampires.

Anonymous's picture

My thoughts about vampires.

I think vampires exist today,or they did at one point in time,I don't belive that vampires are myths.I think there are vampires out there in the real world and not just in twilight.Think about it if there were no vampires in real life people wouldnt be so interrested in vampire stories theses days.I think vampires are some sort of demon or something very bad.It has been proven that there are vampires out there.I don't think they are quite like Edward Cullen from the movie and book series twilight.But they are out there.Some people have there own opinion about vampires but you can't argue with the facts that are proven.

Anonymous's picture

...Did you read the original

...Did you read the original post/ paper at ALL?

Anonymous's picture

yes i loved twilight it was

yes i loved twilight it was a great movie i really in joyed it and can't wait intill the second oncomes out.

tori's picture


i loved twilight too it is a amazing movie i cant wait for the next!!!

Paul Grobstein's picture

the uses and limitations of vampires and ...

Thanks all for thoughts here to date. They've been valuable in, among other places, a class at Bryn Mawr thinking through some of the complexities of the relations between fiction, non-fiction, and fantasy, and the potentials and shortcomings of all of them.
Tina G's picture

The could very well exsist

Hi, I came across this blog and thought what the hay, I'll give my opinion.
I believe that Vampires do still exsist and heres my theory. People have evolved physically and mentally, Animals have evolved physically and mentally. So from a scientific prospective I believe that Vampire legends going back to the dawn of time have a ring of truth, with that being said I see no reason why a Vampire could not evolve enough to fit in with society while still maintaining a distance.

Now if your religious and I know your out there...refer to the book of genesis (spelling is bad sorry) from the very begining there was proof of vampires (not the same name but the same meaning) have read.

I have spent countless hours attempting research on my own to proof and disproof vampires, I have found more proof that the exsist and rather no proof that they do not. Some people prefer to see to believe, but I believe you do not always have to see to believe (God?)

There are many unknowns and much to be discovered here in this world. Every year some scientist uncovers a new species or a species from before our time. So I see no reason that a vampire could not exsist. There are websites that explain the symptoms for vampireism and I recomend reading through them first before you continue your research it is always best to provide your non believe structure in order to prevail with your believe..

Questions to ask yourself along the way:
1. when something old as the dawn of time is writen and rewriten how much of it is lost in translation
2. if they do exsist do you fault them for not revealing themselves?
3. can vampires adapt the same way we have?
4. how can so many legends from all around the world be wrong? many moons ago those cultures had no way of comunicating with cross cultures, as the only way to travel was by foot , before they learned how to travel in other ways.
5. ancient cave drawings depict dinosaurs, dragons, cavemen cavewoman, wild beasts we dont see today, and they have Vampires...are they wrong too?
6. If they have learned to adapt and evolve..could they be someone we know?
7. Without ever meeting one personally (and I dont mean those gothlike posers) would we truly know what their true ablilities are or weaknesses how much faith should you put in hollywood films, garlic, or sunlight?

I could go on but I think you get my point or at least respect my point of view lol.I chose not to include my research work based soleing on the fact Ive talken up too much space as it is lol. Well to let you know im not some crazed individual im just a single mom age 31, Ont, Canada and love a good mystery and I believe that this mystery will always be such until they feel society will make more of an effort to accept then to hold racism and hate for someone they know nothing about.

Take care fellow bloggers
Tina G.

oxXxiiMORON's picture

Torn Really.

Believing in Vampires seems absolutely ridiculous. Only i've ALWAYS been completely obbsessed with them. For as long as I could remember. When I was 12 or 13 I BEGGED my mom for fangs instead of braces. [lol] But, seriously if there is truth to this.. i would love to meet one and be apart of this mixed crazed world of supernatural. Real life is absolutely too borning.. Work, class, home, husband, bills and start all over again. (sigh) Nicely pieced report though. Really interesting.

Luna's picture

i know what you mean. i've

i know what you mean. i've wanted to be one. but then again sometimes i have to face maybe a fake reality. life is boring for me too. its better being immortal's picture

realy are they real??

I would looove to meet a vampire if of course it didint want to kill me,
im only 13 and im obsessed with twilight now and all kind of bats , i wish they were real but oh well u never know if witches,mermaids,fairys were real y not a vampire , unless some1 had a mad dream and made them up and word got out about his dreem and so on........

Anonymous's picture

So interesting;

I found this topic very interesting. I actually used it as my topic for my school research paper. I never knew about Porphyria or the effects it has on people. I didn't know rabies's effects either. I believe vampires are real. Not nesaccarily, but I think a name for the Porphyria sufferers could be called Vampires, therefore, they did exist. Not like the Vampire legend says they did, but they somewhat did. If that makes any sense at all, it does to me. I have read the whole Twilight series, and it was pretty good. It gave a whole new outlook on vampires. The only books I read now are vampire novels, and everyone i've read is different from the others. I really enoyed this, it actually made homework fun for once.

But you cannot really say vampires exist, because you have no proof. People who think vampires dont exist do have proof, science. People can't run at the speed of light, nor can they be unaturally strong. You don't have to proof anything that vampires do exist, but people who believe vampires dont exist actually have proof, you don't. :)

Jazz's picture

Vampires are REAL........

Yes, I do believe that the vampires do exixt today also. One cant differentiate between a vampire and a human. According to me, they still exist in todays world. If I dont have the proof of their existence and everybody else those who belive that the vampires dont exist, doesnt have any proof of their non-existence.There are very many legends regarding vampires and the werewolves and they are actually true somehow. One cannt say that the existence of the vampire is a myth, instead its a reality. I do believe that they do exist and I dont have to prove my point to the whole world that they exist. Sometimes some people say that the silence is the answer sometimes and I rhink thats it. I havent met any vampire yet but I really wish that I should meet one of them.

liquid.sugar's picture

Vampires : reality vs. myth

so does anyone truly belive that vampires live among us? or are you just really obsessed with the twilight series? have you ever met a vampire or know someone that did?i found out a few things about real vampires and i want to know if they're true...

Anonymous's picture

vampires remark in light of the pain of porphyria

Have you met a vampire that you know this or are you one yourself? (By the way, there's no such thing as a vampire.)

I have not met one, but I do have a mixed subtype of porphyria, which includes cutaneous manifestations. I don't drink blood, I go out in the daytime, but I make sure that I pick the most fashionable hat to ensure a fabulous look so people notice me. The only time I bite anyone (mostly my husband), it's a verbal bite when he forgets to seal the tortilla chip bag. (I hate stale tortilla chips.)
As for going out in open fields, that's for teenagers who want to find a place to get drunk without being caught. I prefer the privacy of my garden where I pick strawberries and green beans when they come to fruition. I don't eat a lot of meat, except for fish sandwiches or salmon with dill sauce, but never raw nor with any blood.
Let's hope that your genes make you regret your insensitive remarks. But then again, we receive what we give.

shadows's picture

Vampires: beauty or deadly?

Why do you think that vampires only come out at night they also come out on rainy days or usualy out in an open feild so they can have some privecy. The vampires could kill us humans and alsothey could kill animals for there food. There are so many types of vampires that not a lot of people know about. All vampires are venomous and the venom takes about three to maybe four days if they don't kill you first. Vampires are dazzling creatures pail, cold, mysterious, and some don't drink human blood they kill animals for there food.

Anonymous's picture

Give me a break!

twilight was a pretty good book. ;-)

Anonymous's picture

People really need to stop reading Twilight

Vampires do not come out on rainy days. Only weirdos who read Twilight believe this. They cannot come out into the sunlight. Although you may find this hard to believe, the sun still comes out on rainy days. That is why there is still light out and we are not plunged into darkness.

berna's picture


u knw wat,, d lng nmn about vampires kya ngba2sa ng twilight saga ang madlang people. Its about Bella, the damsel in distress. i think kya ngba2sa ng twilight kc sinusubaybayan ung struggles ni bella in loving and to be a vampire. Wen u read the book, you will absolutely put yourself in her shoes and the story just consumes you. Besides, Stephenie Meyer doesn't have any intention na paniwalain ang mga tao sa existence ng vampires, their powers, their habits, covens etc. etc... She's just giving the teenage girls-even boys the mind-bubbling possibility that man can love an extraordinary creature unconditionally and irrevocably -whether its a vampire or not. thank u for giving. hoping to change your point of view about the saga.

Anonymous's picture

Vampires: Your all mistaken

Vampires! Yes I am one. I can go out in sunlight but I have to wear a special crystal. We are real and anyone who has a right mind believe we are real because if you don't well you might get wooed by one of us. We are very real and we must remain in the shadows. Twilight is not correct. Dracula is not correct and the only book correct about us is the Vampire Academy. Read it, Love it , Be one of us. I challenge you to find one of us.

Luna's picture

yeah sure youre a "vampire".

yeah sure youre a "vampire". if you were really one of those suppose strong and brave creatures of the night, maybe you would have help some of us who know actual proof so we don't drive ourselves insane.

Anonymous's picture

I want to be one of you . or

I want to be one of you . or atleast be with one of you. i am in love with your kind . i want to find love in your kind . can you help me ?

Anonymous's picture


Just wondering , were you made or born this way? also how old are you? have you broken a rule by addmiting what you are and that there are others of your kind? I would like to read the book that you mentioned the Vampire Academy where can that be found ? do you live a normal life and what age do you live to or so you keep existing on earth? can you survire on reg food , meats? I know I must be a bore but just came to this web-site out of being just curious , I have been interested in the Vampire for a very long time , and just was sitting at my computer and decited to look up what the latest news was on the story, it seems with the modern teck we have today , drugs ect... and all the advanced sunscreens something could help, but that is my way of thinking and surely some of the doctors or modern day sicence could help in some way or another to make life more normal. And after writing all of this ,just wondering if this was a joke ,put out by you? if so then I guess I was a sucker and should lol !!!!!! reply if this is so and where to purchase the book if it's has been published...

jess's picture

I sertanly believe in

I sertanly believe in Vampires and Honostly-I have friends and I tell them that I believe in Vampires and they think I am crazy, but I know Im not. And I have dreams about vampires-no lie-and I know its a sign, and I tell my friends about them and I am honestly not scared at all I am honestly kind of excited actually. And I am going to sound stramge but I want to seriously meet a vampire, even if I put myself in danger. Could you like help me try to meet or find a teenage vampire like around 14 or 15 or 16 in like cincinnati for me please? and please respond.

sage's picture


i believe they are real too. i have been studing them for years now. i know there is some kind of creature like the vampire, could be one, coulnt be. maybe.

Anonymous's picture

YES ha finally i found

YES ha finally i found someone with some GD brains im so fucking sick and tired of hearing all the BS about vampires cant walk in sunlight some should never read books 2 tell ya truth. sure twilight's a good book but it don`t mean it TRUE not a damn thing in that book is true. idiots who believe every fucking thing they hear or read about need go deaf and blind this world we live in is based on lies believe only half of what u c and nothing that hear

Anonymous's picture

oh, really?

I think ppl like vampires are real. Like Vlad Tepes the impaler, Elizbeth BAthory, and Peter Kurten. And, it sounds like you are also like the "vampire diaries" vampires.Anyways, the page really helped me with a project, thanks!

Anonymous's picture

Twilight was the best book I

Twilight was the best book I have ever read,and I think vampires might actully be out there somewhere in the World.All the things people think about vampires must be true at least some things.It can't all just be myth,there must be vampires out there somewhere because people wouldnt just start something about vampires if there were none,all though I don't quite think vampires would be like edward cullen from twilight.But if there were none how do you explain all the information on them?And how would someone just get a certain image of something called a vampire.

Anonymous's picture

twilight is the best book you

twilight is the best book you have ever read? If you dont mind me asking-how old are you? I read that book,as a metter of a fackt a read all of them,in one week. It is entertaining,sometning to bring with at the beach,but that is all that that book is.Its very poor in laguage,and no real good descriptions are given in the book. Now for a teenager who never read Tolstoy or Dostoyevski...or any of the brilliant writters this book would be exellent.

kgould's picture

The "biological"

The "biological" observations simply make another story one can ascribe too.

...I think it's all a matter of preference. Some people like mystery, some people like something tangible.

While old stories may be very good explanations of certain phenomena, new observations might be found with the aid of new technologies that people in the past did not have. Does this make new stories better than old ones?

I don't know.

I just thought it would make for an interesting paper topic.

Paul Grobstein's picture

vampires plus

I wonder what else there is that with the addition of biological observations one might tell a different story about? If we "cannot say for certain", is there any reason to prefer the new stories over the old ones? Is it preferable to replace "mystery" with ... something "biological"? Why or why not?