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Artist Profile: Daniel de Jesus

The Brain Constructing the World
A collaboration between Serendip and Painted Bride Art Center,
associated with the Synesthesia exhibit, April 3rd - May 16th 2009


Daniel de Jesus


click to enlarge


Artist profile

Daniel de Jesus was born in Philadelphia March 7, 1982. Daniel's father Carlos de Jesus nurtured his son's interest in drawing and enrolled Daniel into an Art school called "The Painters Nest" in 1993. This school had a specialized class to train children in the academic traditions of western art. Here Daniel received his first formal training prior to anything he had before because the middle school he attended at the time called "Timothy Academy" was unable to provide art classes seeing it as a disposable activity and not core to their program. Daniel then attended the High School for Creative and Performing Arts in 1996 where he studied Painting and Drawing, and instrumental studies concentrating on the cello. After his graduation he enrolled into the University of the Arts and received a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts concentrating on Illustration in 2004. Since his graduation, Daniel has exhibited in several Community art shows and had an exhibition of his collection "Mensajes de la Tierra" in Old city at the "Galería es Arte." he has also been showcased twice by invitation at the Puerto Rican Federal Affairs office in Northern Liberties, has participated in the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours, and was recently exhibited in the group show, Dialogo 365 curated by La Casa de Venezuela at The Ice Box Gallery in the Crane Arts Building. Daniel currently works as a special events coordinator for Taller Puertorriqueño, a non profit arts organization dedicated to the enrichment of the Latino community through the arts and education. Besides art, Daniel is an accomplished cellist/composer, and singer who currently performs with his own band "Dejesus" and the all Cello Rock band "Rasputina."


Artist's statement

The sweet melody of her voice calls me. At night, I hear her song from the sea and she appears in my dreams. Many times she is a beautiful woman, draped in ribbons of music emerging from her mouth. She has cared for me and I have fallen in love. She has promised me eternal life and in return I will build a church for her. In her honor, my life is devoted to her life force and energy. In my dreams, I also know that she is a monster. Regardless of her beauty, I fear her because I know that one day, I will have to give myself as a sacrifice for her survival. All is lost without her now. Here I present an altar to my goddess, a prophesy of death yet unfulfilled, and a song that speaks of our love and my martyrdom.


Web links

Daniel de Jesus on myspace


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