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Observations on Teknolust

From m.aghazarian, phreNIC, J.Yoo:
- How much did Rosetta influence their personalities? Frankenstein influenced by society, they are influenced by Rosetta
- Rosetta asserts authority because she created them. Children vs. creation(s). Does she have ownership of them?
- "Born with wills of their own"--so what would have happened if they ended up being used labor? Rebellion? Is free will relevant when your choices are limited?
Building off our first
Building off our first thoughts
o The SRAs can pass as humans/can assimilate better.
o They have a more dangerous impact on society
o Code going public—easy to use, anyone can do it
o Not concerned with how much of Rosetta is in the clones.
o Blurring boundaries of humanity
o What is Leeson trying to say? What is she trying to say about humanity in relation to Stone?
o What makes one unique?
o Would males not need support? Have X and Y
o Can they reproduce
We want consistency please. and perhaps more subtleties
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