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3/30 class notes

Skyping with MIT’s biological engineers
- Intrinsic value of human beings
Paper due at midnight on Friday
- Theorizing the experiences on the panel
- Or a creative piece
Panel discussion
- Psychiatrists
o Relatively new field
o Social sciences and hard sciences
§ Imaging and medicines
o Feministic aspect
§ How many women are in the profession?
· 20% in 70s but a lot more now
· It is more compatible with traditional women’s life style
- Guiyu, China
o Used to be a small farming town
o They began to disassembling e-waste
§ From developed countries
§ Electronic wastes (Cell phones, computers, etc.)
· They are toxic and it is inhaled by workers
§ We will be looking at the whole cycle of electronics
- Facebook users
o Using technology to create your own identity
o How it changes social interactions
o Doctors have noticed some psychological problems in young users
o Gender roles and binaries created by using facebook
- Arabic Musicians
o Using music to reach Western world
o Intersection with gender
§ Most singers are male
§ Females have more impact
- U.S midwives
o They are mixture of science, medicine, and ritual and spirituality.
o The entanglement with political realm
o There are very few home birth compare to other countries
- Cyberpunks
o They focus on high tech and low life
o Opposite of utopic stories
o There writers focus on engaging humanities and social sciences
o They either break down the gender binary or go with the binary
- Wampanoags
o Sixty different sub groups
o Their interactions with Pilgrims
§ Sharing technology
o Their ability to speak English and French
o Users of website called REDDIT
o You can post, download, or can do anything
§ On a current event
- For facebook users, Arabic musicians, and Wampanoags
o Opening up conversation with outside of the world
o How does that affect identity?
§ Wampanoags
· Europeans gave disease to Wampanoags, which killed lots of them
· Matrilineal system started to break down
§ Arabic musicians
· New songs posted on facebook that serve as connections to the Western world
· Most of the songs used to in Arabic, but nowadays they are translated or subtitled.
§ Facebook users
· Some users use to learn other cultures or to meet other people
§ Anne
· One of the connection is virus
· Possible communication with virus
- What kinds of news are shared in REDDIT?
o Not all of them are serious
o The news posts are re-posted from large newspaper websites
- How spreading of information affect the people within the virtual world?
§ Not very conservative views
- How do you feel about websites that are very popular?
o Guiyu
o Technology advances so fast
o Limiting information is not the way to limit the waste produce
§ It is possible to recycle them
- Political and environmental issues with technology
o How cyberpunks would interpret what is happening in Guiyu
§ Cyberpunks used the literature to call the readers into action
§ There is not much of distinction between men and machines
2nd Panel
- Scientists of human genome project
o The project was to identify the entire human genome
o They are distributing their information
o Although science and technology is advanced, there is a lot of problems in distributing information
o The goal of the project was to help medicine and predict diseases to help them
§ Making genetic changes to make agriculture more effective
o Ethical problems
§ Increase in knowledge how people will turn out based on their genes
· Biological determinism
§ Paying a lot of money for research
- Female gamers
o Most gamers are men, but nowadays 40% of gamers are female
o Majority of online gamers are women
o Women play more frequently over day
o Men will more likely to sit down and play for longer duration
o Huge marketing toward female gamers
§ Games about raising babies and cooking
o Social bonding experiences to improve their lives and lives of others
- Female science fiction writers
o Science fiction was male dominated field as the field of science
- Nerdfighters
o Dedicated to followers blog brothers (?)
o Community formed around the brothers
o Followers ask questions and they answer in their videos
o They host charity events
- First human tool users
o Human ancestors and how it interrelates technology and gender roles
o 7 to 5 million years ago primers started to develop special muscles
o Tool use required larger brains
§ Took large period of time
o Females had to invest more in taking care of their young
o Males had to go outside to hunt animals using tools and developed larger brain
§ They are more dependent on tools
o Gaining of knowledge thru using technology
- Young Arabic behind revolution
o Social, economical, political issues of the country
o Scientific figures
§ After the revolution, people started posting videos that show and broke the monopoly of information
- Neuro-typical syndrome
o Obsession with conformity
o Started by autistic community
- Deaf community
o How they access information using technology
o Facebook, youtube made possible for the deaf community to form a community and access the information
- Surgeons
o How their roles in surgery room changed
o More surgeries more effectively
- Would you define online communities real?
o Arab teens
§ What makes virtual groups not real?
· They actually do not know each other
§ For deaf people, it is real when they communicate virtually
§ But for others, it is still virtual?
- Is there gender difference between how surgeons and deaf people use technolgy?
o In surgery room, there would not be too much difference
- More players are female, but the celebrities of gaming worlds are male. Why is that?
o It is more marketable for female who are in the age group
o Females are less likely to join the community
- What is the motivation for the human genome project (in the perspective of neurotypicals)?
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