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Lesson Critique

Diane OFee-Powers's picture
The lesson I chose is from The School District of Philadelphia's Curriculum & Instruction's website.

Click on science, click grades 7&8, go to the right & click on MSP Companions. You will see a list of 7th &8th grade topics per report card period. I chose 8th grade-2nd report card -Inside the Restless Earth. Click this & look for Learning Resources/ Extension Activities. The activity is called Sequencing Time & the goal of this lesson is for the students to understand the necessity and the processes of placing events in sequence.

The students create a timeline of their life and compare it to the Geologic Time Line. I find that kids & some of us adults have a difficult time conceptualizing time, especially when thinking of how Earth has changed over million of years.

I chose this lesson because it’s a science lesson that has a writing portion to it. After the students draw their personal time line, I would have them write a personal narrative of their life. Personal Narratives are the first writing assignment of the school year , and I was looking specifically for science lessons that I can implement in my RELA class. The skill for the personal narrative would be sequencing. I would like to focus in sequencing during our reading lessons.
An extension skill listed is to compare & contrast their time line to the Earth’s time line. Compare & Contrast is another skill that we focus on in language arts that can be utilized in science.

This lesson does fit the criteria that Paul & Wil designed.

• -the students would be interested in the materials because they are always interested in telling stories about themselves and are interested in learning more about the story of how Earth has changed
• this lesson will give the students the opportunity to share their current understanding of the Earth’s history AND to discover what they don’t know about the history
of Earth
-they will learn the importance of comparing & contrasting
• learning about the Earth’s timeline will allow them to make new observations
• it will be interesting to hear what surprised them & what stories they now understand better
• *The end of the unit assessment could be written or computer generated, such as, scratch, animations etc. to demonstrate their understanding of the Earth’s Geologic Time Line and how their stories have changed during this unit.The


Anonymous's picture


Dear Diane

Can you tell me the course name you took to prepare for the Praxis Science exams?
