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"Porn for Women"

pipermartz's picture

I stumbled upon this XKCD comic that commented on the series of books titled "Porn For Women" that feature chisled men ironing, vacuuming, and performing various cleaning chores (see photos below). At first, I must admit, I thought it was so clever and witty! Then I was quite horrified and offended because there were many offensive and restrictive implications found in this book. For one thing, it implies that women don't utilize "regular" porn. For another, it suggests that all women want is a nice, muscly, and masculine "stud". And then comes in the topic of housework- how women must be "turned on" when men do the housework. It implies that men don't do housework; that all women are sick and tired of housework; and that the female population has fallen into the stereotypical roles of homemakers and are unsatisfied with their lives. It's all quite appalling. 


Celeste's picture

I found this comic really

I found this comic really interesting.  Basically, it's suggesting that in order to arouse women, we must be relieved of our daily duties--that which binds us and typifies us.  If anything, I would presume that the most arousing feature of all partners would be respect and an interesting in knowing the person, not their assumed attractions that are merely based on prior gender roles in society...