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Ecofeminist meal and final project

I thought it was really interesting to do our group project on ecofeminism and explore the subject more than we had in class. I have very mixed feelings about the concept and when we mentioned it in class it was more just in passing and often not taken so seriously, so this was a perfect topic to focus on more. I mentioned this in our presentation, but I think the thing that strikes me the most about ecofeminism is how open and accepting the concept is - it's definitely a case of feminism unbound - yet at the same time, how it is so inaccessible to the majority of people because in order to be a full ecofeminist vegan, you need to have access to the money and resources for it, which leaves ecofeminists in a very exclusive, classist clique. I'm not really sure how this issue could be solved and how ecofeminism could be made more accessible to a more diverse community though, which makes the situation very difficult - hence my mixed feelings about the subject! I was also interested to hear what other people's thoughts on ecofeminism were, especially because like I said, we hadn't taken it very seriously in class before; we'd just been brushing it off as totally radical. Although I'm only a vegetarian (not full vegan) and would have trouble identifying fully as an ecofeminist, I do think the movement in theory has a lot of good ideas and thoughts behind it, and studying it more has made me more concious of such things. Anyway, it was a fun project to put together! I documented some of the cooking shenanigans, so I will post those photos here. (Unfortunately I have no photos of Amanda because I had to leave the cooking extravaganza before she arrived, but just imagine her face in there too.
Food is a unviersal symbol of
Food is a unviersal symbol of community. Food is almost always shared because it is a social experience that draws people together to fulfil a common hunger, creating a venue for discourse and a sense of unity. This is the reason why we decided to serve an ecofeminist meal today for our teach-in. We wanted to create a connected environment that would represent the sisterhood between veganism and ecofeminism, opening up a dialogue for discussion in the class.
Like Marian touched upon, ecofeminism carries controversy because of it's support of broad accessability (which is emphasized by their abhorrence of speciesism) is paired with an expensive lifestyle of eating local and organic that is portrayed by a predominantly white, wealthy, and "hippie" demographic. I wonder how ecofeminism could gain better universal accessability.
I find ecofeminism to be both appealing and intimidating. I really like the connectedness between humans and nature, trying to eliminate barriers between species. The inclusion and ultimate quest for living equality of all species seem like an understandable progression of feminism; however, I've already been tainted by speciesism and cannot imagine true species equality. I can become vegan but does this really establish equality and justice? Will this expansion of the broadening definition of feminism force us to loose focus and successful action? It is quite puzzling.
Although I do not currently identify as an ecofeminist, i'd like to test the waters for a week. Some of my suggestions to the class were to experiment with veganism; note their vernacular that may have stigmatized and discriminated against other species (with sayings such as "you're a facisit pig!"); attempt to change their interaction dynamics with their pets or other animals; and take a moment of mindfulness when they are walking outside, to just breath and feel their connected roots to the nature around them. I want to be more open-minded because I can imagine how the disapproval of ecofeminism draws parallels to the rejection of first wave feminism.