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Outside the Barometer

The barometer activity on Thursday highlighted the fact that my definition of feminism is under-developed. Every day in class, as I’m listening to others voice their viewpoints of gender and sexuality from such standpoints of age, ethnicity, time period, and society, I feel my perception of this broad, limited topic expanding. When I was standing on the outside of the barometer especially, I found myself agreeing with both sides for different reasons. To feel liberated wholly internally, some feminists need to express their personal experiences and theories in autobiographies. Others need to feel the repercussion of their words make a movement in a society. Feminism is about personal empowerment, and it’s about social movement. I think that’s what I’m getting from our readings and discussions. Through either medium, the voices that usually go unheard or have been in the past are getting the chance to express themselves. Isn’t that what connects the two extremes of opinion? It doesn’t matter how the voices get out to the public, which needs to listen (and,therefore, act) the most, it’s when and to what degree. That is what matters, and that’s why recognizing the both sides of the barometer is important.
(I’m sorry if this doesn’t really relate to the topic we've been discussing, I’m just trying to get my thoughts all sorted out. I think this rant-y kind of post is helping me making sense of how my thought process has been changing throughout the class.)
I agree that acknowledging
I agree that acknowledging both sides of the barometer are very important. I think that because the definition of feminism is so personal and can be as broad or narrowly defined as any individual or group decides, any genre can therfore be feminist. Maybe Satrapi's autobiography is feminist to some, and not to others. Since we've been having so much discussion around boxing/categorizing people, why should we need to box or define what is and isn't feminist? And maybe Satrapi's autobiography is only partly feminsit. Either way, as MargaretRachelRose said, voices are getting a chance to be heard.