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Faculty Learning Community on Science and Math Education

Welcome. This page provides a continually updated list of links to materials created in connection with the BiCo Faculty Learning Community on Science and Math Education. The group first met on 5 October 2009 and will be meeting in the future ever two weeks. Meeting reports include on-line forums for further discussion by group members and any other interested people. For further information about the group contact Howard Glasser.

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (April 29, 2010)
Reflections on a journey toward science education as conversation
The theory and practice of science as "co-generative dialogue"?
Paul Grobstein will briefly describe and reflect on his own experiences with trying to get science education "less wrong," with the objective of providing a framework that will encourage and support continuing conversation about a number of issues that have come up in our meeting this year. Among them are

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (April 15, 2010)
TOPIC: Connecting Science Past with Science Future
Snacks will be served in Campus Center 200 from 2:30-4pm.

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (April 1, 2010)
TOPIC: Technology in Education
“Tapscott on Changing Pedagogy for the Net Generation” and the executive summary of the draft National Educational Technology Plan.
Snacks will be served in Campus Center 200 from 2:30-4pm.

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (March 18, 2010)

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (March 4, 2010)
M.A. Papalaskari et. al, "PIVOTS: Service Learning at the Science, Theatre & Magic Boundary."
IEEE October 28 – 31, 2006, San Diego, CA

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (February 18, 2010)
SUGGESTED READING below, provided by Julie Booth of Temple University, who will facilitate the conversation.
Snacks will be served in CAMPUS CENTER 200.

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (February 4, 2010)
SUGGESTED READING: Richard Mayer, "Can Problem Solving Skills be Taught?" Learning and Instruction.
Bill Huber will facilitate a conversation on transfer.

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (January 21, 2010)
Jeannette M. Wing, "Computational Thinking." Communications of the ACM 49, 3 (March 2006).
Snacks will be served in the Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall
a discussion of technology in the educational process,
led by John Dougherty and Bill Huber

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (December 14, 2009)
Lewis Hyde, Chapter 3: "The Labor of Gratitude." The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property.
Lunch served in Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall
Agenda (from Alice Lesnick):

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (November 30, 2009)
Mark H. Johnson and Yuko Munakata,"Processes of change in brain and cognitive development." TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
9, 3 (March 2005): 152-158.
Lunch served in Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall
Agenda (from Mike Sears):

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (November 16, 2009)
Click on “VoD” to the right of “2. Lessons From Thin Air.
Lunch served in Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall
Agenda (from Steve Lindell):

Faculty Learning Commmunity: Agenda and Notes (November 2, 2009)
Steven Lindell, "Real-Time Collaboration Tools for Digital Ink"
Lunch served in Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall
Plan for 11/5/09
I. Howard
any group-keeping items? Who's our note-taker? What are our plans for Nov. 16 mtg?
II. Anne
two weeks ago, we reviewed the history of the "hard science" of educational research,
looking @ how it remade itself from what was largely a humanistic field into a "scientistic" one: