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Day 3

- A Struggle

One struggle is that I don’t really know what to make after my house. I think because there are so many possibilities in minecraft, I don’t really know where to start. I’ve been struggling more with creating ideas rather than making things right now. I also still get really frustrated when I accidentally die and lose all of my items...

- An Accomplishment

Since I created my own world in single player survival mode, I’ve actually accomplished a lot more things than I imagined. I successfully created a door and made myself a small house for the night in order to avoid zombies and other monsters to attack me. I’ve also successfully made a furnace for my house to cook meat.

- An Observation

I like how in my own world right now, there’s so many more resources and possibilities than playing in multiplayer. Also because I wasn’t playing very frequently before in our multiplayer worlds so I think the resources just ran out really fast.

- A Question

Today in class Thomas was talking about how he would sometimes get together with his friends and build a city or something like that in minecraft. I was wondering if we could all do something like that, as everyone has probably played a lot more than before, we can probably all make something together too.


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