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Hunger Games

Having never read the Hunger Games, I started my search by simply typing “About the Hunger Games book series” into google.  I was linked mostly to pages where I could buy the trilogy (ex. Amazon and Barnes and Noble).  I explored these pages a little more by seeing what people had said about the books in the comment seccions.  Many people actually wrote very informative and convincing comments (I say convincing because I have not particularly wanted to pick up the series in the past).  A little farther down the first page of search results I found the website of the author which also includes information about other books she has written.  There was also an interesting link to a buzzfeed page where 15 other book series are suggested for people who enjoyed the Hunger Games.

If you just type The Hunger Games into google you primarily see information on the movie that is coming out shortly, and information on the filming of the third movie.  A lot about the books does not seem to come up right away.   I also searched The Hunger Games on Tumblr and again, most of what I saw while scrolling through was images and news from the movies. 

In terms of education it could be interesting regardless of which form the media takes because especially because there is a lot of interest in the series right now.  It is easy to find information on it and many people seem to have responded to it online.    


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