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Jack Dougherty

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Jack Dougherty
Trinity College

Jack Dougherty is Associate Professor and Director of the Educational Studies Program at Trinity College in Hartford CT. He graduated from Swarthmore College (philosophy, with secondary teaching certification in social studies in New Jersey), taught at the high school level for four years in Newark NJ, and completed his doctoral degree in educational policy studies from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Trinity College currently offers an interdisciplinary major in Educational Studies that integrates social sciences, history, and policy with participant-observation learning in urban public schools around our campus, located in Connecticut's capital city. Trinity also graduates several students from our well-respected science, engineering, and mathematics departments (including some who double-majored with Ed Studies), and our institution helped to create a math and science public magnet school adjacent to our campus. Yet we have no teacher preparation program on our campus, and we spend considerable time advising Trinity students from various departments on different pathways toward teaching, usually outside our city. I am attending the CETE conference to explore new opportunities with other liberal arts colleges. Given our setting, with about 20 public schools within a one-mile radius of our campus border, Trinity is ideally positioned to cooperate with other CETE institutions to help create the next generation of teacher-leaders in urban education and STEM content areas.