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Computers and Education: Teaching Virtuality (2009)

Between Reality and the Virtual:
Computers and Education in the 21st Century


Paul Grobstein
29 June 2009

(notes for a talk in the Computer Science Education Summer Institute)

Questions to start

Paul Grobstein's picture

The Brothers Bloom: cons, and how to avoid them

Yep,  The Brothers Bloom is a con-man movie of sorts, and yep, it's (Roger Ebert) "lively at times ...lovely to look at, and the actors are persuasive ...

Paul Grobstein's picture

Rorty, non-foundationalism, and story telling: possibilities and problems

A Conversation

Begun by Paul Grobstein and Bharath Vallabha starting with Paths to Story Telling as Life: Fellow Travelling with Richard Rorty.  Others are warmly invited to chime in in the forum area at the end.

Bharath, 12 May 2009
I read your post on Rorty and found it very interesting and thought provoking. One question it raises for me is:


"Reality": Construction,
Deconstruction, and Reconstruction


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