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MSA322's blog

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Social Networks and their effects on our lives

These are students that I have interviewed for my paper and asked questions about social networks.





These are students that I have interviewed for my paper and asked questions about social networks.
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Class Notes April 25th 2011

class notes
from the forum:
Hillary_B: I was reading an interview and made me think about this class and communication. Having dark corners, interested in making you see how true to yourself you are.
Anne: being cautions of knowing too much. danger?

Leamirella's conversation with Chorost:
He mentions something about being able to “turn on& off” he talked about how you can chose what info to put out there. And then talked about really good anti virus and security  yet there’s always a  way to get around.

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Technological emergence

     In three of the classes I have been taking this semester, the internet, technology and the intra-action between them and us, humans have overlapped in many ways. The internet is becoming increasingly relied upon by us, technology is improving constantly, at a speed never ever thought of before.
In our reading of World Wide Mind, Chorost gives and example of how connected one becomes with his/her electronics, these technologies that we have become very relying upon. He mentions his story of how he lost his BlackBerry, and referred to is as if his BlackBerry is a part of him, “ ...and I walked out, minus BlackBerry.”

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Music and Information

A link to my webpaper:

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Music and Information

Here's the link to my updated web paper:



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Music and Information


Music and Information


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Gender and Categories. WebPaper1

Muna Aghaalnemer

Prof. Anne Dalke

Gender and Technology paper 1
February 11th 2011

Gender and Categories

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