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Brie Stark's blog

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Excerpt from the Essay of Brian Goodwin, Emergence and Feelings

An Excerpt from the Collection of Essays: The Next 50 Years, Science in the First Half of the 21st Century (2002)
Excerpt from the Essay of Brian Goodwin

Where Does Consciousness Come From?

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Thoughts on Emergent Pedagogy

Thoughts on Emergent Pedagogy
Analysis of “Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive,”
authors: Anna Dalke, Kim Cassidy, Paul Grobstein, Doug Blank

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Hello!  My name is Brielle Stark and I'm a rising sophomore at Bryn Mawr College.  I hope to major in psychology, minor in biology and concentrate in neural and behavioral science.  I have aspirations of studying the behavioral impact of traumatic brain injury and seizures on the brain as well as studying the diverse behavioral affects of developmental disorders in regard to the usage and structure of the brain.  I have worked with individuals with disabilities for roughly eight years now, and hope to continue this relationship in my career.

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Neuroanthropology: Brain Enculturing

Neuroanthropology: Brain Enculturing
 Through the lens of the Capoeira Angola  


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The Storyteller's Reconstruction: A Book Review of Claudia Osborn's "Over My Head"

The Storyteller’s Reconstruction:
Over My Head, by Claudia Osborn  


            Claudia Osborn’s Over My Head is a riveting journey of coping, rehabilitating and learning before and after brain trauma.  The story shines a new light on the behavioral consequences of such an injury.  Through the lens of biology 202, we are able to understand that a reconstruction of the storyteller occurs in Claudia’s case.  This reconstruction leads to novel confabulations of the same stimuli that she received before her accident.


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The Concept of Disability, or, 'perceiving our differences'

The Concept of Disability

Or, perceiving our differences 


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Medical Ethics: Where do we draw the line?

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