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“I think;
Therefore, I am,”
Said the philosopher, Renee Descartes.
“I think;
Therefore, I am;
Therefore, I can change who I am,”
Argued the neurobiologist, Paul Grobstein.
I write;
Therefore, I know;
Therefore, I can change what we know.
Might the poet, Martin Espada, write.
Brain Damaged
Perhaps I write; therefore I know is too personal. What I think in my own mind is ephemeral. Most thoughts I forget. This is true even of important thoughts, meaningful thoughts. When I committ a thought to writing it gains permanence. The page is something I can return to time and again, something separate from myself. It is precisely because I am questioning and changing that I value old drafts and old thoughts.
ipso facto
I write;
Therefore, I remember;
Therefore, I can change what I know.
Might the poet, Julia Lewis, write.
Changing what I know
This poem has really made me think. The concept of "I write; therefore I know" is a statement that I have been pondering. In my case, I could just as easily say "I write; therefore I question", because writing to me is usually a search for answers.
In either case, the result is changing what I know.