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Venture, Miracle, See

Venture, n. & v. mid-15c., "to risk the loss" (of something), shortened form of aventure, itself a form of adventure. General sense of "to dare, to presume" is recorded from 1550s. Noun sense of "risky undertaking" first recorded 1560s; meaning "enterprise of a business nature" is recorded from 1580s. Venture capital is attested from 1943. Etymology - shortening of adventure. Noun: A risky or daring undertaking or journey. Verb:
5. To confide in; to rely on; to trust.
OED: 1. a. Fortune, luck; chance. 1. c. at a venture, at random, by chance, without due consideration or thought 6. The (or an) act of venturing upon something; an attempt at some action; also, the means or result of so venturing. |
miracle (n.) mid-12c., "a wondrous work of God," from O.Fr. miracle (11c.) "miracle, story of a miracle, miracle play," from L. miraculum "object of wonder" (in Church Latin, "marvelous event caused by God"), from mirari "to wonder at, marvel, be astonished," figuratively "to regard, esteem," from mirus "wonderful, astonishing, amazing," earlier *smeiros, from PIE *smei- "to smile, laugh" (cf. Skt. smerah "smiling," Gk. meidan "to smile," O.C.S. smejo "to laugh;" see smile). “Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” CS Lewis "With every leaf, a miracle." Walt Whitman’s dream dictionary: To see a miracle in your dream suggests that you are goal-oriented and plan for the future. You have a lot of confidence in your accomplishments. See also, the Skeptic's Dictionary: "While there are still many people today who believe in miracles, no modern historian fills his or her books with accounts of miraculous events. It is improbable that the report of even a single miracle would find its way into such texts today. Indeed, only those who cater to the superstitious and credulous, such as the Weekly World News and a good portion of the rest of the mass media, would even think of reporting an alleged miracle without taking a very skeptical attitude toward it... The modern scholar dismisses all such reports as either confabulations, delusions, lies or cases of collective hallucination." |
See, v. If you see something, say something.…see could originally mean "follow with the eyes." Used in Middle English to mean "behold in the imagination or in a dream" (c.1200), "to recognize the force of (a demonstration)," also c.1200, "often with ref. to metaphorical light or eyes" [OED], and "to learn by reading" (early 15c.). Past tense saw developed from Old English plural sawon. OED: 1a. trans. To perceive (light, colour, external objects and their movements) with the eyes, or by the sense of which the eye is the specific organ. 1d. To behold (visual objects) in imagination, or in a dream or vision. So to see a vision , †to see a dream . Also in phr. to see things , to suffer hallucinations or false imaginings; (usu. colloq. as pres. pple.). 1h. To distinguish by sight from. ex: 1862 Mrs. H. Wood Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles II. iv. 40, I can't see one sort from another; we must have candles. 3a. (fig.) trans. To perceive mentally (an immaterial object, a quality, etc.); to apprehend by thought (a truth, the answer to a question), to recognize the force of (a demonstration). Often with reference to metaphorical light or eyes. Also, to foresee or forecast (an event, trend, etc.); U.S., to understand (a person). Also, to see (something) coming: to foresee or anticipate. 3d. In literary use, expressions like ‘we have seen’, ‘we shall see’, ‘the reader has now seen’, etc., are common with reference to what has been or is to be narrated or proved in the book.
Ok, so I’m mildly embarrassed to be posting this video. Oh well: Urban dictionary definitions for “I See You” – 1. Used when a person does something remarkable, noteworthy, or just downright wierd. Or if one feels the need to show understanding of what another is saying to them, in a more "ghetto" fashion. 4. In the James Cameron film "Avatar", this is used among the Na'vi as a greeting; May mean the same as "I love you" or "We are all one" Synonyms: be apprised of, beam, behold, catch a glimpse of, catch sight of, clock, contemplate, descry, detect, discern, distinguish, espy, examine, eye, flash, gape, gawk, gaze, get a load of, glare, glimpse, heed, identify, inspect, lay eyes on, look, look at, make out, mark, mind, note, notice, observe, pay attention to, peek, peep, peer, peg, penetrate, pierce, recognize, regard, remark, scan, scope, scrutinize, sight, spot, spy, stare, survey, take notice, view, watch, witness |
I like that you chose "see!"
The distiction (or lack thereof) between "visualize" and "experience" in the English language is an interesting concept. We can all "see" the text on this computer, but according to some of these examples (we have seen, I see, I see you), a non-English speaker or reader might not be able to "see" what I am writing at all. I wonder how much we have to understand in order to be able to "see?"