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GIST Web Paper 3

jlebouvier's picture

Planes, Trains, and Internet Blogs

Planes, Trains, and Internet Blogs


            Looking back on the panel discussions and the questions asked, one stood out in particular to me. This was perhaps due to the question was asked directly to the group I was representing, the Wampanoags of southern New England in the 1620s. The question asked pertained to different means of communication and how they effected the overall interactions of three groups. I found it interesting because it is not really a topic that we have touched on since the beginning of the course.

J.Yoo's picture

Information Depth: Memes as Complex Information

In a characteristically styled entry, defines an internet meme as,

“A short phrase, picture, or combination of the two that gets repeated in message boards… for far, far longer than anything ever ought to be. Imagine a small child being surprised by a jack-in-the-box every single time the toy springs out and you'll have a fairly good idea of what the collective internet considers witty.”

Franklin20's picture

Youtube Video Biography

 For my project I was really interested in the quote by a youtuber Tyler Oakley: “Just because I make videos doesn’t mean that I have to make the same kind of video every time…people that make videos are not just one dimensional who produce one thing for one type of person every single time.” (Tyler Oakley, Save the Drama Fo’ Yo’ Mama). For my project, I wanted to experience representing myself on youtube.

cara's picture

E-Waste, Technology, and Information

Link to my Web Paper:

tangerines's picture

"A Natural Disaster" - a Skit

When Apo first suggested the idea of a skit to our class, I wanted to work on it because I think these "web events" give us the opportunity to avoid writing a typical (and may I say, somewhat boring?) paper. Our first meeting was almost an hour long, as we discussed characters, the setting, and where we wanted the skit to go. We wrote independently, and met twice more to discuss the direction of the piece. The collaborative effort has been pretty rewarding; I've learned a lot from working with Apo and I hope she feels the same.

Apocalipsis's picture



By: Sadie Mahmoud & Apocalipsis Rosario


MARK, early forties    Social scientist; sociologist & psychologist

PEDRO, late thirties   Life scientist; geologist

MARY, mid twenties    Informational scientist; librarian

DAVID, early fifties      Humanist



Online video chat, taking place 5 days after the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Each character interfaces with a screen, on which he/she is able to see and interact with the other characters.



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