Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!
Observing the Global

Where Do Humans Congregate?
Overview: Using the two different
web-based map resources given below and at least one that you find on your own,
answer a series of investigative questions about patterns of human settlement.
- How do global and US patterns of population density differ?
- What geologic, environmental or other factors could have influenced the patterns of human settlement in the United States and around the globe?
- On what data did you base your conclusion?
- How did the different web sources differ from one another?
- How useful was each, in helping you answer these questions?
Google Earth/National Geographic sites
Mary Ellen McGinnity
Having time to explore the Google Earth and National Geographic websites was wonderful. I have to agree that there is so much on the NG site that it's very easy to get distracted - as I did! On the other hand, that's how you sometimes stumble on a great site. Two I liked were the "Interactive Climate Change" feature on the NG site. Click on the world map and see what the effects of global warming. Another site is: Population is tracked from 1 A.D. - 2020. Amazing!!
Google Earth and mapMaker
Human Congregation
Maps Response
Google Earth/National Geo