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Sleep Paralysis: Awake But Still Asleep

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Biology 202
2000 First Web Report
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Sleep Paralysis: Awake But Still Asleep

Hiro Takahashi

A person may wake up and find himself unable to move or speak as if he is frozen. He also may hear footsteps, see a ghost-like creature, or feel someone sitting on his chest. Throughout the history, people considered this phenomenon as work done by evil spirits. However, the modern science can explain the terrifying event as a Sleep Paralysis.

A Sleep Paralysis is possibly a hereditary disorder in which one experiences very frightening seconds or minutes of total body paralysis with little respiration and eye movements (1). A victim in this state feels awake, but he cannot move or speak (2). In addition to the immobility, the common symptoms include feeling choked or suffocated, hearing strange noises like footsteps and voices, seeing beings or dark shadows, and feeling an existance of someone in the room (1). Although these symptoms often direct the victims to believe in ghosts, mistransmission of neural signals in the brain causes Sleep Paralysis. When a person sleeps, his brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle contraction (3). If he comes into consciousness before the brain sends signals to activate muscle contraction, he cannot move his body, and consequently, become "paralyzed"(2).

In order to understand how a body becomes paralyzed while the person is awake, it is necessary to understand sleep cycles. In a mammalian sleep, the brain activity undergoes two different states called non-REM (NREM) sleep and REM sleep, which differ very much from wakefulness (3). NREM and REM sleep alternate cyclically through the night; in human, about 80 minutes of NREM sleep starts a night of sleep, about 10 minutes of REM sleep follows, and this 90 minute cycle is repeated about 3 to 6 times during the night (3). During NREM sleep, a body produces few movement, but the body has capability of tossing about in bed and producing some other motor events, such as sleepwalking and sleeptalking (3). The cardiac-muscle contraction and breathing occur at a uniform rate, and the eyes move slowly (2). During REM sleep, on the other hand, heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure vary (3). The eyes move rapidly because most dreaming takes place in this period, and the sleeper probably "look" at the moving objects in a dream (2).

The brain's control over muscles during REM sleep points out that in this period, a body is normally in the state of total paralysis, called a "nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis" (3). Probably to prevent a person from "acting out" a dream, the brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle contractions (2). Although some peripheral muscles, such as the muscles of the fingers and face, still twitch, the large skeletal muscles become relaxed, or "paralyzed" as a result (3). Some evidence supports that the motor paralysis of REM sleep protect against the acting out of one's dreams. A patient who suffers from rare syndrome called REM Sleep Behavior Disorder lacks the normal nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis, and he acts out violent dreams during REM sleep, often with injurious consequences (4). For example, a 60-year-old surgeon dreamt that he was attacked "by criminals, terrorists, and monsters who always tried to kill [him]" and fighting against them in the nightmare, he was actually punching and kicking his wife who slept in the same bed (4).

A nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis during REM sleep is accomplished actively by postsynaptic inhibition of motorneurons (3). Although the exact process of motor inhibition is not clear, some neurotransmitters and hormones are known to generate the many components of REM sleep. Aministering physostigmine, an inhibitor of the catabolic enzyme, increases the concentration of acetylcholine within the neurons in the pons, making it possible to artificially generate and start REM sleep in the middle of NREM sleep (3). Carbachol, the cholinergic agonist, produces a period of REM sleep in cat when directly injected into the pontine tegmentum (3). The hormone melatonin, a "master hormone" (5) that mainly controls circadian rhythms, also seems to play an important role in enhancing the REM state; the level of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland reaches its lowest during REM sleep (5). Such neurotransmitters and hormones probably activate or inhibit the activity of second messengers, which then activate or inhibit the third messengers, and so on till the last messenger inhibit the synaptic transmission or cause hyperpolarization of the motorneurons. And if, for some reason, the nervous or endocrine system continues to release the neural inhibitors, a person may experience Sleep Paralysis as he enters awakefully into or awakens directly from REM period (2).

While the modern neuroscience can describe the state of Sleep Paralysis as some errors of the neural transmission in the brain during REM sleep, a person who has seen or heard ghost-like figures/voices may easily believe that eveil spirits fully controlled his entire body. However, the images or noises, which the victim believes that he has seen or heard, are most likely hallucinations; and hallucinations, too, can result from the brain activity. In the 1960's, the Canadian neurologist W. Penfield introduced that electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe can cause the auditory hallucinations in the wake state (5). The buzzing or ringing sounds in the ears and other auditory hallucinations are closely associated with the activity of the auditory cortex and involves the temporal lobe (5). During the early period of sleep paralysis, the activity of the temporal lobe increases significantly, sometimes inducing hallucinatory sense (5). Similarly, the visual cortex generates internal visual stimuli, causing the victim to "see" terrifying figures during the paralysis (5).

How an episode of Sleep Paralysis induces visual or auditory hallucinations is still not clear, but it seems to have a significant relationship with anxiety (5). For anxiety is a neurocognitive event closely related to both psychological and physical processes, the extreme anxiety or panic may cause the release of several different signal molecules that trigger all kinds of physical events (5). A person experiencing Sleep Paralysis feels mortal fear or extreme panic, and hence, the brain generates and releases internal visual or auditory stimuli, producing hallucinations.

Also, hallucinations during Sleep Paralysis may happen, for one keeps dreaming even after some parts of his brain wakes up directly from REM sleep. Since the nervous and endocrine systems continue to release the neural inhibitors which sustain the paralysis, it may be possible that those systems keep releasing the neural activators that stimulate dreaming. Thus, a person continues to "see" the images and "hear" the noises produced in the dream that he has just had in REM sleep from which he has awaken.

Understanding more neural concepts of Sleep Paralysis, some researchers now hypothesize that a very rare condition called Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUNDS) may closely relate to Sleep Paralysis (1). Upon the death, a SUNDS victim produces no body movement even though he experiences a myocardial infarction and strong breathing difficulties and should straggle in agony (5). The death may be caused by the extreme muscle atonia during Sleep Paralysis, which is so severe that even the cardiac muscles and the diaghragm paralyze (5).

Until I started researching on this subject, I have believed that the total paralysis of a body is due to an evil taking absolute control over the body. However, the interactions between neurons in the brain can explain this seemingly mysterious phenomenon in a scientific way. Although the explanation is not complete yet, for there are many unclear processes about Sleep Paralysis, the current hypothesis appears to reject the possibility of ghosts on this matter. Of course, it is impossible to completely disprove the existence of "spirits", "minds", or "God" affecting one's behavior. Nevertheless, like Sleep Paralysis and SUNDS, many or the mysterious conditions and behaviors which are only explained in supernatural terms probably result from brain.

WWW Sources

1)The Evil's of Sleep Paralysis

2)The Body During Sleep

3)Basics of Sleep Behavior

4)REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Neurologic Dissociative Sleep Disorder

5)Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis



Comments made prior to 2007

I have been trying to figure out what was going on in my sleep untill i read this.Now i am happy to know what my body was expeiencing. It's quite scary your first couple experiences of sleep paralysis but now i'm gonna stay calm when it is happening to me and try to get my own understanding of the experience ... Jeremy, 21 March 2006


I have had sleep paralyisis at least once per month for the last 8 years. I am 29 as of this writing. I just had the experience about 1 hour ago and thus has caused me to do reasearch about it on the net. I noticed that many Dr.'s contribute this to anxiety, stress and other factors. My question is ... why is there always an evil presence in that concious yet body is still asleep phase? Today I heard a loud static sound, and opened my eyes to a spider crawling all over my arm. When I prayed to God, or said His name (Jehovah) the spider would start to disappear. I finally went thru my mental prayer when I awoke. This leads me to believe that it is more of a spiritual occurence, because I never have positive images while in this paralized state. I know there are many things in which our ancestors thought it was demonic rather than scientific, only to find there was a scientific explanation. However, I think this is different and cannot be simply written off as "scientific". There is not enough proof to show that it is scientific.

About a month ago I had another episode of sleep paralysis and I saw a small presence in the room with me. It was dark, and I could not see it's face (I am getting chills typing about it right now). My question is, why is there always an evil presence not only associated with my episodes, but so many others I have read about? ... Abel, 24 August 2006 


i was thinking it is evil who do that during night but now i find out why. I am suffering from sleep paralyze possibly every nigh spicily when i have dinar ... Salah Nasser, 28 January 2007


I used to have this sleeping disorder when I was a child.  It has come back once or twice with adulthood, but otherwise, it is in the past.  I used to, with great effort, move my hand to my face and pull an eye open, which would wake me up, but sometimes the struggle was too much and I would go on into a deeper sleep. 

Since the brain can do this to me, can it also cause me to get migraines just as I am about to wake up?

It seems, as I have discovered, if I get less than 4 hours sleep a night, I do not get migraines.  If I get 6 hours or more, it's about a 90% chance I will wake with a migraine.  Later in the day, I get an hour or two nap and that is the routine as it works.  Doctors just sort of treat the migraine and don't get into the sleep thing I have.  I take MaxAult for the migraines when they do get me.

I woke one time, and just as I woke, I felt this white-hot needle going into my head... bingo.  A migraine in 5 seconds.  That is how they can occur.  I wake with them otherwise.  I figure it my brain doing things it shouldn't.  I have a clean bill of health otherwise.

Thanks for your time.  Have a good day ... Jay, 11 February 2007


I have a question, and hope someone out there has an answer, it has been months and I have thus far failed to find one.  Has there ever been a record of anyone receiving the effects of sleep paralysis without having been asleep?  The reason I ask this, is a while ago, having not slept in a few hours, I was sitting at my computer, and it seemed to have happened to me. Within seconds I was too tired to hold up my own head, and my breathing got very difficult. Then I began to feel a sort of dizziness as my limbs lost feeling, and dropped to my side. after this, the dizziness turned to near blindness. I could see, but nothing would focus, and everything I tried to look at seemed to dart around like a mosquito. By this time I had no feeling in my entire body, could move nothing without quite a bit of concentration, and I could barely breath.  My mother heard me try and make out some kind of cry for help, and found me there spilled into my computer chair. She rolled me to my bed, and poured me into it. Within about 10-15 minutes I had regained everything I once had, but my sea legs did not ware off for another ten or so minutes.  I went to the emergency soon after. I had an E.K.G. and a C.A.T. scan, with no results, and I piss less in a week then the amount of blood they took that night. After basically telling me I was lying, the doctor told me that my symptoms did not fit anything at all.  What I do know, is I have been researching the issue ever since, and can only base my problem on Sleep Paralysis. All the symptoms match. And again, my question....Has there ever been a record of someone under the effects of sleep paralysis without ever having gone to sleep?  I hope you can shed some sort of light on this subject, as it,...well, it freaked me the hell out, and no one has been able to answer me!  Thank you for your time ... Mitchel Henderson, 7 December 2007


I used get this "evil paralysed me" feeling when i was paralysed and usually saw a ghost. i tried to shout or move but no sound escaped my mouth and couldn't move at all. it happened again yesterday and was almost convinced that ghosts/evil spirits were getting the better of me. But, me being a practical and logical guy, erjected this theory and started researching on this phenomenon. I came across this research paper on Sleep Paralysis. This greatly helped me in alleviating my fears. And next time i "see" a ghost during sleep paralyses, ill just laugh at it ;-)  Thanks for the research ... Siddarth, 10 December 2007 


Anonymous's picture

I 34 years old, got used to it

I've been having this since I was a kid (8 maybe?)
Sometime, it happens after I fall asleep, sometimes (like last night) it happens while I am trying to fall asleep. A flash of white light went through my eyes, then I was paralyzed! I can get out of it by forcing my head to move to the right or left. Last night's vision was interesting. I felt someone holding my hands trying to suck my soul out, I really felt the center of my chest moving upwards.
I still remember the very first time it happened to me, I was sick. I 've never thought it was related to spirit or evil powers... I always hoped for a scientific explanation, and this helps thank you.
I noticed that it happens less frequently after I quit smoking.
man, we still have so much to learn about the human body!

Twirlyboggs's picture

funny what we exp when in

funny what we exp when in between sleep and reality
nothing there to fear but ourselves
crazy what the mind can lock away
learn to think truly for oneself without influence while never forgetting of others
and control the SP
practice daily being mindful of thought
and soon your dreams will be controlled by you

Chad's picture


I've never experienced the so called "sleep paralysis" in my life until last week. Here's my story. I was asleep in my bed turned on my side so that my back was to the bedroom door. While asleep I felt something grasp my hand and squeeze it. (The way I was situated while sleeping, my hand was behind me) I squeezed it back. At this point I felt my covers get peeled off of me and felt the pressure on the bed like something was getting into bed with me. Then reality hit me. I live alone and all of my doors are locked, securely. I feel this entity press it's ?body? up against mine like it was holding me in a spooning position. At this point my mind is freaking out and my brain is telling my body to roll over and figure out what the hell is going on. I can't move or speak but I can feel this thing up against me and the part that really gets me is that I could feel breathing upon the back of my neck. I struggled for what I'm guessing to be 20 - 30 seconds to get rolled over, but to no avail. My body is not reacting to what my brain is telling it to do. Finally I'm able to roll over, the whole episode seemed to have lasted for an hour in my mind, but I'm sure it was a minute at tops. So finally I'm able to roll over and discover there's nothing there. But my covers are peeled back like someone did attempt to get into bed with me. I think friends are screwing with me, check all doors and windows and everything is secure and in place. Another weird observation is that I have a cat that usually sleeps beside me every night. When I was able to get up and check my doors & windows I did find my cat in a scared state at the back of my closet. That's my story

Nicole's picture

I've experienced sleep

I've experienced sleep paralysis too. I'm actually about to post my story. But I was thinking maybe in your dream or whatever, you might have been actually screaming or making some sort of noise that could have scared the heck out of your cat. Maybe that's why it was hiding?

Engin Topcuoglu's picture

Thanks a lot in terms of

Thanks a lot in terms of content was a really nice article. I'm looking for a long time and the information I needed was an issue. Thanks ..
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varina's picture

OBE when 9 or 19 yrs old

I'm not really sure what the "dream" was even about.
I DO remember it involved me falling off something worst fear!
I opened my eyes and my body fell on the bed HARD!! we were upstairs and could still hear the bed shaking from the fall. I had NO IDEA what happened. But my sibbling had the SAME DREAM they fell off something and also fell.
I consider my self VERY lucky to have had this happen because not alot of people have had this happen to them and most people do not believe it is true. My mom has also seen clothes lifted by itself and dropped and there has been SEVERAL times we have seen and heard things. Mine include hearing voices,strange dream and seeing a shadow of someone EVERYBODY seems to call the "top hat man". His hat looked like freddie krueger's and i NEVER knew he was so famous around the world,some of my sibblings have claimed they've seen him,too.
My little sister was selling candy once to a store which was said there was a death of a man in a hat who died there and still thinks he works there. My sister said he said "no soliciting here....".
WHen she looked back,the store was closed and he was gone.
Before that he was infront of sliding doors and they did not open when he was infront of them.

Anonymous's picture


Usualy when I have this experience is always after a certian dream where I am at my job at first I start to hear wispiring of somthing but nothing there and as my manager walks down an isle there are Posted signs up and it would be as if somone was walking under them twords my manager ut he would keep walking along like nothing ever happened as i kept trying too tell him what is happening he would ignore it at this point is when i try to wake up but there is alwasy a loud rining in my ear and i cannot open my eyes and after i would open them i try falling back asleep but the same event occurs i have tried all of your suggestions but nothing has helped any help here

E.S's picture

HELP! No hallucinations, just SP and maybe SUNDS onset!!!!

I have had Sleep Paralysis several times.Lately experiencing near-SUNDS epsisodes, BUT NO HALLUCINATIONS JUST NEAR DEATH!! HELP!

Four last summer and three this beginning of summer. I become so frozen that I begin to feel my body and diaphram shuting down. MY HEART BEAT AND BREATHING SLOW!!! I realize that I cannot open my mouth, it's locked into place, and thus cannot yell for help. My breathing slows down more and more until I know that I will sufficate to death if I don't wake myself up. I believe I am slowly dying here!!! Less and less breaths per 5 seconds!!! Even as I pry my eyes open, resisting the deathly urge to fall asleep, I am paralyzed.

Only by focusing intently on moving my fingers and feet can I wiggle my way out of paralysis. Sometimes I immediately become PARALYZED AGAIN, due to extreme exhaustion after "saving my own life". Then I begin the rescue effort again until I can sit up and enjoy not slowly dying AKA not sleeping at that moment.

My biggest fear is not being able to save myself. Being too tired to shake off the SUNDS. WHAT SORT OF CRUEL DEATH IS THIS? I'm 17.

I almost died in the backseat of a car.

I fear dying while a family member sits nearby, my eyes open, watching myself die and watching others watch me die. I'm 17. HELP!!!HELP ME!!

Lu's picture

Please don't worry, you more

Please don't worry, you more than likely have sleep apnoea which is why it keeps recurring. You wake up when you stop breathing & are understandably frightened,that fear coupled with lack of oxygen can cause the mind to play tricks,The key thing to remember is you ARE waking up .I have had apnoea for many years as well as waking dreams,the hallucinations that accompany sleep paralysis,once you know why it happens it stops being scary. Go to see your doctor,I'm sure they'll put your mind at ease.

Pam's picture

You have to calm down, u dont

You have to calm down, u dont going to die. I know is dificul but u have to try to stop thinking it, u dont going to die. You are too youth! My advice is a lil prayer everytime before got to bed ask God for help, he will help u. There is really bad spirits in this world, but with God in your side nobody can hurt you. Look, Im not a christian person I dont even go to chruch, but I just wanted to be with God and try my best to be a good person, believe me he have been answer me. Don't get to nervius, is worst try to fight it... You can do it. In my case I can say that is almost gone, I really got so tired of it that I started to control myself and now I dont have it. Well, I hope this help. Good luck!

Pam22's picture

My story is different because

My story is different because everytime I feel something black coming out of my mouth is like spirit, also the noises, my family with demond faces. Its crazy, but I believe in God. And everytime that happen, I pray a lot - the dream take a long time to finished, but at least finish. I feel very close to God and I try to pray and honor him. I left the church many years a go, even like that he have been taking care of me. I became understanding that my body and soul are cleaning because is coming out not in, somebody told me in a dream that God hear me that he is with me. Weeks ago I dream something that next day happen, they are not important but I know it was thefore is not everyday...anyways I do not want any gift or whatever. I feel relief that I not the only one and Im not a freack. Really I do not wish nobody to live it because is soo scary.

Well, sleep with a Cristian channel on have been helping me. since that I do not have it.

carey's picture

SP with a cold & sleeping during the day

I see this experience as a dimension of consciousness that science can only partially explain. I also think it's interesting that a few people have mentioned having it while experiencing the flu or a fever. Today it happened at the tail end of my nap. I've had sleep paralysis for the past 20 years, on and off -- mostly it can occur when I nap during the afternoon and am especially worn out. When I've tried to ask other people if they've ever experienced it, after I describe it, they look at me like I'm crazy. I haven't suffered terrifying demons, but I have experienced what sincerely felt like a visit from a ghost. When that happens I make a conscious effort to let the entity know that I'm not afraid of them. My mother passed away a couple of years ago, and she came to visit me once and gave me a hug as well. I have often seen shadowy entities enter my room, sit on the end of my bed, or talk to me either from a distance or directly over my bed. Something I almost always experience is a visual awareness of the room around me -- as if I am awake and can see the room. This is the part that is most interesting to me. Because despite the fact that my eyes are closed -- I can "see". Today I had it while napping, but my vision was constrained to a limited field of vision around my face -- like peering through a scuba mask. I have a cold and a low grade fever. I was lying on the couch, and could see the edge of the coffee table across from my face --- but totally paralyzed. I could hear the girls in my neighborhood calling my name and running up my steps. But I was unable to move and greet them. I was aware that I was having SP and told my self repeatedly to WAKE UP....But it took several times, and several attempts at moving my muscles and shaking my head before I could shake myself out of it. This the most terrible part for me....trying to shake myself awake and being aware that I am essentially trapped in a coma, and unable to move, but still conscious and aware of my condition. The auditory "hallucinations" are almost always so real seeming that it's hard to know whether someone was or wasn't calling to me.

JB's picture


Well said. I'm 29 & have been having them infrequently, for as long as I can remember. It IS strange that we can see the room we are sleeping in visually desp aite being asleep. I always thought when I was older it was my own mind that developed a mental "construct" of what my room would look like. I just pulled out of one of these paralysis' 20 minutes ago. Same thing- start with the hands are work my way around. This was one of the trickier ones that was stronger, and took me several times to pull out of. Seemed like each time I failed to fully "unplug", it brought me back to full paralysis.
I am used to them too by now, and dealing with the fear is always the same. If you take it head on, you will feel stronger each time you deal with it & i believe it helps you in real life "awake" fear factor situations. I also have had luck invoking the name of God in some of the more terrifying SP that involved noises, shadows, ringing (especially buzzing like my brain neurons are misfiring almost feels like my head is going to overload). Good luck all

carey's picture

It happened again

It happened to me again a few nights later as I was trying to wake up in the morning. I could see my covers and my pillow and bed, was aware that I couldn't move, still lying down, and so I told myself to just relax and try to enjoy it (based on ideas I've read here)...But I fell completely back asleep and had what can only be described as an extremely disturbing dream. Luckily my best friend was visiting and I talked to her about the dream once I woke up...otherwise I would've been completely freaked. Ultimately the dream helped me face some fears, and I think I'm glad I had it.

Anyway, I recently rented a movie called "Something is happening and doing we don't know what" about psychic phenomena. And I learned a new term called "remote viewing". I think that's what is essentially happening during the SP episodes that I've had. I have also had "psychic" dreams where I've dreamt about someone and afterward described certain places and events, etc....(never having been to the home of the person I was dreaming about) and the person told me that the town is laid out exactly as I pictured it and that those events happened to him that very day. So this is all a way of asking if anyone else who has had SP also has had psychic dreams.

Anonymous's picture

I'm so amazed that. I am not

I'm so amazed that. I am not the only one who goes through this. Except whenever I shut my eyes, my body freezes and I can't move, trying to say anything becomes impossible and opening your eyes has never been any harder. I have them rarely but whenever I do something terrible happens the following day.

Dr. David Sullivan's picture

Sleep Paralysis

“Sleep Paralysis”
I wanted to thank everyone who has responded to my post on how to cure “Sleep Paralysis”: I am glad that it has helped so many of you to deal or stop this mind (nightmare) disorder. For those of you who did not read my post; I told how I was able to stop myself and others from experiencing this terrifying occurrence by first telling myself to wake up, and then later, I learned how to control my dreams so that when something scary was beginning I could change the event: and once I did that the habit of having reoccurring sleep paralysis came to an end: I do not experience sleep paralysis any more. For those of you who have changed this simply command of telling yourself to wake up, to evoking the power of some deity, I would strongly advise you against doing such. “Sleep Paralysis” is a mind disorder; and not demons, or Devils, goblins, aliens, lost spirits, or gangs of attacking clowns… In so doing you are giving credence to the false belief that your nightmares are real, and not your mind’s imagination: once you believe that it is really happening to you, you will not stop it, and you will make this terrifying ordeal a stronger neurological habit. It is your mind, you are in control; not some deity; you can stop it. I will give you two examples: Example one: I knew a man; he used to invoke Jesus to save him from his mind disorder. One time as he called upon his God to save him, Jesus did not awake him, and in his terrified state he believed that God had forsaken him. Believing that he had offended Jesus, his nightmare now became much more severe. Today he is on antipsychotic drugs, and most likely will be for the rest of his life.
Example two: The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel: She believed that she was possessed: After the exorcism, her psychiatric disturbances were deeply intensified: At the court trial they concluded that speaking directly or "imperatively" to the Devil, that is; "I command thee, unclean spirit." only confirms to the patient that they are without a doubt possessed. Anneliese; her body so body weakened from her mental state of sufferings, died at the young age of 23 years old.
I have written a book called the “Power of Light Vibrations”: although not written specifically for sleep paralysis, I believe that it will help anyone who is having issues in their lives. Part of the book deals with the powers of attractions and positive thinking; but the main sections on light vibrations, beginning with the vibration formula chart in chapter three is extremely helpful in dealing with stress and anxiety and other issues that we all run into in our daily lives. You can find this at “” the “Power of Light Vibrations” by David Sullivan: Thank you, and have a wonderful life.
Dr. David Sullivan

Anonymous's picture

SP, not always evil

I have had this happen to me 4-5 times over the past couple of months. The first time I didn't hear anything but saw a mans arm, when I finally came to I just assumed it was a bad dream. The next couple of times I didn't see or hear anything just my surrundings. Last night it happened twice one right after the other, the first one I didn't see or hear anything, the second one I heard a man's voices telling me he just wanted to see me and everything was alright, as I started to come back I saw very faint blue lights flashing on me.

My father passed away a few years back, and if SP is connected to something spiritual, I'm sure it was just him finally finding away to communicate to me.

Anonymous's picture


This had started happening when i was around 11/12..

It would come and go over the years

I'm almost 20 now...and i feel i have let it get the better of me... i feel the pain in SP...i have hands that cover my mouth and I'm unable to breath...i have something constantly pulling my leg and hitting me on the back... i have fallen out of my bed on several occasions.. i can hear people and it sounds so evil.. I understand that ok yes it may or may not be ghosts..i don't care..but how on earth can i deal with this in the best possible way? it's gotten so out of hand that i can't sleep! i haven't slept properly for years now and I'm tired of this happening! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know..

last night it felt as though someone grabbed me from my back and pulled me out of bed..that's exactly what happened.. i hit the floor so hard and I'm just over this happening! I often find myself going into a very deep deep sleep and i struggle so much to get out of it... sometimes i feel..if i let it get too deep in sleep that i won't be able to wake up again!

StephanieG's picture

re: submitted by : help on 5/25

Hello. I read your post on 5/25 and my brother used to experience very similar episodes.
He takes a medication called Seroquel in the evening and it helps him sleep and keeps
his brain from creating these hallucinations\dreams which disturbed him so much.
Yours sounds very much like he described.
You may ask a doctor to try you on a small dosage and see if it helps.

I have some SP but not scary ones. Yours sound too scary and disruptive.

Take Care

Anonymous's picture

Be good and you wont need to

Be good and you wont need to fear the shadows, they will come to fear you

Tomonor's picture


Actually, when SP comes to "hold me" I don't feel nor presence near me, nor I see anything (actually, I rarely open my eyes, since I know if I open them I know I will see some strange things... hence, I m still dreaming then) However, I feel high pressure in my right ear and also on my back. It's a rly weird and uncomforting feeling, actually that makes me want to get up asap (it relatively hurts). And of course, the only possible way to wake up is to start moving my legs circles around (that's the only part I can control of my body, apart from my breathing and my eye-lids.

Now that I'm experiencing this just a year ago, it makes me think if this is some kind of unexplainable sickness, or some kind of ability, or some kind of side effect of an abiblity (I also happen to have a decent 6th sense, normally when I sleep, I see my surroundigs, or the people I want to see (one example: once I was really tired at my workplace, so I couldn't hold myself and fell asleep, and later I saw my boss and his child leaving their house, and coming towards the workplace - I quickly woke up, and started to work, and indeed his child was with him too. -Or another example which happened just a week ago, when I was sleeping, and saw my mom's friend coming to our house with his red car. So I woke up quickly, and unexplainably I was dressing up - I was thinking that what am I doing? -it was just a dream... Well, it wasn't, right when I was going downstairs, I saw him parking with his car, and dialing my phone.)

So anyway, that could explain a bit.

carey's picture

indicative of a 6th sense

I agree with you on this idea that it's a side effect of an ability, or indicative of an ability. I have also had dreams where I have seen things that actually happened, but I was nowhere near the event. I wonder if this is true for other people who have experienced sp?

joanne's picture

Different ghosts in different places

When I was in Korea, I saw all kinds of "ghosts" during my sleep paralysis. They were young asian women, a grandma, and a boy...all distinctly Korean. I was sleeping in an urban apartment complex so it was very crowded there in the city, and therefore lots of ghosts.

When I came back home in the United States in Ohio (rural countryside), I RARELY see any ghosts, possibly because it's more rural here. When I DID see one, she was a little girl that had a striped, cotton dress that looked like it was from the 1920s, with brown hair and braids, distinctly American.

Jazmine's picture

Everytime I have this

Everytime I have this experience I'm always scared out of my mind! I always see some scary shadow that gets closer and closer and all I could do is close my eyes until it goes away.

Anonymous's picture

Warning via Count Down

I just stumbled across this research and was finally relieved to figure out what happened to me when I was much younger, maybe 7 or 8 years old. I'm 20 now and it has never happened but those ten or twelve times. Each time I would walk down to my Dad's office from my room upstairs. Now that I think about it I rarely remembered finding my Dad but if I ded I know I was already in a panic while walking down the stairs because the "numbers had started counting." During my hallucinations (as I can now name them) there were numbers starting at 100 that would count down in a timely order, the smaller the number the more panic I felt. I knew when each one was sent, always floating flat in a line out of my vision. As the numbers got closer to 0 I knew what was coming. This is the only reason this evidence doesn't quite support what happened to me because the paralysis for me came after the hallucinations. Either that or I just had the warning beforehand like a few other posts I've read.

As the last number before 0 (which was.. 1 ha) was sent across my vision I knew that I wouldn't be able to see or move. During these times I was already in my Dad's lap staring straight ahead at the wall with my arms on his desk just crying in a panic because all I could see was white with no end and I could never move my eyes from where they were stopped. I could feel and hear myself as well as my Dad trying to wake me up by shaking me but I had to wait the same amount of time I had waited between all the other numbers counting down to 0 for it to be over.

My mom never dealt with it because it "freaked her out." Dad was always up late anyway and it usually happened about 3 hours into my night at 11pm (I was i third grade)

There were only a few cases with the talked of evil, one set of yellow eyes at my floor and then a face in the light on my open door once. Other than that I've had the feelings of weight over my back as I walked with a hunch into my parents room and the feeling of carrying a stack of books in my hands both only once as well.

This is long but if it sounds like anything you have experience I'd be interested!

JB's picture

light in door

Your story brought back visions of my earlier SD which I wouls always knew was coming because I could see a bright light under the door or thru the crack. Then followed by a perceived precense of fear or evil. when i was young i thought they were ghosts or demons. now that i'm older, its becoming apparent its more neurological b/c I feel the electricity activity in my brain in different intensities like a short circuit somewhere.

Mark's picture

it was really scary

im 16 and it happened to me 4 times and it was really scaring and i just could blow air, my mom heard me but she thought i was snoring and when i woke up i was like WTF mom you could save me
my dad told me that was produced because of the ghosts and my mom because of ovnis,UFOs and they scare me even more but now i know is because anxiety i feel better

thanks for the article and sorry for my english

Anonymous's picture

I had overcome the fear by

I had overcome the fear by not thinking it about. I watched the Bruce Lee story and I'm fighting back with my mind. I noticed the more I think about it, the more it happenned to me. And that was in the past. When I moved out from my old house to my new house, I haven't had any experience since then and I was able to sleep well. I'm used to be afraid to go to sleep or to fall asleep. It's all in the mind. You have to fight that fear!!! I lived in my old house for 12 years and the only time I don't have sleep paralyses is when I'm sleeping with my kids or my husband, but if I'm alone, it never leaves me alone.

I never believe anyone until it happenend to me...

Nici's picture

Sleep Paralysis

I have suffered from sleep paralysis from being a very young child. It was only a few years ago I started to research this condition on the internet as it disturbed me greatly. I do feel so much better now knowing that there is a logical explanation for it and it's more common than I thought. However, they still do scare the living daylights out of me, even now more than twenty years later! What I find interesting is that there are few reports of having a pleasant experience while in this state. I have seen strange 'creature like things', been strangled by dead relatives, flown round the garden etc etc. The only explanation I can think of for this is perhaps when our body is paralyised we go into a state of panick and fear causing the 'bad visions'. As for the weird loud sounds (they are that severe sometims it hurts my head), no idea what that is all about. At least we all now know we are not posessed eh lol!

Anonymous's picture

im not convinced

I have had this happen to be atleast once a week for the past few years.. i always thort i was seeing and feeling spirits and had come to terms with that! im glad there is another explanation and that im not alone with this but it still dosent explain why it feels so evil.. every morning i hear footsteps coming down the hallway and into my room.. this person always leans over me and watches me as i panic and cant move or talk, i try and wake up but cant, my heart beats so fast and im terrified but i have to just let it happen. it just seems so evil and i find it hard to believe that my brain is doing this to me!

Angela Brown's picture


Dear Nici
Just got up , it's nearly two hours ago I had SP as you all call it. I have had this for over Twenty years, it comes and goes. if I read the bible it does not come at all. ( but i DONT ALWAYS HAVE TIME)

I used to get a warning when it was going to happen, a load buzzing noise, then you cannot move, there's a sensation that your being held from behind, but its so over powering it does not feel like a loved one you know it's a stranger. That went on for years just like that always after 4am, then for many months nothing happened and you forget.
Last year the experience changed, and while hearing the buzzing sound and not being able to move, I saw what looked like the out line of a dogs face, hovering in the corner of the room in this bright lighting electrical image. yeah weird ,but you can imagine I started thinking all kinds of crap.
But Only early hours of this morning it was more a ringing sound
like when you have the music to loud. The presence of someone behind Me but, this time not hugging me but quite close to my butt area and Communication, sounding very much like a man , but I cannot hear all the words because of the ringing sound, and I can feel the cold breath of the words on the back of my neck that freak me the hell out I was able to make out "Angela you will never never", Let me know if you dont't what you think, SP I'm not so sure.
Angela (40years)

Jessica Simmons's picture

I get a similar warning sign from SP

Hi Angela,

The way you describe your warning that SP is coming on is similar to mine. The best way I can describe it is a slowly escalating white noise, almost an electricity or static.

You're not alone with seeing and hearing strange demonic things. During one of my waking dreams, a demon raped me and told me that he messed up my insides so that I could never bear children. How's that for scary and wacky? It's hard to imagine that our minds would actually do this to us. Seriously, why would I think that?

Likewise, I've had one pleasant version...just one, but it gives me hope that it's not necessarily all bad. It was an out of body experience where I traveled up through the floorboards to watch my husband playing with our pets upstairs (and when I woke up from my nap and went upstairs, that's exactly what he was doing - kinda neat).

I wonder if there is any correlation between creativity levels and how graphic your SP episodes tend to be. I'm an artist, and I have some pretty vivid and amazing *regular* dreams. I just wish I could better control the fear I feel during SP - I'd like to think that we might have the ability to change the way we work through it. Has anyone mastered this? I'd love to learn.

Anonymous's picture

To Angela, You know, at first

To Angela,

You know, at first no one believed about the warning sign. My sign (before it happens) is this fast white flash that goes across my mind and just like that, i'm in the SP stage. When i get up, i go wash my face with cold water and go back to bed then it goes away for that should try that :-)

jacqui's picture

this is exactly the same

this is exactly the same symptom i get. Like something flashes quickly across my mind and i start to go into SP. I try shaking my head to get out of it and i start to say a prayer in my mind, like the 23rd psalm. If i begin to get frightened and i start to forget the words of the psalm i call on the name 'jesus' and i am suddenly awake

Valerie Cronin's picture

More testimony

I've had SP my whole life like many people on here. I just call them night terrors, because I always seem to have a nightmare before the paralysis comes on. I stopped counting how many instances there have been, but I've experienced it many times. Most of the time, the dream is going fine. But then a dark evil feeling just seems to intrude, and everything starts going wrong. This is also when you start to wake up, which is why the scariest part of the dream is so vivid in memory. The one that is most clear in my memory had 2 visible demon-people, so sometimes the entity or whatever lets itsself be seen. Other times, it seems to take control of my body. Another vivid nightmare included just me, losing control of my body, and having myself flipped over so my face was near the ground. Its like a spirit was playing with me, VERY scary. I always have a nightmare or terror when I experience sleep paralysis, and now often have SP if i happen to have a bad dream. Oh, another common thing is that I dream I wake up, like dream within a dream. Those used to happen often to me as a child when I had fevers or felt under the weather, and they often signify a nightmare coming on (thus SP for me). So the SP is always terrifying for me, my trick to wake up is shaking my head back and forth as fast as i can (trying to) until my head ACTUALLY moves...which, 1 person on here said they do also. I keep a nightlight on (terrified of the dark). I did drink hard liquor today, which isn't usually the case. Oh and I was sleeping on my back this time. Usually my SP occurs while I am sleeping on my stomach.

Tonight's instance was slightly different than usual. The dream was going fine, everything was fine, then something just changed and the dream got violently scary and a huge feeling of terror swept in. In the dream I was just laying there with some friends nearby, and I grabbed a cell phone and hid it behind my back. Then it started buzzing, and buzzing, and BUZZING to the point where it HURT and was lifting me out of the seat, and it felt like I was getting electrocuted or like there was a nerve getting pinched in my back or something. I don't know exactly what happened, whether my back had a spasm or not in real life, but when I awoke I had to shake my head to move, and I completely felt a presence over my body and in my room. I was also very confused. Then I realized what happened and was very upset, and in my head yelled at the spirit to leave. And then I ended up on here, because who can sleep after something like that? I never can...

Jason's picture

Not as scary, but very interesting!

I had my first sleep paralysis experience just the other night. I hardly ever get the right amount of sleep I need, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it. Well I had gone to sleep, had a big dream about something I can't completely recall, all I know is, it had something to do with my old cell phone. Anyways, I then woke up suddenly. My eyes opened, and I tried to squeeze my hand shut, but couldnt. I figured it was because I had the cell phone in my hand (of course I didn't, that was just part of the dream). So I tried to bring the (supposed) phone up to my face to look at it, but discovered I couldn't move. At first I thought I was still dreaming. But then I got that nervous feeling that someone or something was in the room with me. I was a bit nervous for a few seconds because I was laying on my side, facing the wall, with my back to the rest of the room. I tried to turn over, still couldnt move. At that point, I instantly knew what was happening. I had read about SP before, and I knew thats what this was. So, my mind was actually completely running. I could think, reason, move my eyes, but I couldnt move, and I couldnt take a deep breath. I was kinda nervous that I would suffocate, but otherwise it was an interesting feeling. Then all of a sudden I had full body control. From the time I opened my eyes until I could move again, felt like 2 minutes or so. But I have a feeling it was only a couple seconds.

My theory of SP harmonizes with the scientific reasoning for it. Your mind wakes up before your brain has completely told your body to wake up. You're conscious of the world around you, but still half dreaming. That explains the "sightings" and fear some people get with this experience. Your body isnt moving because your brain hasn't told the muscles to work yet, and the trouble with breathing is caused by your brain still having complete control over your respirtory system, the way it keeps you breathing properly when you sleep. That explains the feeling of something "sitting on your chest".

Why people have scary feelings is beyond me. In my experience, I felt intrigued and curious. But I did feel like something was in the room. Maybe thats just our brain being aware of our own body, like the mind has seperated from the body. The scary feelings, well, the world is a scary place, and consciously, we deal with it. Subconsciously, maybe some of us are scared to death.

RJ's picture

definately scary but phenomenal

you know, I was scared when this started happening to me, it mostly happens to me when im taking and nap and when I sleep face down, only once ive went out of my body and seen my own sleeping body in a mirror, ugghh I was terrified. but now that I know what it is im not really scared im goin to try and control it maybe next time I leave my body ill do some exploring. this sounds crazy but hey if you can control it, why not? but I know itll always scare me

stacy's picture

this happens to me way to often and mulitiple times a night

i never thought this happened to any one but me it has been happening me for years and it sounds crazy but its true. half of the time i am in that falling asleep state in which ur still half awake. im laying in bed almost asleep when all of a sudden i hear footsteps, i get cold like freezing cold and some one whispering in my ear in spanish sometimes i can make out what he is saying i hear alot of laughing, and threats then my body goes paralysed i cant move at all my jaw locks and my teeth are stuck together i try to move and i cant its hard to breathe i feel some one climb on top of me and weigh me down so i cant move i try to scream but nothing comes out then all of a sudden in my head i see visions ( i sound crazy i know) i see things like my husband being in a car accident and me running to the scene or i see people dying or it shows me something that doesnt make sense like numbers or objects like my daughters closet. i have gone to see santeros that practice santeria and they all conclude that its demons or dead sprits trying to enter my body they call it being motado i guess as crazy as it sounds its an act of being posessed they claim that the dead are trying to tell me something they claim the reason my teeth lock is because the spirits mouth are sowed together they cant speak, i used to pray to god and it would slowly stop bu t now that doesnt work any more and i dont know what to do any more i dont know if what the santeros said was true or not but its nice to know im not the only one out there that experiences it. weird part is some of the stuff that i see in the visions happen later on not the husband dying or anything but the objects that they show me i see later on that week. idk just weird i wish there was some explanation to it all so i know how to stop it.

Ki's picture

Not always related to anxiety

I've been reading the scientific explanation again, and it seems to explain how SP occurs in the majority of cases where people are frightened and may have come out of a dream. Quite a few of the posts on here though, including experiences I have had, do not involve anxiety or fear. People have gone straight into hallucinatory SP from a calm waking state, in order to experiment, and some even enjoy the experience. How can these hallucinations occur from a waking state with no anxiety?

paulafarrellsmith's picture


It bothers me when people assume its anxiety causing the sp attacks, as I think most of them naturally relate anxiety to "everyday life stresses" "depression" but its not so. Anxiety can be occuring unnoticable, for example I am a happy laid back person but have an illness, this illness must caus anxiety within my body, which could be related to sp. Even hormone changes (note alot of new sp sufferers on here are teens) especially in women can caus sp. When I have flu I love it caus my senses are amazing ;0)

Ki's picture

Thanks for the replies

Thanks to Paulafarrellsmith and Maria D for replying to my comment. I believe it is possible to learn to control SP so it is not a bad experience, but I think you have to first be in a particular state of mind. It is always much worse for me if I go to sleep with negative feelings. For the past few months I either didn't get SP or had relatively neutral SP experiences, which I could control to a certain extent. But unfortunately I've had it about 3 times in the last week and all have been negative. Today I even had it whilst lying on my side which is quite worrying, as I normally only get it on my back. All have involved pressure on me, followed by a feeling of being attacked or held down by arms. Everytime I go to grab the arms in order to defend myself, they feel the same, very long thin cold fingers, then I snap out of it after restraining the hands. I've had a few financial worries lately, and this confirms to me the importance of maintaining a balanced and happy waking life in order to avoid "evil" encounters during SP.

Maria D's picture

Enjoying SP

I have been experiencing SP since I was a child - I am 31 now - I still experience SP on a regular basis. When I experienced SP as a child it was the most scariest experience I had ever had; as I would be paralysed yet I could see strange people around me speeding up and slowing down, extreme loudness then sudden quiet, it would freek me out and leave me nervouse and on edge. My parents thought I was just suffering from bad nightmares which I would grow out of. As a child it is difficult to explain what is happening, I had no concept of SP.
In the last few years, I have learned about SP, and now when I experience it i can mentally understand what is happening, and there for I have been able to remain calm during SP, and even begin to enjoy the experience. On some occasions during SP I have managed to use the experience to bring on an out of body experience, by staying calm and willing myself to move and leave behind my physical body.

Next time you have SP, stay calm and if you can, remind yourself that it is just SP and nothing to panic about, you will eventually get into the habit of staying calm every time; your breathing will become easier and you will feel more relaxed. You may even begin to enjoy the experience, think of it as a positive ability.

Maria D

Dave's picture

Why always evil presence?

I have been having this happen to me since i was a little kid... well over 20 years now. Only this time the experiences have been getting more frequent, and I have been actually having the same exact experience over and over again. At least 4 or 5 seperate times now. I am laying in bed dreaming that I am awake. I see a litle black spirit fly across the room and sit down right on my chest. I start to swear at him and give him the finger in sort of defiance while shaking my head real fast trying to shake myself awake. The entire process takes a few minutes while the head shaking seems to take 10 - 20 secods to get myself to a conscious state. The question I have here is why does everyone here experience an evil presence. Why can't a naked Adrianna Lima come and sit down on my chest? I am getting very worried, and am scared to go back to sleep now.

Pam22's picture


I think there are always bad spirits, that's why we have to get closer to God, read a lil the bible, whatch Christian channels, go sometimes to church. I not saying that you will come a total evangelic person but just get closer try to pray and ask him for help. God will hear you. I have been slepping with a Christian channel on and it have been helping me a lot. One time like 8 years a go this thing get me a kiss and talk to me, I was taking a nap, and it touch my face!!! well I feel better knowing that another people have this dreams too. I wished nobody have it but it feel good know that you are not a freack o possese...

Jodie's picture

I bet your right about the

I bet your right about the christian channel, anything that keeps you calm would do the trick. It seems like my SP is when I feel fear of any sort, like thinking about my niece that died last year of a terrible death. My mind wonders a lot as I am trying to go to sleep so if I start to get scared I will put on Joyce Myers and listen till I fall asleep.

Anonymous's picture

scariest experience of my life

I am 16 nearly 17 and I had my first episode last night I am full up with a cold so I couldn't hardly breath anyway, I could hear my door open about 1am and I thought it could be my nan cheaking on me seen as I heard footsteps. All of a sudden I felt something climb on top of me and pin me down I was laying on the side of my body and I immediatly woke up my eyes were open but I couldn't move any of my body though and I started to hear really fast speaking in my ear I couldn't work out what it was trying to say but I was too scared to look what it was I was just wishing it would end soon I was trying to scream and trying to say get off me but I cudnt, I tryed screaming help over and over but I couldn't get it out the more I tryed to get the word out the more I cudnt. After it felt like hours I felt it get off me when I turned over a few minutes later nothing was there. I couldn't get back to sleep then I was petrefied it was definatly the most scariest experience of my life. No one believed me when I told them this morning my nan said it was the tablet she gave me last night to help my cold, but it doesn't explain how there are many stories on here simular to mine. I could really do with some help / advice so please comment back if you have any. Thanks x

mr.iD's picture

scariest experience of my life

Tip 1 try to think or say.. go away three 2 four times.

Tip 2 try moving your fingers and toes.

Tip 3 or all of the above.

I hope this helps you.

Justin's picture

I Feel Ya Bro

That sucks bud, I understand and can totally relate to you, Im 22 almost 23 and I just found this site this morning around 5:30. I woke up this morning with one of these "Sleep Paralysis" "Paranormal Activity" moments, HA. On a serious note similar occurrences have happened to me for quite sometime now, It blows and Im a spiritual person so I was always told, these experiences were evil spirits, picking at me. I've seen things, I've definitely been unable to move or talk, and your right it is very scary. Sadly, I've kinda of gotten used to it. But much like many of the posts on this site I find it strange that these happenings are always of a dark and scary feeling.

Although a few days ago it happened to me and it was a calm soothing experience, BUT it was sooooooo strange, It was like my spirit was away from me and then it came back and when I was able to move I was COMPLETELY exhausted, but I wasn't scared it was like a good spiritual encounter. I don't know If you believe in Jesus Christ or have any religious background, but I have found that just mentioning the name JESUS or saying a quick prayer, causes these scary encounters to end immediately. Which leads me to embrace the idea that these occurrences could be related to spirits, or supernatural, BUT I also entertain the idea that Sleep Paralysis could be the answer.

Truthfully, who knows why these things happen dude? Thats life but it gets better to handle, I started having these things happen a long time ago so I can relate, I was having them too, when I was in my teens, they come and go, but here lately its been like every other night for the past week or so.

Phillip's picture

Dont worry too much about it

So.. I am 26 years old and this started happening to me when I was about 21. in-fact it just happened to me 30 minutes ago during a nap which is what prompted me to look this up. All I can tell you is that my 1st experiences with this were just like yours where I felt like there was something in my room and sometimes i felt it.. The worst thing was that i could open my eyes to see what time was on the alarm clock, so when I fully woke up I knew it really happened because the time was the same. Anyway, I was terrified to go to sleep for a long time because of this, but after I started realizing that it was just my body not waking up while my mind did, it seemed to put me at ease with the whole thing. tho its always a little scary when it happen, I've learned that once you know what it is, when it happens, you can consciously think about it and realize nothing is happening and you will be able to move soon. So I just kinda fight it a little by trying to move, but ultimately I just wait for my body to wake up. As for the evil presence, I used to feel like something was there, but once I gained enough knowledge to know that nothing was... I never really felt like that again. now I just wake up and look at things and wait til I can move. Don't get me wrong, its always a little scary when it happens, but let me reassure you that the more it happens, the more you get used to the fact that nothing is really happening. And slowly but surely you'll start to not be scared of it anymore. Also, I remember telling my mom and she thought I was crazy... But I've just learned to keep it to myself, because if they've never experienced it before, it makes sense why you sound s little crazy! I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it!! I hope this helps.. Just remember, the less scared of it you are.. the less you'll see scary things. I never see scary things anymore..
Good Luck!!

Anonymous's picture

grinding teeth, Sleep Paralysis

Im 16 years old and i had two of these Sleep Paralysis in the past month , i told my dad and mum and they didn't really know whats wrong or they keep thinking its a joke.
(sounds like a joke)

Frist the grinding teeth - past year
then the
Sleep Paralysis - past two months

every time i had my Sleep Paralysis i never saw any ghost or some sort of image(next time ill try look for one.)
at the time i was more focus on waking myself up. i always try move my leg witch was really hard to do. sooner or later i woke my self up and checked the time, it was around 5:00am.

after the second one, i thought i better Google it. thanks for the info.
