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Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

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Biology 103
2000 First Web Report
On Serendip

Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

Sujatha Sebastian

On September 28, 2000 the Food and Drug Administration after several years of research approved Mifepristone, better known as the "abortion pill", for distribution in the United States. The FDA's decision will have a definite impact on women's health care in the United States. There will be social and medical repercussions. The drug has caused controversy not only in antiabortion groups, but in Pro-Choice groups as well. Critics are worried that an abortion available in pill form will be "too easy". They are worried that use of the pill will be abused. What many people do not realize is that while Mifepristone will be beneficial to women's health care, it is not without side effects. In light of all the recent coverage that the "abortion pill" has been given in the media, and all the misinformation surrounding it, I decided researching that Mifepristone would be interesting and helpful. The purpose of my paper is to discover how Mifepristone works, how it is administered, and to look at its side effects. I want to demonstrate the benefit Mifepristone will be to women's health care, while showing that it is not an "easy" solution to abortion.

"Mifepristone, formerly known as RU-486, is a medical alternative to aspiration abortion."(1) It works by blocking progesterone from being absorbed into the uterus. When this happens the uterus sheds the endometrium (lining in the uterus, therefore inducing menstruation. (2 When Mifepristone is used as a method for abortion is it administered as part of a three step process. The first step is that 200 mg of Mifepristone is given orally in a doctor's office. Then within 24 to 48 hours the patient is given 400 mg a drug called Misoprostol either orally or in a suppository form. Misoprostol, which is a synthetic hormone, is used to get the cervix to soften and dilate as well as getting the uterus to relax. The embryo is then expelled.(2) This is supposed to happen approximately fours hours after the administration of the drug. The final step is an examination by a medical professional to make sure the abortion is complete. (2)

There are restrictions as to who can use this medical method of abortion. It is only intended for women to use up to nine weeks after their last menstruation period. Women who are under 18 or over 35, epileptic, diabetics, or suffering from heart, lung, kidney, liver, stomach or intestinal disorders are ineligible. As are women who have taken steroids within the past 12 months, or deemed overweight or a heavy smoker. Women who have used an IUD or hormonal contraceptive within three months prior to conception are not allowed to take Mifepristone as well.(2)

Like any drug or medical method there are side effects to using Mifepristone and Misoprostol. It is the number of side effects and degree of each that critics argue about. The FDA has determined that taking Mifepristone does cause various degrees of pain. Short term physical effects can be pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.(2) There are psychological side effects as well. In some cases products of the conception are visualized. (3)

The use of Mifepristone will have a definite impact on reproductive freedom in this country and the world. (3) It is seen as less invasive procedure which gives the woman more freedom and privacy. In the United States it has been reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that eighty-nine percent of the abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone will allow women another option to terminate a pregnancy in its early stages. (2) Twenty-four percent of the world's population lives in places where abortion is not legal. (3) As a result a significant population of women perform their own abortions or receive illegal abortions which kills them. The medical method of abortion would allow women in these areas of the world to receive a safe method of abortion.

A major issue that critics of Mifepristone have is that they feel that the drug will allow abortions to become "too easy". But the drug is only administered in a medical office and requires at least three visits. The last visit is an examination to see that the abortion is complete and that the mother is in good health. Before the patient is given Mifeprex tablets (Mifepristone) she must sign an agreement in which she acknowledges that there are side effects, that there is a three step process, and that 5 to 8 women out of every hundred do not have successful medical abortions and need surgical abortions . (5) Critics worry that the drug will cause an increase in the number of women who have abortions. Supporters of the drug cite the fact that in France, where the drug is manufactured and was first administered, there has not been an increase in the abortion rate. (2)

Mifepristone will change the way that abortions are administered. This method gives a woman more autonomy and does not require her to go through surgical procedure. It can also prevent pregnancy by taken as soon as a day after she has had intercourse. This new method will allow more women to have access to safe abortions. Mifepristone opens the door to a new area of medicine in which previously surgical procedures are now approached in a medical manner. Whether in support of or against Mifepristone one has to recognize the new technology the drug represents.

One of the problems I had when researching information was finding unbiased information. Both pro and anti Mifepristone groups used "research" and statistics to their benefit. Distinguishing the difference between opinion and fact was difficult. This is especially true because there is not a lot of accurate information about Mifepristone published by reliable sources. This is due to the fact that Mifepristone has just recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Mifepristone that will be beneficial to women's health care and medicine. But one must realize that it is not without side effects and cannot be seen as an "easy" solution to abortion.


WWW Sources

1), Mifepristone

2), The Facts about Mifepristone (RU 486)

3), Mifepristone

4), "Abortion Pill": A Woman's Right to Choose by, Kath Gelber

5)www.popcouncil.orgrhpdev/mifeprex/patient%5Fagreement.html,The Patient Agreement Mifeprex (Mifepristone) Tablets

6), RU486: The Hidden Effects by Lawrence F. Roberge

6), RU486 *Please note that some of the sources read during my research were from biased sources (the National Right to Life Committee web site for example). Facts were not used from these sources in my paper. These sources were instead used to discover the arguments anti-Mifepristone groups had and to see the false information they were publishing about the drug.



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post a comment below)

08/06/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I took that pill and almost blead to death now i have have to say it's not as easy as it sounds it is very painful like child birth but more blooder atleast for me i now have endromitrious and may have to have my women parts removed i had nothing before i took those pills i'm 37 so i'm just saying better think it out before you take it because it's dangerious i have a son who is 18 it was easier for me to have him then go through childbirth than taking those pills becuse i'm still not well and it has been 7 months

10/10/2005, from a Reader on the Web

For what it's worth, I though I'd share my personal experience using Mifepristone almost a month ago.. After having made the difficult choice to abort, I learned of this pill as an alternative option to having the traditional surgical procedure. Of course, as anyone would, I opted to try the pill because it seemed -less- painful and was something I could do in the privacy of my own home. After having been given the first pill, Mifepristone, at the doctors office on a Friday afternoon, I finished out my day at work with minimal side-effects at that point. The Mifepristone made me slightly sick to my stomach, but compared to the ongoing morning sickness I'd been going through, it wasn't so bad. (ha ha) Misoprostol was the next step, given to me in the form of 4 tablets, to be inserted vaginally myself at home. I was also given a full bottle of Vicodin, as well as a bottle of 800mg Ibuprophen for the pain the doctor anticipated I would encounter (this worried me a little). Late Satuday afternoon, I'd say around 4:30pm, scared to death not knowing what to expect once everything started, and knowing I couldn't turn back now, I inserted the tablets and took 1 Vicodin as directed. About 30 minutes from the time I did this I began to have cramping comparable to what you would feel during a typical menstrual period.. but not for long. Within an hour I had severe cramping.. I'd been warned the pain could equal that of actual child-birth contractions, and this must have been it. (I've never had a child, so I can only imagine) I was to the point of feeling like I would pass out if the pain didn't let up when I passed the first, and largest, portion of what -was- the pregnancy.. Many people will tell you that all you'll see is blood and clots, and it's unlikely anything will look like actual tissue.. but mine sure did.. Large masses of gray tissue were expelled for the following numerous hours. Somewhere close to midnight that night I felt relief enough to know it was over.. or so I thought. 4 days after this, while I -should- have been feeling more or less back to normal, I began to experience increasing pain in my abdomen. I called and spoke with my doctor about this, but felt as though she didn't seem concerned at all. No more than 2 hours after hanging up the phone I developed a fever that shot through the roof out of nowhere, and my heart began beating unbelieveably TOO fast. The "increasing pain" in my abdomen now had me laying in bed, hardly able to move. I called my mother who left work and rushed to my home to get me. I couldn't even get out of bed to let her in when she arrived I hurt so bad. I ended up in the emergency room that afternoon with a heartbeat of 143 beats/min.. (Check your own and then you'll see just how high 143 is) and a 103 temperature I ended up fighting to keep away for the next 4 days. To make a long story short, that first afternoon I spent over 8 hours in a treatment room in the emergency area before they got my vitals under control and discovered the cause of everything.. The abortion pill I used began attacking my own body in a sense, and began a horrendous infection in my uterus. In the end I spent a week in the hospital on 3 of the most potent anti-biotics available, as well as some heavy-duty narcotic pain killers, while specialists from the surrounding hospitals kept watch over me constantly. It's now been almost a month since then, and I still have to have blood work done, as well as ultrasounds every now and then to keep monitoring my recovery. I have constant sharp pains in my abdomen and have been told the scar tissue left over from the infection may now keep me from becoming pregnant in the future.. It's all so much to deal with, and honestly, I don't think I've come to terms with everything yet. It still feels like a bad dream. Regardless of my experience with the pill and side effects it caused me, I can still step back and look at the broad picture of things.. The majority of women who use this method have no problems, and for them, this is a good way to go. I really do think it's a better choice for most, than to have the surgical abortion.. BUT - be warned.. It's not "easy" using the pill, and there's no way to know how you're body will react to it. I never knew I'd go through the things I did because of it. This is definitely not something to be looked at as the "new contraceptive" either, as some are saying. It's so risky, putting your body through something like this. It could take a toll on you that will effect the rest of your life. Like me.. Will I ever be able to have kids after everything that happened? Every woman out there should begin by being aware of how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy from the start. Such as life happens, and most protection only offers 99.9% effectiveness, we forget that's NOT 100%.. If you still become pregnant and choose to abort, do your homework.. read about all possibilities, and all side effects for each.. then decide what's best for you. I think the pill is a great option.. but be careful, it's certainly not without it's flaws.


Additional comments made prior to 2007
It has been almost 2 months since I had made the painful decision to get an abortion. I am only 18 years old so you could imagine hoe scary it was for me. After they examined me and told me how far I was they put me in this rome with a female doctor so I can take the oral pill that actually determines the pregnancy. When I took that pill, I felt fine until I had to get something in my stomach, I couldn't even eat my stomach was turning so bad. the doctor told me that I could insert the four pills vaginally anytime between then and 48 hours after the visit. I decided to insert them that night to get it over with and about an hour after it was literally hell. I was vomiting,bleeding perfusely, and experiencing pain more severe then I had ever felt before. To make a long story shorter, it has been about 2 months and I still haven't exactl stopped bleeding. I am young and afaid to go get checked because of it, and my life will never be the same. I had no choice my situation at the time wasn't what I wanted and now I will always regret it ... Reader on the web, 12 August 2007



I used the pill around february of '07. I was 6 1/2 weeks and I guess I didnt really know what I was getting myself into. I took the first pill which I had no side effects to. When I took the second one the next day, it was almost immediate cramping. Basically the worst cramps I had ever had. I was puking, had diarrea, and was in so much pain I was balled up on the couch crying. I guess I was a "lucky" one because my horrible cramps only lasted about an hour until I passed the birth tissue and then they subsided. Although I bled for a month after that (most of it not heavy), I completly regret it to this day. All I can ever think about is a perfectly beautiful child is now in a sewer somewhere. It's horrible, but thats how I think of it now. I wish I could go back and change things. I wish I never did it. All I hope is that it didnt hurt my chances of having a child in the future ... Reader on the web, 13 September 2007


Serendip Visitor's picture

i had a medical abortion done

Hi I had a medical abortion done about 5 weeks ago I was bleeding for about a week an a few days after everything had passed and iv still not had a period, iv took my pills from stop me gettin pregnant again but I'm just wondering when girls who go through this usually have a period after, my mood swings are bad an I feel stressed, please could u let me no

Thanks xx

Serendip Visitor's picture

Not So bad

I took the first pill at Planned Parenthood yesterday. I was about 9 weeks pregnant. They gave me a perscription for an antibiotic, Tylenol 3, and Phenegram (anti nausea)
Exactly 24 hrs. 12:30 Took Antibiotic and Anti nasuea
1:00 Placed 4 tablets in my mouth for 30 min and washed the remainder down with water
Fell asleep for a an hour
2:30 Bad cramping Took ibprofen folled by tylenol 3
Cramping lasted for a little over an hour before bleeding had begun
I lied down and began massaging my stomach with heating pad which I highly recommend to help. Finally around 3:45 my cervix had contracted to expel the pregnancy it was instant relief. Now its midnight. I still am taking ibuprofen for mild cramps. But otherwise I feel fine. I felt like this was a good decision made it feel like it was more of a miscarriage then me aborting a pregnancy. Don't believe the horror stories as long as you are comfortable and take the pain med's you will be fine.

Serendip Visitor's picture

same experience

My experience was absolutely identical to yours. These horror stories are just scare tactics. Anti choice groups trying to get you to change your mind about abortion.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Same Experience

I'm not from an anti choice group and my experience was completely different from yours. The past 5 weeks go on my "worst time of my life" list... Non stop bleeding, clots, and scared that something is wrong. I am so grateful for the nurse I spoke to on a few occasions that made me feel at ease if only for a few days. It has finally stopped and i'm so thankful. I do not regret my decision but I will never do it again.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I jus took the abortion pill

I jus took the abortion pill yesterday and I thot I felt slight cramping I only spotted and have not bled yet I am wondering if that is normal yesterday I was 2weeks 4days pregnant was I too early or what I just hope this works.

So scared's picture

Im heading to the clinic

Im heading to the clinic tomorrow. I'm scared bc I don't want the surgical abortion. And now I'm reading all these horror stories about the pill and I don't know what to do. How are you feeling today?? Hope you are ok.. Let me know how it turns out

 Visitor's picture

Medical Abortion

I have had two and neither one was bad at all. Best choice you could make. No sickness, just a little cramping for maybe 2 hours.

brooklynchick's picture

I found out that i was prego

I found out that i was prego on the 29th of dec and took the pill in the 3oth and i wish i never did because i'm going though a hard time with this. Wish i never took the pill because i'm in more pain then i was 10 years ago when i get ready of my first on and i have a 9 year old daughter. The pill makes u hurt more than when the time of the month is here.

mysterymeat's picture

My boyfriend of 6 years and I

My boyfriend of 6 years and I used a condom that broke, I took the morning after pill but still got pregnant. Took the abortion pill 4 days ago. With the first pill there were no cramps and no bleeding. The next day I was terrified to take the second set of pills because I have read so many horror stories and warnings of what could go wrong. Oh, I should mention I was 5 weeks, 1 day the day I took the first pill. During the ultrasound the tech was very comforting and professional. She told me it had no heartbeat yet because I was so early. She asked me if I would like to keep a copy of the ultrasound picture, but I declined.The doctor told me it should be similar to a very heavy period because I was so early.

Anyway, back to the second day. I took the second set of pills at 11am. I held them in my cheeks for 30 minutes, and then swished the rest down with water. The cramping began about 20 minutes after taking the pills. The cramps were bad, but similar to those I've had with really bad periods. One, two, three hours went by with no bleeding, but still heavy cramping. I started freaking out that the bleeding wouldn't start and I would be "ruined." After three hours and twenty minutes I went to the bathroom and the bleeding had started. Very light at first which soon turned into a heavy flow. The cramps got more intense, but they were not unbearable. I passed one fairly large clot...slightly smaller than a lemon within the first hour or so. The cramps seemed to come like contractions. Like I said, they were similar to those of a really heavy period. I was actually expecting them to be so much worse than they were.

Well, it's four days later. The first few days following the medication I did feel more tired than usual. Other than that, no abnormal effects. No fever. I'm still bleeding - heavier than a normal period for me (my periods usually last 2-3 days with extremely heavy bleeding on the first day, moderate to light on the 2nd and/or 3rd). So the bleeding has been consistent and has been moderate to heavy and it's now Day 4. I have been paying close attention to how many pads I use and I haven't soaked more than 2 pads per hour for 2 hours straight. I do feel a little paranoid though about how much I'm bleeding since I am not used to such a heavy bloodflow with my normal period. I experience mild cramps throughout the day that coincides with how heavy the bleeding is. I have very sore breasts though, but I read that this is normal. I am looking forward to when my body returns to "normal" and I finally stop bleeding.

So far, my experience has been good. I do not regret my decision.

Jake 's picture

hey, i am just woundering, i

hey, i am just woundering, i had sex with my friend (girl) on christmas day, and i am sure i havent cumed up her but if she dont come on her periods this month can i take her to the clinc and some one will just get her a pill and she needs to take it and it will kill the egg, is that true, please HELP

sun's picture

Hey so my best friend was

Hey so my best friend was having twins and was almost forced into having an abortion. she took the first pill but came into her right senses and is keeping the babies. she did not take the rest of the pills. so are the babies going to be ok? since she did take the first pill?

Serendip Visitor's picture

re, your friend?

how was your friend, did the babies survive? i know someone doing something similar? x

Serendip Visitor's picture

That is not a good idea. Not

That is not a good idea. Not only is there I high risk they will die anyway. They will be born with de formalities and possible brain dis functions. I would suggest she goes back and finishes this because her children are going to have major life issues if not.

Serendip Visitor's picture

re; that is not a good idea. Not

actually that is not totally true i had a medical abortion but the baby has survived, i was told by the dr/surgon and read it before that most babies are fine you have a 1 in 1000 chance of a deformed child, less that them getting downs syndrome. So it is up to me if i now keep it, think it deserves a chance!

Serendip Visitor's picture

There is a chance the babies

There is a chance the babies will have problems. When u go to take the first set they will tell you bout the problems that could happen after you take the first set of pills...but since she knows how many she is having she may have been to far along for the pills to work so there is chance she is fine

julie's picture

please answer my question

I'm reading all these stories and it. Makes me very scared I'm not sure if I want to take the pill or just go in for the regular abortion I have severe anxiety and am on meds for it so that's what makes me so scared to go in to get it done I'm trying to figure out the best way for me and all I keep seeing is horror stories about bad cramps ,bleeding and sickness ill be 5 weeks tuesday:( I'm wondering if the earlier I take this pill will. It be easier and less cramping bleeding exc ???????? Please help:(

Serendip Visitor's picture

I feel for you. I too have to

I feel for you. I too have to get an abortion. I don't know which one to pick either. I'm really scared the pill will hurt too much. But to answer your question, according to some research i've done, the earlier the pregnancy USUALLY there is less blood and cramps.

julie's picture

It just seems like ppl write

It just seems like ppl write such horrible things about it and I'm not sure if I want to wait 4 it 2 happen I said I have severe anxiety I know abortion is def the choice I want to make just not sure which one, I guess I have to wait till tomorrow to actually find out how far along I am and see what is the best option for me,if u don't mind me asking what option did u choose and when are u having it done?????

hfeuoahufheiuaheuia's picture

please read this

I'm sorry to everyone that has to make a choice like this in your life. I've never been pregnant, but I've had a few scares, and each time I thought about it I cringed thinking about shooting my future child. Think about shooting a four year old in the head. It's murder & that's abortion for you. It would scar me for life knowing I've killed something, but it's a very hard decision to make. I would mostly be afraid of facing my family and having them look down upon me for being pregnany. it's hard deciding to kill it. especially the anticipation for the pills to kick in. like is it to late? is it dead? i feel horrible for doing it but can i undo it now? 9 months of being pregnant isn't as long as the 4 hours it seems for the pills to start working. it's your choice what to do with your body, but just think before you act. if you have a car, a job, over 17, stable my opinion there is no need for an abortion. some of these stories i started crying at how these girls wish they could do anything just to start over. it's so sad, but like I said your choice. do what feels right.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I'm sorry, who asked for your

I'm sorry, who asked for your opinion? Why don't you go and "tell it on the mountaintop" where someone cares about people with mindsets like yours... Because this it not the place for insults!

Serendip Visitor's picture

If you really believe it is

If you really believe it is truly the choice of each, individual, person to make the best decision they can at when faced when placed in a difficult situation... Then why are you seeking out this website just to post your inexperienced opinion... while also adding unnecessary, ignorant comments with the soul purpose of placing undeserved judgment on humans -no diffrent from yourself in the universe & in the eyes of God- thus forcing YOUR will & the things YOU believe to be true onto others. This site is for people who have been through, currently going through, or are researching their options in the situation of an unexpected pregnancy & the effects of this drug! In other words; this is no place for childish, unkind, judgemental, slander.
With no knowlage or experience, You have no rock to stand on or finger to point with. So please, post these comments on a site that is more suitable for opinions like yours... Because you will not be perceived in a friendly manner here if you, yourself, are unfriendly... In other words, A hater!

Serendip Visitor's picture

In response to your post...

In response to your post... you have never had a child so you obviously have never experienced caring for one. Having a car, a job, being over 17 and having a stable boyfriend is not all it takes to raise a child. I have a five year old and had all of those things at the time he was born, but now the father is completely out of the picture and has been for three years. You cannot comprehend the struggles I've had to face during that time. I am so blessed to have my child but I also had an abortion three years ago because I could not take care of both on my own. Every situation is different and I find it very disrespectful that you come to this forum and say "I cringed thinking about shooting my future child. Think about shooting a four year old in the head". I'm disgusted by that comment. During the first eight weeks of pregnancy the cells are multiplying and are not even considered a fetus at that point. That is why the abortion pill is able to work. So don't compare it to shooting a child in the head when woman who visit this forum already have enough on their plate! Have a little respect.

Serendip Visitor's picture

so right

you are so right. We are on here for a reason & getting critisized is surely not it. That was so disrespectful to the fullest & im glad u replied to that in the way you did because i wouldnt have ended up putting it so nicely. i am so glad u pointed that out to them that

Myexperience's picture

My experience

Hi everyone, after reading almost every one of these posts yesterday, I was pretty terrified to take the pills. I had decided to get an abortion about a week ago and decided that pill form would be the set way for me. I took the first pill yesterday at 2:00 in the doctors office.. Didn't feel anything, and was surprised until I realized that you don't actually feel anything until the second set of pills. The worst thing I could have done was to read all of these posts right after I took that first pill.. I was almost tempted not to take the rest today but I knew I had to. Anyway, here's my experience so far.. I took the four pills orally just a little while ago at 5:30.. Put two on each side of my mouth for a half an hour and then swallowed what was rest just like they told me. About 10 minutes after I took them I started feeling slight cramps, not bad.. But from there they kept getting worse. About 15 minutes after I swallowed the pills I vomited a few times but that was it. The pain was pretty bad for the first hour, and there was so bleeding so I laid in bed and somehow fell asleep for about 45 minutes despite the pain.. When I woke up the pain was gone. I couldn't believe it. I have normal period cramps right now, nothing I can't handle, and I also started bleeding a lot more. So far I passed one small clot and it didn't feel like anything, just a little strange. I'm not gonna lie, the pain in the beginning was pretty horrible.. I was shaking, cold, and hot ll at the same time.. But it only lasted 45 minutes and luckily I slept through it. Honestly, nothing helps for the pain.. You just have to sit through it and wait. Oh, and I did take two Tylenol 3s a half hour before I took the pills, it didn't seem like they did anything, and then right when my pain was at it's worst I took one more.. Not sure if that's what made the pain go away or not.. I'm just glad it did. Anyways, that's my story so far.. If anyone has any questions just let me know!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Some advice- Adoption is not

Some advice- Adoption is not easy and the guilt you feel for giving up the baby you carried for 9 months inside of you can emotionally cripple and destroy you. I was put in that position (was pro-life) and it was pretty impossible after delivering my beautiful girl. So here you just delivered this human you carried for 9 months, felt their kicks, you do get attached. Then your choosing to give it to someone... Some stranger you dont know, who is suppose to care for it... Who you trust wont abuse or neglect them? Who is supposed to give your child better because your obviously not ready. I was 16, in school and homeless. Luckly I found a home business and make more than enough to support my family.  Raising a kid is NOT easy, its not cheap and your life revolves around them after that. You put your child first, your priority, you worry about them, their life, their future (ie yours becomes 2nd). You dont want to put your child in day care most of their childhood life, be on financial assistance, and struggle to make something of your life under pressure and stress. It can be done but its hard and a baby deserves love, time, a family, and their mom to be there and give them what they deserve. Anywho... This is nothing compared to childbirth. Childbirth is PAINFUL. When you get the bad cramps (after the second step) walking around does help a lot. Breathing as if you were having a baby and massaging your lower abs helps too. Make sure you go for your check up afterwards, thats extremely important!!!

I let some jackass pro lifer tell me adoption was an option... It wasnt for me. I couldnt imagine the second I made that final push.  I love my child but it was hard getting on my feet and to continue trying to progress and succeed. Having a child is a painful beautiful thing and you should have one when youre ready.

PS- Birth Controlle!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

P.P.S. I agree with the Birth

P.P.S. I agree with the Birth Controlle!

Grace's picture

Im 14 year old . and i think im pregnant Pls help T_T

I love my boyfriend so much and he said to me that he never let me go if i give his wish and that is a sex . I love him so much thats why we do it . but now we think that im Pregnant but im not sure . if im a pregnant we decide to abort it but how ? im too young .. Im still studying .. please help .. what im going to do ? BTW sorry 4 my bad english T_T

Visitor's picture

Ok darling, firstly, if you

Ok darling, firstly, if you feel you've been pressured into sex, you should definitely not agree to it. And if your boyfriend loves you as much as you love him, he wouldnt even think of asking you to do something youre not ready for yet.
You should definitely take a pregnancy test. If it shows up as positive, you must to tell your parents/guardian, or even a responsible adult who you know well, as they are the ones who know what is best for you. I'm 16 and I recently fell pregnant, and just like you, I knew i wasnt ready, I was studying, doing well at school and on top of that I knew I was too young and mentally and financially unstable to have a child. I spoke to my mum and she helped me. We got the number for an abortion clinic nearby and they were very helpful and explained everything, and made sure I was okay.
I'm sure you'll be fine, I was. And as for your boyfriend, if he loves you, tell him he'll have to wait for this 'wish' of his. Good luck, hope this has helped in some way. :)

Serendip Visitor's picture

First time

I had an appointment with my doctor for the abortion pill on friday, approximately 24 hours later I was given the four pills which I was told to hold between my gums and cheeks for a half hour and then swallow them if they are not completely dissolved.
I have to say that for about an hour I went though the worst pain imaginable; cold sweats, vomiting, bleeding profusely (and still am nearly 12 hours after taking the pills). I couldn't walk to get myself a cup of water because I was extremely dehydrated. I usually tend to have bad cramping during periods but not once have I experienced the pain I went through today. I am a 22 year old, single college student and I can't afford to keep a baby without any support. I didn't think that choosing abortion would have such an impact on me after being only 4 weeks pregnant. It's been a tough week and I'm trying to cope with it emotionally but it really has taken a toll on me.

Serendip Visitor's picture

i did this and

I did the pill at 9 weeks pregnant and I did the last dose of the four pills vaginally the other night! I did not have any cramping and very light bleeding with a few blood clots. I am worried that it did not work! Can anyone tell me if they had this happen to them and if it worked after a couple of days! Or did I get lucky and not have the worst of it at all?

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi don't worry it can take up to a week for the pills to work I no this because the same happened to me I had the pills on a thurs morn an nothing happened to me untill the following monday t time and it didn't finish till after my check up the thursday after I had it done then it was finished u will no when its happenening. Hope this helps x

Serendip Visitor's picture

all i can say is i dont think

all i can say is i dont think it worked. i finished mine last night and was balled up on the couch screaming in pain for 6 hours. my boyfriend walked in and nearly should probably get it checked out because another girl i talked to who has done this in the past had very similar symptoms to mine.

Gabby's picture

it will be ok

Don't worry too much about it. I had a "pill" abortion several months ago. I put the 4 pills in my mouth between my gums and cheeks for 30 min. I started experiencing major cramping about 10 min. after I put the pills in my mouth. As soon as I swallowed what was left of the pills (which was a lot, not much had dissolved) I started throwing up like crazy. I didn't have a lot of bleeding or clotting and was worried I didn't get enough of the pill in my system. When I went for my check up it was totally fine. Everything had passed. The doctor told me it really varies as to how much you bleed, some women bleed a ton, some don't. They also give you more than you would need because they know a lot of women throw up some of the pills. The pills are very strong so I think you'll be fine. Besides, if not all of it came out the worst that would happen would be that the doctor would have to go in and remove the remaining tissue. Which although it seems a lot scarier than taking a pill, it is most likely going to be way more comfortable for you. They semi-sedate you, give you pain meds through an iv and 5-10 minutes DONE! A lot quicker than several hours of cramping, vomiting, etc. And that's worst case scenario. You'll be just fine sweetheart, and remember the abortion "pill" is 97% effective. If there's anything I can answer please let me know, I've been in your shoes I know it can be scary I'm here to help.

Serendip Visitor's picture

well it has been almost 3

well it has been almost 3 weeks and i had minor bleeding and a lot of clotting. my best friend just had a miscarriage and had the same sympthoms i did. My main problems is my fiane has no clue what is goin on and the doctor i am seeing is 3 hours away! I am just so scared that this didnt work! I have seen a little blood spots here and there but other then that nothin. And one night last week i woke up with the cramping but not to god awful bad!

Mary's picture

Pls. Need Help!!

I am a 24 year old girl and i got married just 4 months ago, i didn't had my menstruation this month which is supposed to be between 6 - 10 Dec. Today is 15 Dec. and still it has not started. i am afraid that i am pregnant, i bought a pregnancy tester and its not perfectly showing that i am pregnant yet, i have also done a blood test on 13 Dec. which did show that pregnancy is "Indeterminate" yet. What shall i do? i don't want to become pregnant and my husband also doesn't want that to happen yet. Can i use Mifepristone at my current state?? Please help.

Serendip Visitor's picture

7 weeks pregnant, please dont be scared

When I fouund out I was pregnant it wasn't the right thing for me I new I couldn't bring a child into the situation I'm in as it wasn't planned! I booked in for an abortion took the pill at the clinic on the tuesday an came back on the thursday for the other pills that the nurse gives you, have the pain killers they offer u it will help, I was there all day and started passin blood an clots had more tablets at 12 to make things move, I had cramps for the pain killers was blockin them our so couldn't really feel them! Nothing happened for the whole of that day I was told to go home give it a week an come back for a scan I still have cramps over the weekend then sunday night I woke needing a wee at 1 in the mnorning the was a splash in the toilet followed by a lot of blood, the next day monday I had cramps all day but nothing bad then 4 o'clock an I was in pain really pab pain the same as contractions at birth took to tablets by this time I was tryin to breath through it but it was really hurtin the blood got really heavy at this point passing really large clots! After I'd passed this the blood was like a heavy period the contrtactions had stopped an I was just gettin a few cramps nothin bad! I'm glad its over with as I was scared to death after reading this site but its not that bad once that pain had gone! Now I go back for my scan to make sure everythins gone! I knew I couldn't have another child yet an I do feel bad but I'm only young an trying to study!

Serendip Visitor's picture

PLEASE READ!! Avoid a TON of pain...

I have used the pill method of abortion twice.

My first experience was EXTREMELY painful, it was in fact the MOST painful experience that I have ever had...and I nearly died from an ectopic pregnancy that had been missed until it's 9th week a few years that's saying something. I took the first pill and felt nothing (except for morning sickness relief!!). 24 hours later, I placed all four of the M pills into my mouth and let them dissolve for the allotted amount of time before swallowing them. I had not taken any pain medicine, because I've always had a very high pain tolerance. HUGE MISTAKE!!! Within 20 minutes I was in SO MUCH PAIN that I didn't even have the strength to cry. I was using ALL of my strength to simply BREATHE. I went to the bathroom a few times to vomit and whatnot, and I had to slowly crawl the entire way. At one point I even started GIGGLING over how incredibly, and unbelievably painful things were (that's just my personality). Trust me, that lasted for about two seconds before I was right back to moaning in pain. My boyfriend was with me, and he was helpless...he said I was violently shaking, and that I wouldn't even let him touch me, swearing that it hurt EVERYWHERE and rating the pain at a "15" out of 10-this I don't remember at all. There were no "waves," there was no "relief," it just really REALLY hurt for about two which point I passed the fetus. I knew for certain that it was the fetus, it was about an inch long and looked just like chewed up bubble gum. I felt INCREDIBLE relief after that, and before I fell asleep I said, "I'm not gonna remember what that felt like when I wake up," and I didn't. I can recall the DESCRIPTION of what it felt like, but it was honestly SO BAD that I can't for the life of me remember what the pain actually felt like. After that I bled for about a month, with no long term side effects or unbearable pain at all.

The second time I went to a different doctor (the first time was Planned PHood), one that specialized in abortion. I voiced my fear, and he explained to me that the four pills at a time method is not only incredibly painful, but unnecessary and INHUMANE. He likened it to, "turning a faucet onto full blast for just a small glass of water," and said that someone at Planned PHood was likely trying to punish women for choosing abortion-that's insane, but it hurt so badly that I've gotta believe him!! He gave me the same pills, but instructed me to take them two at a time, with a long time in between (I think two can find the other methods online). THIS time I took the pain pills!!!! WAAAAAAAAY ahead of time haha. Instead of things starting in 20 minutes, everything slowly progressed over about a seven hour time span. I still threw up one time in the very beginning, but the pain was SOOO much better. Honestly it felt nothing worse than just a normal, kind of heavy period. I would get sharp pains that were SIMILAR to what I felt the first time, but they were very brief, as in only seconds long, and I rated THAT experience at a 7 (at it's worst) on the pain scale.

So in MY experience, the pain depends on 1, the method...and 2, YOU AND YOUR PAIN PILLS!!!! OMG LADIES, TAKE THE FREAKING PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding, I don't care HOW much pain you can handle, not taking them is STUPID.

Now it's been over a year since the last, and I still don't regret either decision. I do think about them, but it's with relief. When I do feel guilt, it's for not feeling that doesn't count. Don't worry ladies, whatever you're making this decision for, it's the BEST choice TODAY, and that's all that matters. Remember that tomorrow ;) And good luck!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

dont worry its just minor cramps!

I have to say I went for the abortion today after readin this site I was terrified I could of past out I was that scared after reading some of the storys! I'll just say its minor cramps nothin to much have the pain killers and you wii be fine! Iv been through child birth an its no way near compared to that! I woulnt even say the pain is worse than any period pain! I was against abortion till I had to be in the place my sel and knowing I could not have another child I had to turn to this! The pills don't work straight away but u feel minor cramps soon! Just read a book or a mag an have somet to eat an u will be fine please donbt be affraid I was an I was worrying to much! Its not thaty bad x

lora's picture

i felt the need to comment as

i felt the need to comment as i find it discusting how people feel they are 'perfect' enough to verbally abuse women for having an abortion. Im having one tommorrow and let me tell you this it is not something i am proud of, it is NOT something im doing without feeling guilt or shame but each person has the right to choice, we all have different circumstances and the right to choose what is right or wrong for us. I am a well educated 22 year old female with a 6 month old child and a long term partner, i chose an abortion as im at university and simply cannot afford another child, not that any woman should have to justify her reasons. yes i feel ashamed for getting myself into this mess but bad mistakes happen to good people, i am a strong, senstive, caring woman who has sadly had to make a heartbreaking descion. i cannot even kill a fly! but i no i cannot have another child at this point in my life. i dont agree with women who have sufferd misscarrage abusing us either, as i had a misccarage last year and yes it was heartbreaking, but that doesnt mean i can blame other women for aborting an embryo!! And i definatley cannot tolerate religous people sticking there noses in where its clearly not wanted. tell me does god agree with you being judgemental to others? does god agree with you telling others to burn in hell? NO HE DOES NOT, stop getting quotes out of bibles and think for your dam selfs!!!! and leave us poor women alome, how would you feel if your comments caused someone to comit suicide? think twice!!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture


I know it sounds like a bad situation but please don't go through with an abortion as you will positively regret it for the rest of your life. Please think carefully about your decision. There are lots of women out there who wud give anything to have children but cant

Alexis's picture

WTF!!! SMH!!!!

I have yet to receive a period. The last time I seen blood was 9/16/10 and that was after the abortion!!! This is not good!!! I recommend this pill to no one!!! I can't see MY doctor until 1/11/11!!!!

Alexis's picture

Am I still pregnant???

Am I still pregnant??? I just don't think any of this is normal!!!!! Will I have a still born in a few months!!!!! Everybody experience is different!!!! Just like pregnancy!!!! I will not do this ever again!!!!!

Keeley's picture

NOT BAD AT ALL. Medical abortion.

Like every other girl I was terrified of all of the things I have heard about the abortion pill. I'm here to share my timeline of events and my story.
I made the decision to abort my pregnancy at 4 weeks, with help from planned parenthood. I was still early and I had the time to really weigh my options and think about if the medical abortion was right for me. Yesterday I took the first pill to abort the pregnancy, and I was given the 4 pills to disolve in the side of my cheeks 24 hours later. I did not hesitate to take the first pill because I was sure of my decision. I had no side effects. I was also given compezine for nausea and I picked up a bottle of ibuprofen from my local drugstore.
Inserting the 4 pills in the sides of my cheek took more courage than taking the first pill due to all the terrifying stories I have read. Although, I knew I had to do this. Here is my timeline..
12:30 I took my puking pill, tramadol for pain and 800mg ibuprofen.
1:30 Misoprostol tabs, (4 pills to flush everything out)
2:00 I swallow remaining pills in my cheeks that hadnt disolved (They were awfully mushy, so I just washed it down with a drink)
Slight cramps, no bleeding yet. The heating pad helps. 
2:23 Terrible cramps, but barable
2:45 Sat on toilet afraid for what would happen next. Really bad cramps, so I got in the bathtub. This helped a lot.
3:45 Cramps a little easier to deal with, Layed down for 10 minutes.
4:00 My cramps got very VERY painful, so I got back in the bath tub.
4:20 I noticed a slimy clear substance coming out of my vagina, so I got on the toilet and passed my first clot. Cramps disappeared!
After the first clot passed many more passed with time, luckily I have only gone through 3 or 4 large pads. However I have no pain at all.
The worst of the worst was uncomfortable, however we are all warned that it will be. It's defiantley not the worst pain I have ever been in, I was hospitalized at 17 with Mono that was worse.
If you are scared and only considering keeping your pregnancy because of the pain you CAN do this. I promise.
I'm not sorry.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I went to family planning yesterday and took the first NSA pill at noon in the office. I felt sick , almost like morning sickness, for the rest of the day and started vomiting at 6 pm. The vomiting only lasted about 20 minutes. I plan on taking the second set of pills later tonight at bedtime. Around 2 pm today I began bleeding, more than spotting, but lighter than a normal period. I went to the restroom to evaluate the bleeding when I felt it start. When I sat down a tennis-ball sized blood clot slid out. It was whole, like incased in a sac like material. It made me worry so I called Family Planning and they said I still needed to take the second set of pills which I planned on, but my question to them was is it normal to have a huge clot like that. They never answered that question other than its normal to bleed after the first one. Which I understand but is it normal to actually miscarry after only the first pill?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Why do religious fanatics

Why do religious fanatics even post on they get some sick pleasure out of searching the web for posts about abortion just so they can go off and spew all their crazy biblical nonsense? It's so amusing to me that these so called holy people are the first to pass judgement, what happened to all that forgiveness shit that your savior preaches? And to those people pushing for adoption, you don't think these women have searched their soul continually for the right answer?! No decision is easy so let a woman decide what is right for her and her far as people regretting their decision, if you feel you are weak minded or have any depression abortion is probably not the best solution to your problem...personally I don't regret having had an abortion, I don't even think about it unless I happen to spot a site like this...for me, it was the best decision I could have made and I'm happier and as healthy as ever...but everyone is different so if you're having trouble dealing you should probably seek professional help...I know people will try to tell you you'll be miserable for the rest of your life cuz you "killed" a fetus, but you'll only be miserable if you wanna be miserable...if you wanna dwell on all the sadness and unhappiness rather than seek help then that is your choice...but honestly from someone who chose and wanted to terminate a pregnancy I have no regret...if I had kept it I know I would resent the child...good parents won't ever admit that cuz its such an ugly thing to think hut its the truth

Serendip Visitor's picture

today is the day

Ok so its 7.30am. I've been awake sice 4am thinking about what I'm going to be doing tis afternoon. Last week I found out I was pregnantafter missing one period. I went straight to the doctors and arranged a abortion. As now is not a time to have a baby. I've just started uni, sadly a baby doesn't fit in to that. But back to today. My appointment is this afternoon I've been told I will be given tablets which will make me misscarry. Reading all these stories has really made me think. I thought I'd simply take these tablets and experience I period like feeling. Which I'm used to as I have very heavy periods. But some of these horror stories are truely awfual. I just hope I'm ok when I take them. Thankfully I have the support of my boyfriend and won't be by myself. Wish me luck.

Larissa's picture

I'm right there with you

I just took the first pill today in the doctors office and am suffering major anxiety about the next step. How did your second dose of pills go? I've heard so many horror stories on these online posts.... I don't know why the he'll I read them. I really hope your experience was tolerable. Oh and also by the way how far along were you? I would appreciate any info. Thanks.

emerson's picture

I had medical abortion at

I had medical abortion at 9weeks,i got it just in time,few cramps,and bleeding like heavy period,im not passing heavy clots like i should be,so dont know if its worked?i actually saw the fetus,and its tiny hands,im starting to regret my decision

Kathleen's picture

Medical abortion - my experience

I was 8weeks pregnant on Tuesday I took the mife pill then Wednesday night I took 4 miso pills by inserting them in the buccal cavity (the space between my gum an my cheek). I started to feel mild cramps before the pills had dissolved, so I decided to get some sleep as I knew I wouldn't be gettin much all night, I woke at 1.30am with more painful cramps I went to the toilet and I had begun to bleed, I've had 3 kids so I would agree with the women who say it's a bit like contractions when you are in labour, they weren't unbearable and came in waves, I occupied myself with tv and the Internet. At around 2am I had the feeling I needed a poo I had some diarrhoea which I did I went to get off the toilet when I noticed something coming out of me, I waited for it to come out on it's own but It didn't so I pushed like I was doing a poo an it came out, I believe it was the baby, as I had done research an I knew the baby would b about 1 and half inches in size an that was about the size of the mass that came out, after this the bleeding immediately calmed down which made me also believe that the baby had passed, I experienced some diarrhoea an still had the cramps but they wet completely bearable, by 3.30am I was able to close my eyes and get some sleep, its 9 am and now I feel like I have just got my period and feel confident enough to get on with my day, I decided to do the process on my own but the father was only a phone call away I just felt more comfortable doing it with some privacy and not with someone fussing about me, I just wanted to share my experience because I read countless amounts of scare stories and I was petrified before I did this but I knew I couldn't change my mind and I want to tell other women that it's not as painful or scary as some women have said, I barely needed painkillers I just took some to take the slight edge of the cramps. Before this happened to me I was against abortion but until you are in that situation yourself when it just isn't the right time to have a baby you will never understand, it was a painful descision since I have kids already an always knew before 6weeks and was always excited about how it was growing from then so I knew how the baby was developed but as I've said I just couldn't have had a baby at this point. I do feel guilty but it's just something I have to live with and I will because I know 100% know this was the right choice for me .

Serendip Visitor's picture

My experience

I used Mife and Misoprostol last week Wednesday and Thursday respectively. I am experiencing a little pain in my ovaries, mostly the left. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I'm still bleeding and have tiny blood clots, but not heavily so.