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The Effect of Video Games on the Brain

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Biology 202
2004 First Web Paper
On Serendip

The Effect of Video Games on the Brain

Eleni Kardaras

The effect of video games on the brain is a research area gaining popularity as the percentage of children and adults who play video games is on the rise. Some people believe violence in video games and in other media promotes violent behavior among viewers. While there is not sufficient data to validate this claim, there are a number of studies showing that video games can increase aggressive behavior and emotional outbursts, and decrease inhibitions. From a few of these studies, and from my own observations of children playing video games, it is quite obvious that the video games do have at least some effect on the behavior of the player. The extent and long range consequences of these behavior changes after one has turned off the video game are not so easily deduced. One source states that "While research on video games and aggressive behavior must be considered preliminary, it may be reasonably inferred from the more than 1,000 reports and studies on television violence that video game violence may also contribute to aggressive behavior and desensitization to violence" (1). Another study reports that "Hostility was increased both in subjects playing a highly aggressive video game and those playing a mildly aggressive video game. Subjects who had played the high-aggression game were significantly more anxious than other subjects" (2).

I had a chance to observe the effects of video games first hand on two boys, ages eight and ten, when I babysat them earlier in the semester. They were playing the video game "Mario Cart," which is really not a very violent game; the object is to win a car race by coming in first while maneuvering through different courses. When the younger brother won, the older brother got up and started kicking him and yelling insults! Later on that day, the younger brother was playing another video game by himself and when he could not beat the level, he threw down the controller and screamed at the t.v. screen, "Why are you doing this to me...?!" and burst into tears. I was very shocked by this reaction and was not quite sure how to handle the situation. This game had brought an eight year old boy to tears, right in front of me. "Certainly, video games can make some people go nuts. You just have to look at some enthusiasts playing video games on their cellular phones, mumbling to themselves heatedly even though others are around them. At game centers (penny arcades), frustrated people punch or kick game machines without regard to making a spectacle of themselves" (3). From the above descriptions, it seems that players get somewhat "sucked" into the video game and become oblivious to their surroundings and much less inhibited to share their emotions. What types of changes are occurring in the brain to activate this behavior which one exhibits when "sucked" into a video game?

Akio Mori, a professor at Tokyo's Nihon University, conducted a recent study observing the effects of video games on brain activity. He divided 260 people into three groups: those who rarely played video games, those who played between 1 and 3 hours three to four times a week, and those who played 2 to 7 hours each day. He then monitored "the beta waves that indicate liveliness and degree of tension in the prefrontal region of the brain, and alpha waves, which often appear when the brain is resting" (4). The results showed a higher decrease of beta waves the more one played video games. "Beta wave activity in people in the [highest amount of video game playing] was constantly near zero, even when they weren't playing, showing that they hardly used the prefrontal regions of their brains. Many of the people in this group told researchers that they got angry easily, couldn't concentrate, and had trouble associating with friends" (4). This suggests two important points. One, that the decrease of beta wave activity and usage of the prefrontal region of the brain may correlate with the aggressive behavior, and two, that the decrease of beta waves continued after the video game was turned off, implying a lasting effect. Another study found similar results and reported: "Youths who are heavy gamers can end up with 'video-game brain,' in which key parts of the frontal region of their brain become chronically underused, altering moods" (5). This study also asserts that a lack of use of the frontal brain, contributed by video games, can change moods and could account for aggressive and reclusive behavior. An important question arises: if the brain is so impacted by video games as to create behavioral changes, must that mean that the brain perceives the games as real?

Perhaps looking at what effects video games have on autonomic nerves can begin to answer that question. "'Many video games stir up tension and a feeling of fear, and there is a very real concern that this could have a long-term effect on the autonomic nerves,' Mori commented" (6). Autonomic nerves are those connected with involuntary internal organ processes, such as breathing and heart rate. "Heart rate can be altered by electrical signals from emotional centers in the brain or by signals from the chemical messengers called epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine. These hormones are released from the adrenal glands in response to danger..." (7). Multiple studies have reported that playing video games can significantly increase heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen consumption. If studies show that heart rate is increased when playing video games, then it seems that the brain is responding to the video game as if the body is in real danger. Does repeated exposure to this "false" sense of danger have an effect on what the brain then perceives as real danger?

From the above studies and observations, video games do effect the players in some ways, since it appears that players get so wrapped up in the game that they forget their surroundings and begin to see the game as a real quest. Studies have shown that playing video games can increase heart rate and blood pressure, as well as decrease prefrontal lobe activity while the person is playing the game. This could account for changes in the player's mood and cause him or her to become more aggressive or emotional. However, the extent of these effects on the body once video game playing has ceased are preliminary and need to be confirmed.



1)Mediascope website, highlights data from various scientific studies concerning video games.

2)Mediascope website, violent video games causing aggression.

3)Japan Today News website, an interesting news site and discussion board.

4)Mega Games website, a hardcore gaming site, including cheats, demos, and facts.

5)Beliefnet website, centers around spiritual, religious, and moral issues.

6)Sunday Herald online, a news resource.

7) Freeman, Scott. Biological Systems. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 2002.



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post a comment below)

01/19/2006, from a Reader on the Web

If you have evidence of video games causing some form of harm to anyone, then who should be blamed. Or what action, in any, should be taken? personaly, i play video games 2-3 hours a day, and i am a nice kid. i do well in school and i don't let anyone push me around. i think it is the kids who base their life on video games and have low self-esteam are what people see in the news today. And it is not all video games, it is the one's that are rated "mature" that parents are getting for their kids. i think it is the parents fault in some way at least. thank you for your comments and i hope you thank mine. sincearly, "Ivan"


Additional comments made prior to 2007
Hello, Id like to be living proof that video game addiction can be very real, I have been a addicted video game since the age of 3 years old, and also unfortunatly I had a neglectful Mother who didnt bother teaching me moderation, and infact she told me as I was young "go play your game!" because it was keeping me quite, little did she know I was Video game obsessed, Now I'm the exact opposite of Ivan, I do let people guide me, and that is because I simply do not have Control over what I do, Iam sure my frontal lobe has been very stunted because I was a very chronic abuser of these video games, for instance, I cannot do forward planning, I am a very poor organizer, and basically I have no will to live because I know That this damage is permanent. I find it impossible to make conversations...I also have a lack of a personality...this is the reason I dropped out of school...If my story interestes you plz send me an email, PLEASE it feels like I have no guidence, people can say its A.D.D but I find it to be much worse ... Mathieu Perreault, 22 March 2006



I agree with Ivan, although I tend to play more than he does. While there are some problems with playing video games there are benefits of playing them as well, such as; better hand eye cordination, tend to think faster, quicker, and others i dont remeber at this time ... Jake, 18 April 2006



personally i feel the same way im 11 and i full heartedlly support your opionon ... Jelanie Hill, 21 September 2006


Change in attitude and reaction cannot be considered an effect on the brain from video-games. The attitude that one shows when he/she loses in a video-game, is a natural reaction that he/she personally has to change. This attitude is represented in almost everything you would consider a game. It's called poor-sportsmanship. Many people take losing pretty hard and find creative ways to express their frustration. Trash talking during a video-game, is no different than trash talking in any other game. You can't blame video-games for the physical reaction either. If a poor-sport played a game of basketball, he/she would get all of it's frustration out on their opponent, because basketball is a contact game. In a video-game, the physical activity is only limited to the hands, so they can't get it all out. This behavior is, again, result of poor sportsmanship.

Video-games are an easy thing to blame for people's personal problems. You can't base a judgement on an observation that could be the result of almost anything. Point Proven? ... Mrey, 2 November 2006



After playing videogames 2-3 hours I experience drastic mood swings. So I cut down. thanks for opening my eyes ... Aaron Smith, 10 January 2007



i think that video gaMES ARE blamed 2 much kid make there own choices , id know i am one . life gives you problumes some deal with it difrently ... Erik, 23 January 2007



thanks to serendip, i was able to find plenty of research to back up my science fair project!! ... Bob, 1 February 2007


Over 50 percent of the populations kids regularly play video games.

Every now and then one person does something stupid like kill somebody and the blame instantly goes to video games because "They cause violence."

No one thinks of the bad parenting or bullies and such at school but because they have played video games, that is what caused it.

Let me take for example Columbine, a tragic event to many a person but the blame was instantly pinned on the fact they played DOOM the video game.

No one thought about the parents that let all the planning and weapons go on in there own house.

People should stop assuming every violent act a kid does is based on a video game ... Jordan, 16 February 2007



Same here. Lol, and I think it can also stimulate your brian. My friend's did a science fair project about this and the results showed that they did better on a math test after playing a video game ... Zane, 20 February 2007



Hi my name is Pamela and what you said about how violent games affect people is like my brother he plays video games for 3 hours and then after that if someone talks to him he will hit you or something like that ... Pamela, 4 May 2007



I do know that there are specific incidents where people are sucked into a game, and are mad when they don't win. I strongly belive that kids can play video games such as "Halo" and "Shadowrun" and still be nice. I have spent this summer playing video games, somewhere between 3-5 hours each day. Yes, there were some times where I outbust in anger, but only when I was thinking about how much time I spent on this game, and lost. So I went and beat on a pillow. I started taking bike rides in the middle, which, in the end, took my mind off things, and so I could return and play calmly. I am going to enter the Denver Metro Science Fair this year with a project relating to this. I wish this website the best of success ... Jon Zulanas, 11 August 2007



i agree with the former person. video games don't really result in violent behavior. it is the parents fault sometimes. when they but their kid a game that has intense violence and gore and language the child might get messed up ... Japlowsky, 23 October 2007



8 year olds who scream and yell at a screen obviously has another problem than just video game rage which no one wants to point out that video games don't cause rage its that people get too involved ... David, 1 November 2007



Your report on video games is heavily flawed. I'm sorry. One thing, it's not the kids fault. It's the parents buying M Rated games for four year olds. It's true, my cousin has done it for his little boy. And the violence is just bad sportsmanship. That's heavily common. And for "Penny Arcades". Arcades have been dead since the late 90's. There are only a few places in a state that actually have arcades with GOOD arcade games. And can you really blame the kid for getting mad? Throwing down a week's allowance worth of quarters, almost getting to the end of a game to see the ending, and then dying? It sucks, it really does. No one can be blamed for that. And why do you act like gamers are mindless zombies, slaves to the game? Us respectable gamers don't just sit there drooling in front of the TV. Most gamers don't. And hell, anyone gets mad after dying in a level 50 times. But you know what we do? We get ticked, sware softly to ourselves, and realize the best course of action is to turn the game off, and walk away. You mention too much of studies too. Studies aren't always right, and most studies just waste money. Did you know the bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house? Well, yeah. Electrical appliances, razors, scissors... Just because something has been studied, doesn't make it true. In short, you tried really hard, I can see that, but you have to take in the factors of parenting, and how behaved the child is. You focused more on the trivial ideas more then the basic ones ... Sam, 15 November 2007



Hi there. I'm essentially a lifetime gamer, and I used to play as much as I possibly could in my free time. What you're saying correlates fairly well with my experience, low self-esteem, anxiety, and latent aggression. However, I'm not really like that any more, and not because I've stopped playing games. The people I came into contact with while growing up changed me, and my behaviors. So now I still play games, but at a far less rate than I did (yay for jobs). The point I wish to bring up is that I don't think it's video games especially that are bad for people, but the way they are reacted to. Granted, they lower Beta waves and raise Alpha waves, but who says that can't be changed by interaction with people and actually using the brain for thinking/working? I also wonder if it's the change in video games from the past and the video games today. Video games have indeed been dumbed down, and are made to feel more life-like. I mean, I played Dig Dug, but I don't think that had much effect on my brain waves, unless of course in the regard that it required me to think and plan where to go next... But yes, I do agree that video games, like television and everything else, should be used with moderation and not wholesale commitment to them ... Scott, 24 November 2007



my view is that there are both positive and negative spins to this argument. I play vidoe games alot a few hours a day and it does not seem to have any negative effects on me. infact i feel it helps me vent anger not cuase it. say im mad i might pop on my Wii and play a few levels on a game, after that i feel alot better. another thing, the computer/console games i play have greatly helped me on my hand i caurdanation skills, i feel because of vidoe games i can type better, and actualy make contact with a golf ball. and one final thing i must stress what i notice is that when i get angy at a vidoe game once the game is off i imediditly feel better ... Mathew Giso, 6 December 2007


Serendip Visitor's picture

but does it make you lose

but does it make you lose your patience throughout your life and does it increase fighting acticity with your sibling? (do not reply)

ScytheRyuu's picture


I believe that many games to affect the minds of gamers. I hvae realized that games such as COD: MW2 can be addicting, and cause people such as myself to put the game before college work, which is causing me to nearly flunk my classes. I set my xbox so it only runs for 3 hours a day. But its my fault, and I am far from voilent. It depends on who plays and how much self control the user has.


(Ps. I am doing research on this topic so it is helping realizing how bad my addiction is.)

Bobby's picture

I play violent video games

I play violent video games like every day... like Counter Strike source, and i have started to grow very racist towards people of an arab decent, and i even punched my mum in the face, and then stabbed her, and hid her in the garden out the back

Serendip Visitor's picture

yea the same thing happened

yea the same thing happened to me after playing my little pony.

Serendip Visitor's picture

stressful gaming

The thing people should be concerened about is realy how stressfull the game is, or how hard it is (not disregarding all other points made), for instance i used to have a game called "Fable 2" and i couldnt complete this one level where i had to kill a troll or somthing, and in the end i got so frustrated i lobbed the controlled at the console and completely tore up the game, redering it unplayable. Now i play games with optoinal umbrella difficulty settings and i am stress free. good ridance.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Video Games Affecting Grades

I am doing a resarch report right now on how video games affect kids grades. I am defending how video games dont effect kids grades, but in reality, they really do. - Cole, 13, California

kaden ompol's picture

no wayyy me too!!!! we should

no wayyy me too!!!! we should like get together and work togetha! that would be legit.....megan california

Anonymous's picture

Uh, what?

I've been playing video games since I was three. Yes, I've been playing since the glory days of Super Mario Bros for the NES, Yoshi's Island and Street Fighter and such for the SNES, Sonic games 1 through 3 and Vectorman for the Genesis, the assorted games for the Nintendo 64 and Playstation, the PS2, Gamecube, and just recently the 360, Wii, and PS3. Needless to say I've spent thousands of hours on video games, the devices that this article just so happens to bash continually. Keep in mind that when playing, my gaming time was NOT regulated.

And you know what? I perform BETTER than a lot of people in my school, I have no problems communicating, I'm not depressed or any of that jazz that this article just so seems to say I should. Of course I'm overweight, but that's my own fault; I eat a lot and I was never taught regulation or nutrition by anyone (nor did I have the patience or common sense to bother taking it up.). I've even designed logos for a few sites and a new logo for my entire school district, I've scored considerably high on my ACT (I've done approximately better than 70% of students in the United States in the subjects tested) and I DO NOT find myself alone or without friends.

So, after reading this, you can't possibly say that video games are to blame for everything. Anyone that just so happens to get addicted to video games like I did and say that they're doing horribly in everything they do is wrong. The only things that are keeping them from doing better is they themselves. Video games have nothing to do with your performance in anything.

Pasticho's picture


I used to play videogames a lot when i was 10 in HARD. Then i noticed that it would just make me get mad. Now i only play games in easy. It also made me get fat. I also bullyed some people (bully game style), but nothing serious. Now i am more mature and I have already noticed that what they do in games does not apply to real life. I think immature kids should be watched by parents because they could do some really crazy things. I think some adults are also to be watched because they can get really adicted

I love counter strike's picture

I believe games are a way yo escape from your own problems

I believe games are a way yo escape from your own problems because they take you to another dimension where it is fun to be in. Games are not really harmful, but people in schools get bad grades while playing video games because they lose a lot of their time playing but this doesn't mean they are idiots or anything. Their is a time in a good child's life where he gets bored of video games and he lives his normal life again, so video games are just really a face of a modern child's life.

Matt's picture

somewhat interesting article.

First off, it is and always has been "Mario Kart". Please, have some respect for a field before you bash it unduly.

I would say I've played video games since I was 5 or 6 years old. Now, in my case, I think that is important because of where video games were at when I was that young. Halo didn't exist. Atari was on it's way out and the NES was on it's way in. SNES and Genesis came shortly there after and I even had a Turbo Grafx 16. I only got to play Doom on the computer when I was a very early teen. I didn't know what the Hell I was doing and I sucked at it for a very long time before I was able to actually play through it effectively. It did not make me a killer. If anything, it made me a dreamer. Online play didn't exist in the form it does today. AOL was huge and only on version 2.0. There were no computer controlled allies to help you (though the dreamer in me imagined the possibilties). Wolfenstein was cutting edge. I think that's enough exposition. I've continued to play games of all types to the present time, including all the major releases across all platforms.

Ultimately, in my opinion, this is a parenting issue. I don't have kids yet, but I've been one. I enjoy video games. They challenge me. They push me to improve myself. The teach me to focus. If you play the right ones they can teach you manners! They teach you trouble shooting and problem solving. They can teach you patience. Role playing games can teach you manners. They can teach you to share. They teach you that life isn't fair. They've taught me how to be a graceful (sometimes, lol) winner. They've taught me lessons in losing.

Keep in mind, please, that I don't mean that you should go play Cooking Mama and the line of "How To" DS titles as tools on learn how to live, nor a substitute for playing outside. I'm talking about Dragon Warrior I on the NES, where you gain reading comprehension skills because it's written in the old English style akin to Lord of the Rings. I'm talking about memory retention, because you're asked to perform tasks under certain criteria. You learn the concepts of virtuous action (Aristotle, Plato). Morals and ethics, these things, properly offered by the game, and then recieved by a child under the guidance of a parent can be great mediums for building certain attributes such as adaptability and determination. There is no reason you shouldn't play games with your kids. In fact, with some practice, you're probably going to beat them, because you're older. They'll look up to you for it with a modicum of respect. I still tell people that my mom beat Super Mario Bros. 2 before I did. By participating with your kids while they play games (and nurturing them in the outdoors at times, as well) there's no reason this can't be or even shouldn't be a healthy part of a childs development. My gosh, imagine you were so good at even just one game that you became friends with your childs friends too, then you might even know what they were doing when they ever do leave the house! Heck, you might even share a bond in this hectic and crazy anti-family age.

To move forward a little then, in my opinion also, blaming video games on a stunted childs development is like not moderating the amount of fast food your child eats and then not understanding why the same child grows up to not know nutrition. You'd have to blame the food, which is wrong. Moderation is the key to all things and someone who knows this already and cares about children, such as a parent should do their best to communicate this to their child.

This is one of the first articles of it's kind that I've actually read (regarding the beta wave patterns and front lobe activity). I am not doubting the findings of the studies performed here, but I am not being told the vailidity of the tests. What games were played? Were they students? What environment were they placed in? Where they filmed? Did they know it? etc. All of these things affect behavior... during a study of behavior.

I think there are some clear cut benefits to playing video games. The first, to name just a few, I would think is "competent hand eye coordination", which definitely has utilities when driving, maintaining balance, etc. A second benefit I would list is the "preservation of quick reaction times", both mentally and physically. Thirdly, they promote a tech savvy lifestyle where IT fields are ever growing and computerization will never cease.

As far as social development goes, I think a perspective also needs to be enacted here. No one is truly socially adjusted anymore. The internet has leveled the playing field on the shock and awe factor, at this point. Just look at Chat Roulette to see fine examples of socially adjusted people. By the way, I've never participated in Chat Roulette. Recluse behavior, violence, and these other "problems", which are quite frankly, too long to list, have been around since humankind began. Video games have barely been around for 60 years. Only the more modern games that have drawn the ire of politicans, around 10 - 15 years! I think it's more a product of a weary suspicous society, rather than a fun hobby still in its infancy.

To adapt a phrase of Mark Twain: "If I cannot play video games in Heaven, I shall not go." -Mark Twain.

Thanks for the podium.

Anonymous's picture

Video game addiction

After I was laid off a year ago I started playing video games 12 hours or more a day. I played for weeks at a time and barley took breaks to sleep. I din't even stop for sex with my wife. One day after being interupted I hurt the person rally bad. I din't mean to I didn't want to I just blew. I couldn't control myself. I am now looking at charges for this attack. I'd say yes Video games cause violence!

Anonymous's picture

From that statement you were

From that statement you were using video games as an escape from real life. Rather than facing what really happened, you turned to video games. And now you are blaming them for your anger. You got laid off, turned to video games, and you never really dealt with the issue. Same as many other addicts. It isn't the video games fault, it is yours.

And as to the main point, I believe video games can have very wide effects on people. Many different variables can come into play in dealing with how someone reacts to a situation. Getting angry because you lost at a video game isn't because the video games cause anger or violence. Like someone said earlier, it is poor sportsmanship. IE; A kid loses a level on a video game and gets upset an walks away. Put that kid into a game of basketball and he loses, you think he is gonna react any differently just because it isn't a video game? No. The kid will still get upset and walk away. Back to the variables. If anyone, as a parent, believes that video games are causing your kid to acct violently. Play the game with them. Parental guidance is what kids need. Albeit too much can be a bad thing, but sit down and play with the kid. Show him that it is just a game, and not to take it seriously. If you can't teach your kid to realize that then that isn't the video games fault. Look in a mirror.

Anonymous's picture

every single person on this

every single person on this earth is violent in some way and kids go through a time when they are excessively violent. Its up to parents to teach there kids not to yell at the tv screen just as its up to the parents to tech there kids to not yell at the other players if they lose in football. Its normal so don't say its videogames that cause this violence. also I played about 7 hours of games a day when I was in high school and made a 3.8 gpa. now I'm in collage and I have a 4.0 and I play videogames when I have any freetime.

Kyle's picture

Dont start

i play around 7-10 hours of cod a day i am going to sell my xbox and get a bike becuase of this i need to get off this addiction and yes it is an addiction once u start it is hard to leave it if u play this much sell it leave it for good

Mike's picture

Video Games DO NOT affect kids

I am 15 years old and I play WAY to many video games, and yet they have not affected me in any way. A bunch of studies say that violent video games affect aggression in children and teens. My current favorite game is Fallout 3, and if you know anything about it, you know it is arguably one of the most violent games in history. I play that game almost non-stop, and I am not violent in any way. I play video games every day, and yet I maintain a 4.0 GPA. Explain to me why, if video games have a negative affect on people, I have perfect grades and a non-violent personality.

Anonymous's picture

you honestly just dont

you honestly just dont realize how it affects but i guarantee it does. my brother has no idea how he's affected by halo and COD but he most definitely is and i bet u anything ur affected by those violent games too but u just have no idea. when people say kids are affected by violent games they're not saying all kids are gonna go out and kill someone. you can be aggressive without being physically aggressive

Colten 's picture

My essay i wrote on this subject

Violent Video Games Don’t Affect Children

Ever since video games have been enjoyed by millions of people, there have been critics who have blamed video games for many of the problems involving children and adolescents. Many of the accusations where because the child or adolescent played violent video games. The link between violent games and violent behavior is vague and can’t really be conclusively proved. Many of the studies that have been conducted are inconclusive and very biased.
Studies that have been conducted simply show that aggressive people like violent types of entertainment, video games being one of them. None of these studies and research show that violent video games are the primary factor in violent behavior or that violent gameplay would have the power to turn a stable person into a killer. Violent games, in a way, introduce kids to violence so they know what it is. A kid who hasn’t been introduced to violence on the other hand, wouldn’t know how to deal with the outcome of violence.
Violent games have been criticized on many occasions for corrupting our children, but I think that’s not true. Back in the 50’s comic books were criticized for the same reason. Society has always found a scapegoat for their youths problems in the media; in modern times it’s violent video games that are getting the blame for aggressive child behavior. Maybe the reason for their behavior is because of a bad living environment, their parents, or possibly having emotional problems, and the only way to vent those feelings are to play violent video games rather than hurt another person. So maybe it’s not violent games that are the problem, it’s the actions of parents or other idolized or looked up to figures that influence the behavior of today’s youth.

Anonymous's picture


There is a big difference between RL and video games that all gamers know, (unless you play WoW) is that we know that its just a game (unlike WoW players/MMO players). Take all things in moderation. Say for example, a guy takes drugs for health reasons to keep him alive (such as painkillers). If he starts taking them with no boundaries he will get addicted. Maybe far enough down the road we will kill people because he has no reason to live. Video games along with ALL things in life need to be taking in moderation. The point you tell were you are addicted is when you think about the game, and maybe dream about it.
Former WoW Addict

Mike's picture

I partially agree that

I partially agree that extended play of video games may cause some problems, however that may vary on the individual. I play my PS3 WAY to much. The main game I play is Fallout 3, and if you have heard of it, surely you know how violent and bloody the game is. I play it constantly, yet I am not aggressive towards others, my grades are decent, and I do not suffer from any side-affect of per-longed gaming. I would like someone to explain why, if video games affect kids, if I play one of the most violent games ever played, I have no increased signs of aggression or anything else. If anything a violent video game is a way to release your anger and stress. People complain about video game violence, but I'm sure they are happy that people are killing video game enemies and not real people.

Amanda F.'s picture

Who's To Blame?

I am using this as my topic for a persuasive essay. However, I do not agree that video games/music can make a person go nuts. I personally think it's a load of crap. The person already has to be demented for it to effect them that way. I know of a younger boy who plays Grand Theft Auto all the time, and is perfectly fine. He doesn't get into fights at school and he hasn't killed anyone. I listen to what they'd call "violent music", and I'm not a violent person. I even listen to the "violent music" when I'm in a bad mood, I've never killed/got in a fight with anyone by listening to it. The music actually CALMS me down. I think people just want to blame this type of behavior on whatever they can.

Anonymous's picture

video games end the effect on kids

im doing my senier progect on video games and the effects on kids school wise and i could really use you comments please. thank you

kraven669's picture

I'm a steady video game

I'm a steady video game playing 19 and i have been playing video games with all diverent rateings, M,T,E..ect. Im a good kid with good grades and yeah sometimes i mite get annoyed because I can't beet a level but, thats is because im annoyed that I missed a turn or a race or a power up on a quest game... yes it mite be the parents fault for exposeing their childeren earlier and earlier in life to video games... especially at the impretionable young ages...thank you.

william crow's picture

video games affect on childrens behavior

i am also doin a project on this subject , and was wondering if you could direct me to a site or somewhere you might have found some useful info, thankyou if you can and thanks if you cant .

GOD Gamer's picture

I play WAY too much

I know i play to much and trust me im not in denial but when i play i feel good and when i dont i feel like crap and i see the real world as a game. Thats proof i play 5 to 6 hours a day on hardcore xbox games like halo and CoD and im 12. Now tell me im a bit paranoid about stuff and im always scared is that in anyway linked? P.S ive been playing since i was 6 years old!

Nerd's picture

I play video games alot,and

I play video games alot,and it has no effect on my behavior or social life or innhibitions. I am a sophmore in high school and i have a weighted 4.675 G.P.A and am top of my sophmore class. I may be aggressive when playing Xbox purely because of competition. Winning is the drive to play the game, to be better than the competitors. I don't plan to ever go outside to a random city with an m16 and slaughter people, do you? The problem with these articles is that they are completely biased. Sure there are some people that take games like WOW too far, that is because they are idiots and don't know how to balance real life. I am an xbox addict. I play Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, battle field bad co. 2 and many more religiously and competitively, yet i can still maintain a job at 16 years old at Mcdonalds and a 4.675 GPA. the people who let games rule their lives and behavior have issues with them selves. The games aren't driving people to do mass killings, or be aggressive. In fact, video games help me calm down and release tensions in my life. I let my anger out online driving myself to win, and in real society i am a calm sociable person. People stop blaming your 10 year old childs agression on the games they play, look at the way your raising them, your attitude effects your childs actions. And did you ever think that some people were just born aggresive? And on top of that they are young and thier raging hormones are leading there emotions. The best thing to do is find things to calm them down. Just as you biased authors should do yourself.

Anonymous's picture

How do you know? You should

How do you know? You should ask the other to give you an comment how come you make a comment by yourself?

Anonymous's picture

That is not totally true

It is true that other things affect personality, but i don't you totally understand how video games can affect certain people. You may be able to control yourself playing video games but some people aren't able to do that and the games control them. It isn't their fault and can affect them as a person in many ways.

Brad's picture

Your uneducated.

Video games cannot control anyone. It is a form of entertainment, that is like saying I watched a sports game where someone got in a fight. So I am going to go beat someone up. IF video games can control someone so can books ,movies and sports. You never here anyone say sports make you crazy, but from my perspective, I have seen by far more people who get violent while playing or watching sports than playing video games. By the way, I am just saying this to piss you off but if video games control people then so does your bible. Your bible makes people crazy and it causes violence way worse than any video game ever could, this violence is called war.

Shane's picture

What some do not know...

I play video games anywhere from three to five hours a day, but I still have a 3.966 GPA. I have taken the time to gather my pupils' opinions on this matter, as well as their game play habits. Less than ten percent of the kids from my three honors classes did not play any video games in the week prior to my poll. In fact, the majority of theses kids played almost as much as I do, both violent and non-violent games. Not only that, but every single one of the ninety honors students agreed that video games do not noticeably affect their thought processes. If the effects of playing video games were as bad as the article and comments suggest, I assure you that most of these kids would not be as academically advanced as they are.

Anonymous's picture



Alex's picture

hello, i am a 16 year old boy

hello, i am a 16 year old boy who plays video games on my spare time. i agree with some aspects of this article, but i do think that this can depend on the person. I play football, have a 4.2 weighted GPA, 3.75 without, i lift regularly and am not weak. I am very ind and do not get angry at people or react violently to people I do not get pushed around at all, and i always put school,football, and lifting before games. I have noticed though that games can cause anger, while i am not angry at games, when i was younger, around age 11 i used to get angry often. But as i matured and realized what is important, and that no one thinks you are cool for playing and being good at games, i did not play near as much, and pretty much never get mad. But i believe that it does depend on the person who plays, for instance i have some friends who are normal and play a lot, but i also have some other kids i know that get very mad at games and make themselves look like fools, while also making fun of others for being bad at games and gloat about their skills. This makes them look like idiots because no one but them care. so i firmly believe that if you let games become an addiction, or make you increasingly angry, then you should learn to moderate or quit playing them. But let me finish by saying that as long as you do not get obsessed or emotionally tied with your games, then they are fine to play and they will not mess you up, it's only if you let them get to you that they can harm you.

Stephen Cortez's picture

Im Doing the Harmful Effects About VideoGames For My Senior Proj

Hey, this is a very great article about videogames and how harmful they are for you. im am going to use some of this information on my senior project as refrence. Right now im a sophmore in hightschool and im in english 2. They have combined these 2 things together to help pepople to work on their senor projects. I have to wight 4 pages this year next year 4 more, and when im a senior i have ti write 4 moer. so its a total all 12 pages and they all all ready making us start it. its gonna be a lot of hard work at determination on my part. but with this website its gonna really help because this websites has amazing information and brilliant comments.

confuzion's picture

if i had kids i would much

if i had kids i would much rather have them be at home playing a video game and knowing were they are instead of outside in this violent horrible world doing drugs and sneaking to a party. video games arent the problem, society is, and we can easily go back home and take our agression out with a fake gun on a tv screen instead of going to a school or mall and hurting innocent people. whenever a girl destroys my feelings so badly that my heart feels like acid is poured on it i simply go play a video game and i concentrate on the game so much that i forget the pain she caused me. and id much rather play a game instead of commit suicide in real life.

Anonymous's picture

video games are legit

video games are legit

Anonymous's picture

brevity is the soul of wit

brevity is the soul of wit

Your Conciousness's picture

Get All The Facts

ok ladies and gentlemen, children, and fools.
How Do you allow yourselves to be corrupted by the ideas of another think for yourselves to the kid crying about addiction and saying it ruined his life grow up stop the self pity and take a look in the mirror its not a game that has stunted your growth its your own personal shortfallings. As i read this article i see unfounded and ridiculous comments to the Mario Cart Kid Kicking Paragraph his little brother beat him its called sore loser and its the case of SBS Spoilt Brat Syndrome, it all lies in the hands of the parent, i am a gamer from time to time i have rather heavy sessions, playing a good game for 4+ hours a day i have no urges to go out and kill people and the only rise in aggression i experience is when i come to a part where i am stuck, i get angry and push through it and if i get too frustrated i turn it off and go sit down, alcohol stunts the growth of your brain games do not. The only detected increase in brain chemicals is dopamine and oxycitin when palying games these also increase when; eating choclate, having sex, running, eating in general, and any form of sucess. Refer To Hyper>> Magazine They Have Alot Of Information about the affects of video games on the brain. For Example; Tetris, Has been shown to help with PTSS Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Other Games have been proven to increase spacial perception. these among others are researched thoroughly. There Will Always Be Research For, and There Will Always Be Research Against. Get The Facts All of Them before You Make Up Your Mind.
Thank You For Reading,

Anonymous's picture


Your comments pertaining to video games have actually more fully given me cause to believe the theory that video games can harmfully affect brain growth. Your spelling is worthless, your punctuation atrocious,and you seem to think your self much more intelligent than you come across. I know this is a social faux pas to tell someone how ridiculous and uneducated they come across, but I figured I'd stand up for the kid that talked about how hard his addiction to the games can be. Addictions are real, and it's ignorant pigs like your self that are the ones that need to "grow up" and look at their own personal shortcomings, such as telling the world how stupid the world is. So here's some advice: change your attitude, cut back on the video games, and seriously, pay attention in English class.

With love,


Mikey Kinsey's picture

I agree

I agree with this because I have played a ridiculous amount of of video games and I have a GPA of 3.1, that is a B average. Also in 2008 when we got the Wii I still have a a 3.1 GPA and I played that thing for (believe it or not) 16 hrs. the first time we got it on christmas. I usually only play it for 2-3 hrs. now and I have about fourteen friends and 5 of them are seniors in high school and I'm a freshmen.

Serendip Visitor's picture

3.1 is not good

3.1 is not good

ScytheRyuu's picture

3.1 is a B. I graduated with

3.1 is a B. I graduated with a 2.5 a C. Its not like, everyone gets straight A's. And the only reason I got a 2.5, is because I didn't care. I had a 600 on my biology SOL, and a 550 in most of my others. I did horrible because all I did was play games and not worry about my HW. I know this, that is why I am trying to do research and see if there is anything that can help break the addiction. Without selling my 360.

Letum's picture

Human Nature +

Human Nature + Activities(Videogames, Sports, etc.)= Competitivity= increased agressiveness= possible violence= (if mixed with some sort of personality disorder) murder= press= stupid people telling other equally stupid what has happened around them= people get worried= fear= overexaggeration= greater fear= blaming= full scale research done by researchers who do experements that involve the worst sort of random variable, people= lacking evidence/ unproved theories= using lack of information (AKA selective perception)to show that the researchers aren't getting paid for nothing= technically true research (aka five people being violent compaired to four is a great difference to someone, but not to most people)= a flawed answer. Videogames are the essence and pure embodiment of the reason that violence is and always will be, isn't it obvious?

Marquis shipp's picture

This is insane. I've been a

This is insane. I've been a gamer for aslong as I could say my name. I'm not a violent person. I still play alot more than the average gamer and it hasn't affected me at all. I take AP classes and I will be graduating High School this coming June. It's parenting. You people are using video games to make up for a lack of good parenting. Do you know what my Grandmother would do if she seen my throw a fit over a video game? Whup my butt, then take the game away. I learned then that stuff happens and I don't get angry. also she didnt buy anything out of our age range. Don't expose children to stuff they aren't ready to view yet. And Even know I spend maybe 6 hours a day on my 360 either playing Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or Bioshock 2, two M-rated games and theres is no raised agression in me. To be truthful I'm alot smarter than my classmates because I'm able to use logic and tactics better than most. Games like God of War offer very tough puzzles that any old idiot cant just figure out. You have to be sharp and quick witted

Anonymous's picture

ya i agree i used to be a

ya i agree i used to be a video game addict and i have never been in a fight i am 15 and if what they say was true i would be violent and kick the crap out of people and smash my t.v. out of frustration this is just some stupid crap scientists are trying to get rid of cause they think it massing with our life

Garrett Pryor's picture

I agree entirely. Video games

I agree entirely. Video games are not the problem. In fact, I believe they are the solution to many of the worlds problems. Seriously people, open your eyes and look around you. If you're inside playing a video game for hours on end, you're not going to be out killing people. Thats just not the way it works. People DO NOT kill because of video games. People kill because of PEOPLE. Because in todays world and all of its messed up culture no one cares about the good that is achieved. Violence sells because we live in a "post 9/11 world" so when ONE kid kills someone and that ONE kid just happend to play a violent game, which just happens to be a factor in EVERYTHING we do, that being violence, then everyone seems to not hear about the millions of people that are POSITIVELY affected by video games everyday. Oh and by the way they just happen to be our doctors and our business leaders and the geniuses that invent all the important things that make our lives easier. And last time I checked, THEY DON'T KILL PEOPLE. :)

Anonymous's picture


i think wat u said is true but thats just for i mean i've seen cases when people would not be like who they were before in some way or another

Wesley's picture


I think ur rite

Quinton's picture

Ponder this concept first

I play video games off and on and by off and on I mean I will play a game until I reach a goal I have in it and then take a break usually anywhere between a week and 3 weeks. I am a very passive person, I have a great deal of friends, and have grown up with some great morals, I have defied everything the studies have said I should have, so what now?

Here is the thing Video Games are no different from any other sport or hobby it is done to relieve stress and relax and enjoy time with friends, I don't care what anyone says they play them for that is why, it is a psychologically proven fact. The amount of stress you have is not directly linked to playing video games. The point I'm trying to make, when you are a kid there are so many things that you could be doing other than playing video games, doing drugs, living on the streets, committing crimes, video games don't contribute to that, it's the living conditions and the social life they have. I have a fairly stable social life I try to hang out with friends every weekend and have A's or B's in all my classes, it's not something to be studied so intensely, I have never seen scientists and researchers so ambiguous to prove that video games are bad, a lot of things are bad, but I don't see them being studied to an extreme. Video Games are as much a hobby or sport as curling, tennis, basketball, football, Motor Cross/Super Cross, skiing, mountain climbing, and lacrosse,(had to name some of the common ones because some people don't realize there are other sports) let them enjoy it without question. Of two of the sports I listed above they are some of the most dangerous in the world, Motor Cross and Skiing, yet you don't see a group of scientists out to make sure the sport never exists again.

I have developed a better sense of self because of video games, I understand myself, and some very tough concepts a lot of people could not grasp, Physics may not sound challenging, but it can be if you apply it correctly, Calculus, Microeconomics, all things that require a much higher level of thinking, what this research says is that playing video games doesn't allow you to think, but that is clearly wrong. For one the alpha and beta waves are not controlled by your conscious mind so to say we have control over that is just wrong and incorrect. Secondly they are mainly controlled in your sleep by your subconscious meaning you would be in a state close to meditation when you are playing. I'm sorry that doesn't happen.

So ponder this: What if video games didn't exist? Many people would have no out or way to relieve stress and relax, more crimes, more anarchy, such an unpleasant world you will have created.

Anonymous's picture


well being a gamer for many of years as so many of you had I find that many people will not point the finger at their self when they fuck up. I have played games for more than 24 hours straight on more than one occasion and I can honestly say that I have A's and B's type grades and do not get into any type of trouble and have a good amount of friends. So i see no Correlation between games and behavoir.
But what I find funny is that when theses experts so they call there self study teens and childern. Do they even acount for thats childs Hormones or the life style of that child. I just wonder cause i never hear of those things in there study.

Anonymous's picture


I'll admit im addicted to video games. After school, i get on my computer and play World of Warcraft for a few hours, but i do get off to eat, walk my pets, and so on. I loose track of time and do not know when to get off, but I do when im told. I really could use some moderation, so i may want to work on it.