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Developing and Overcoming Antisocial Personality Disorder

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Biology 202
2002 Third Paper
On Serendip

Developing and Overcoming Antisocial Personality Disorder

Shannon Lee

Personality disorders are among the most difficult disorders to be diagnosed and treated in psychology. The highly ingrained behaviors of the disorders, the difficulty in differentiating between normalcy and illness, and the patients lack of understanding and excepting their symptoms as abnormal, are all contributing obstacles of the disorder.

Personality is shaped by experiences during childhood and adolescence as well as genetics. Therefore, children that develop mental disorders are more likely to develop personality disorders as adults. Conduct disorder in children has been highly linked to the development of antisocial personality disorder in adults. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) suggests, but does not require, a history of conduct disorder when making an antisocial personality diagnosis (1). Not only is there a high correlation between people having the disorders, but conduct disorder seems to be a preliminary childhood manifestation of the same underlying malfunctions that are characteristic of the adult disorder, antisocial personality disorder. When looking at the development and causes of antisocial personality disorder it is important to note the symptoms, characteristics, and circumstance of conduct disorder as well.

Conduct disorder, a childhood behavior disorder described by the DSM, is characterized by chronic misbehavior. The children and adolescence often participate in serious physical fighting, alcohol and drug abuse, violation of parental and school rules, vandalizing and setting fires, and many other antisocial behaviors. These children, unless adequately treated, have a 50% rate of becoming involved with drugs and criminal behavior during adolescence. They also have a 75%-85% rate of being chronically unemployed as adults. Many of these children, about 40%, grow up to have antisocial personality disorder (2).

Antisocial personality disorder is a Axis II DSM recognized disorder under the personality disorder category that has earned separation from the acute psychological disorders of Axis I. This is the most common disorder among the personality disorders: between 2.3%-3.3% of the population is diagnosed some time in their lives, it crosses all ethnicity's, and is five times more commonly diagnosed in males than in females. The main symptoms of this disorder are, a tendency to develop maladaptive behaviors that diverge or violate from societal norms, and they have a severe difficulty developing and keeping positive relationships. The characterization of antisocial personality disorder is very similar to that of conduct disorder, but the symptoms are manifested in different ways. These people tend to be cold, uncaring, and can be maliciously cruel at times. They feel very little guilt for their actions, believing they are always faultless. They will often pretend to care and be pleasant until they succeed in getting what they want. They often have extreme personality traits of arrogance, impatient, low tolerance of frustration, and poor impulse control. These characteristics are transient and chronic, often effecting the individual, their family, and the community negatively (3).

The poor impulse control, lack of patience, and uncaring attitude, cause the people with the disorder to have trouble staying in relationships such as marriage. They have difficulty staying employed and doing anything that requires a routine. This extreme personality characteristics is related to criminal activity, violent death due to extreme daring behavior, and suicide attempts (3).

When analyzing this disorder one is likely to wonder, what causes the symptoms of the disorder to develop and how, if at all, the disorder can be overcome? What factors are responsible for 2.3%-3.3% of the population developing these abnormal characteristics and personality extremities to the point of being "disordered?" After much thought and consideration of argumentative suggestions for different causes of the disorder, I have come to the conclusion that it is due to a variation of three main influential factors.

The first influential factor to be discussed that is important in the development of personality disorders, such as conduct disorder and antisocial disorder, is genetic and biological contributions and characteristics that make certain people more likely to develop this disorder than others. There have been many studies done that show ample support for genetic influence in the development of antipersonality disorder. These studies show that criminals with antisocial personality have criminal records more like their biological fathers than their adopted fathers, which supports that the disorder runs in families. Also twins that are identical have a 50% concordance rate of the development of the disorder, as opposed to only a 20% concordance with twins that are not identical (4).

Hormones and neurotransmitters also play a vital role in supporting the biological connection with the disorder. The disordered displaying symptoms of impulsivity and aggression have naturally lower levels of adrenaline in their blood when calm and excited. Adrenaline is a hormone released in higher amounts when the sympathetic system responds to excitable stimuli, such as anxiety, pressure, danger, and joy. Possibly, the variance of this hormone attributes to some symptoms showed by the disordered. The lack of adrenaline, stimulation, might cause the disordered to becomes easily bored and attempt to seek thrills by more dangerous and extreme measures in order to obtain arousal and excitement. This lower hormone concentration also supports reasoning for antisocial and dangerous behavior, because one who is not as stimulated in dangerous situations with fear and anxiety, would feel less aversion to initiating and participating in these situations (5).

Neurotransmitters such as serotonin have been targeted in connection with the disorder. Higher levels of serotonin in the blood have been found in correlation with antisocial personality types. Newborns with a family history of antisocial personality disorder have lower levels of serotonin in the brain at birth than normal infants (AJP CSF). Other findings have also shown that there is decreased serotonin functioning in those with antisocial disorder and those who have high susceptibility to the disorder, but further studies are being done to try and understand the dysfunction (6).

About 60% of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) also develop conduct disorder, and then many of these people go on to develop antisocial personality disorder (1). There are neurological differences in the brains of those with ADHD, deficits in executive functioning. The high comorbidity suggests that there are also differences in the brains of those who develop the personality disorders. Both those diagnosed with ADHD and the personality disorders have a primary deficit in the ability to control impulsiveness and behaviors, which also suggests that the neurological problem may be the same for all of the disorders.

Although, personality disorders are the most difficult of the psychological disorders to treat, there are certain methods used and others in progress by the scientific world today. To treat the biological symptoms, such as low levels of serotonin and the high comorbidity found with ADHD, medications are often prescribed. The most effective drug so far for the disorder is lithium, which decreases the impulsively and hyperactivity of the disordered. Stimulants such as Adderall can be given to treat similar symptoms, and they also increase concentration levels. These drugs have only been approved for treating those with ADHD diagnosis. Antidepressive drugs, such as MAOIs and SSRIs that influence serotonin levels, are starting to be used in the treatment of the disorder. Their efficacy has not been proven to be sufficiently so far by scientific studies (3).

A second influential factor in the development of conduct disorder and antisocial disorder is environmental factors. Psychosocial contributions to the development of these disorders have been supported in numerous studies. Children are heavily influenced from birth and are products of their environment. They learn social skills and coping mechanisms from parental example. Children who have uninvolved parents and that already have genetic predisposition's for the disorders, are more likely to develop antisocial characteristics. Children who have parents that are alcoholic or drug abusers are more likely to be substance abusers themselves. The families with substance abuse have also been found to have poor functioning compared to normal families, and therefore, more children who become disordered. The highest rate of disordered children comes from families that have an antisocial parent that is also a substance abuser (7).

Other environmental contributors to the development of the disorders are teacher and peer groups of the child (3). ADHD is also a good example of supporting environmental influence as well as biological influence. Children with ADHD often have trouble in school because of lack of impulse control and attention span. They are loud and get into trouble, which leads to punishment by the teachers and unpopularity among the other students. This environmental factor furthers the development of even more extreme antisocial behavior, fighting and skipping school, and eventually many of these children are diagnosed with conduct disorder.

Treatment of environmental factors involves attempting to reverse maladaptive cognitive thought developed due to experience. These maladaptive thought processes are very hard to tackle for the antisocial disorder, because a common symptom is the inability of those with the disorder to see their behavior as abnormal. Regardless, it has been found more helpful than not in improving some people with antisocial personality disorder. Treating children through these processes has been proven essential to overcoming the disorder and decreasing the prevalence of antisocial disorder developing later in life. Family counseling and intervention is very helpful as well for children. The maladaptive psychosocial environment can be changed so that the child experiences and learns positive social skills (8).

The third and final contributing factor to whether or not a person develops conduct and antisocial personality disorder, and whether they are able to overcome the disorders, is best described as the unique "I-function" of each individual (9). My comprehension of the I-function is fairly new and incomplete. I can best describe it as the manifestation of consciousness in each individual that is continuously and uniquely effected by the unconscious and unique connectivity's in the brain. The I-function is how one consciously makes decisions and solves problems, but it also is an outlet for all the unconscious products of the brain. I learned in, Dr. Grobstein's, neurobiology class at Bryn Mawr College about the existence of the I-function and about the uniqueness of every individual brain. If the differences in our brains allow for unique ideas and outlooks that make our experiences and ways of thinking unique as well, then I believe some brains can and do develop determination and a will to overcome the antisocial personality disorder, consciously implementing the decisions through the I-function.

Now one may ask how I plan to support the integrity of this rather alternative influential factor for these disorders. Although, I found many theories and studies supporting the importance of psychosocial and biological contributing factors in the development of conduct and antisocial disorder, I found little that answered my initial questions that made me take interest in researching this topic in the first place. These questions included, who overcomes these disorders when the odds are against them, and how do they overcome these other predisposition to antisocial disorders. The foundations of the disorders create a dim outlook because a primary characteristic of the disorder is the person's inability to realize or admit the abnormality of their behaviors. Therefore, it is often difficult to give the person adequate treatment, drugs or psychotherapy, for their symptoms.

I have decided to primarily support the third factor with the very case that struck my interest in the topic. There is a person that I have known all my life who developed conduct disorder by the age eight, worsening in severity of the disorder as he grew into adolescence. He was constantly in trouble and demonstrated nearly every characteristic of conduct disorder including, severe physical fighting, theft and vandalizing property, skipping school, lying, and violation of rules and law for thrills. He eventually did some drugs and became an alcoholic in his adolescence. He was nearly killed several times due to lack of fear and extreme thrill seeking. For instance, he sped at the highest possible speed down a road in the rain at night on a motorcycle. Losing control he hit a telephone pole, which caused him to break many bones in his body, almost killing himself. After several less severe offenses, he was playing with a gun and shot a girl in the head accidentally. The girl lived, stated it was an accident, so he went to jail for a minimal period still believing he just had "bad luck" as opposed to a disorder.

This person has a environmental history of being diagnosed with ADHD, and later antisocial disorder. He was also assumed to have had conduct disorder, although he was not diagnosed during childhood. He comes from a divorced family, with a paternal alcoholic and ADHD history, and had extremely low parental supervision. He was never physically abused in any way. His brain has not been tested for specific abnormalities, but he has many similarities to those that have abnormalities. He refused medication for ADHD, because he did not want to take it. He had severe inability to control impulse and hyperactivity, could not hold a job, and showed extreme low arousal during very disturbing situations.

During the time spent in jail, he somehow made a conscious decision to except the dysfunction of his actions. He then began taking a medication known as Effexor that decreases the re-uptake of serotonin, and is usually prescribed to depressed patients. Even though he was not diagnosed with depression, he claims the medication has been an incredible help to over coming certain symptoms of the disorder. It has decreased his impulsivity, severe temper, and aggression incredibly. He has reformed his way of thinking, treating others, and living life. He is now socially normal can hold a job, and has productive relationships.
From the understanding of antisocial personality disorder so far it seems to be primarily influenced by genetic and environmental causes. The various extremities of the influences highly determine if the third influence, which we will call the I-function, can save the person from the disorder. The genetic, is the most influential and permanent factor, while environment factors run a close second in importance during the development of the disorders. Finally, the I-function demonstrating every human's innate differences is influential if the other two factors are not extreme beyond repair.

If the person is so genetically prone to developing the disorders, with no biological capacity to understand or feel guilt, anxiety, or compassion, then there is little hope that drugs, or any amount of therapy will make the person normal or even safe to live among society. There is also little hope of the brain willing itself to heal if it cannot understand the problem. If there is genetic hope, but the person has consistent negative psychosocial experience due to extremely antisocial environments, then the person will probably not have much hope of overcoming the disorder, but probably more than the former example. I believe the unique I-function, and other differences in the brain that make one different, can possibly bring about determination, a conscious effort to overcome the disorder and predisposition's of genetics and environment influence. However, in cases such as conduct and antisocial personality disorder, the extremities of the other two contributing factors are key to the influence of the I-function.

In order to decrease the chance of a child with conduct disorder or a predisposition for personality disorders from developing antisocial disorder later in life, it is imperative that interventions be made to improve the quality of family functioning and reduce dysfunctional behavior. In order for the child to overcome genetic predisposition's and to learn to behave socially and successfully, the child must be set in a nurturing psychosocial environment and be given any medications that increase that child's ability to develop and function normally. Humans do have a degree of free choice because we are all genetically unique, but chances of escaping the disorders will increase with increased psychosocial and medical help.

The person I referred to earlier had neither early diagnosis of conduct disorder and refused medication for the treatment ADHD. He grew up in a environment that increased the chances of developing antisocial disorder and then did develop the disorder. He showed many symptoms of biological abnormalities. However, somehow he willed himself to change his outlook and began taking the initiative to heal himself. Through these attempts he has been successful at obtaining normalcy. I have learned that some brains have the capacity to heal themselves, but I still do not know what determines which brains make a conscious and unconscious effort to help themselves. This suggests that personal choice has a significant influence on one's ability to correct personality disorders. Along with psychosocial and medical help, these chances can only increase.

The further implications of the brain's ability to overcome genetic and environmental predispositions to disorders are much more important than the scope of this paper. This ability reinforces the idea that even though brain is behavior, brain is also uniquely powerful and creative. The man with antisocial personality disorder had a brain with the ability to overcome all it was accustomed to, in order to help itself adapt and survive.



1) "ADHD" , ADHD comorbidity with conduct and antisocial personality disorder
2) "Antecedents of Personality Disorders in Young Adults.", symptoms of personality disorders
3) "Treatment.", Different treatments for personality disorders
4) " Reworking Antisocial Personality Disorder.", biological characteristics of antisocial personality disorder
5) "The Neurobiology of Stress and Emotions.", hormone contributors to antisocial personality
6) "CSF 5-HIAA and Family History of Antisocial Personality Disorder in Newborns", article concerning the connection between serotonin and antisocial disorders
7) "Family Functioning and Peer Affiliation in Children of Fathers With Antisocial Personality Disorder and Substance Dependence: Associations With Problem Behaviors.", environmental factors related to the development of antipersonality disorders
8) " Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders.", characteristics of antisocial personality disorder
9) Serendip Website, I-function



Comments made prior to 2007

I liked reading about the thought that people with antisocail disorder can be helped in some way. My child has this problem and I was told that it was lost cause in someways to help him at all to be able to funtion in the world as he grew older. Thanks for the reading ... Jenny, 8 April 2006



I found your form to be very helpful. I see many of the symptoms in myself and have been diagnosed with APD in the past. I have not been on medication, but I am very withdrawn, I cant understand other peoples viewpoints, its hard for me to express how I feel, I dont care what other people think about me, and I'm so tired of being scared all the time. I do so many things so I wont have to be scared, I lift weights, I box, I dont even talk to anybody. I'm tired of this, and I want to be better. Can somebody please help me? ... Kevin Wright, 12 May 2006



I agree with genetic predisposition. I also believe that serotonin and thyroid, study in Sweden, play a role in antisocial. I have loved-ones, family, who suffer with this. I am about to research more indepth. Thyroid precipitates metabolism. The norepinephrine (adrenaline) is low, and the serotonin is low as well? That sounds very feasible, although adrenaline and serotonin could be imbalanced without the adrenaline being too high. There are so many ways to go with this. Please study study study. This is pervasive in society. Needs to be eradicated or at least some of symptoms allevaited to end suffering of those who cannot help the way their hormones/nerrotransmission goes. sry so sloppy ... Reader on the web, 17 February 2007


Serendip Visitor Barbara's picture

I wonder what personality

I wonder what personality disorder you were diagnosed with? You only mention ADHD, which is a neurological difference, but it isn't a personality disorder.
I think it's important to remember that EVERYONE is different - perhaps if you had counseling about your feelings you would be happier in the world.
You sound as if you have a strong conscience, which means you DON'T have ASPD. Therefore, you should not refer the post you replied to to yourself, as it isn't about someone remotely like you. The husband referred to isn't empathetic at all - not even enough to love his mother. That's the nature of ASPD.
Once again, find someone to talk to about your feelings - it's sad you felt so bad about the post, but it wasn't related to you or your situation.

Peace at last's picture

I'm with you. I have peace

I'm with you. I have peace finally now that the APD spouse found someone else to torture.

Serendip Visitor Brigitte Jones's picture

Quick comment on anti-depressants for psychopaths

Given Antidepressants:The psychopath may feel marginally better in enacting his desired psychopathic penchants and totally loose any shreds of consideration for consequences, feeling his peak levels of confidence and arrogance.
No Antidepressants:The psychopath tends to include some positive behaviours for longer bits because over his lifetime he has seen the responses and losses of people pushed too often and too far with insufficient interspersed rewards depart in disgust with him.Without anti depressants a psychopath can feel some hestitation over a loss when uncertain of replacing it. In needing to gage this it keeps them a touch more in the reality of general society. Brief periods of being pleasant can even be restful for the psychopath. Because psychopaths do more negative actions in ratio to seemingly positive ones and already think they are entitled, it is even more critical to have those fragments of pleasantness and normalacy to maximise the time the psycho can sustain connections of normal society. It benefits their wellbeing. This fast forward effect of antidepressants means their arrogant aspects go at full throttle. This results in engendering major complaints by partners and others. These then fuel the psycho's anger and paranoia. Whenever my ex psycho took antidepressants it was much more clear how he had to go. He became an ultra confident in himself, though increasingly paranoid about me and a few others. He also became a very greedy, crazy, ruthless pig. Additionally his physically violent proclivities were re emerging towards me.

Serendip Visitor Brigitte Jones's picture

Congratulations on Your Understanding & Actions

Karen you have come to a real understanding about these freaks.One ends up on a twisted and convulated journey to get to this degree of understanding. I've personally been on the same type of trip and it's taken 2 intervention orders (last one granted for 2yrs), a proven theft charge on him, security cameras & my super ethical brilliant son to get rid of him completely despite no contact for 2yrs on my part. They are twisted evil damaging players and should be exiled. They can't get better, just worse. The psychopaths with a touch of rational insight to contain some of their most risky proclivities are motivated by protecting themselves, not others.They avoid coupled relationships since the proximity of intimate relationships, their expectations only would bring out all their worst potential. So those we never really deal with. I too, can't get over how psychopaths are just so over the top, that no one who finally gets to know them can really tell others. It makes the teller seem sick crazy and obsessed if you disclose more than a couple of points. Excluding criminal justice, forensic psychs and a few other advanced mental health staff, most others do not have any idea of personality disorders, psychopathic disordered persons and their completely untreatable state. Unlike some other incurable conditions there isn't even living around it. As soon as psychopath discovers you can ignore or tolerate by lowering expectations over any area of their behaviours they'll escalate, making sure now you won't be able to. Eventually it's obvious the only option is to EXIT, have NO CONTACT AT ALL- only your lawyers or law enforcement where needed. They are the only avenue where directives or agreements can or will count. You already know how they lie and twist things. Where possible tell him nothing and have him be struck where necessary by "fait accompli" on all areas of dividing property, kids etc.,. Though make sure they are ethical and reasonably justified by your cicumstances.Where it comes to your children you might avoid him having access by proving his conduct is emotionally abusive and only once he has treatment for his bipolar depression symptoms, irritably manic, limited insight, is when access can be looked at. That puts him on hold-forever- as privately you know psychopaths are incurable. Court wise if ever his psychological state is relevant the earlier description is safer though you can add that his condition with his lacking insight made it liker dealing with a some one viewed as psychopathic. I've mentioned this as it seems your kids don't want him either. I've felt sorry for women having the ex psycho partially there due to access for the kids. I can't understand how if a woman leaves an abuser,then is encouraged to have no further contact with such a sicko that it's seen as constructive for the kids. Just because he was the sperm donator? These men make a mockery of the term "father".I don't see a psychopathic person as less dangerous to children- mostly psychologically abusive- than a pedophile over a lengthy period of time. I wish you well. It will be interesting if he lets you go without trying to re enter and control you once he realises you really don't want him in any way or will be back ever again.My ex pscho of 9 years was at least post divorcing my sons father, an overall normal person impaired by a few unresolved issues in important areas.
Do not ever show him any emotion-aside rage that can't be witnessed or recorded. Never let him know if he is getting to you by any scurilous legal actions or requests. You can let him hear you say in court if you fear for your life or safety or his conduct is causing you uneccessary distress if getting an order to stop him doing such. My ex had reached wanting to kill me since I wouldn't resume complying to intimidation and lower level threats. He won't now as he can't without getting caught and the price too high for him. Though if I set up forms of publicly humiliating ex psycho and used footage from my security camera where he looks stupid putting it on You Tube, my son has no doubt he would kill me or at least burn down my house regardless of his legal consequences.This scenario would give ex psycho so much joy in "justifiable provocation"(needed to explain to his kids why he's getting incarcerated),adrenalin of vengance attack on me,followed by police chases, heaps of attention by court hearings as he loves having his name called out, free legal aid at last as crimes so serious, plus more calling out his name getting processed for remand and jail. I don't intend to ever make him so happy, hence despite him having a pompous side I've skipped pricking his balloon.
This latter point isn't relevant to divorce, but a reminder of how one needs to remain aware of the warped reward systems that can exist in psychopaths and what minimal factors act as constraints. This is so anything you need to do that could involve them has you question what might they react like, what would detter them from attacking you for it or what may escalate their attack, what would they think they are loosing and what rewards are in it for their penchants.You need to keep your lawyer, yourself or others from assuming they are anything like the rest of society.And even then they will surprise you with some unanticipated responses.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Yet here you are

Just reading the comments you made regarding so called freaks when you were responding to Karen, who coincidently made the same comment.......Just because the two of you couldn't or didn't have the ability to hold your family together it doesn't mean you have to project your prejudice and narcissitic views upon the world.

As evident by the lengthly ramble you have written perhaps it is, as the old adage suggests, he who protests the loudest is the one trying to provide cover for themselves.

Perhaps an assessment is needed for yourself.

brigitte's picture

response to a confused reply on narcissits

You obviously don't get the differences between different conditions. Many mental illnesses and disabilities have the potential to be treated. Most with those conditions don't lack a capacity for empathy or intend to hurt others. At worst, when overwhelmed by personal pain, the capacity to cope with multiple demands drops and can be limited for a period as to what that ill person can share with others. Karen and I were referring to personality disorders of the malignant type of the psychopathic spectrum. These include antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder as well as the psychopathic personaliy disorder. These people are not usually consistently ever mentally ill, but freaks, aliens and maliciously destructive towards others, especially in closer relationships. That's their nature and their personality You can't hold a family together with such a person-they have never been in any relationship with any one in the family, just interactions. Remaining with them would destroy what still remains of the family. Seperately, sometimes an ordinary partner with unresolved issues may need to be divorced and even appreciate the space to resolve their issues. This type can still be contacted and sustain constructive relationships with their children.Personality disorders of the psychopathic spectrum need to be cut off. I suggest you familiarise yourself with the different types of conditions and disorders a lot more to better judge those deserving compassion and those who don't . Is there any chance you have such a personality disorder? You did just project labelling another as narcisstic.

Serendip Visitor Brigitte Jones's picture

An Excellent Reflection

No can be cured of this disorder, but those from a reasonable background and intelligence can teach themselves to keep a proportion of behaviours in check. Clearly some behaviours of antisocial PD risk being disadvantageous in the long run. People can learn to behave in set ways regardless of the feelings they have or don't have. I'm glad to hear your comment as I believe there are far more people with all the core features and proclivities of antisocial PD who do keep themselves in check and silent about their personal awareness of such.Your fixed friend isnot fixed as he is outright lying. One can only consider trusting the statement of claiming awareness of having the disorder and working on behaviours being kept in check. The more conciously the behaviours are worked on the stronger will they stand against stressful events in life. Those with personality disorders are just like anyone else when hit by stresses to sucumb to their frailties potentially emerging.I hope you can continue to hold on to that self awareness and insight and thus minimize the impact of this condition.

Serendip Visitor Brigitte Jones's picture

A sorry misleading premature essay

You have completely missed the details regarding different conditions. There are many correlational that can be made. Sociopathic personality disorders lack the capacity for empathy-as adults- and be mindful full adult brain development takes up to 25 yrs. They are not truly impulsive, but later studies have found they will carry out acts in areas they crave pleasure regardless of what the consequences will be, rather they can be fixated. ADHD persons lack looking at consequences, if thety consider them they won't usually do that action resulting in recognisable detrimental consequences then. Aspergers are not impulsive in poor behaviours around others, they just don't understand it's off. ADHD persons have a great capacity for empathy if brought up supportatively. Psycopathic disorders are driven by a sense of entitlement and from a need to violate others to remain in control. A fair proportion get pleasure out of hurting others. Overall they lack much other capacity to feel.ADHD persons generally do have strong capacity for feelings.Any insensitivity to others is result of their distractability. They miss and notice all kinds of things, out of time to others. Aspbergers persons are restricted in their range of feelings and capacity for empathy. They also can get fixated. They genuinly are limited and often frustrated by their limited tune in potential to the rest of the world. Psychopaths have enough ability to mimic certain interpersonal skills, unhampered by any authentic concience. It takes deeper analysis to recognise their superficiality. Poor Asbergers struggle to memorize appropriate responses and are poor at initiating interactions. Younger untreated ADHD persons are partly flawed in their interpersonal skills by being readily distracted, competing factors for focused attention can have them miss or fail to act on others interpersonal cues at times.While Aspergers persons are rather in a world of their own, it's not from feeling superior, just cognitive impairments. They and those with ADHD have no asumptions of being entitled, nor have any desire for malevolence or need to control others. Their forms of seeming self centered at times are akin to the selfishness like the causes of younger childrens occuring from immaturity. Conduct disorders are often a young persons responses to stresses and depression. They can also be a sign of emerging psycopathy, a lack of a capacity to be socialised. You do each disorder a great injustice when you make mistakes in where different conditions seem to overlap. Furthermore you facilitate misleading many decent folk struggling with their family members conditions. It appears that you are unable to evaluate research findings even if you did expand your horizons. You need to cover one condition in rigarous depth to start with to avoid your superficial errors or even start to broach the more complex areas of comorbidities. I've kept my response actually over simplistic, but needed to to make some key points. While there are overlapping symptoms, their reasons are due to different brain structures being impacted on. People can have runny stools due to a whole range of areas along the gastric system being disrupted by a whole range of causative factors. Remember this, as I doubt you'd dare write on gaestroentological diseases with as much presumption.

Katie's picture


I have a brother who I believe has ASPD. He fits every single characteristic. The reason I am researching this info. is b/c I need help for myself & I am not necessarly doing it for him. We have the same mother but diff. fathers. My brother is 34 now & began getting into trouble w/ the law at the age of 15. He was just released from prison (for theft) in Oct. It is now Feb. & he has landed himself back in jail, & is facing a 4th degree felony (for theft of prescription drugs). He has been an addict since he was around 13. I could write a book a/b the awful things he has done & I have nightmares that he molested me as a young girl (however, I have no proof). I care a lot for him & have desperately tried to help him my entire life but it is the same thing over & over. Same lies, stories, manipulation, guilt trips, yadayadayada. I have come to the determination that he doesn't love me (he doesn't love anyone) & know that I need to completely cut ties w/ him. How do I do that? That is what I need help do I not communicate with him ever again. I mean, is that the right thing to do? I don't think I can deal with the pain anymore. I really hope someone has some advice!!!!!!

Jean Visitor's picture

Brother with ASPD

I've been in the same situation as you and I felt that I had no choice but to completely cut off my brothers because of the pain and suffering that I experienced from our contacts. I'm 54 and moved far away from home when I graduated from college so I've had limited contact with my two siblings who are both male. My Dad was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and I realized my Mom was very co-dependent so there were major issues growing up. About 3 years ago I realized that one of my brothers had ASPD and he moved back in with his wife to my mom's home and stold everything from her. He threatened to kill me if I visited because I would disrupt his situation. He was diagnosed with Conduct Disorder as a child. My other brother was diagnosed with Bi-Polar - the type with mostly depression but I realize that he exhibits the symptoms of ASPD. He is very intelligent but has been in and out of jail the past 3 years because of alcohol, drugs, damaging property, violation of his restraining orders, etc. I was his last contact who tried to help him but even at that, he blamed me for things like his being in jail because I didn't pay his attorney, etc. I felt that I was on an emotional rollercoaster so I've cut ties with him also. I understand the struggle that you are going through - I've found that my life is peaceful and I can cope without having to deal with the pain from worrying about him. I really don't see that there is even a remote possibility that my brothers will every comphrend their own actions and they certainly are not able to love anyone because they are emotionally incapable. Each of them have one son with whom I have limited access because of my brothers. I hope that some day they will understand but I have no choice and I have no other living family - just my friends and strong connection with my church. I think that you are doing the best thing for your own sanity. Best wishes. Jean

Serendip Visitor Brigitte Jones's picture

Act On It-No Contact

You have described a horrendous journey. It does take time to reach the understanding you have now.

You have no sane, safe or any other responsible choice to do anything but fully cut all ties and all contactwith him permanently. That is if you are worthy of any self respect and that of others or even truly care for any others in your life. Do seek some counselling for repair to yourself from the injuries he's caused you and to make sure you become wise enough to never be involved with any one else with any of the psychopathic spectrum disorders and you don't inadvertantly teach any children you may have to be a victim of such. If you won't do that then look in the mirror and acknowledge you are one who will KNOWINGLY collude with evil and perpetuate the evil such do.

Syed Hasnain Sohail's picture

Personality Disorder

i have a strange feeling everytime tht overcomes my ability to negotiate with daily life routines. i feel like being dragged away from my goal i feel scared and ashamed whether someone knows abt my thinking and wat they r thinking abt me. i dont have any therapist i just need a cure i m suffering from mental personality disorder due to my personality being shy from childhood i think the right way but can't same to put things on the right direction i haven't met any psychologist but i know i need some proper pills can u plz help me out

Serendip Visitor's picture

anti-social pd

to mitch,
surely that's what it's all about? In so far as it's all degrees in life.
I'm sure occasionally he does "lapse", it is not stated whether he has achieved an intimate relationship, just relationships, therefore maybe he is still working towards that and at the moment is still at the friendship stage of his growth in this area.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that it all takes time and work and patient and perserverence.....
But this is our one life so we try

Anonymous's picture

antisocial personality disorder cluster B

I have a 31 year old daughter who was diagnosed with ADD as a pre teen. She was put on Ritilyn (sp) and refused to take it after awhile. She has every classic symptom of the cluster B disorder, so I won't state them but we as her parents have supported her financially to this point due to the fact she cannot keep employed. She is in total denial that she has any problems...she considers us the ones who are ill. How do we convince her to get help. After all my research about this mental disorder..I would consider her case quite severe but she at this point is not a danger to society, just her self. And where would we find the best place for us to get help???
Mental Health Clinic, Psch, ????

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hello, I was doing some reading on the net and came across your posting. I am in the same boat and what is interesting is tha it is my 31 year old daughter who has a severe case of ASPD (normally if a person meets 3 out of 7 can be diagnosed as a person with aspd but she meets all of them) My husband and I are so depressed to the point it is hard for us to function and we cannot deal with our daughter. In fact we are not talking to her, it has been over 1 year. She has a daughter last year and she is doing so many out of norm things that bother us soooooo much. I wonder if you have found any 'cure' for this condition.

Karen Black

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hello Karen, when I read your posting, I thought maybe my husband wrote it. The only difference is that my daughter is 32. The rest is exactly the same. 7 out of 7 she met. I for 31 years tried to cure her with all of my energy and time and cried a million times. Many friends told me to pretend like I did not have that child but I would not give up. Last year a psy friend showed me 2 papers and they changed my life because suddenly there is a name for my daughter's condition. I used to think she was just a bad kid. Ever since those 2 papers(about ASPD) I came to accept that there is nothing I can do. Anyway we don't have any relationship with her for the last 2 years and we have never seen the granddaughter. We are ok with the situation. If you would like to communicate with me, my email is

Rachel Brown

Deanne's picture

How can I find a therapist for my child with this disorder?

I have a 13 year-old son who has many of the symptoms of anti-social personality disorder in addition to bipolar disorder. The medication that he takes for BP does not improve his anti-social behavior. His father was diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder in the Ukraine early on in life (by age 12) and was never able to overcome it, so my son has a clear genetic predisposition toward this disorder. My question is; how can I find a QUALIFIED therapist to address the issues that my son's behavior causes? We have seen family therapists, but they don't seem to grasp the seriousness of the situation. How can I find a therapist who specifically deals with anti-social personality disorder?
Thank you,

Jillian's picture

Try Mayo Clinic in Rochester,

Try Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. They are probably your best bet if you really cannot find someone to help you.

Mitch's picture

overcoming anitsocial personality

I was curious about the friend who has become "healed" of "Antisocial Personality.
I wonder if he still has many of the tendencies, but can keep it in check, to some degree?
I wonder if in private, and with the right social triggers, or associations, if the Antisocial tendencies come out?
Additionally, Is it possible to have the disorder, however, was never abused as a child, and never diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant, or Conduct Disorder?
I have many of the symptoms as an adult, however, I was never aggressive, bullied, or committed crimes.
I have many of the other symptoms.

Serendip Visitor's picture

When I am outside, I try to

When I am outside, I try to ignore everybody until I get a chance to remove myself from society. When I am alone, that is when all of the anger comes out. That is when the violent nature comes out. All of this doesn't seem to effectively help, except for in avoiding infliction on others.
Then there are moments of stability that are only swept away from me not much later than I realize that they are there.
I am not sure if this scenario is even obscurely related to anti-social personality disorder, but it does leave me feeling very empty and dispositions me awkwardly with societal norms to the point of anger and rage. Perhaps I am just too self-aware in the wrong areas and lacking awareness in others.