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Science and Public Responsibility
The Need for a Science Code of Conduct?
These evolving materials are provided to encourage continuing and new thought about science and its role in culture and, in particular, about the possible need of both scientists and others to clarify the ethical responsibilities inherent in scientific research. Your thoughts are welcome in the on-line forum area below.
Had I stood firm the scientists could have developed something like the doctor's Hippocratic Oath, a vow to use their knowledge exclusively for mankind's benefit. As things are, the best that can be hoped for is a race of inventive dwarfs who can be hired for any purpose
.... Bertold Brecht, Galileo, Scene 14 |
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Is science made up of "a race of inventive dwarfs who can be hired for any purpose"?
Should scientists pay more attention to and accept more responsibility for the impacts of their work? Should scientists and others more clearly distinguish among work done for the sake of knowledge, work done for the benefit of humanity, and work done for commercial gain? Should there be some kind of ethical code of conduct for science? |
"Perhaps the oldest and most persistently problematic ethical ambiguity in contemporary views of science relates to the question of the degree of responsibility that scientists have for the social consequences of their activities. Conceiving of science as the pursuit of "Truth", or of short-term human well-being, permits scientists a posture either of moral and ethical "neutrality" or of assumed virtue neither carefully thought through nor genuinely earned."
A Vision of Science (and Science Education) in the 21st Century |
- On the use of animals in research - Senior Seminar in Neural and Behavioral Science, 18 March 2008
- The Hippocratic oath
- Hippocratic oath for scientists - general
- A Hippocratic oath for scientists - editorial, Joseph Rotblat
- Universal code of ethics for scientists - England
- Scientists get their own Hippocratic oath - Canadian graduate students, 30 March 2009
- Science and public responsibility, Paul Grobstein's blog, Dec 2007
In the News (see also Supplement)
- Pentagon to consult academics on security, NYTimes, 18 June 2008
- Survey: scientific misconduct underreported, NPR, 18 June 2008
- I'm the Designer. My Clients the Autocrat. NYTimes, 22 June 2008.
- Purdue, citing research misconduct, punishes scientist, NYTimes, 27 August 2008
- Top psychiatrist didn't report drug makers pay, NYTimes, 3 October 2008
- Diagnosis: Greed, NYTimes, 9 October 2008
- The crumbling ivory tower, NYTimes, 24 February 2009
- Harvard medical school in ethics quandry, 2 March, 2009
- Advances elusive in the drive to cure cancer, NYTimes, 23 April 2009
- Do scientists compete unethically?, NYTimes, 12 May 2009
- Discredited research study stuns an ex-Army doctors colleagues, 5 June 2009
- Head case: can psychiatry be a science?, 1 March 2010
- Scientists taking steps to defend work on climate, 2 March 2010
- Darwin foes add warming to targets, 3 March 2010
First posted by Rebecca Pisciotta and Paul Grobstein, 21 March 2008
Galileo and the 9/11 Affair
Do scientists have the right to say NOTHING?
What does Galileo have to do with September 11th, 2001?
Ever heard of the square cube law? Galileo figured that out. It has something to do with skyscrapers. It should be obvious that the bottom portion of a skyscraper must support more weight than the upper portion. You do not want to try to build a 100 story skyscraper and get to the 80th floor and say, "Uh oh, we didn't put enough steel in the basement!" Very bad form. Figuring out the cross sectional area of the steel neccessary to support the weight of all of the three dimensional volume of steel and concrete above has something to do with that hero of science.
But how is it that the nation that put men on the Moon 38 years after completing the Empire State Building has spent 13 years not telling us the tons of steel and tons of concrete on every level of a couple of skyscrapers supposedly destroyed by aircraft impacts and fires?
But then how is it that so many "scientists" and "engineers" have spent the same amount of time not asking?
Is must be annoying to know that science does not care about the careers of scientists.
Responsibility of the Scientists
The scientist may well be reminded that his attitude as regards the atomic-energy-for-peace, if he recommends it, is at present most unscientific. His own established facts in this respect negate his attitude, and his hopes in future protective discoveries in the field of atomic energy are most illusive and may not be materialized either at all or in time. To push over therefore this mankind in the atomic hell in the hope of one day finding protection against the radiations, and cure for radiation sickness is just like causing someone to drink deadly potion in the hope of discovering someday some effective antidote. There could not be a wrong greater ever done to mankind. Who more than the scientist himself knows the tricky, sub-atomic and beyond man's reach nature of the subject of atomic energy. What expectations then he has in this respect in near future. It is the most friendly, most timely and most sincere counsel to those scientists who today counsel that the adoption of atomic-energy-for-peace in the present state of the subject is safe. If the scientists shun the possibility of one day being called the ugly monsters who dragged the world into the atomic hell, and being sought as the cruel murderers not only of mankind but all life on earth by the misery-ridden mankind in the atomic age, then let them pause and ponder over the problem. And if they find a shared of truth in our warning then let them not grudge condescension to a suppliant in the name of humanity. If, however, they will defy the warning, then men have in the past defied the warnings and have met their doom. There happens to be nothing anew in it. But the misfortune is that the doom of whole mankind is mingled with that of the scientist and the fate of this world now is staked on his serenity. The situation demands moral courage and fortitude on the part of him on whose head lies at present the responsibility of the entire world. If he defies this warning he simply defies it by defying the basic tenets and the express dictates of science itself whose mouthpiece and spokesman he happens to be in the world today.
Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel
Adara Afqar e Gabriel QA Street Nawababad Wah Cantt Distt Rawalpindi
So since I missed the first class, I will base this off the current discussion.
I was pretty excited when I saw this first topic and the comments above because only a few weeks before school started I got into a conversation about religion and science with two non-science major friends. As a biology major I surprised them by saying that our scientific system is not sufficient to accomplish many of the things we believe and hope it is capable of.
There are so many scientific breakthroughs that have permeated throughout society, their repercussions can be seen in every American home, but mostly people are slow to accept change and if they ever relished the convenience of some new technology it is soon forgotten.
On the other hand, I feel a large group of people that are part of social organizations (not just religious) by having more defined goals and ethical codes are more aware of its (the organization's) impact in their every day life, and perhaps more grateful and active. (not to say there isn't a lot of apathy within these social groups)
I think there might be several identifiable groups or goals, such as commercial, knowledge for knowledge, and progression, and each group might have their own set of ethics. As Ladd argues, there is no set of special ethics for professionals, but creating an explicit code to live by that non-professionals can relate to could be a way of unifying the common goal and giving more power behind the science.
Why do we need a code of ethics?
(p. 35).”
Scientists are humans first, and scientists second.
Here is a summary of various ideas that were percolating in my mind, which I was unable to adequately articulate at the time. To answer the question alluding to Galileo, I would say that in our complex society full of complex individuals whose moral priorities vary, many are indeed “inventive dwarfs who can be hired for any purpose." Science as a practice does not have any intrinsic morality. Many scientific endeavors are morals-neutral, and begin as an investigation of individual’s compelling curiosity, barren of any moral purpose. However, sometimes the discoveries to these scientific investigations can lead to significant moral impact. In such cases, it is the impact of these discoveries and inventions on humanity that leads to science being infected with moral dilemmas. We as human beings do have moral obligations to one another, and in any profession, whether it is architecture, medicine, or science, we must consider the impact that our work have on others. Although science is morals-neutral, we are not. We do not accommodate science by changing who we should be; we practice science within the parameters of our humanity, because we are humans first and scientists second. So the question that should be asked is not whether scientists should assume responsibility for the impacts of their work, but whether individuals as human beings should assume responsibility for their work, regardless of their profession.
Ideological and cultural component of disease
In my opinion, Trinh's comment, "scientific endeavors...begin as an investigation of individual's compelling curiosity, barren of any moral purpose" summarizes our discussion on Tuesday. Specifically, in relation to disease, a diagnosis is often loaded with political, economical, and cultural factors. To name a disease requires negotiation between doctors, that are influenced by their medical training, and pharmaceutical companies, that invest for profit. Also, the social diagnosis of a disease may change over time depending on current stigmas.
who takes responsibility for the story?
Imagine a world where there is no demarcation between art and science… There are only stories: stories about nature, stories about humanity, stories about stories. The stories are summaries of observations and summaries of summaries; it is stories all the way down. Everyone shares stories. This raises the question of who has the right to which stories? Does the author have a privileged access to the material? Do the author’s intentions determine the interpretation of the story? If so, then all authors, including scientists, have a great responsibility with respect to the information they share with society. People would be bound to consider the impact of their work and take responsibility for it. They might want to announce their motives as for humanity, knowledge, or profit. These concerns rest on the assumption that an author can/should influence the interpretation of their text, a general problem of interpretation. If rejected, then the text must determine its own interpretations and is autonomous upon publication. Autonomy, intentionality, and interpretation are intertwined.
From a NY Times article, The
From a NY Times article, The Moral Instinct, “Science amoralizes the world by seeking to understand phenomena rather than pass judgment on them.”
Week 1
Many scientists are skeptical of non-scientists and non-scientists are skeptical of scientists. An interesting application of this statement is Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), a German poet, playwright, and theater director. Brecht was a devoted Marxist and used theater as an opportunity to pass on his political ideas.
The play Life of Galileo not only expressed his anti-capitalist theory, but also attacked the scientific community. In scene 14, Brecht wrote of scientists, “the best that can be hoped for is a race of inventive dwarfs who can be hired for any purpose.” This line criticized capitalism because, like scientists, lawyers, soldiers, and other professions are paid to do a job they might believe is unethical. A lawyer might defend a person that is without a doubt guilty, or a soldier might be sent to a foreign country to fight an unpopular war. Unfortunately, in a market economy, most jobs have supervisors and to make a living workers have to follow company policies.
With the world in recession, it is difficult to imagine an economy where people turned down job offers based on conflicting ethical views. I live in Michigan, where the unemployment rate is over 15%. Most people in my state want to make enough money for their mortgage and food expenses beyond that thinking of their jobs, as “a race of inventive dwarfs” would be unappreciative of their employment.
Science code of behavior: cancer
Apropos of a senior seminar discussion of these issues yesterday, and particularly the conversation about cancer research, see For profit, industry seeks cancer drugs in today's NYTimes. Its the most recent in a relevant series of articles on the Forty Years War.
Re science and morality
Interesting conversation yesterday with a group of undergraduate summer research students, against a background of contemporary conflicts of interest, 1960's concerns about science/militarism, and Brecht's portrayal of the 1600's Galileo. Substantial skepticism about whether individuals could, given economic/educational pressures, actually act in relation to a moral code for scientists, and about whether it was possible to write one that would get widespread agreement. On the other hand, some useful suggestions about what it might contain ...
Some ideas of my own ...
As a professional scientist, I commit myself to working towards enhancing the potentials of not only myself and those with whom I am associated but of all human beings and of life itself, present and future. Of necessity, I will be skeptical of all existing understandings, including my own, and encourage a similar productive skepticism in others.
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