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Putting it together

I often kid that I am turning into my students. I know that I have learned many things this week but I'm afraid that I will forget them. I plan to use my blog to help me find my way back to Bryn Mawr when September comes.
Notes from Day 1- For me the most exciting aspect of the first day was Google Earth.I now know that I can download it free at school. If I have problem with access all I have to do is ask my tech person to give me access. I plan to use this tool early in September when I do my Sand Identification lab. I will tell the students where I got each container of sand. I will give them a little description of that place, like rocky beach,shelly beach,etc. They will examine the different types of sand and with their group they can virtually visit each location and then predict where each container of sand originated.
National Geographic also has a wonderful web site. I will use this link National Geographic Map Machine so that when my seventh graders research the diffferent animal phyla they can pick one animal from this site to include in their presentation.
A good web site to begin the study of biomes is this Interactive Biomes Mapping . When I investigated this site I discovered that they had a wonderful project that I could use in my classrooom. This would be a great research project and I can work with the tech person in September to do this.
Sand on the Web
In an attempt to add some pictures to my blog I found a great web site on sand.The site is
It is a fun place to visit. You hit on different places and a picture of sand and a description of its location comes up. You can zoom in to get a good look at the individual particles of sand.