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Welcome Parkway and Bryn Mawr students! Get excited to work together for the duration of this semester! Your first post for this semester is to write about your hopes for our shared learning for this semester. If you have been part of this partnership before- please let us know.
Group H charnelle
i think that school's shouldnt track thier students. The reason i say this is because that makes the students think that they are not good enough to be in the higher classes. also makes some students drop out.
I reposted your comment under
I reposted your comment under the "School Colors discussion" thread so that it could be found easily. I responded to it there.
PW- BMC Groups!
These groups will remain the same for the duration of the semester. I have them labeled as group A, B, C etc. If you want to change your group name submit suggestions with the Subject/title being your initial group name and then the body being your new suggestion. Example: Subject- Group A, Body- 76ers. Whenever you see a post with the subject as your group name, you must respond to that post. This will remain the same during the semester. I will be checking in on each groups' replies to make sure that everyone is particiapting.
Group A: Alice Fischer BMC, Kelsey Harris BMC, Brady Jones PW, Michael Montgomery PW
Group B: Ambrosia Johnson BMC, Rachel Kutten BMC, Stephon Sessoms PW, Asia White PW
Group C: Brenna Healy BMC, Sonia Giebel HC, William McAden PW, Britney Palmer PW
Group D: Christine Calderon BMC, Grace Loudon BMC, Sharock Griffin PW, Travon Williams PW
Group E: Emma Rosenblum BMC, William Garrett HC, Jasmine Brown PW, Zaneera Wilson PW
Group F: Eva Sarma BMC, Jess Garner BMC, Kelly Klot PW, Angel Pavrette PW
Group G: Ellen Vari BMC, Roldine Richard BMC, Charnice McClain PW, Dairian Smith PW
Group H: Raminta Holden BMC, Farrah Khan BMC, Tracey Hinnant PW, Sereanna Hughes PW, Quadriah Lindsey PW
Group I: Lindsey Darvin BMC, Hannah Davis HC, Emani Outterbridge PW, Charnelle Suber PW
Group J: Sarah Lovegren BMC, Yecica Urena BMC, Kyndall Phillips PW, Laniesha Love PW
Im looking forward to meeting
Im looking forward to meeting and working with new people. I hope to build bonds and relationships with other individuals as we learn together. I'm excited to learn and discover issues concerning these wonderful topics that we will both be studying!
Hopes for this class
I'm looking forward to interacting with and exchanging experiences with Parkway students about their experiences in education-- fromt the structure of their classroom and curriculum to the achievement gap and education reform. I'm also looking forward to the connections we can make from the things we address in class and Parkway students' experience. I hope that the insight I will gain from our relationship with Parkway will increase my understanding of tracking, etc.
Hopes for this semester
This semester, I hope to engage with the students of Parkway West in rich discussions of education, and how issues of race and class tie into it. I hope to discuss issues involving the achievement gap and the effectiveness of achievement ideologies. I also hope to understand multiple perspectives of educational reform and public education in the United States — an issue which, with upcoming elections next fall, is of much current importance. As someone who hopes to someday teach, I think it's important to understand what educational practices work, which ones don't, and why.
This semester
This should be very interesting for us being parkway west students as well as the bryn mawr students. It's a new experience that was created to help us make decisions based on different view points and enjoy learning in a new and unique way. Hopefully all of us as students can come together nicely to bring us to an understanding. i'm excited to see how it goes.
Hopes for this semester to
Hopes for this semester to make first honors or second honors and too improve my attendance so my application when i apply to colleges in 12th grade my application will look good
Hopes for the semester
For this semester I am looking forward to working with Parkway West again. I am rather intrigued by diabloging and can't wait for this communication to begin. I hope to get a better understanding of what other students think about the topics we will be discussing. I hope that we will learn from each other in order to move forward with our relationship with education.
Hopes for the Semester
I hope to build a relationship with the Parkway West High School students.This is my first Praxis course so I am looking forward to communicating with these students via diabloging. I am excited to be able to take the theories we learn in class and apply them to PWHS.
My Hopes
I'm so excited to learn in a different way this semester. Through the blog and visiting Parkway West, I'm hoping to gain a new perspective on the way education works, learning from students who may see things differently. I'm also excited to take what we learn in class- facts and theories- and apply them to real life. Does Parkway West fit the theoires we have read about? Is it an exception?
Hopes for the semester...
My hopes for the semester are to create a strong bond with the students at Parkway West and to exchange perspectives with them in hopes of each group benifiting equally. I'm excited to be apart of this Praxis course, as I have never gotten to experience this before. I hope everyone gets really involved and we have some really great discussions this semester!
My Hopes
I'm hoping that from this class and the partnership with Parkway West I'll be able to get different vantage on the movies and theories that we will be learning. I've never taken a Praxis class before and I'm excited to see how the relationship works. I also hope to see what the lives of students who attend an urban school differ from my personal experience at a suburban school.
Hopes for this Semester
My hopes for this semester are to learn more about the education system through discussions with my fellow bi-co and Parkway West classmates. I'm particularly looking forward to taking part in the debates about test and tracking. It will be interesting to see how our various educational backgrounds inform what we currently think about these topics.
Educational experience spans
Educational experience spans - and simultaneously unites and divides - different groups, so I'm looking forward to seeing how Bryn Mawr/Haverford students' experiences and perspectives mesh (or don't mesh) with Parkway students'. Further, the educational academy is a schooling format that I have little knowledge nor experience with, so this interaction is guaranteed to be illuminating; it's always helpful to have see another vantage point when it comes to a subject as charged and current as the educational system. Finally, I'm excited to be a part of such a symbiotic relationship and look forward to meeting the Parkway West students!
Hopes for this semester
During this semester I am hoping that this shared learning experience between the Parkway West students and Bryn Mawr students will be a very open and insightful one. Having graduated from high school about four years ago I do feel slightly disconnected from the educational experiences of this age group and am anxious to reconnect and interact with a school that is different from the one I attended. It also interests me greatly that this is an education-focused high school and as my mother has been a teacher in a New Jersey public school for the past 20 years, I am excited to see if the Parkway West students have the same passion for education that runs through my family.
Hopes for this Semester
I hope to experience learning in a different setting and format. I am curious to learn the possible differences in our educational pursuits and learning experiences. I am excited to be sharing our potentially different views and debating some of the more relevant issues in today's education system.
Hopes for the semester
There seems to be a general sense that the education system has some problems, but beyond that answers can be difficult to find. Through this partnership with Parkway West, I hope we can collectively examine different facets of American education from many different perspectives so we can get a better idea of what exactly the strong and weak points are. From there, we can delve deeper to understand these problems better and perhaps even touch on ways to improve them. Perhaps some of us will even be inspired to take part in America's education by becoming teachers and the like. But I think it's mainly important that we take advantage of the diversity of experiences with education we have in this group.
The upcoming semester
During the partnership with Parkway West HS this semester, I would like to learn about how Parkway West is structured and the students' thoughts on this structure. I also look forward to having the chance to connect theory to practice outside of our classroom. I think that the debates that occur farther along in the semester will be interesting to engage in and im excited to hear about everyone's thoughts on the topics we will be discussing.
Hopes for the semester
I have not been to Parkway West HS before and would like to understand the classroom dynamics, expectations, goals, and teaching styles more closely. I'm excited about meeting and gaining insight on the learning experiences from the students in the classroom we'll be observing and working with in order to make connections to the theory we've learned in class.
Hopes for Improved Learning Skills
I am a student at Parkway and am doing well in school. However, I don't think that I'm learning to the best of my potential. Knew skills can benefit me in my learning environment. Getting all of the important information in a certain amount of time will be great. Some skills such as, focusing, keeping all the ideas in mind, physical activities, and many others. I would be glad to have learned a few pointers from the students at Bryn Mawr.
i would talk about memories by SHOWING THEM PICTURES ABOUT TIMES I HAD WITH MY FAMILY and when it's time to leave i wuld have memories because i showed them about the good times me and my family had..
Hopes to Improve Grades
My goal is to improve my grades this semester i am trying to have all A's and B's on my next to report cards, and I will also like to improve my attendance with no lateness or absences.
They said write about goals & expectations. I only see goals, what you don't expect nothing from this class. & why are your goals always the same. Every year you got the same goals.
My hopes is to gain interest in different (&) dissimilar things that we are exchanging with each other.
Hopes for the Semester
To be able to experience how the college students at Byrnmawr feel about education , due to how us high school students at Parkway West feel about education .
My expectation for this semester is to feed off the information that the college students will be giving me and to learn from what they say so that i can further/gain my knowledge on sociology.
hopes for partnership
hello, Im Brandee. Im a pretty good student, an im a very creative child. I look forward to meeting the bryn mawr students that we are working with
Im happy to be apart of ths
Im happy to be apart of ths class.
I am too . Cant wait to
I am too . Cant wait to Debate with college students .
Hopes for this Semester
My hopes for this semester are to develop a stronger relationship with Parkway West High School, because I am a junior and I have never been there! I want to see how my environment and the other students’ environment influence our views on society and our future goals. I am also looking forward to the debate about testing the high school students will have later in the semester because I believe it is an important issue to dissect, especially to those of us who have taken or will take standardized tests. Finally, I hope to apply what I learn in class at Bryn Mawr to my experiences at Parkway West and vice versa.
Hopes for Shared Learning
During this semester, I hope to apply what I am learning in the classroom at Bryn Mawr to a classroom at Parkway. I hope to gain insights from other students outside of the Bryn Mawr community (and the collegiate education system) on how specific aspects of education work and how they apply to some students and not to others. I hope that the insight I gain will permit me to better understand tracking and testing and issues surrounding it beyond the perspective that I have coming from my high school.