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The nature of our entangled relationships; can we actually form a right relationship?

I had attempted to create a video paper for this webevent but I encountered a couple of technical difficulties that 1. did not allow me to be a little more creative and 2. made the audio and the visual not match up perfectly. (YouTube...)
But I wanted to include my actual point in case the video wasn't clear. The right relationship that I had tried to build was the relationship surrounding the reproductive health bill. Through my lesson plans, I had the intention to working within the social context of the Philippines (or as I sometimes refer to it, the motherland) to improve sex education and thus, help alleviate the large population growth, lack of resources as well as educate the youth about sex in general. My point (or you could even say the thesis of this paper) is that although I am very connected and "entangled", through my roots, I still find it difficult to be considered as an insider because I still diffract the issues through the lens of someone who has been educated and who grew up in another country. Thus, I question whether or not I really have the right to be giving advice in the first place.
Sorry if it was difficult to watch or follow! I wasn't really so sure about how to fix that problem...
Thanks for the comment!
Hi Anne,
Okay, the reason for creating a webpaper (outside of the fact that I am interested in looking at how this format will evolve) is that I wanted to present my associative way of thinking. I'm still thinking a lot about what it means to have a sound mind - after the barometer exercise earlier on in the semester - and I wanted to see whether I could still be coherent. However, I'm starting to realize that it isn't as versatile as the traditional academic paper which leads me to ask the question: if we don't have a new form of media that does what traditional academic papers (although limited) then is it really possible to replace them?
I also have thought about the paper in more depth and applied these concepts to my final paper. By looking at the outsider/insider binary, I've failed to acknowledge the other entanglements that are in place. Each action does lead to effects far removed by the original 'do-er'. I've also reconsidered Butler's idea of grieving and who we should grieve - I won't say too much in this post as I have inserted a section on this in my paper.
entangling inside and out
I appreciate your attempt to create a video paper; I agree that it's not totally successful, on several technical dimensions, but it actually put me in mind of Sir Ken Robinson's wonderful animated production of Changing Education Paradigms. The question I would ask is: why this form? What might it get you (if it worked better than it does) that a more conventional paper form doesn't? Compare media, you comparative media major wanna-be!
I'll also be eager to talk, when you come in for your conference tomorrow, about the ways in which notions of entanglement intersect w/ (interrogate? problematize?) the notions of inside and outside. Judy Butler said in her last lecture that "media makes suffering @ a distance proximate, and the proximate far away," that "bonds are wrought through this reversibility," that the "social structure of the body means that it is invariably seen from elsewhere," that (this is Hegel in the digital age) "what happens here happens there, is registered in several elsewheres." I guess what I'm saying, by ventriloquizing her, is that your binary of insider/outsider needn't be the structure w/in which you are working, and that it may actually be limiting your thinking about this project....