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Never Wanderlusting...

sarahj's picture

Original First Paragraph

I’ve never been very good at wandering or walking without any sort of plan.  Hence the reason a planned to circle the campus out edges and then explore its inner parts.  Of course, like with any sort of plan, it inevitably changed. I began my walk after brunch, around noontime, heading down Erdman Driveway.  In this part of campus, the boundaries were very clear, usually marked by sidewalks or beautifully trimmed bushes.  After deciding that these boundaries were easily identified, I turned my attention toward my surroundings, marveling at the clear sky with perfect clouds and reading license plates.  Eventually my gaze fell upon this little white house right beside the Admissions parking lot.  Here began my true saunter and my plan began to fade away.  I was able to identify the building as the site of Human Resources and continued through the parking lot to take a look at the next never-before-seen sight.  After learning that the gate to Admissions was adorned with lanterns given to the college by the Alumnae Association to celebrate past, present and future Mawrters, I turned the corner onto Yarrow Street and was met with a yet another gateway that presented me with a little bit of a conundrum.


Never wanderlusting.  Coursing west under high sun, bounded by controled, fighting foliage, underfooting concrete.  Awing at surroundings; floating cloads, license plates, small white house.  Off-coursing north and identifying; reading "Human Resources". Off-coursing intending to course. Noticing gate lanterns celebrating Mawrters.  Coursing northwest noticing gateway.



rachelr's picture

Going with it

I was impressed with your rheomodic re-write in class and I am again here. When I read it I can say "Yes! I get it!" even though I may still be struggling with it myself. I especially like your "underfooting" and "off-coursing"- here the experience is greater than the action or the subject because, well, there is no "subject" in the traditional sense.