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Time-delayed reflections on Tues Jan 31 class

I unfortunately was not able to make it to last Tuesday’s rich discussion but would like to share my thoughts on Cassie Kosarek’s work. I thought that she created an interesting space on her “English thesis wanderings” blog where she presents her thesis preparation and which will culminate into her final thesis. It seems as if the burden behind thesis work and preparation is slightly lightened by the blog; it seems to be a more enjoyable journey into her final thesis presentation. Not all blog posts are cut from the English-thesis-proposal expectations or so I believe, but Cassie’s one post “So, Margaret Price and Judith Butler Walk into a Bar”, which is a virtual dialogue between the two theorists, was an original way to have her thesis work become a creative experiment.
I thought that this interestingly tied to what Kathleen Fitzpatrick describes to be the “remix” culture that is created from digital networks. Scholarly remixing allow for works to come together and form new interrelationships.
“Today, in the current system of print-based scholarship, this work takes the form of reviews, essays, articles, editions; tomorrow, as new mechanisms allow, these texts might be multimodal remixes, mashing up theories and texts to produce compelling new ideas.”-Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Planned Obsolescence, from originality to remix
The multiple modes available in the digital platform allow for an interesting remix of ideas and a mash-up of theories as Cassie gives proof of in her post. It was an interesting way to allow “compelling new ideas” to come about as she sparked some virtual conversation between Margaret Price and Judith Butler. I doubt that this type of work might be a result of conventional or of the writing-on-print type and it’s interesting how this digital platform allows for a creative space to emerge for her thesis work.
"comfort" in own writing
Thank you ckosarek for considering my reflections to your blog.
When saying "I am much more comfortable with my own writing ", do you also refer to your perspective/thoughts being more at comfort as well? Do you feel that the blog releases some of the constraints on your ideas that might have come about in the conventional academic essay? It might be obvious that writing (whatever combination of words and sentences you present and ) are indistinguishable from your thought/mind perspective (the ideas that are conveyed in your writing) but I'm not sure if it is for me.
I just want to address an
I just want to address an observation that sterrab made about my online work that didn't come up in the class I attended. I think in our academic conversation about writing online and self-publishing, we ignored some of the (perhaps) less important implications writing online has for the authors. Sterrab is so right when she says blogging about my thesis has made the work lighter and more enjoyable. One of the reasons I am so drawn to blogging is because I am less intimated by the format. I think after years of setting up one-inch margins and double-spacing and writing in Times New Roman font, I have come to associate strictly academic and "serious" writing with a prescriptive format - and that's scary. I am much more comfortable with my own writing when I break traditional prescriptiveness and publish in a form that is generally associated with less serious matters.