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Journal 5 Post

My journal group and I had come up with the following that teachers should remember to use in their classrooms,
- Initiate a common ground in learning abilities for students.
- Encourage and support a student’s self-progress.
- Encourage student teaching/peers helping one another with the material.
- Acknowledge students for good behavior.
For the first bullet presented, my group and I had discussed the importance on making students feel comfortable. For instance, one of my peers had mentioned how there was a second grader at her praxis site who had refused to read a term that the rest of his peers couldn’t read either and instead had put his head face down on his desk. It was clear that the student had felt uncomfortable by refusing to read and its possible that he most likely felt frustrated because maybe some of the other students were able to read that term but he couldn’t. In order to prevent students from feeling uncomfortable and frustrated our group thought it would be great if teachers could create an atmosphere where the students know that everyone will be learning and going through the same thing, thus initiating a common ground for everyone.
I'm not saying that this is a definite list that teachers should keep in mind when educating their students, this is just what my journal group and I had come up with and believe that this could help give students a more positive educational experince.
Outside the Classroom
A portion of Rose’s fourth chapter particularly resonates with me. He describes how some of his out-of-classroom experiences informed his academics. During his job cleaning and repairing the building in which he lived, he would come across random personal items that had been discarded or lost. These items would remind him of poetry: “I would hold the earring or the scarf or the page of someone’s diary, and familiar longings and distant lyrics and musical cadences would reify into an image at the center of a poem” (74). This reaction to everyday features reminded me of my experiences during the fall semester of 2011, when I was taking Jody’s English Learners in the US course. We were required to keep a journal for our field notes, and whatever other outside notes we found relevant. Although some of my observances were stretched pretty far to relate to the subject matter at hand, many of my notes were very thought-provoking and meaningful to me.
While listening to my music outside of class, sometimes I would hear a lyric that stuck out as describing or illuminating a certain concept in class. I particularly enjoyed noticing these musical nuances because music is such a huge part of my life, and it was special to understand an educational concept through the lens of a lyric of a song that I love. I would also go visit my former high, middle, and elementary schools, and discovered many illuminating examples of the ideas that we covered in class. For example, in class we would discuss the concept of Standard English as being the normalized and mandated language used in schools; then in my former middle school’s library I saw posters that emphasized this point.
Great connection -- text to
Great connection -- text to life to lyrics!
Its amazing how after talking
Its amazing how after talking about something in class it seems to pop up everywhere you look. Do you remember any of these lyrics off hand that reminded you so much of class discussion? I would love to hear one. I just started my field placement this past Monday and after only one sessions I'm picking up on things that I don't think I would have noticed in the past. The class I am in is promoting plural literacy in some overt ways (such as reading a novel that has a lot of Spanish vocabular) however still mainting the dominant discrouse of power and enforcing Standard English all of the time.
I'm interested in how you
I'm interested in how you continue noticing the promotion of both pluraliteracy and dominant disource in the class. I suspect this is almost always the case -- a mashup of sorts -- and I wonder whether finding the gaps between is a good strategy for reaching learners as individuals.