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Sample Kindergarten Schedules

I googled "kindergarten daily schedule". Here is a summary of the amount of free play time in the first ten full day schedule results. Note that while all the schedules had some recess time, the majority of the results have no in class free play time. Full schedules are shown below.
Recess 1 | Recess 2 | In class free play | Total | |
15 | 15 | 0 | 30 | |
30 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
30 | 30 | 45 | 105 | |
40 | 0 | 0 | 40 | |
30 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
15 | 15 | 30 | 60 | |
20 | 15 | 0 | 35 | |
30 | 0 | 0 | 30 | |
20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | |
60 | 0 | 0 | 60 | |
Average | 29 minutes | 7.5 minutes | 7.5 minutes | 44 minutes |
7:55 to 8:20 Math tubs (manipulatives) and small group math lessons
8:20 to 8:35 Class meeting/restroom and drinks
8:35 to 8:55 Math board/calendar
8:55 to 9:10 Whole class math lesson
9:10 to 9:20 Predictable chart
9:20 to 9:50 Shared reading (big books/poem and song charts)
9:50 to 10:15 Learning Centers
10:15 to 10:30 Morning recess
10:30 to 10:55 Learning Centers continue
10:55 to 11:10 Alphabet/phonics lesson and paper
11:10 to 11:40 Writing workshop (journals)
11:40 to 12:20 Lunch and recess
12:20 to 1:10 Special classes (music, counseling, pe, art or computers)
1:10 to 1:45 Nap/rest time
1:45 to 2:00 Afternoon recess
2:00 to 2:15 Picture and word chart
2:15 to 3:00 Theme related activities integrating science and/or social studies.
3:00 to 3:10 Show and Tell and get ready to go home
Free Play: Two 15 minute recesses --> 30 minutes recess
7:55 Table Games
8:15 Math/Calendar( I use the Math Their Way Activities for this)
8:35 Math Tubs and Math Groups
9:20 Daily Message Board
9:35 Shared Reading
10:30 Lunch
11:00 Recess
11:30 Quiet time
11:45 Language Arts Lessons
12:20 Theme time
1:30 Clean-up
1:45 Snack time/quiet time
2:05 Picture/Chart Lesson
2:20 Journal time and daily reflections of our adventures of the day.
2:40 Review from today and prepare for tomorrow.
2:50 Dismissal
Free Play: 30 minutes of recess
8:30 Class Starts - daily jobs
8:45 Meet on the rug for Opening Activities
9:00 Shared Reading
9:30 Recess
10:00 Workshops (4 rotating small groups
11:00 McMillan/McGraw District Reading Series
11:15 Free Reading Time
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Recess
12:30 Short rest time
12:45 Whole Group Activity:
1:15 Journals
1:30 worktime (or choice time): The students choose the centers they want to work in.
2:15 Cleanup, and meet on rug for recall of the day.
2:30 Silent reading or group game
2:50 Dismissal
Free Play: Two 30 minute recesses and 45 minutes choice time
8:00 - 8:30 Bellwork and calendar time
8:30 - 8:45 Music and Movement
8:45 - 9:15 Building Blocks (name of the day)
9:15 - 10:20 Reading
10:30 - 11:00 Lunch
11:00 - 11:30 Math
11:30 - 12:20 Centers
12:00 - 12:40 Recess
12:55 - 1:45 Special class (music, art, pe, computers, etc)
2:00 - 2:30 Science/Social Studies/Theme time
2:30 Dismiss
Free Play: Recess 40 minutes
9:00-9:40 Calendar
9:40-10:20 Specials: gym, art, music, library
10:30-11 lunch
11-11:30 recess
11:30-12:10 story on the week's theme
12:10-12:50 story-related activity (could be science, social studies, math)
12:50-1:15 silent independent reading (yes, even the nonreaders)
1:15-2:05 centers
2:10-2:30 snack
2:30-2:45 story, homework introduction, dismissal
Free Play: Recess 30 minutes
8:10 – 8:30 attendance, lunch count, table activities, bathroom
8:30 – 9:00 morning meeting, calendar activities
9:00 – 9:30 bathroom, snack, recess
9:30 – 11:00 language arts, science, social studies block
11:00 – 11:35 lunch, recess
11:35 – 12:00 bathroom, quiet time/ rest
12:00 – 12:30 cooperative play centers
12:30 – 12:34 bathroom
12:34 – 1:32 specials (PE, music, library, art, counselor and library)
1:32 – 1:40 bathroom
1:40 – 2:20 math
2:20 – 2:40 wrap up / closing circle
2:42 dismissal
Free Play: Two 15 minutes recess, 30 minutes play centers
8:05-8:30 Arrival / Journals
8:30-9:00 Opening - Calendar / Pledges / Author Study / Read Aloud
9:00-9:30 Letter Study / Word Study
9:30-9:45 Phonemic Awareness / Alphabet Jingle
9:45-10:45 Literacy Support Block
10:45-11:05 Recess
11:05-11:50 Unit / Vocabulary / Big Book / ESL Strategies
11:50-12:30 Lunch / Recess
12:30-1:00 Math
1:00-1:15 Star of the Week
1:15-1:50 Specials
1:50-2:40 Snack Time / Centers / Journals / Letter Study / Handwriting
2:40-2:55 Recess
2:55-3:05 Dismissal
Play time: 20 minutes recess, 15 minutes recess --> 35 minutes recess total
8:00-8:30 Arrival
8:30-9:30 Calendar & Math
9:30-10:00 Snack
10:00-11:00 Language Arts
11:00-11:15 Story
11:20-11:50 Recess
11:50-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Quiet Time
1:00-2:00 Centers
2:00-2:20 Snack
2:20-2:50 Specials
2:50-3:00 Clean up and get ready for home
Play time: recess 30 minutes
8:30 Arrival
8:45 BTV
9:00 Morning Circle
9:30 Phonics
9:40 D.E.A.R.
9:55 Specials
10:35 Snack
10:40 Social Studies
11:00 Work Stations
12:00 Clean Up
12:12 Lunch
12:40 Bathroom Break
12:45 Read aloud
1:00 Math
1:30 Guided writing
1:45 Recess
2:05 D.E.A.R.
2:20 - Prepare for Dismissal
2:30 Dismissal
Play time: 20 minutes recess
7:45 Classroom opens - Intro. Activities
8:05 Circle Time 1 (Large Group)
8:35 Literacy / Math Centers / Reading Groups
9:35 Circle Time 2 (Large Group)
10:15 Free Centers / Story Dictation/Snack
11:05 Clean Up
11:15 Story Time
11:40 Wash Up / Lunch Preparation
11:50 Lunch Time
12:30 Recess - Outside Physical Activity
1:30 Quiet Time / Rest Period / Independent Reading
2:15 Rest time ends -- put mats away, transition
2:30 Music / Science / Computer / Gymnastics
3:00 Story Dramatizations
3:20 Sharing / Daily Review
3:25 Afternoon Snack -- Kindergarten Class Ends
Play Time: 60 minutes recess
Schedule for Kindergarten.
Hi there
I am a Kindergarten teacher in an International School in Bucharest, Romania and I am looking at some possible ideas for our curriculum schedule for the next school year, specifically in the area of Specials in the afternoons.
We already do P.E, Art, Library, Science, Social Studies,Sensory Play and freeplay but I noticed that you also have down Computers and Book Boxes on your schedule and I was wondering if you follow a set curriculum for these areas of the curriculum?
Please could you advise me by replying to the email provided.
Many Thanks
Cath O'Shea (Miss)
Recess essential to kids learning?
Great post! I was researching kids and recess and how it relates to learning. I feel like if kids are not given enough time to play and run around, then they do not learn as well because they get bored and antsy. It is a great debate on how much is enough, but I am sure different people have different opinions on it. My kids are a lot more focused at school when they do have play time.