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Invasive Foliage and Wanderlust

‘Foliage’ from Oxford English Dictionary Online
Etymology: The English word foliage is an altered form foillage, which comes from the French words fueillage and foillage which in turn stem from the French feuille leaf. It comes from “foil”, meaning “leaf od a plant” and from the suffix “-age”, which forms “nouns denoting something belonging or functionally related to what is denoted by the first element (and sometimes denoting the whole of a functional apparatus collectively), as leafage n., luggage n., roomage n., signage n., vaultage n., etc.”
It has the following meanings:
Foliage n.
- The leaves (of a plant or tree) collectively; leafage (1601)
1a. In Art: The representation of leaves, etc. used for decoration or ornament (1598)
1b. A representation of a cluster of leaves, sprays, or branches (1699)
It has several compounds:
A1. Foliage-border n. (1891)
A2. Foliage-stem n. (1884)
A3. Foliage-trimming n. (1818)
B1. foliage-bound adj. (1805)
- Foliage crop n. (1831)
- Foliage leaf n.(1872)
- A leaf in the restricted sense of the word, excluding petals and other modified leaves
- Foliage plant n.(1862)
- One cultivated for its foliage and not for its blossom
<>. Sept. 15, 2012.
Foliage v.
trans. To adorn with foliage or with a representation of leaves and flowers. (1836)
<>. Sept. 15, 2012
‘Foliage’ from Urban Dictionary (online)
- The hair present around a womens [sic] vagina, often well kept, clean and attractive to be worthy of the term "foliage".... the antithesis of a jungle which implies a gross and untamed pussy.
- Unnecessary items purchased to provide a distraction from an embarrassing, much needed, item. The embarrassing item will be placed, casually, underneath or behind the foliage item(s) in the hopes that the cashier won't notice what one is actually buying.
- The flower to be give [sic] that tests a couple's love.
Ex. Man, I gave her foliage instead of roses and yet she stayed with me that's love...
- The word used to express when two people, who most think are in love, flirt.
- Boobs
- Marijuana. For use when you don't want people to knwo what you're talking about.
<>. Sept. 15, 2012.
‘Foliage’ from
Foliage n.
- the leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage.
- leaves in general.
- the representation of leaves, flowers, and branches in painting, architectural ornament, etc.
1400–50; late Middle English foilage < Middle French fueillage, foillage, derivative of feuille leaf; influenced by Latin folium folium. See foil2 , -age
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‘Foliage’ from the World English Dictionary
Foliage n.
- the green leaves of a plant
- sprays of leaves used for decoration
- an ornamental leaflike design
[C15: from Old French fuellage , from fuelle leaf; influenced in form by Latin folium ]
<>. Sept. 15, 2012.
‘Invasive’ from the Oxford English Dictionary (online)
Etymology: Comes from the French word invasif, used in the 15th and 16th century. Also in medieval Latin: invāsīv-us.
It has the following definitions:
Invasive adj.
- Of, pertaining to, or fo the nature of, invasion or attack; offensive. (1520)
- A. Characterized by or addicted to invasion; invading. (1597)
2b. transf. and fig. (~1763
2c. Pathol. Of, exhibiting, or characterized by invasiveness. (1926)
- Trending to intrude upon the domain or to infringe the rights of another; intrusive, encroaching. (1670)
Draft additions December 2003
Of a plant : tending to spread prolifically or uncontrollably; encroaching upon or replacing other vegetation. (1928)
Draft additions December 2005
Med. Designating a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure in which the skin is broken, or an instrument is introduced into a body cavity. (1972)
Draft Additions December 2005
In’vasively adv. In an invasive manner. (1889)
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‘Invasive’ from Urban Dictionary (online)
Invasive adj.: Capable of causing great or traumatic harm to another’s ego
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‘Invasive’ from the Middle English Dictionary
Invasif adj. Of weapons: offensive (1447-8)
<>. Sept. 15, 2012
‘Wanderlust’ from the Oxford English Dictionary (online)
Etymology: German
Wanderlust n. An eager desire or fondness for wandering or travelling. (1902)
Derivatives: wanderluster n. (1927) and wanderlusting adv. (1936)
<>. Sept. 15, 2012.
‘Wanderlust’ from Urban Dictionary (online)
Wanderlust n.
1a. A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.
1b. Strong longing for or impulse toward wandering
- The irresistible and overwhelming feeling to join nature, fresh air and high mountains by hiking or climbing
- One of the best shows to ever grace Comedy Central. Focusing on a German Traveller going around the world, the character Gehard Reinke would make fun of locals, get into some trouble of his own, and even experience some of the naitive's [sic] traditions. Best of all, he would often get a theme at the beginning of the show (Example: Pee Shyness or tracking down Big Foot), and would turn his vacation upside down.
- The first track off the debut album, Faded Seaside Glamour by the fantastic Southampton band, Delays
“Wanderlust” lyrics:
Can you
Hear that knocking in your soul
No, you don't listen
Can you hear that knocking
No, you don't listen
Never see the high beyond the low
No wonder, you lay
Do you share the rush to be alone
Come over, we'll go missing
<>. Sept. 15, 2012.
‘Wanderlust’ from
Wanderlust n. a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
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‘Wanderlust’ from the World English Dictionary
Wanderlust n. a great desire to travel and rove about
[German, literally: wander desire]
<>. Sept. 15, 2012.
Wanderlust! What a wonderful
Wanderlust! What a wonderful word to use as a key for this semester! It works so well, especially your Urban Dictionary definition describing a desire to become one with nature. That desire seems to be something that will ignite as we go through the semester making our observations at our chosen outdoor sites. Perhaps this feeling is what a lot of us will write about in our observation posts? I think you hit upon a very useful word, a word that many people relate to in environmental studies. @Sarah Shaw That is also a very important thought, that what are we invading/hurting in the process of trying to become one with nature? If we are so destructive, are we meant to ever become one with the natural environment? Or is this destructive tendency part of the cycle of our, using rachelr's keyword, coexistence within the environment? Is it a necessary and therefore natural part of our relationship? What parts are natural and which aren't is also something we will probably explore this semester. Along with another question I've had as well: Do humans not count as part of the environment? Or are we just meant to play observer, or controller? @krysg @Sarah Shaw
Invasive Species? YES
This post is wonderful and so is your comment, Rachel. This has me thinking back to our conversations on wandering in nature, and the implications of such actions: what are you killing while you're having your spiritual awakening?
This quote specifies "of a plant", but humans fit that description perfectly. Funny how we write ourselves out of our own rules. Oh, and that first part of the quote is SUCH a dead ringer for humans (and erhm the whole story of how the United States came to be..) that I don't even know what to say about it.
Invasive, me?
I am very interested in "invasive" as a guide word here. It's something that didn't cross my mind when thinking about these keywords. I especially liked the definition, " invasion or attack; offensive." Being on the offensive, or having possession, is a new way for me to think about plants. Invasive is how we have labeled them- would they label us in the same way?