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Notes 4/25

Notes 4/25
Werner Herzog quotation:
· Understanding between people
· Responses imply some ‘dark corners’ are necessary
Supports Chorost: increased exposure to the ‘dark corners’ is a negative aspect of increased internet communication
Chorost on privacy:
· Strong antivirus software/computer security allows more control over what information is shared but it can never be blocked completely.
· How distinct is the individual if they can never stop communicating? How genuine is the ‘individual’
Sadie on Tron:
· Issue with programs being considered less intelligent/inferior to the humans or udders.
· Too many clear cut categories and hierarchical structures are formed and cause conflict.
· Does breaking boundaries equate to not having descriptive categories at all? Or is it:
To remove negative connotations of categories?
Consider them all the same essentially but with variation?
Anda’s Game:
Gamer experiences/purposes: Experience success, social aspect online, independent playing, entertainment, boredom, sometimes need to pay, sometimes pay by choice
Economic effects:
· According to the author, ‘Property rights’ are added to games.
· ‘Gold farmers’ trade real money for virtual products
· ‘Commodifying play’
· Brings race/nationality/class into the virtual world where it is assumed they are absent
In Anda’s Game, does defending the working players solve any problems?
· It keeps them in their job, and keeps the industry going
· The story is cautionary against this kind of activity
Literary analysis: BFG as Big Friendly Gun compared to Big Friendly Giant?
Jacqueline and Marina
· Information transmission: the human brain makes sense of random data automatically
· Poem generator: with words from the course edited in
· Did we subcounciously interpret what was random? Was it random?
Apo and Sadie
· Play: Response team for Japanese tsunami on Skype.
· Anticipated the natural sciences would be most important, but distribution of information also proved significant.
· Coversation between characters: Information librarian / Psychologist and sociologist / Life scientist / Humanitarian
· Backs facing: brought closer with technology but still distant/not seeing each other in terms of physical space and opinions
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