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Class Notes Wednesday 3-16

- Re-evaluate how resources are being spent (socially)—ex: $$$$’s spent on 88 year old for surgery—great choice personally. Socially, maybe not so much
- What would Haraway say about nature/nature always wins? (Japan)
- Focus on pages 331-352 in Barad ch. 7.
- What is feminist science studies?
o Intersection of fields/disciplines
§ Sociology
§ Gender/Women’s studies
§ Sciences
· Mostly focused on biology
· Want there to be feminism in all the sciences
- Pipeline problem
- Why aren’t there many women in this field!? “women in science”
- Women critiquing science: “women and science”
- Restructure science
- Advice for people in gender studies: remove the boundaries btw/ science and humanities… People in gender studies would be learning more about science, teach cross-listed classes, relationships with science professors. Don’t critique science without knowing what it is
- No women in science, no science in women’s studies. If you want it, then integrate them in both ways
- This class: feels less feminist now because we’re looking at gender less.
- Roughgarden – feminist science studies!
- Is this class too…separated? More boundary blending for this class to work in the way Banu stresses?
- We seem to be doing about half of what she suggested to do
- Think more about scientific practices
- We use the actual mechanisms and vehicles, but maybe we should do some experiments together
- Barad – particle physicist
o Ethics
o Focus on justice
o Socially just world
- Close reader is important for interacting with the text
- One on one interaction with the text
- Not your own reactions
- Pairs: what observations does Barad make of Frayn’s play? In other words, what does she pay attention to?
o Difference between characters and the interactions of the people in real life
o How they each defended themselves
o Bohr was more sure of himself
o The way that Margrethe interacted with each of them—partial to her husband (obviously)
o Repetitions of lines or actions in the play
o “If you’re doing something you have to concentrate on you can’t also be thinking about doing it, and if you’re thinking about doing it then you can’t actually be doing it” – Margrethe
- Quads:
o Use Bohr’s theory more?
§ Instead of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
o Took analogy too far and didn’t do it carefully enough
- Eights: What is the argument of her essay?
o “…there is a reciprocal or complementary relationship between thinking about something and knowing your intentions”
o Quantum physics displayed in their human interactions
o You can’t know your own motive until you’ve seen someone else… uncertainty
o Could have used more science to structure itself
o Complementarity
- Groups of 14: What’s the purpose/outcome of the critique?
o Rewriting it wouldn’t have solved all the problems
o Confusing ontology and epistemology led into … if we look into quantum/science alone, it won’t answer questions of philosophy.
o You don’t fully understand it. Individual can’t fully know themselves—need to know self based on world around you…
o Physics can’t be bootstrapped into giving a full account of the social world
- Whole class: What’s the payoff?
o Be aware of the edges of your analogies
o Comparing roots of knowledge to roots of science
o Heisenberg – uncertainty principle
§ No one can know their own intentions—we have to know this through other people
o What’s the creative thing that happens after the critique?
o Foster communication and dialogue between other fields: HOW?
- Monday: What’s the specific contribution that she’s making?
Notes 3/16
Notes for 3/16
- Re-evaluation of how resources are being spent -> should we be making decisions differently in some social issues?
- Re: situation in Japan --> Does nature always really win? What would Haraway say?
- For the three open class slots: Look through list by Friday and respond
- Music
-->about 1/2 or a little more of us play an instrument
--> only one of us performs music
--> a little less than half of us performs music
- Subramanium
What is this field? A field of intersections between women in science and feminism in science
What are the fields that intersect? feminist studies, science (historically focused on biology, but hoping that we move on from this), sociology, gender studies, anthropology
What did it used to do? looked at women working in the science field, asked why there is an absence of women in science
Where did it go? looks at women AND science rather than women IN science; a critique of the structure and culture of science
Where is it going? Participation of more fields; restructure what science is. Move from critique to creation, imagines a better kind of science. The boundaries btw humanities and sciences must be removed. Gender studies scholars must start learning more about science-->there was no science in gender studies and this needs to be changed in the future.
Do you place this course as an example of feminist science studies?
-->Lately, we have been looking less at feminism. At the beginning, we did talk about breaking down boundaries, which is a big goal of feminism
--> Brings science to the humanities. We aren't doing fieldwork, but our texts are science-based. It may be a more feminist science class if we practiced science.
-->Very much motivated by the desire for a just world
--> What is close reading?
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