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A Footprint

Here is what I focused on (sound, sight, thoughts) this damp, misty morning. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet." Writing or speaking a word too many times can make it look or sound strange- wrong. What is in a name?
I'm not sure... maybe if things weren't all named we wouldn't do what Le Guin warns about in her story where the trees are called trees, even though they might be something else. Naming is comforting- I get frustrated when I can't find the words to describe something, but then again sometimes there just aren't the words, or the words aren't enough. Maybe if we can't name something it is more special, because it makes each person's experience more unique and less influenced by others.
photographs - problems of representing
This makes me think of taking pictures during a party - you want to fully experience the party, but also document/represent what you are experiencing so you can look back, remember. Is it possible to do both at the same time? Maybe the act of naming/photographing/categorizing detracts from our ability to participate - it a statement that something is 'other than' myself, a way to create distance. So I guess I'm agreeing with your final statement - that leaving something undocumented makes it more unique.
This is a neat way to
This is a neat way to represent your site. It's a vivid reminder of how present humans are in "nature." Do you think that if everything we saw wasn't named (every plant, animal, etc.) it would make the world more special, or less so?