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This Week's Work: Feb. 7th – Feb. 14th

Hummingbird's picture

Friday (Feb. 7th):

Double Econ class (arrive at 9am). Bring your binoculars.
Lunch at Haffner with Sophia from 12-1pm. Come if you can! 

Sunday (Feb. 9th): 

ECON: (By 3am Mon) Complete the Choice and Opportunity Cost problem set in Sapling Learning

EDUC: (By 5 pm) Please post a response to one or both of the chapters in Urban Wildscapes, addressing the question of how these readings inform/expand/raise questions about your understanding of learning environmentally, or learning in relation to the environment.
TAG these posts Education, please, and take a few minutes to read each other's posts; and remember that commenting in response to someone's post is a legitimate way to post.

ENGL: (By 5pm) post on-line a paragraph on your evolving reflections about "placelessness" and "porousness."
Let's try to make these postings themselves "porous"--that is, open to others, rather than "bounded" or "stand-alone." In other words, let's aim to make our forms of writing reflect our theories about how the world works.

Monday (Feb. 10th):

ECON: (For Class) In Sapling Learning, read Taylor, Ch. 2, pp. 15-18 and 26-33 
If so inclined, you might think about how to draw a budget line or a production possibility frontier in your word processor, spreadsheet or drawing program.

EDUC: (For Class) Read Edensor et. al and Mugford, Urban Wildscapes, chaps. 4 & 5 (password-protected file)

ENGL: (For Class) Ursula LeGuin, Vaster than Empires, and More Slow. The Wind's Twelve Quarters: 
Short Stories. 
 New York: Harper and Row, 1975. 148-178. 

Tuesday (Feb. 11th):

ECON: (By 3am Wed) Complete the Voluntary Exchange problem set in Sapling Learning

Wednesday (Feb. 12th):

ECON: (For Class) In Sapling Learning, read Taylor Ch. 3, pp. 39-52; and Taylor Chapter 8 Appendix, pp. 689-696 (It appears as A8 toward the very end of all the Taylor Chapters). 
Think about how you might use indifference curves and PPF diagrams to illustrate an explanation of the gains from trade

EDUC: (For Class) Read Freeman and Tranter, Children and Their Urban Environment, chap. 9; Gardner, Linking Activism, chaps. 1 & 4 (password-protected file). 
Read Bowers, “Steps to the Recovery of Ecological Intelligence”; Mueller, “Educational Reflections on the Ecological Crisis” (password-protected file)

ENGL: (For Class) Paula Gunn Allen, Kochinnenako in Academe: Three Approaches to Interpreting a Keres Indian Tale
The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions
. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986. 222-244.

Friday (Feb. 14th):

ART: (before Trip) Jonathan Rosen. Chapter 2: "Audubon's Parrot" and Chapter 8: "Audubon's Monkey." The Life of 
the Skies: Birding at the End of Nature. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008. 32-44, 109-121.
Christopher Cokinos. Raptor Porn: The Ridiculous Proliferation of the Red-Tail CallSalon. Dec. 27, 2013.

Meet at Pem Arch at 10:00am  for John James Audubon's house @ Mill Grove


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