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Towards Days 16-17 (Mon-Wed, Mar. 24-26): Eco-art (our own and others')

Sunday night, Mar. 23: post your reflections on the stroll to Harriton House.
Day 16: Mon, Mar. 24 Presentation and discussion of creative projects.
We will create a "gallery" of your finished work in DALTON 212A, walk around and
enjoy seeing what each of you has made, then talk together about what our reactions are,
both to what we have made ourselves, and to what we have noticed of what others have made.
Day 17: Wed, Mar. 26 Last three creative projects (by aphorisnt, Lisa and Simona).
Presentation and discussion of selected eco-artists (back in English House II)
(upload your images BEFORE CLASS @ )
You will each have five minutes to project some images of the eco-artist you've selected,
to talk about what they are expressing, how they use process, materials, site, and cultural tradition,
how their ideas relate to ecological issues, how their work changed and developed over time,
and how they speak to you on a personal level. Then we’ll take a couple of minutes for possible
questions, before moving on to the work of the next artist.
Fri, Mar. 28: Field Trip to Wissahickon Valley Park.
Please do some reading ahead of time about the park, focusing
especially on the history, the geology, the dams and statues, and the bridges.
Also check the weather report (currently predicted 60 degrees and raining...)
Two useful interactive workshops @ HC on Sat, Mar 29:
Evalyn Perry's Interactive Workshop on Feminism Today, noon-2 p.m;
Paula Palmer's Workshop, Seeds of Injustice, Roots of Change
[on destruction of indigenous culture], 3-5 Stokes 106, 3-5 p.m.
By 5 p.m. on Sun, Mar. 30, post on-line a one-paragraph reflection on
our trip to Wissahickon Valley Park, highlighting any particular economical,
educational, literary and/or artistic dimensions of the experience that
may occur to you....
By classtime on Monday: read the first, fictional 1/2 of J.M. Coetzee's novella, The Lives of Animals:
"The Philosophers and the Animals" and "The Poets and the Animals," pp. 15-69.