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Non-Fictional Prose

Linking my family to the Lacks family
I’m still thinking about the ways in which it is either problematic or fruitful to consider us through the lens provided by our family members and descendents.

Hopkins Response to "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"
This is my first successful hyperlink, I hope. This article was published in June 2010 as a response to the book "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", and details how Johns Hopkins now deals with tissue culture and provides some background on how physicians and medical researchers navigate patient confidentiality while still pursuing medical research.

The Immortal Life...
As I continue to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I'm amazed at how Skloot seems to come at this story from every possible angle (historical, medical, cultural) and from the perspective of her own journey, Henrietta's and Henrietta's family's. I think that simply the author's fascination with Henrietta and her cells is an interesting story on its is her journey to speak with Henrietta's family members...and even just the cells' medical narrative would make really interesting reading as well. Skloot even portrays Henrietta as a kind of heroine, adding another dimension to the book. I think that this book is an ideal combination of different types of literature.

Notes 11-16-2010
Notes: 11/16/2010
Recap of Path to Paradise
-Limitations of the personal interview as a method for learning
-Individualistic view doesn’t allow interpretation of the larger implications of the work
-Tensions between individual and political
Ckosarek: web papers- images overpower the sustenance of the paper and incorporate different elements that are unrelated to the material

The Truth Compromised
Seeing as I was not sure what genre or sub-genre The Immortal Life of Henrietta fell under. I found that it is considered to be investigative journalism.

Concerns Addressed-Or Everything About Life In a Book
At the beginning of the second half of the semester I was concerned that we may not address some of the important topics that are included in the genre of nonfiction, after reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks I think we should scrap our plans for the rest of the semester and discuss the issues that this book raises. I am very interested in today's class discussion and what we will focus on. Will it be medical ethics, religion, the disparity in medical coverage for rich and poor in this country, or the role that race plays in all of the above topics? I can hardly wait for class...

Henrietta Lacks and the Question of Genre
While reading "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" I wondered if the book was a biography, a work of science journalism, or a historical work investigating structural and overt racism within the medical community. The relationship between Henrietta Lacks, the woman, and the HeLa cells, which were once part of Henrietta Lacks, serves as the emotional and scientific center of the book. The story starts with details about Henrietta Lacks, the woman. Skloot makes an explicit point to write about features of Henrietta's persona that simultaneously mark her as a relatable human subject, a woman we might know, and a specifically racialized, gendered subject in a midcentury Baltimore.

Henrietta Lacks
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is very interesting and very engaging, and like Smacholdt, I too agree that it reads like a fictional novel. Because of that, it raises many questions for me about how Skloot knows so many details that she incorporates throughout the novel. When she is explaining certain stories, she explains them so vividly that it makes me question how does she know THAT many details. Did she ADD things to make the novel more interesting. I feel that she does.

Prose as Experiment
"All writing is experimental . . . It is an attempt to solve a problem, to find a meaning, to discover its own way toward a meaning." - Donald M. Murray
In "Teach Writing as Process, Not Product," Donald Murray stresses that the ideas in a paper are just as important as execution, and that academia too often limits how an idea might be executed in prose. Having written two papers thus far for this class (and with two more to go), I thought it would be a good time to reflect on how well our class has embraced what Murray calls "experimental" in our webpapers.

Accessible Science
I am really enjoying The Immortal Like of Henrietta Lacks mainly because of the style in which it is written. I keep forgetting that I am reading nonfiction because the book reads so much like a novel. I enjoy the combination of science, narrative, and history that Skloot employs to give the reader the context behind Henrietta’s story.

11/11 Notes
-culture is constructed, other cultures seem “WIERD” to us
-children learn by active teaching = “WIERD” ; parents take active role
-teaching keeps you focused on one goal, doesn’t help w/ brain growth
-every book suggests that another book might give us a fuller picture (kgould’s post on the graphic novel Palestine)
-ckosarek: Ofed Grosbar’s “The Drama of the Suicide Terrorist”
western view: internal, personal, we would never die for a collectivist society, “private act”
eastern: collectivist, feel tied to culture
-Americans don’t have a unified culture to protect
-May not be the view from all of the western countries
-individual interviews, anecdotal

Reaction to Path to Paradise
I feel that Path to Paradise was insightful and allowed me to view “terrorists” in a different perspective, but I feel that Anat ‘s commentary that accompanied the interviews directed me to associate the bombers actions in a cause and effect type way. She illustrated the bombers as victims of their environments and circumstances to explain why they became suicide bombers and I do not feel that her depiction is necessarily accurate.

The Path to Paradise: A Work of non-fiction?
Oxford Dictionary defines non-fiction as "prose writing that is based on facts, real events and real people." After I finished reading The Path to Paradise: The Inner World of Suicide Bombers and Their Dispatchers by Anat Berko, I thought about the extend to which this book is a form of non-fictional writing. Berko does interview Palestinian suicide bombers in prisons. She meets with real people and presents to the reader what the suicide bombers said and felt on their way to committing these suicides bombings. She does overgeneralize and make assumptions on some of the things that she thinks. The book is a reflection and a personal narrative of what Berko captured from the testimonies of the suicide bombers.

Smoking warning labels: More effective graphically?
An interesting article I found this morning that relates back to our discussion of imagery vs. text.
“'The use of graphic warnings makes no contribution to the awareness of these risks and serves only to stigmatize smokers and denormalize smoking,” said Anthony Hemsley, a vice president at Commonwealth Brands, the maker of USA Gold cigarettes.

It's all perspective
I think that something that Berko does well is shed another light on the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict. She doesn’t provide many solutions (with the exception of the short paragraph at the end of the conclusion) but she does portray the story from an angle that is unusual for many westerners. I think that we get so stuck in our own opinions and beliefs about this issue that we forget that the opposition also has relevant things to say and ideas which we do not hear on a regular basis.

Collectivism As a Cause for Suicide
I came across an online book on Tripod entitled Suicide Bombers: The Psychological, Religious and Other Imperatives compiled by Mary Sharp. The book has an article in it by Ofed Grosbar called "The Drama of the Suicide Terrorist," which reads:

Anat Berko: As Bruce Bennett said, "All clients' needs and expectations are vastly different"
I found The Path to Paradise to be one of the best books that I have read in a long time. The language used and the writing style made for a read easy on the eyes, although the complexity of the ideas, history, and emotion forced me to take my time with each paragraph. I loved the conversational style mixed in with Berko's own experiences and interpretations, and the combination of the historical and cultural details along with the personal depth that Berko gained in her interviews compelled me to keep reading. Reading The Path to Paradise, I thought that Berko essentially spelled out who she is to us: she is a Jew from Israel who spent hundreds and hundreds of hours interviewing suicide bombers and their dispatchers.