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Check out this talk the Wednesday we are back from Break--"Standpoint Matters: What's Feminist About Gender Archaeology?"

Bryn Mawr College Department of Philosophy
presents a lecture by
Alison Wylie University of Washington
"Standpoint Matters: What's Feminist About Gender Archaeology?"
Professor Alison Wylie, Professor came to Barnard from Washington University in St. Louis where she was affiliated with the Department of Philosophy and the Program in Social Thought and Analysis. She has longstanding interests in philosophical issues that arise in archaeology and in feminist philosophy of science; in both areas she focuses on questions about the status of evidence, ideals of objectivity, and the role of values in science. Thinking from Things: Essays in the Philosophy of Archaeology (2002) presents a cross-section of her work on archaeology. Her feminist analyses of science appear in collections such as Science and Other Cultures (2003), Science, Technology, Medicine: The Difference Feminism Has Made (2001), Primate Encounters (2000), Changing Methods: Feminists Transforming Practice (1995) and Women and Reason (1992). She has also published extensively on equity issues for women, as a contributing editor of Breaking Anonymity: The Chilly Climate for Women Faculty (1995) and of Equity Issues for Women in Archaeology (1994); and on the ethics and politics of archaeology as co-editor of Ethics in American Archaeology (1995/2000) and of Critical Traditions in Contemporary Archaeology (1989/1995).
Thomas Hall 224 4:15 pm Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Refreshments will be served Free and open to the public
corrected time for standpoint matters
PLEASE NOTE CORRECTED TIME: Lecture will be at 7:30.