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tangerines's picture

 Two aspects of this post

 Two aspects of this post really interest me. The first is the issue of the combination of new and old technology. I do a lot of this. I love a lot of different music, but I'm a huge fan of big-band music from the 30s and 40s. This music was recorded using (what we would now consider) extremely primitive technology, yet I listen to it on my laptop computer or on my iPod. This combination (old music, new technology) is the exact opposite of White Town's (new music, old technology) and I'd be very interested to compare the differences and similarities between these combinations of new/old technology.

The other part of your post that I thought was cool was the fact that White Town plays with his perceived gender and sexual orientation. Usually it's only socially acceptable for female artists to do this (in a very performative way - it's okay for Britney or Madonna to kiss a woman onstage as long as we know she's just "experimenting") without explicitly answering these questions for fans.

PS I'm definitely going to check out White Town now :)


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