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epeck's picture

I came into, and left, this

I came into, and left, this class being very concerned with practical application or ideas, and working within existing frameworks.  Since we often discussed very lofty (to me) ideas and goals we had for the educational system, and even society, it was hard for me to see where these ideas could be practically applied.  On the other hand, it definitely made me think about the questions we were discussing and why I thought about them the way I did/do.  I've realized that although I may not be such a dreamer (but I'm not the only one...), I'm happy that other people are, and that all of the idealization we did in this class is a first step in a discussion about education and the mind.

Co-constructive inquiry.  Sometimes it was great to not have a pre-existing end we needed to reach in a discussion, and sometimes it was frustrating.  I'm not sure how I would feel about it being used in all classes, but it was a refreshing change.  Because each group of students (and other factors) makes any course different I think co-constructive inquiry is used to a much lesser extent in all classes.  As all the topics we discussed, a perfect class might be a balance between co-constructive inquiry and pre-determined content.     


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